RealHomes v3.17.0 – Estate Sale and Rental WordPress Theme

最后更新于:2022-03-28 13:24:33


RealHomes Estate Sale and Rental WordPress Theme is a handmade WordPress theme for real estate businesses, It is regularly updated and well maintained. It offers purpose-oriented design with loads of useful features that a real estate business can benefit from.

RealHomes theme gracefully introduce property information to visitors and facilitate real estate business owners by making property management easier.

The group behind RealHomes Theme is continuously working to improve and enhance it. So it gets better and better with each update.


RealHomes provides powerful and customizable advanced property search functionality to suit different requirements. You can show or hide any field from certain fields, and you can optimize the data that will be displayed in those fields.

You can display multiple location fields. You can modify the Minimum and Maximum price values. You can modify the search behavior and values ​​for the bed and bathroom fields. In short, you can customize the search form to meet your requirements.

Features RealHomes

Support Up To 4 Drop Positions

Real Homes Theme provides support for up to 4 location dropdowns to create search fields like Country> State> City> Region . These drop-down lists automatically work for the location hierarchy. The numbers and labels of these drop-down lists are fully customizable from the customizer settings.

Real estate search form by image

The form search feature on images can be enabled for the homepage to replace the slider area with a search form that looks graceful on the background image. Real Homes also provides related customization settings to fully customize the image fields, search form, title text, colors and margins.

Google Maps integration

Real Homes provides Google Maps API integration that allows you to display Google Maps with property markers on search results pages, property listings and grid pages, property details pages, home pages, contact pages and classified archive pages.

OpenStreetMap integration

Real Homes also offers OpenStreetMap integration which Google Map is no longer free. So this integration allows you to display OpenStreetMap with property markers on search results page, property list and grid page, property detail page, home page, contact page and pages classification storage.

Real estate property comparison feature

The Real Homes theme offers a property comparison feature that allows your website visitors to add properties to a comparison group and then compare those properties side by side. Visitors do not need to log in to use this feature.

List layout, grid layout and half map layout

Real Homes theme provides page templates to display properties in list layout, grid layout and half map layout. These templates are also supported with meta boxes to filter and sort the properties based on your requirements. So you can basically create any kind of custom page that displays your own custom sort or filter based properties.

Real Homes offers many templates to display your property as a gallery. Each sample contains a quick filter based on attribute states.

Comprehensive settings and easy to use

Real Homes Theme offers an extensive set of settings that will help you customize all the important stuff related to your website without diving into the code.

Plugins that come with the theme RealHomes provides core real estate settings using which you can customize the price format to any currency format in the world and You can customize the URL slugs as per your requirement.

Easy to use Meta Box

Real Homes provides a rich set of meta boxes to add/modify real estate assets. The overall goal is to make things easier for you as a website owner.

Additional details

Real Homes provides an easy to use interface to add/modify/remove additional details related to an asset. This feature can be used in many ways, especially to add a certain type of information without any other meta box.

Floor map

You can add any number of floor plans related to real estate using the easy to use interface provided as part of the meta box.

Attached property

You can provide a variety of file types (pdfs, office documents, images, etc.) as attachments for properties.

Similar attributes

The Real Homes theme provides a similar properties module on the property details page that shows the same properties as the current property. You can choose similarity criteria from the settings and you can also choose the order in which similar properties will appear

Child or Sub-Attribute

The Real Homes theme provides a child/child property module on the property detail page to display any child/child properties (like apartments in a building). Each child property acts as a full property independently.

Google’s ReCAPTCHA

Real Homes provides support for Google’s reCAPTCHA integration on all forms in the theme to prevent spam.

Support visitor registration and login

You can provide visitor registration, login, and forget-password features on your real estate website to allow visitors to access members-only features.

Visitors Register and Login with Social Networks

You can enhance your website logins and registrations by enabling social media integration to allow your website visitors to login using any social network.

Submit UI properties (with Paid Auto Publishing)

Real Homes theme provides UI property submission with related customization options. So you can restrict some levels of users from accessing the admin console and give them a front-end interface to submit their properties. The site admin/editor can then review and publish the submitted properties. You can also enable auto-publishing of submitted properties as soon as a user pays a certain fee.

