OceanWP v3.1.2 Premium Extensions – Free Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

最后更新于:2022-03-27 01:55:54


OceanWP is the fastest growing theme for WordPress. It’s the favorite choice of thousands of developers and different user preferences.

OceanWP is the perfect theme for your project. Lightweight and highly extensible, it will allow you to create almost any type of website like blog, portfolio, business website and WooCommerce store with a beautiful and professional design. Very fast, responsive, RTL & translation ready, SEO best practices, unique WooCommerce features to increase conversions and much more.

You can even tweak the settings on tablets and mobile devices so your website looks good on any device. Works with the most popular page builders like Elementor, Beaver Builder, Brizy, Visual Composer, Divi Builder, SiteOrigin, and more. Developers will love the easy-to-customize extensive codebase. Elementor & WooCommerce best friend.

演示: https://oceanwp.org/extensions/

Features OceanWP Premium Extensions – Free Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

Build websites easily with innovative demos

Import any demo in one click using our free import extension (for free demos) and professional import extensions (for professional demos) ). Premium extensions are included in the Core Extensions package.

Features OceanWP

Fullfill the needs

Your website will look great, even on mobile and tablet screens

Built-in SEO facility

We built the theme with SEO best practices in mind

Fastest page load time

OceanWP scores best in most top speed testing tools

Translation and RTL ready

OceanWP Premium Extensions supports RTL languages ​​and can be translated in your language

E-commerce is ready

Build a great eCommerce site with WooCommerce

Great support

There is a problem? OceanWP comes with excellent support and lightning fast

Shopping cart popup

Capture the visitor’s attention in time, when the desired item is added to the cart. By doing so, you increase your conversion rate significantly.

Shopping cart popup

Add bar to cart

The floating bar ensures that your add to cart button is always visible to increase conversions without disturbing your readers.

Add bar to cart

Turn off the Canvas filter

Improve your user experience by displaying your hosting product page in a full-width layout and out-of-frame filtering sidebars.
outside the fabric

Turn off the Canvas filter

Browse through

Enhance the user experience with a quick view that allows you to access detailed product information without taking you to a new page.

Browse through

变更日志 OceanWP – Free Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme + Premium Extensions Nulled Free

### *2021.12.01.* - 3.1.2

* **Fixed** - Minor issues.

* **Updated** - Version compatibility.

### *2021.11.17.* - 3.1.1

* **Fixed** - Fatal Error: WP_Customize_Section not found.

* **Fixed** - Header: Submenu display issues.

* **Fixed** - Some PHP notices.

### *2021.11.10.* - 3.1.0

* **New** - Customizer: Customizer Search.

* **Updated** - Customizer: Styling and scripts.

* **Improved** - Customizer: Loading time and performance.

* **Fixed** - Header: Menu Dropdown: display on hover issue.

* **Fixed** - Header: Mobile Menu: Sidebar style: Anchor links issue.

* **Fixed** - Header: Mobile Menu: Sidebar style: JS issue when menu closing button disabled.

* **Fixed** - Blog: Single Post: Page width issue.

* **Fixed** - Blog: Pagination: Infinite scroll on archive pages issue.

* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: Archives: Quantity buttons not displayed on infinite scroll pagination.

* **Fixed** - Compatibility: WPML: Currency switcher on WooCommerce product Quick View.

* **Fixed** - Compatibility: Kadence WooCommerce Email Designer issue.

* **Fixed** - Compatibility: Elementor Pro: Modal Popup.

* **Fixed** - Compatibility: Elementor Pro: Floating bar and variable products issue on mobile devices for custom product pages.

* **Fixed** - Compatibility: Elementor Pro: Smooth Scroll conflict issue.

* **Fixed** - Compatibility: BuddyPress: Comment box issue.

* **Fixed** - Compatibility: Woo Variation Swatches Pro: variation button resets on add to cart issue.

### *2021.09.07.* - 3.0.7

* **Fixed** - Scripts: loading issue.

### *2021.09.06.* - 3.0.6

* **Fixed** - Header: anchor link animation issue on double-click.

* **Fixed** - Header: Dropdowns and Mega Menu: Flicker on repetitive or longer hover.

* **Fixed** - Mobile Menu: Full Screen style: custom links navigation issue.

* **Fixed** - Blog: Entries: page jump on scroll when equal heights condition in use.

* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: Floating Bar: display on Elementor single product custom templates.

* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: Floating Bar: scroll to anchor link offset.

* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: Checkout: Double quantity buttons.

* **Fixed** - Compatibility: WooCommerce: Categories widget: missing closing span tag.

* **Fixed** - Compatibility: TI WooCommerce Wishlist: quantity buttons.

* **Fixed** - Compatibility: Classic Editor: Video responsiveness.

* **Fixed** - Minor issues.

### *2021.08.25.* - 3.0.5
* **Tweak** - PhotoSwipe replaced with Magnific Popup.
* **Fixed** - Compatibility: Ocean Sticky Header: Shrink style: logo height on scroll back.
* **Fixed** - Compatibility: Ocean Stick Anything: Header: offset.
* **Fixed** - Compatibility: TI WooCommerce Wishlist: quantity buttons.
* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: Reduce Ajax requests.

