Magzine v1.11 – Elementor Review and Magazine Theme

最后更新于:2022-03-29 03:08:37


Magzine is a WordPress review and magazine theme that makes use of the free Elementor plugin, which has over 5 million users. It has a drag-and-drop editor that allows you to easily create your website.

Elementor is restricted in terms of how your posts and pages look on their own. This is when Magzine enters the picture. You may simply make your own headers, footers, archive pages, search pages, review articles, and review boxes using this theme. It also includes more than 40 custom components.

You don’t have to create your own website if you don’t want to. The theme includes a number of pre-built websites (more coming soon). This isn’t just a collection of different landing pages. Each design includes everything you need, including a header, footer, 404 page, post page, category page, and more.


Features: Magzine – Elementor Review and Magazine Theme

  • Builder of Websites
  • Design Elements (40+)
  • Import a website with a single click
  • Review Features That Are Unparalleled
  • System with a Unique Hub
  • Websites that have already been developed
  • Free updates for the rest of your life
  • Support of the highest quality
  • RTL Compliant
  • 100% Search Engine Optimized
  • Page performance has been improved.
  • Translation-ready and multilingual

变更日志: Magzine – Elementor Review and Magazine Theme

Version 1.11 (25-Mar-22)
Update: Updated GhostPool Core plugin to v1.6
Update: Updated LayerSlider plugin to v7.1.3
Update: Added option to insert menu divider before or after menu item
Update: Template Editor renamed to Template Editor
Tweak: Replaced default Slide In Menu and Popup open/close icons with HTML/CSS
Fix: Error would occur when trying to delete multiple active templates at once
Fix: Elementor errors/notices were being generated by latest Elementor update
Fix: Not all matching items shown in search results
Fix: Average site rating not being added with submitted user posts via Post Submission Form
Fix: Import demo Preview links were not working
Fix: Ajax pagination would return wrong items if adding spaces between comma separated terms in Items element

Version 1.10 (17-Mar-22)​
Update: Updated GhostPool Core plugin to v1.5
Update: Updated LayerSlider plugin to v7.1.2
Update: Added Sort option on taxonomies
Update: Added option to upload secondary featured image in Post Submission form
Update: Members Homepage now labelled on Pages list
Update: Can now select Members Homepage as template display condition from GhostPool Core > Settings > Templates
Update: Added option to show current user display name via Post Meta element
Update: Added option to set custom Page Template on individual posts/pages to use custom template (replaces need for an empty template)
Update: Added shift up hover effect option to featured image element
Update: Can now change avatar height in Show comments, Recent Comments, Comments and Author Box elements
Update: Add new divider option for menu items (Appearance > Menus), styling for this added to Nav Menu element
Tweak: Only show delete post link if user has correct permissions
Tweak: Can now submit post submission without content or title fields
Tweak: Added URL to author for Article schema rich snippets
Fix: Incorrect width of input fields in taxonomy and posting settings
Fix: User did not appear logged in after using login form in some cases
Fix: Unfollowing all items would show all posts on unfollow page
Fix: Fatal error would occur when running Huber and Gauge importer in some cases
Fix: Featured image from BuddyPress page not showing in Section element
Fix: Comment text didn’t preserve <p> tags
Fix: Default terms were not assigned to post if no matching user selected taxonomy available in Post Submission form
Fix: Unapproving a comment did not remove comment rating from post
Fix: Incorrect author name was shown in Author Box element in some cases
Fix: NaN rating was shown in Showing Rating Breakdown element average rating via ajax
Fix: Popup entrance/exit animations had stopped working
Fix: Decimal places were not working for average user rating in Show Rating element
Fix: Icon alignment was not working in Slide In Menu element
Fix: Menu items without links were not using correct styling
Fix: The Edit Template button was not working in Elementor Editor in some cases

Version 1.9.1 (15-Feb-21)
Update: Updated GhostPool Core plugin to v1.5
Update: Improvements to UI on GhostPool Core > Settings > Templates page
Update: Improvements to UI on Website Builder pages
Fix: Uninstalling demos was not working
Fix: Resetting theme settings were not clearing Template settings

