Rey v2.3.3 – Fashion & Clothing, Furniture WordPress Theme

最后更新于:2022-03-29 02:42:24


Rey – Fashion & Clothing, Furniture WordPress Theme Theme is probably one of the most unique products on WooCommerce market, suitable for Furniture stores, Fashion / Clothing & Apparel stores, Artist stores or Painters and many other stores. A Jack of all e-commerce business lines.

Rey – Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme

Rey is a well-crafted WordPress theme, packed with features, stunning design, and solid infrastructure to provide the foundation for your upcoming projects. While it is primarily considered an e-commerce-specific theme, this is only a small part of its power. So you can safely use it for pretty much any type of website.

ThemeFuzz is dedicated to this theme and the author wants to constantly update it with amazing new features, improvements, fixes and designs.

Please contact ThemeFuzz if you have a feature request. I have a huge to-do list of features and your requests will help the author prioritize them better.

Compare the theme Rey – Fashion & Clothing, Furniture compared to other themes

In a nutshell, ThemeFuzz means – A modern, flexible and lightweight theme with lots of features.

Normally, features & flexibility are the opposite of light weight and it basically accentuates the theme, but that is not the case with Rey Theme. Because of its modularity, everything is loaded on demand, the rule of thumb is – load only what’s in use.

As for the work of others, many works are archaic themes and they become unmistakable due to their composite background. Again, not the case with the Rey theme. Its infrastructure will always prioritize modularity, providing a stable foundation for current and future projects.


变更日志 Rey – Fashion & Clothing, Furniture WordPress Theme Nulled Free

20 Mar. 2022
Improvement: Updated Google Fonts lists;
Improvement: Product grid element, added free drag mode option;
Improvement: Header Account, mobile support for the Wishlist product list;
Improvement: Change Quickview and Wishlist buttons tags to button;
Fix: Product Grid, Sale query, fixes duplicated items;
Fix: Upsells in product page, acts as a paginated archive;
Fix: Php warnings;
Fix: Related products title styling not showing correctly;
Fix: Checkout form labels, missing required star;
Fix: Results count text staying outside of the loop header block;
Fix: Elementor Gallery, column styling issues on mobiles;
Fix: Blog teasers not showing anymore;
Fix: Ajax login, throws error when using incorrect account details;
Fix: Header Nav, mobile logo width not applying;
Fix: Elementor 3.6 compatibility improvements;
Fix: Elementor Pro, product page’s gallery element not rendering properly in edit mode;
Fix: Text widget, underline links for bolded links;
Fix: Variation swatches, use variation image items, not working sometimes;
Fix: Ajax variables popup, tweaks when selecting an external swatch;
Fix: Product category grid inheriting parameters from a grid placed in Cover;
Fix: Product page navigation, activating under its button;
Fix: Cover Split, compatibility on tablets;
Fix: Custom templates product page gallery not applying styles;
Fix: Section padding, sometimes getting the page stuck;
Fix: Swatches in catalog not changing images when showing all attributes;
Fix: Side filter panel width on tablets;
Fix: Search form options in Customizer, not showing controls for Inline form;
Fix: Product page mobile gallery showing broken images (when having variations with extra images);
Fix: Catalog swatches sometimes is not updating the thumb url;
Fix: Default basic header, mobile issues with height;
Fix: Posts element, manual selection for pages too.

27 Feb. 2022
Fix: Catalog items, thumbnails as slideshow, not showing images on mobile;
Fix: Buy now button shows regardless if disabled;
Fix: Columns width sometimes cannot be adjusted properly;
Fix: Product items with slideshow, sometimes showing incorrect;
Fix: Brand image missing and compatibility with WooCommerce attributes element;
Fix: Gallery refresh when using extra variations images;
Fix: Product gallery with custom templates better compatibility;
Fix: Titles before/after categories not showing in categories;
Fix: Gap when dismissing top store notice;
Fix: Some Customizer controls not generating proper responsive values;
Fix: Related products still showing up regardless if they’re disabled;
Fix: Contact form 7 compatibility;
Fix: Lazy loaded assets, in some cases are not loaded;
Fix: Up-sells and lazy loaded product grid;