Manage UI properties

Real Homes theme provides a front end property management feature that allows logged in users to preview their submitted properties, edit information of any product, delete properties and make payments to publish properties. Users can pay via PayPal or Stripe to publish their submitted assets. Asset billing and automatic publishing can be enabled or disabled from the settings.

Favorite attribute

The visitor can add properties to his favorites collection, so that he can later access his favorite properties.

Visitors do not need to log in to use this feature. As if the user is not logged in then the preferences attribute information is stored in the cookie and if the user is logged in the information is stored in the database as the user meta.

Edit UI configuration

The Real Homes theme provides front-end profile editing functionality, allowing users to edit their profile information without visiting the WordPress admin dashboard.

The user can then choose to display his or her information with his submitted properties as the agent’s information is removed in the theme’s demo.

Support filterable FAQ

Real Homes theme provides FAQ support using plugin Quick and easy FAQ Developed by Inspiry Themes. So you can add FAQs to your site and even make them filterable based on groups. You can check demo of theme for real experience.

Translation Ready, RTL Supported and Compatible WPML

Real Homes theme is translation ready and you can translate it to any language (LTR or RTL) without plugin. However, if you want to build a multilingual website then you can use a plugin like WPML with it.

iHomefinder Compatible Optima Express IDX

Real Homes is compatible with iHomefinder Optima Express IDX plugin and you can experiment Classic Demo and Modern Demo . Please note that Real Homes theme supports iHomefinder Optima Express IDX plugin as an extra feature.

So it is a complete theme even without the iHomefinder Optima Express IDX plugin and that plugin is not required for the basic functionality of this theme. Please see screenshot to understand what this theme has to offer without iHomefinder Optima Express plugin. You can add, modify, remove, search and list properties with the basic features of this theme without any additional plugins.

Revolution . slider included

Theme main pack RealHomes Theme consists of Plugin Revolution Slider. You can create any kind of custom slider using Revolution Slider. If you just want to use the property slider, there is a default slider for that and you don’t need to install the Revolution Slider plugin.

Child themes include

The Real Homes theme main pack includes a ready-to-use child theme to make it easy to get started with modifications and keep updating the parent theme whenever a new update is available.

One-click demo import

The Real Homes theme offers one-click demo import for its various demos to help you quickly set up your site as a theme demo and learn all the things by how to observe how they are implemented on the demonstration site.


变更日志 RealHomes – Estate Sale and Rental WordPress Theme Nulled 

v3.17.0 – UPDATED ON 3RD FEBRUARY 2022
Added – New Demo ( )
Added – New Demo ( )
Added – New Elementor Widget [ Property Taxonomies ].
Added – New Elementor Widget [ Properties Slider ].
Added – New Elementor Widget [ Agent Single ].
Added – Preset color schemes.
Added – WordPress default date format on blog posts.
Added – Customizer option to modify agent section WhatsApp and Call Now button labels on the single property page.
Added – Customizer option to change buttons transition styles.
Added – Property views column in the properties list table.
Improved – Elementor Advanced search widget fields values preservation when searched.
Improved – Properties highlighting feature on hover behavior for Half Map Template.
Improved – Customizer settings related to Properties Templates & Archive section.
Improved – Single property page head title RTL styles.
Improved – Pages meta box presentation.
Improved – Single property videos slider code.
Improved – WooCommerce checkout page styles.
Fixed – PHP 7.2 incompatibility & PHP 8.0 warning & notices.
Fixed – An issue where property gets published on editing while the payment is pending.
Fixed – Ajax error during submission of Elementor agent contact form.
Fixed – Select dropdown item selections, when it is an integer value.
Fixed – Elementor Breakpoints styles issue
Fixed – Broken image icon issue when it is viewed in Elementor lightbox.
Fixed – Custom styles application of header gradient and slider description featured tag.
Fixed – Sort control dropdown opening issue for properties list templates when Optima Express plugin was active.
Fixed – Outdated currency symbols.
Fixed – Advanced search form fields text color difference issue.
Fixed – Forms loader color issue when custom styles are enabled.
Fixed – Various minor issues.