### *2021.08.19* - 3.0.4
* **Added** - Performance: Option to disable WordPress emoji script.
* **Improved** - WooCommerce: Add to Cart option on iPhones: removed the double-click.
* **Fixed** - Mobile Header: Dropdown Style: transition on open.
* **Fixed** - Mobile Header: Sidebar Style: fourth-level dropdown doesn't function.
* **Fixed** - Mobile Header: Mobile menu doesn't function if menu created using the nav shortcode ornav widget from Ocean Elementor Widgets.
* **Fixed** - Menu: Walker: Warnings related to PHP 8+ version.
* **Fixed** - Footer: Position: on pages with none or little content, footer doesn't stick to the bottom of the screen.
* **Fixed** - PhotoSwipe Lightbox: image stretched on full preview.
* **Fixed** - Scroll to Top: button transition on appear/disappear.
* **Fixed** - Gutenberg: Blocks: YouTube embed backend and front-end styling issues.
* **Fixed** - Gutenberg: Blocks: Full Width layout issues.
* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: Single Product: Ajax Add to Cart issues.
* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: Cart: changing quantity makes quantity buttons disappear.
* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: Cart: update + refresh cause increase of the quantity by 2 instead of 1 on new product add.
* **Fixed** - Compatibility: WooCommerce Product Addons plugin issues.
* **Fixed** - Compatibility: Variation Swatches for WooCommerce plugin issues.
* **Fixed** - Compatibility: Elementor: anchor link issues.
* **Fixed** - Compatibility: Elementor Pro: product widgets: WooCommerce infinite-scroll pagination issues.
* **Fixed** - Compatibility: WPBakery: tab & accordion shortcodes, anchor link and comment button issues.

### *2021.07.28* - 3.0.3
**Added** - Performance section in Customizer > General Options.
**Fixed** - Lightbox issues.
**Fixed** - Compatibility issue: Photo Gallery by Supsystic.
**Fixed** - Compatibility issue: YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier.
**Fixed** - Customizer: Range slider control.
**Fixed** - Gutenberg: Embeds widgets issue.
**Fixed** - Mobile Menu: Third-level dropdown menu issue.
**Fixed** - WooCommerce: Multi-Step checkout display issues in Safari and iPhone.
**Fixed** - Pagination: Infinite Scroll issue.
**Fixed** - Minor issues.

### *2021.07.21* - 3.0.1
* **Fixed** - PHP error in admin panel widgets area.

### *2021.07.20.* - 3.0.0
* **Added** - Vanilla JS. Read about Vanilla JS changes in OceanWP and how to prepare for the update.
* **Added** - Mobile Header: search icon, default state disabled. Customize > Header > Mobile Menu, section Mobile Header Search.
* **Added** - Single Blog Post: 'ocean_single_modified_date_state' filter. Disable display of modifided date if the same as the published date. Default state false: https://docs.oceanwp.org/article/784-hide-single-post-modified-date
* **Added** - Single Blog Post: 'ocean_related_posts_date' filter. Disable display of published date on related post items. Default state true. https://docs.oceanwp.org/article/785-disable-date-on-related-posts
* **Added** - WooCommerce: 'ocean_floating_bar_h_tag' filter. Change Floating Bar heading tag. Default value h2. https://docs.oceanwp.org/article/786-alter-floating-bar-heading-tag
* **Added** - SEO Settings: Customize > General Options > SEO Settings.
* **Improved** - Accessibility: Mobile menu search form.
* **Improved** - Accessibility: Scroll to top.
* **Improved** - Accessibility: Header Replace search form style.
* **Improved** - Accessibility: Header Overlay search form style.
* **Improved** - Accessibility: Link Post Format, both entry and single.
* **Improved** - Accessibility: Blog Entry: Blog post titles.
* **Improved** - Accessibility: Blog Entry: Featured image.
* **Improved** - Accessibility: Blog Entry: Continue Reading option.
* **Improved** - Accessibility: Single Blog Post: Related Posts title.
* **Improved** - Accessibility: Single Blog Post: Author avatar.
* **Improved** - Accessibility: Post Categories Mega Menu.
* **Updated** - Template: partials/entry/readmore.php
* **Updated** - Template: partials/entry/media/blog-entry.php
* **Updated** - Template: partials/entry/media/blog-entry-link.php
* **Updated** - Template: partials/single/media/blog-single.php
* **Updated** - Template: partials/single/media/blog-single-link.php
* **Updated** - Template: partials/single/related-posts.php
* **Updated** - Template: partials/single/author-bio.php
* **Updated** - Template: partials/single/layout.php
* **Updated** - Template: partials/single/meta.php
* **Updated** - Template: partials/header/search-overlay.php
* **Updated** - Template: partials/header/search-replace.php
* **Updated** - Template: partials/mobile/mobile-search.php
* **Updated** - Template: partials/scroll-top.php
* **Fixed** - Previous item navigation arrow icon class.