21 Feb. 2022
Improvement: Module manager. Added the ability to disable modules and features that are not used, avoiding any trace of their code;
Improvement: Refactored larges parts of code within the Core plugin;
Improvement: Added Starter demo, a useful tool for those who want to start cleaner with a simpler pre-made site;
Improvement: Added Slider widget for Elementor, a basic slider instead of complex cover sliders;
Improvement: Reorganized Customizer options, to be more descriptive and relevant;
Improvement: Trigger element, added “Toggle content visibility” functionality to show/hide any element, section or column in the page;
Improvement: Trigger element, added “Open popover” functionality to display any content (including global sections) through a dropdown;
Improvement: Added Wishlist sharing icons;
Improvement: Recent products in cart loading through Ajax;
Improvement: Filters Top bar, when in sticky mode, ability to attach to bottom;
Improvement: Product grid, query by custom min/max price;
Improvement: Heading partial highlight, support for long lines;
Fix: Compare products, ability to show the custom attributes;
Fix: Extra variation images compatibility with Single variations plugin;
Fix: Conflict with WooCommerce Variation Swatches and Photos;
Fix: Products per page showing in related products;
Fix: Cross-sells bubble on RTL layouts;
Fix: Mega menu overlay issue while editing in Elementor;
Fix: Compare and Wishlist display problems after add to cart button in product page;
Fix: Carousel element, button styles not applying;
Fix: Cards product item skin compatibility with mobile list view;
Fix: Compatibility with WC Vendors plugin;
Fix: Image Carousel with links;
Fix: WooCommerce single variations plugin compatibility with Rey’s filters;
Fix: Custom product page, video link not working;
Fix: Carousel Section skin in product grid, added back support for thumbs;
Fix: compatibility with Woo Variation Swatches Pro not showing swatches on first product item;
Fix: Catalog teasers with WPML;
Fix: Swatches in filters, compatibility with WPML;
Fix: Compatibility with filters, Iconic Swatches and WPML;
Fix: WPML better compatibility with Rey’s custom templates;
Fix: Section modal prevent reopening “forever” wasn’t working properly;
Fix: Variation attributes label cell background color;
Fix: Wishlist not working properly sometimes in multilanguage context;
Fix: Active filters with “Apply filters” button, not working;
Fix: Wishlist button not showing in Quickview;
Fix: Mini-cart quantity not limiting on available stock;
Fix: Product page’s mobile gallery sometimes sets images of related product variations;
Fix: Sometimes reviews don’t load when using ajax load;
Fix: Product page’s variations, update gallery on single variation click;
Fix: Wishlist panel position on mobiles;
Fix: Section padding with custom breakpoints;
Fix: Menu items ids avoid being duplicated;

14 Dec. 2021
Improvement: Quickview, added navigation arrow buttons inside;
Improvement: Variation Swatches’ Clear button, replaced with an improved markup;
Improvement: Updated ACF Pro to 5.11.4;
Improvement: Added products per page switcher;
Improvement: Better compatibility with Advanced Woo Search;
Improvement: Compare, added option to be aware of the attribute visibility;
Fix: Custom checkout login button still showing up regardless if disabled in WooCommerce’ account settings;
Fix: Compare button, padding issues on product page;
Fix: Size charts plugin compatibility;
Fix: Filters accessibility issue;
Fix: Tags filter widget hiding sibling items regardless if multiple tags are selected;
Fix: Cookies dependency script from WooCommerce is sometimes not loaded;
Fix: WPML currency not working with lazy product grids;
Fix: SkewSection prevent clicking on video;
Fix: Deselecting active parent categories in filters;
Fix: Compatibility with Jetpack’s lazy loading;
Fix: Automatically hide modal containing a newsletter form on successful submission;
Fix: PHP error with YITH Gift Cards enabled;
Fix: Variation swatches and filtering auto-select attribute (ex: color);
Fix: Variation swatches RTL improvements;
Fix: Price instalments sometimes showing a huge number for “from-to” prices;
Fix: Estimated delivery dates utf8 encode by default;
Fix: Compatibility with Slider Revolution, not adding custom fonts and causing its crash;

26 Nov 2021 
Improvement: Scheduled sales, added new Countdown style – Inline and options to stretch or align to center;
Fix: Customizer’s fonts sometimes are not loaded;
Fix: Size charts plugin compatibilities;
Fix: Scrollbar fixes;
Fix: PHP error happening sometimes when Core is disabled;
Fix: Fatal error when Woo disabled;
Fix: Icons in menu not showing properly with svg’s;
Fix: When Customizer dynamic cache is disabled, the styles still remain cached;
Fix: Product page’s free shipping text not showing up anymore;
Fix: Remade compatibility with Iconic Attribute Swatches plugin;
Fix: Product item slideshows sometimes not showing fine with custom thumbnail container height;
Fix: Sometimes in-stock filters inherit a wrong comparison operator;
Fix: Swatches module, better compatibility with other plugins;