v3.16.0 – UPDATED ON 23RD DECEMBER 2021
Added – New Demo ( )
Added – New Demo Single Property ( )
Added – New Elementor Widget [ Inquiry Form ].
Added – New Elementor Widget [ Properties List Layout ].
Added – An option to choose between pins or circles for the properties locations on the Listing and Archive pages Maps.
Added – Color customization support based on the theme core color to the RVR Booking response-related messages.
Improved – WhatsApp field in User Profile page.
Improved – Sticky Header with more custom color options.
Improved – Removed deprecated Elementor methods in RealHomes Elementor Widgets
Improved – Footer Layout Options added.
Improved – Global Ajax destination parameter defining code.
Improved – Various improvements in Elementor widgets.
Improved – Various Print Styles improvements.
Fixed – Bugs related to PHP 8.0
Fixed – New fields builder fields labels translation issue.
Fixed – Blog Page Search Form display option was not working on single post.
Fixed – Floor Plans Open/Close FontAwesome Icons issue.
Fixed – Elementor Search Form widget dropdown z-index issue.
Fixed – Full width Property Detail page slider counter issue.
Fixed – Missing Title Box in Fullwidth Property Detail Page.
Fixed – Dashboard properties status filter and search 404 issues for Hebrew language.
Fixed – The floor plan accordion first item opening issue on fullwidth property template.
Fixed – Various minor issues.
Added – Membership free package subscription support.
Fixed – Dual receipts creation issue upon membership package subscription.
Fixed – Instant receipt expiration issue after membership package subscription.
Fixed – Membership package expiration issue where it was not expiring sometimes on its end date.
Vacation Rentals:
Added – Booking checkout page fields auto-filled feature based on the provided information for the booking in the first place.
Improved – Booking checkout page styles.
Improved – Booking confirmation message styles.

v3.15.1 – UPDATED ON 19TH SEPTEMBER 2021
Refined styles and fixed few bugs reported after last update.

v3.15.0 – UPDATED ON 14TH SEPTEMBER 2021
Added – Single Property demo ( )
Added – Masonry gallery layout for property detail page (Modern).
Added – Carousel gallery layouts for property detail page (Modern).
Added – Thumbnails Two gallery layout for property detail page (Modern).
Improved – Code with respect to performance.
Improved – Typography customizer settings.
Improved – Property card’s flexibility.
Improved – Styles customizer settings with respect to Search Form’s colors.
Improved – Property statuses settings to exclude from search.
Improved – Agents customizer setting by adding a new one to show/hide properties count.
Improved – Featured Properties Carousel elementor widget by adding autoplay functionality.
Improved – Properties half map template’s user experience.
Fixed – A bug related to login on the homepage.
Fixed – A horizontal spacing but on the property detail page.
Fixed – Keyword field’s placeholder setting application in Elementor based Search Widget
Fixed – Property Thumbnails Gallery bug.
Fixed – Envelop icon appearance issue in case of no agent contact form.
Fixed – A conflict with Yoast Local SEO plugin.
Fixed – iHomeFinder IDX header options.
Vacation Rentals:
Added – iCalendar synchronization support.
Added – Bulk prices support in a flexible way. Users can add multiple bulk pricing conditions, by adding the number of nights to be booked consecutively to get the discounted price.
Added – Seasonal prices support in a flexible way. Users can set different prices per-night for the different periods depending on the low seasons and high seasons.
Added – Custom additional fee support. Users can add a custom label, custom price, custom condition(per stay/per night/per guest/per guest per night), and calculation type (percentage or fixed).
Added – Additional guests acceptance and related pricing controls.
Added – Accommodation module to property detail page.
Improved – Search Form’s UI.
Improved – Availability calendar UI.
Improved – Booking widget’s UI and UX.
Improved – Included payment calculation details to the booking widget.
Improved – Booking emails by including more details and improving the format.

