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**一. 题目描述** The n-queens puzzle is the problem of placing n queens on an nn chessboard such that no two queens attack each other. ![](https://docs.gechiui.com/gc-content/uploads/sites/kancloud/2016-01-05_568bb5f0dc83e.jpg) Given an integer n, return all distinct solutions to the n-queens puzzle. Each solution contains a distinct board configuration of the n-queens’ placement, where ‘Q’ and ‘.’ both indicate a queen and an empty space respectively. For example, There exist two distinct solutions to the 4-queens puzzle: ~~~ [ [".Q..", // Solution 1 "...Q", "Q...", "..Q."], ["..Q.", // Solution 2 "Q...", "...Q", ".Q.."] ] ~~~ **二. 题目分析** 著名的N皇后问题,题目的意思是在一个`n×n`棋盘中,每行放一个棋子,使得棋子所在的列和两条斜线上没有其他棋子,打印所有可能。 使用深搜`dfs`去遍历,考虑所有可能,`row`中标记每一行摆放棋子的对应下标的元素,`col`记录当前列是否已有棋子,对角线的判断就是两点行差值和列差值是否相同。 当`dfs`深度达到`n`时,意味着已经可以遍历完最低一层,存在满足条件的解,把矩阵中个元素的信息转化为`'.'`或`'Q'`,存到结果中。 **三. 示例代码** ~~~ // 来源:http://blog.csdn.net/havenoidea/article/details/12167399 #include #include using namespace std; class Solution { public: vector > solveNQueens(int n) { this->row = vector(n, 0); // 行信息 this->col = vector(n, 0); // 列信息 dfs(0, n, result); // 深搜 return result; } private: vector > result; // 存放打印的结果 vector row; // 记录每一行哪个下标是Q vector col; // 记录每一列是否已有Q void dfs(int r, int n, vector > & result) // 遍历第r行,棋盘总共有n行 { if (r == n) // 可遍历到棋盘底部,填入本次遍历结果 { vector temp; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { string s(n, '.'); // 每行先被初始化为'.' s[row[i]] = 'Q'; // 每行下标被标记为1的元素被标记为Q temp.push_back(s); } result.push_back(temp); } int i, j; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (col[i] == 0) { for (j = 0; j < r; ++j) if (abs(r - j) == abs(row[j] - i)) break; if (j == r) { col[i] = 1; // 标记第i列,已存在Q row[j] = i; // 第j行的第i个元素放入Q dfs(r + 1, n, result); // 遍历第r + 1行 col[i] = 0; row[j] = 0; } } } } }; ~~~ ![](https://docs.gechiui.com/gc-content/uploads/sites/kancloud/2016-01-05_568bb5f10258f.jpg) **四. 小结** 后续题目N-Queens II,其实比这一题简化许多,因为只要求输出解的个数,不需要输出所有解的具体状况。