18 Nov 2021
Improvement: Added Variation Swatches internal module with various styles eg: . No need for external plugins to display the swatches, neither in product page or archive. More inside the KB article;
Improvement: Added Scheduled Sales badges or countdowns in products eg: or ;
Improvement: Added Carousel element supporting various card templates and multiple source types;
Improvement: New product catalog item skin – Rigo eg: ;
Improvement: Added Grid element with multiple source types, regular or list grid and various card layouts;
Improvement: Posts element, support for pages too;
Improvement: Cart element, added option to replace empty cart template with generic global section;
Improvement: Added control to replace empty product catalog pages (and search) with generic global section;
Improvement: Wishlist page, added option to replace empty template with generic global section;
Improvement: Button element, support for Triggers (such as opening an off-canvas panel);
Improvement: Trigger element, option to stretch button;
Improvement: Ability to link everywhere to trigger any offcanvas panel;
Improvement: Menu element, Product categories skin, added option to disable Uncategorized item;
Improvement: Menu element, Product cat. skin, compatibility with Vertical/Horizontal sliding menus;
Improvement: Product grid, option to hide the no-results notice;
Improvement: Request quote, will show variation attributes in popup and mail;
Improvement: Newsletter form, more customisation options;
Improvement: Product grid’s arrows, extra style customisations;
Improvement: Slider element, new bullets style (bars);
Improvement: Posts element, inner skin option to have gradient overlay;
Improvement: Inline Search form (element), added option to disable results overlay;
Improvement: Cover SideSlide added support for videos on mobile;
Improvement: Menu element, added ability to link the custom title;
Improvement: Cover Skew, added option to disable entry animation;
Improvement: Updated ACF to 5.11;
Fix: Advanced Size Charts plugin, options not showing up in Customizer + compatibilities;
Fix: Global sections date visibility & timezone;
Fix: Product catalog teasers positions, not working;
Fix: Posts element in carousel mode, sometimes not loading in the frontend;
Fix: Cover Split, workaround for Chromium browsers when showing blurry images;
Fix: Grid gallery zoom expanding image boundaries;
Fix: Safari 15 issues with Distortion Cover;
Fix: Text widget’s links not applying the link effects;
Fix: WPRocket when Delay JS is enabled, force disable product page gallery loading state;
Fix: Bottom description controls show up for non-public product attributes;
Fix: Cart panel remove buttons conflicts with Flying Pages scripts;
Fix: Php error with Badges showing sometimes;
Fix: Sidebar popup close button on hover appearing invisible;
Fix: PHP error with Autoptimize plugin;
Fix: video embed in product page’s short description;
Fix: Product item slideshows, not working properly when disabled on mobiles;
Fix: Chevron icon not showing properly;
Fix: Tag pages not being able to hide title;
Fix: PHP fatal error happening sometimes in backend mode;
Fix: Product page gallery bullets improper count when using video;
Fix: Removed Product grid’s container offset option. Better to use the parent column’s utility expand to edge classes;
Fix: Product page video not working with timestamp in link;
Fix: Category filters switch to siblings when multiple is not possible;
Fix: Checkout custom layout, when billing first and different address checked, force shipping validation;
Fix: Summary tabs, not opening first by default;
Fix: Product grid element, excerpt display settings not being able to show on mobiles;
Fix: Compatibility with Iconic Single variations;
Fix: Wrapped product item skin’s height not properly covering the image;
Fix: Cart page, missing quantity controls;
Fix: Posts element on a single column having large gaps;
Fix: Product page’s mobile accordion, added scroll in position, smooth animation and arrows;
Fix: Quickview with Accordion items, duplicated Specifications block;
Fix: Compatibility with WPRocket, in some cases Delay JS is not running even though it’s enabled which causes invalidation checks in Rey;
Fix: Sticky Add to cart bar prices missing dash;
Fix: Modal section resizing in edit mode not working;