v3.14.1 – UPDATED ON 24TH JUNE 2021
Added – Stripe’s Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) compliance to Memberships and Properties payments.
Added – Customizer setting to modify Agent form’s default message.
Improved – Contact form widget’s styles when used in Elementor.
Improved – Full width property detail page’s gallery code and add related customizer setting.
Improved – Gallery template’s image displaying approach.
Improved – JavaScript code.
Removed individual membership template support (which were deprecated). Memberships are managed form user dashboard already.
Updated – Theme’s POT file.
Fixed – Photos duplication in property detail page’s Lightbox gallery.
Fixed – Translated properties price modification issue.
Fixed – Property’s print styles.
Fixed – Lightbox gallery images issue for archive pages.
Fixed – Booking editing issue in admin dashboard.
Fixed – Inner level menu’s styles – Modern.

Introduced – A modern and mobile-friendly lightbox to display gallery images, videos, and maps.
Introduced – RealHomes WooCommerce Payments Addon to provide WooCommerce Payments support.
Added – New Elementor Widget [ Hero ] – ( )
Added – New Elementor Widget [ How It Works ] – ( )
Added – New Elementor Widget [ Testimonials Four ] – ( )
Added – New Elementor Widget [ Accordion ] – ( )
Added – Property grid card’s design variation support for properties grid templates and archives.
Added – WhatsApp and Call buttons to Agent’s contact widget on property detail page.
Added – Agent’s sticky contact bar for mobile screens on property detail page that provides Message, WhatsApp, and Call buttons.
Added – Functionality to send an automatic email notification to the property owner when his/her submitted property is published.
Added – Functionality to warn the user before leaving the front-end property submission form with unsaved changes.
Added – Virtual Tour embeds code support for front-end property submission form. Also added related customizer settings.
Added – Multiple videos support for front-end property submission form and removed the old video URL field.
Added – WooCommerce Payments support for the individual properties.
Improved – Front-end property submission functionality by enabling Ajax based submission and updation.
Improved – Admin side properties list by marking Featured properties.
Improved – Dates in Elementor Properties widgets by making them compatible with WordPress date format.
Improved – Add To Compare and Add To Favourite buttons for Elementor Featured Properties One widget.
Improved – Elementor Search Form widget by adding labels margin-bottom controls.
Improved – Save Search compatibility with WPML and Polylang plugins.
Improved – Mortgage Calculator code with respect to usability.
Improved – Featured Properties Widget behavior on property detail page by excluding current property from it.
Improved – Customizer settings performance by disabling live preview reload where it was not required.
Improved – Multisite registration and login form styles.
Improved – Similar Properties module’s code.
Improved – Contact page’s google map styles
Fixed – Placeholder images.
Fixed – Mortgage Calculator calculation problem when used in non-English language browser.
Fixed – Favourite property issue with secondary language in a multilingual website.
Fixed – Elementor Locations/Cities widget’s translation issue with WPML.
Fixed – Sticky properties functionality.
Fixed – Location selection bug in Classic Search Form.
Added – WooCommerce Payments support for the Membership Packages.
Improved – Memberships upgrade and downgrade process.
Improved – Memberships packages interface and overall functionality.
Improved – Membership subscription benefits adjustment according to the current published properties.
Improved – Overall membership code for enchanced efficiency.
Improved – Memberships notification emails contents and design.
Improved – Memberships from various other aspects.
Fixed – Receipt expiration problem when another receipt is already active for the same package.
Fixed – Featured properties limit based on allowed numbers in a package.
Vacation Rentals:
Introduced – Freshly designed “Become A Host” page ( ) based on newly added Elementor widgets.
Added – WooCommerce Payments support for the Vacation Rentals Bookings ( Now Instant Booking is supported with Payment).
Improved – Vacation Rentals compatibility with WPML and Polylang plugins for multilingual use.
Fixed – Property availability calendar synchronization between its translation properties.
Improved various other things in the overall theme and plugins.
Included Elementor templates JSON files in theme’s main package for your ease of use.