Version 1.9 (09-Feb-21)
Update: Updated GhostPool Core plugin to v1.4
Update: Added nofollow and new window options to affiliate links
Update: Can now also show comments only from current post, user or post author in Show Comments element
Update: Added new filter to Post Meta element to change comma separator (ghostpool_post_meta_taxonomy_separator)
Tweak: Self-hosted videos now will use featured image as video thumbnail
Tweak: Popups now open when URL is typed directly into browser window or clicked outside of website
Tweak: Lightbox option removed from Section element as not supported
Tweak: Added author URL to Google rich snippets
Fix: Author Box element was showing user details for first user on all author pages
Fix: Section element was not displaying placeholder image on all author pages
Fix: If post had an up/down vote then you couldn’t vote on comments
Fix: Login, registration and lost password form recaptcha was not working with reCaptcha by BestWebSoft plugin
Fix: Plugins auto inserting content into login, register and lost password was not working correctly
Fix: Lightbox was not functioning correctly in Featured Item element
Fix: Link post format links were not being used in Section element
Fix: Display issues when using ajax filtering/pagination with self hosted videos
Fix: Comments reloaded via ajax were not showing all of the original data

Version 1.8 (28-Jan-21)
Update: Updated GhostPool Core plugin to v1.3
Update: Added new Carousel element
Update: Added logged in to vote label styling options to Add Rating element
Update: Added option to exclude terms from Tax Query settings in Items and Slider elements
Update: Taxonomy and post format fields in Post Submission Form can now show placeholder text
Update: Added new filters to Comments element (ghostpool_comment_list_meta, ghostpool_comment_list_text, ghostpool_comment_filters_query_key, ghostpool_comment_filters_query_compare, ghostpool_comment_filters_query_type)
Tweak: Up/Down Voting element now shows voted status more clearly
Tweak: Improved display of active template indicator on Website Builder pages
Tweak: Better way of calculating user rating data if multiple users vote at same time
Fix: WPML translated theme templates were not being used when switching languages
Fix: Logged out users can no longer add ratings multiple times
Fix: Logged in to vote label in Add Rating element was not displaying
Fix: Not all popups were being loaded on pages due to conditions hierarchy
Fix: Quick edit data not shown on Website Builder page
Fix: Theme converter was not transferring hub and video categories to converted posts
Fix: Could still vote on Up/Down Voting element when you do not have permission to
Fix: Comments could not be submitted on some servers
Fix: “Disable Page Scrolling” popup option was not working correctly
Fix: Post Submission Form wouldn’t submit if taxonomy field was required and the default value wasn’t changed
Fix: Release Date and Price filters were not showing in Heading element filters
Fix: Lots of issues with comment pagination and filtering not working as expected
Fix: Critical error generated when no endpoints added on new install
Fix: Add Gallery post setting was not showing image previews
Fix: Comment form label containers were still shown when no label text was added
Fix: TGMPA class would generate error on posts in the backend for users who did not have plugin permissions
Fix: BP Activity element would generate fatal error if BuddyPress was not activated
Fix: Featured Item element cropping position was not working
Fix: Theme templates in Templates Library were not working in Elementor 3.5.0+
Fix: Theme’s BuddyPress CSS was not being loaded

Version 1.7 (11-Jan-21)
Update: Updated GhostPool Core plugin to v1.2
Update: Added “ghostpool_post_meta_custom_field” filter to change output of custom field post meta data
Update: Added “ghostpool_template_conditional_value” filter to condition_check function so user can add custom conditions
Fix: Theme and style settings were reset to default when activating another theme while GhostPool Core plugin was active
Fix: Custom header and footer code were not displaying
Fix: Frontend functions file was not loaded
Fix: Images smaller than thumbnail size were not working with media field type
Fix: Lightbox error on Featured Item element
Fix: Styling issue with multi repeater field type
Fix: Advanced Tabs jQuery was not working in Elementor editor
Fix: Attributes filter dropdown option values couldn’t start with same value
Fix: Video post subtype was not shown in post submission form
Fix: Gallery, video and audio file upload issues with post submission form

Version 1.6 (03-Jan-21)
Update: Updated GhostPool Core plugin to v1.1
Update: Updated LayerSlider to v7.0.7
Update: Added option to disable ajax pagination in Items element
Update: Added option to associate forums/topics with hubs
Update: Added friend requests count to BuddyPress Friends menu item
Update: Templates used on frontend now shown as active on Website Builder page
Tweak: Removed default hub endpoints from demos not using hub tabs
Fix: Javascript in theme elements in backend editor not working

Version 1.5.1
Update: Updated GhostPool Core plugin to v1.0.1
Fix: When activating theme for the first time getting a critical error
Fix: Post types options now show post types excluded from search e.g. bbPress forums, topics, replies