v2.1.3 REY CORE - 6 Oct 2021
Improvement: Added option to disable Add To Cart button in product page, regardless of Catalog Mode;
Improvement: Support for toggle text on Dynamic text skin;
Improvement: Slider Nav. widget, added hover color control;
Improvement: Added support for inline video in Product page’s gallery;
Improvement: Added support for product brands to be shown in cart or checkout;
Fix: My account panel, bottom links missing href attribute;
Fix: Menu Element, sometimes All categories not showing;
Fix: Split slider, scroll hijack fix;
Fix: Product page social icons mobile alignment with multiple icons;
Fix: Rating stars alignment on RTL layouts;
Fix: Fatal error sometimes happening for Badges;
Fix: Missing short description element;
Fix: Compatibility with Autoptimize;
Fix: Request a quote button not showing when specific categories are selected;
Fix: Catalog Mode, added extra option how to handle variable products;
Fix: Compatibility improvements with WooCommerce Product Table plugin;
Fix: Attribute Filter widget’s Hide Empty not being able to uncheck;
Fix: Carousel Uno, tweak to allow link to wrap slide;
Fix: Fatal error in checkout showing sometimes;
Fix: On-sale filters on shop page, sometimes showing all categories, not just parent ones;
Fix: Sometimes Buy now button is not grabbing product attributes;
Fix: Ajax variation form in catalog, causing spacing at the bottom of the site;
Fix: Product catalog Add to cart quantity not counting properly;
Fix: After add to cart popup issue when Masonry is active;
Fix: Custom product tabs, forcing custom title on product save;
Fix: Posts widget, excerpt length limit not working with custom excerpts;
Fix: Custom add to cart button icon in After added to cart popup;
Fix: Wrapped product catalog skin with Metro grid visual issue;
Fix: Option to disable the internal critical css, which is sometimes causing conflicts with other caching plugins.

7 Sept 2021
Improvement: Added social sharing element;
Improvement: Updated ACF Pro to v5.10.2;
Improvement: Reviews (PDP) element, more customisation controls;
Improvement: Product grid component styles, added option to hide component on mobiles;
Improvement: Added separate Product page “Description” element for Custom templates;
Fix: Extra images gallery fix with Custom templates;
Fix: WPRocket compatibility with Delay JavaScript option;
Fix: Dropdown filters shown even though they’re empty;
Fix: Price features, sometimes are applying for related products grid;
Fix: Load more pagination with Product grid in Current query mode;
Fix: PHP notice when using filters;
Fix: Accessibility improvement;
Fix: Sometimes product gallery is not loading;
Fix: Some products in cart panel are shifted;
Fix: Compatibility with Elementor PRO for the grid items display;
Fix: Woo Discount Rules compatibility with discount badges;
Fix: Sometimes reviews block not staying closed (using Woo Photo Reviews plugin);
Fix: Elementor global button styles compatibility improvements;
Fix: Sometimes ajax search not working with WPML;
Fix: Compatibility improvements for YITH Product Addons;
Fix: Compatibility with Woo Perfect Brands plugin;
Fix: Bulk saving brands sometimes not working;
Fix: Wishlist page appearing unstyled;
Fix: Checkout custom layout, sometimes “Create account” shows twice;
Fix: Product page gallery’s mobile thumbs not showing up when clearing variation;
Fix: Stars icons in reviews and product page, sometimes appearing cut-off;
Fix: View Selector, compatibility fix with Elementor Pro;
Fix: Elements containing social icons, added rel noreferrer;
Fix: Mobile gallery in product page, not showing the video button;
Fix: Product video modal, close button on mobiles;
Fix: Related products element, not setting column properly;
Fix: Product grid not showing “no results” templates when empty;
Fix: Search form element, not applying post type setting;
Fix: Cart element in header sometimes having missing styles;
Fix: Search not returning items when a taxonomy was selected to be included, but is missing;
Fix: Load more posts in Blog;
Fix: Quantity select box in Quickview panel.

17 aug 2021
Improvement: Added Discord social icon;
Fix: Custom logo in fixed mode sometimes not working properly;
Fix: Product page gallery’s thumbnails navigation not showing sometimes;
Fix: PHP parse error;
Fix: Wishlist sometimes showing reviews;
Fix: Product grid element on related, cross-sells and up-sells, returning products when empty lists;
Fix: Compatibility with WVS Pro with swatches limit option;
Fix: Related products carousel;
Fix: Elementor alignment icons in controls;
Fix: Highlighted heading mark with gradients in Safari not showing the text properly if on a new line;
Fix: Missing reviews choice in Tabs/Blocks element;
Fix: Reviews as classic layout not firing the ajax call;
Fix: Multiple filters with Apply button sometimes not working properly;
Fix: Sticky global sections per page, possibility to be disabled;
Fix: Slider Nav. with Product grid lazy;
Fix: Discount labels with grouped products;
Fix: better compatibility with Woo Discount Rules;
Fix: Drop-down filter visual tweaks;
Fix: Zoom icon in product gallery with text button.