= v3.13.1 – UPDATED ON 23RD MARCH 2021 =
Fixed – Search Form’s Location field related bug.
Fixed – Few other minor issues.
Improved – Dynamic styles.

= v3.13.0 – UPDATED ON 17TH MARCH 2021 =
Introduced – Freshly designed demo for Single Real Estate Agent
Setup Guide:
Introduced – Save Search feature with related settings, to deliver Email alerts about newly published properties that match Saved Search criteria –
Added – New Elementor Widget [ Agent Profile – ]
Added – New Elementor Widget [ Properties Grid Four – ]
Added – New Elementor Widget [ Agents Grid Two – ]
Added – New Elementor Widget [ Testimonials Three – ]
Added – New Elementor Widget [ Agent Contact Form – ]
Added – Vacation Rentals related fields support to Homepage Slider – –
Added – Google reCaptcha V2 and V3 support to vacation rentals booking widget.
Added – Vacation rental fields in Submit property form in User Dashboard.
Added – Customizer settings to show Availability Calendar on property detail page based on selected property statuses.
Added – Ability to select multiple values for locations, types and agent dropdown in search form if related customizer settings are enabled.
Added – Pinterest and Youtube social icons support for Agent and Agencies –
Added – New metabox field for Contact Form Over Slider to redirect user after successful form submission.
Added – Filter Buttons for Similar Properties on the property detail page to offer more choices –
Added – Basic compatibility for WooCommerce.
Added – Share by email in property sharing section for Classic.
Added – New code filter ‘ere_after_taxonomies_sub_menu’ to add submenu after property taxonomies.
Added – Vacation Rental booked dates in REST API.
Added – Widget settings to change ‘Featured’ label for featured properties widgets.
Added – Settings to change ‘Featured’ label in Properties Elementor Widgets.
Added – Favourites menu item for not signed-in visitors –
Added – Google reCaptcha V2 and V3 support for Property Submit form when Guest Property Submission is enabled.
Improved – Inspiry Memberships plugin and its various aspects.
Improved – Membership functionality to stop further property submissions when a user reaches the allowed limit given in the membership package.
Improved – Memberships receipts emails by adding useful information.
Improved – Property Submit visibility by disabling it for users without a membership package.
Improved – Properties payments information in user dashboard properties list.
Improved – User profile image code on the dashboard profile page.
Improved – Functionality to auto assign current agent/author on property submit when ‘User & Agent/Agency Sync’ options is enabled from customizer.
Fixed – Incorrect expiry date display on the user membership page.
Fixed – Updated Property Status customizer settings issue, when Membership plugin is activated.
Fixed – Featured properties counter updating issue, on user membership page.
Fixed – Additional fields data saving issue, on User Dashboard’s property edit form.
Fixed – Tabs scroll position in multi-steps layout while navigating next and previous on dashboard submit property page.
Fixed – Images uploading issue on dashboard submit property page.
Fixed – Dashboard Header menu dropdown opening issue in FireFox.
Fixed – Dashboard Sidebar top spacing issue while scrolling on small devices.
Improved – Ajax locations dropdown items loading.
Improved – Share property section by making it independent from map section in Classic design.
Improved – Google Map controls visibility for Half Map layout.
Improved – Blog posts search results by removing the irrelevant post type.
Improved – Search form customizer settings by grouping them into separate panels.
Fixed – Advanced Search Form Elementor Widget’s price slider issue on small devices.
Fixed – Booking update issue when changed manually from the backend.
Fixed – Google API Key issue faced while setting up the Social Login.
Fixed – Additional fields title translation and display in the search form.
Fixed – Terms slug formatting issue for Russian and Hebrew languages while using WPML plugin.
Fixed – Search form fields text vertical alignment in Classic design.
Fixed – Button hover color in login model when custom styles customizer option was selected.
Improved – RealHomes Vacation Rentals plugin.
Improved – RealHomes PayPal Payments plugin.
Improved – Inspiry Stripe Payments plugin.
Improved – Properties Elementor Widget.
Improved – Code with respect to WordPress 5.6 & 5.7 updates.
Improved – Various other minor things.