Version 1.5
Update: Magzine Core plugin has been replaced by GhostPool Core plugin (Magzine Core should be automatically deactivated when updating the theme or activating the GhostPool Core plugin)
Update: Updated LayerSlider to v6.11.9
Update: Added counter to BuddyPress notification and message menu items
Update: Added more notification counter styling options in Nav Menu element
Update: Added the ability to style and move Post Excerpt read more link onto a new line
Update: Can now filter by individual site and user criteria ratings in Attributes Filter element
Update: Can now display taxonomy/term images using Featured Items element
Fix: Horizontal scrolling on Customer Review homepage  on smaller devices
Fix: Clicking on the Add Gallery button does not open media window
Fix: Deleting a site rating from within a post so post has none doesn’t remove average site rating
Fix: Division by zero pagination error in Items element in some situations
Fix: Demo post tags and menu not deleted when uninstalling demo content

Version 1.4
Update: Checkmark now shows next to imported demos (only works on demos imported after this change)
Update: Added search box to Magzine > Reviews page
Update: Added before and after title text options for Post Title element
Update: Added Contact Us page to Customer Review demo
Tweak: Only show WPForm styling options if using base and form styling WPForm option
Tweak: Improved consistency with hover/focus tab options on elements
Fix: News Ticker marquee scrolling off page on mobile devices in Tech Review demo
Fix: FontAwesome icons not showing on certain elements

Version 1.3
Update: Added Affiliates element
Update: Trending element renamed to News Ticker
Update: Added new slide animation to News Ticker (Trending) element
Update: Added offset option to Items, Slider, News Ticker (Trending) elements
Update: Added focus input field styling to Search Form and Search Button elements
Update: Add new Gutenberg block to load section templates
Update: Added avatar to Post Meta element
Update: Can now set column widths for individual items in columns
Update: Can now change the item template for specific items in Items element e.g. to add custom design for specific post or add advertisement
Tweak: FontAwesome fonts no longer loaded when not used
Tweak: Added more spacing around Gutenberg text editor
Fix: Error generated when saving profiles in backend
Fix: Current page not excluded in Items element on homepage
Fix: Dark overlay hover effect not working correctly
Fix: User ratings not being calculated correctly when using Add Rating element within page
Fix: Can still click on stars after adding rating

Version 1.2.1
Fix: Could not preview unpublished posts, pages and templates
Fix: Gutenberg errors generated when theme deactivated and plugin activated
Fix: Notice to update plugin to latest version not working

Version 1.2
Update: Added new user profile field to verify user
Update: Verify icon can be displayed in Comments and Show Comments elements
Update: Added option to not require review title, rating and good/bad points be filled in when submitting comment
Update: Message to login now shown in Comments element when user doesn’t have the correct user role to post
Tweak: Login form now redirects to the homepage when no custom redirect is set
Fix: Deleting comments doesn’t remove rating from posts average user rating
Fix: Images set to height of parent container not shown when selecting next page
Fix: When changing attribute name terms did not transfer to new attribute
Fix: Terms were not deleted when attribute was deleted
Fix: PHP 8 error when adding and editing comments with ratings
Fix: Items element set to load items from current query generated error when selecting next page in PHP 8
Fix: Show Comments element had redundant Format option

Version 1.1
Update: Added new Customer Review demo to Importer
Update: Updated LayerSlider to v6.11.8
Update: Added new Show Comments element
Update: Added new Google Maps element with the ability to display location data from custom fields
Update: Added new font icons to choose from
Update: Added ability to edit existing attributes
Update: Added options to only show specific post types and subtypes in search results (Magzine > Settings > Taxonomies)
Update: Added option to add before/after text to user votes in Show Rating element
Update: Added option show/hide comment count title in Comments element
Update: Added options to style initial comment and replies separately in Comments element
Update: Added “No Comments Found Label” option to Comments element
Tweak: Added validation check to good/bad points comment fields
Tweak: Whole form hidden after post submission
Fix: Could not post reply to comment when good/bad points fields used
Fix: Comment form was not hidden if multiple comments disabled and user has a comment
Fix: Items element individual grid item styling used mobile styling on tablet devices
Fix: Author Info element author name wasn’t linking to profile and showing incorrect name in some cases
Fix: WPForms styling issues
Fix: Unicode characters were shown for post meta dividers sometimes
Fix: Post submission form did not create posts when using multi ratings

⭐另请参考: Theme repository Themeforest Shared for free, updated daily

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