22 July 2021
Fix: WordPress 5.8 compatibility with switchers in Customizer;
Fix: Custom text near product price sometimes returning an error;
Fix: Cart page element, sticky issues when opening shipping calculator;
Fix: Disabled calling a method from Product Size Charts for WooCommerce plugin, which has an invalidation issue;
Fix: Compatibility tweaks with YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons;
Fix: Load more button, last page counter not display proper count;
Fix: Checkout popup login layout not showing it when account already existing;
Fix: Buy now button in variable products;
Fix: Mobile product page gallery, video thumbnail opening the video modal;
Fix: Custom taxonomy filter widget, multiple filters not working;

18 June 2021
Improvement: Request a quote, added option for button to stay disabled when variations are not selected;
Improvement: Share links, changed from onclick attribute, to event listeners;
Fix: Header menu, issues on mobile landscape;
Fix: Updated “Having a coupon code” text to “Have a coupon?”;
Fix: 2nd image hover on products with center alignment;
Fix: Nest Cover style tweaks when just having a single slide;
Fix: Compatibility with Indeed Affiliate Pro plugin;
Fix: Off-canvas mobile menu compatibility with Header Nav element;
Fix: Bundled Products ajax popup compatibility;
Fix: TranslatePress compatibility;
Fix: Filters sometimes allowing multiple selections;
Fix: Price filter, compatibility with Multi-Currency plugin not passing valid values;
Fix: Hide status option in product page for variables, added exception for Backordered products;
Fix: ToggleBoxes activate with link fragments as well;
Fix: Sometimes product page gallery is not opening lightbox gallery on thumbnails;
Fix: Split slider, prevent scroll hijack if hash exists in url;
Fix: Fancy menu indicators showing undefined;
Fix: MyAccount panel showing empty when in off-canvas mode, on My Account page;
Fix: Price in Add to cart button, show total sum based on quantity
Fix: Shop teasers, count previous indexes;
Fix: Compatibility with Elementor Pro’s single post templates;
Fix: Product item slideshows, increased hover/clickable arrow areas;
Fix: Modal sections, sometimes not being properly rendered on mobile;
Fix: Compatibility with WooCommerce Germanized;
Fix: Product page gallery, load delay when product has a default variation set.

2 June 2021
Improvement: Added coupon code form in Cart panel;
Improvement: Added shortcode to support Rey’s “Request quote” on custom Elementor PRO built product pages;
Improvement: Marquee element, added link option;
Improvement: Updated ACF Pro to 5.9.6;
Improvement: Checkout custom layout thumbnail, pass through Cart item thumbnail filter;
Improvement: Cover SideSlide, added color controls for buttons;
Improvement: Quickview’s panel overridable through template file;
Improvement: Customizer, WooCommerce options, added shortcut for Cart panel;
Fix: Mega menu support for default header type;
Fix: Sometimes dropdown filters passing empty values causing empty product lists;
Fix: Sometimes Blurry slider doesn’t work when logged out, with EPRO’s carousel in page;
Fix: Text strings in coupon code, not always translated;
Fix: PHP notices;
Fix: Sometimes the product page gallery in Elementor Pro is not rendering properly;
Fix: Mobile, changing variations is scrolling to top even though setting is disabled;
Fix: Dropdown filters wrong top position;
Fix: Compatibility with Stripe For WooCommerce in checkout;
Fix: Attribute widget multi-cols option not working;
Fix: Some translations not working;
Fix: RTL fixes with stretched sections;
Fix: Using filters in Elementor page, sometimes returning empty results;
Fix: Product page gallery arrows not working when using Hover as trigger for thumbnails;
Fix: Column link to working with Elementor PRO’s dynamic tags;
Fix: Sometimes Ajax filtering links not working when the page has been filtered already;
Fix: Accessibility tweaks;
Fix: Mobile related products sometimes not having margins;
Fix: Mobile Filter button not staying on the same line with sorting select list;
Fix: Product page mobile gallery sometimes scrolling to top;
Fix: Using product grid carousel in archives;
Fix: Sometimes logo not sizing properly;
Fix: Discount labels compatibility with WooCommerce Single Variations plugin;
Fix: Compatibility with filters count and WooCommerce Single Variation plugin;
Fix: On-sale product filters not working properly sometimes in categories widget;
Fix: WooCommerce’s exclude categories from shop page not working with WPML;
Fix: Prevent Nest slider to start if there’s just a single slide inside;
Fix: Elementor Pro compatibilities;
Fix: Mini-cart markup adjustments for compatibility with more plugins;
Fix: After importing a template, the Update button is not greened out;
Fix: Mobile gallery not showing up if no image is set (with extra variation images);
Fix: Force showing Compare button on non-purchasable products;
Fix: Loop’s qty controls still showing for out of stock items;
Fix: Section column image tag, not inheriting tablet image on mobile;
Fix: Demo importing error;

⭐另请参考: Theme repository Themeforest Shared for free, updated daily

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