Added – Drag and drop meta icons manager for property card related to properties Elementor widgets.
Added – New metabox field for contact page template to redirect user after successful contact form submission.
Improved – Add to Favorite button by enhancing its funtionality to remove a property from favorites by re-clicking the same button.
Improved – Phone number visibility on small devices when sticky header options is enabled in Modern design.
Improved – Scroll to Top button by providing new customizer settings and also enabling its support for mobile devices.
Fixed – Properties search form’s property types value retention issue on search results page.
Fixed – Location field selection issue on properties search form.
Fixed – Search form fields duplication issue.
Fixed – Min and Max prices validation bug.
Fixed – Search form widget styles issue in sidebar in Classic design.
Fixed – Compare properties template’s header background image display issue.
Fixed – Search page map issue in footer area in Classic design.
Fixed – Price formatting bug in mortgage calculator module and widget for property single.
Fixed – Various other minor issues.
Improved – Various other minor things.

= v3.12.1 – UPDATED ON 10TH DECEMBER 2020 =
Fixed issues after testing with WordPress 5.6
Improved code after testing with PHP Version 8
Updated child theme

= v3.12.0 – UPDATED ON 3rd December 2020 =
Introduced - A big new feature of Vacation Rentals ( search: , rental data: ) with Booking functionality ( ), Availability calendar ( ) and various other additions & improvements in this regard. A fresh demo and demo-import is added to represent this feature.
- 演示:
- Setup Guide:
Introduced - Freshly designed user's frontend Dashboard ( ) so that user can add/submit properties ( ) + manage those, manage his favorites ( ), manage his profile information ( ) and manage his membership subscription ( ). This new dashboard will be common for all design variations and is a replacement for existing templates ( Submit Property, My Properties, Edit Profile, Favorites and Memberships ). So these existing templates are deprecated as all future functionality will be introduced around this new Dashboard.
Added - New Elementor Widget for Cities/Locations ( )
Added - New Elementor Widget for Testimonials ( )
Added - New Elementor Widget for Call to Action ( )
Added - Option to switch from precise map location to approximate location. ( )
Improved - Property Additional Details fields user interface ( ) and database structure. Also added related migration script to auto-migrate old fields data to new fields. Also added these fields to REST API ( ).
Improved - Energy Performance feature by making it more flexible and customizable ( ). You can now add/modify/remove as many energy classes as you want and you can assign custom color to each energy class.
Improved - Homepage sections re-ordering setting's user interface from swap & replace to drag & drop.
Improved - Property detail page sections re-ordering setting's user interface from swap & replace to drag & drop.
Improved - Existing Elementor widgets to work with Vacation Rentals ( ).
Improved - search form fields by introducing multi select functionality for couple of fields. ( )
Improved - User & Agent/Agency synchronization functionality.
Improved - Elementor custom template support for custom post type single pages and custom taxonomy archive pages.
Improved - Favorite properties & Compare properties features and made these more efficient & cache friendly by replacing the use of cookies with the use of JavaScript localStorage.
Improved - Breadcrumbs for Property detail/single page.
Improved - Moved deprecated customizer settings related to submit property, edit profile, my properties, memberships and favorite pages to separate tab titled as "Deprecated". ( )
Improved - Mortgage Calculator's options to restrict it to display on properties with specific status.
Improved - User interface of existing select boxes by replacing select2 with bootstrap-select.
Improved - Contact Information Widget for Footer by adding click-ability to given contact number.
Improved - Property ratings user interface.
Improved - Dynamic Locations fields by making it WPML compatible.
Improved - Field Builder by adding WPML support.
Improved - Overall WPML compatibility.
Improved - Property print styles.
Improved - Properties shortcode by adding AJAX pagination.
Improved - Property Gallery meta box description.
Improved - Styles at various places.
Improved - Code through refactoring.
Fixed - WPML translated property edit issue.
Fixed - Featured property selection issue while submitting property through frontend.

⭐另请参考: Theme repository Themeforest Shared for free, updated daily

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