### *2021.06.23.* - 2.1.1
* **Added** - New icons added in theme icon array.
* **Tweak* - Function 'oceanwp_title' has been renamed to 'oceanwp_has_page_title': https://github.com/WordPress/theme-check/issues/356
* **Fixed** - Header: Full Screen style dropdown icon issue.
* **Fixed** - PHP Deprecated: Required parameter $output follows optional parameter $depth in menu-walker.

### *2021.06.11.* - 2.1.0
* **Added** - Check if icon class exist or not from theme icons.
* **Tweak** - Default Theme Icon settings set to "Simple Line Icons" to prevent issues on websites that did not store any theme icons settings in the past.
* **Tweak** - Ocean SVG Icons disabled by default. In order to use the new icons, enable them via Customize > General Options > Theme Icons
* **Fixed** - Icons that require manual selection get deselect on Theme icons change

### *2021.06.09.* - 2.0.9
* **Added** - OceanWP SVG icons - will be set as default icons on all new installations. Perform icons switch via Customize > General Options > Theme Icons: https://oceanwp.org/oceanwp-svg-icons/
* **Added** - Options for established websites to use the new icon pack via Customize > General Options > Theme Icons.
* **Added** - New customizer control to support SVG Icons.
* **Added** - Enable support for SVG logo type.
* **Added** - Social option: Telegram, Twitch, Line, QQ
* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: Multistep checkout issue upon using the Create Account option on.
* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: Number of products displayed between 768px and 959px screen widths.
* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: Long Variation Names Overflowing #328
* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: Fixed fatal error on product page #327
* **Fixed** - Replaced slick-slide class with swiper-slide.
* **Fixed** - Gutenberg: layout issue with block alignfull and alignwide.

### *2021.04.27.* - 2.0.8
* **Fixed** - Page Title style issue.

### *2021.04.16.* - 2.0.7
* **Moved** - Customizer: Hide Page Title option moved to Visibility dropdown menu (previously Style).
* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: Multi-Step Checkout - undefined error on guest account creation.

### *2021.04.14.* - 2.0.6
* **Fixed** - Gutenberg: cover block layout issue.
* **Fixed* * - Outdated WooCommerce template error notice.

### *2021.04.13.* - 2.0.5
* **Fixed** - Gutenberg: list block backend layout issue.
* **Fixed** - YouTube short link doesn't function - unable to embed video in post.
* **Fixed** - Multi-Step checkout does not validate fields before clicking next button #315
* **Fixed** - Block column layout with full-width page layout.
* **Fixed** - Block editor post title input style.
* **Fixed** - Call to a member function is_block_editor() on null.

### *2021.03.25.* - 2.0.4
* **Added** - Added Gutenberg support to match the backend editor with frontend.
* **Fixed** - Styling for some Gutenberg blocks like table, blockquote etc.

### *2021.03.08.* - 2.0.3
* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: Multi-Step checkout issue.
* **Fixed** - WPML: translation issue.

= 2020.12.17. - 2.0.2 =
Added - Link underlined style removed from the elementor and woocommerce pages.

### *2020.12.16.* - 2.0.1
* **Added** - Heading tag option in the Customizer: Sidebar and Footer widget title.
* **Added** - Content links underlined per WordPress accessibility requirements.
* **Tweak** - Default Body text color altered for increased contrast & accessibility requirements.
* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: Menu Icon Cart Count style missing.
* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: Multistep-checkout form submission error.
* **Added** - WooCommerce: Filter 'ocean_product_archive_title_tag' to alter the title tag in shop loop.

= 2020.11.17 - v2.0.0 =
* **Added** - Hook: ocean_after_archive_product_price;
* **Added** - Option to choose default theme icons: General Options > Theme Icons.
* **Added** - Blog: Post entries & single post meta icons color options - General Options > Theme Icons.
* **Added** - Blog: Post entries & single post meta separator style - Blog > Blog Entries & Blog > Single Post.
* **Added** - WooCommerce: Product archive show/hide price and 'Add to Cart' button option.
* **Added** - WooCommerce: Product archive show/hide price and 'Add to Cart' button message display (optional).
* **Added** - WooCommerce: Product archive show/hide price and 'Add to Cart' button message typography settings.
* **Added** - WooCommerce: Product archive show/hide price and 'Add to Cart' button message color styling settings.
* **Added** - WooCommerce: Product archive - option to include 'My Account' link into the conditional message.
* **Added** - WooCommerce: Product archive disable/enable image and title links option.
* **Added** - WooCommerce: Product archive disable/enable image and title links conditional logic.
* **Added** - WooCommerce: Single product show/hide price and 'Add to Cart' button option.
* **Added** - WooCommerce: Single product show/hide price and 'Add to Cart' button message display (optional).
* **Added** - WooCommerce: Single product show/hide price and 'Add to Cart' button message typography settings.
* **Added** - WooCommerce: Single product show/hide price and 'Add to Cart' button message color styling settings.
* **Added** - WooCommerce: Single product - option to include 'My Account' link into the conditional message.
* **Added** - WooCommerce: Product archive title typography settings.
* **Added** - WooCommerce: Product archive category typography settings.
* **Added** - WooCommerce: Product archive price typography settings.
* **Added** - WooCommerce: Single product 'Add to Cart' typography settings.
* **Added** - WooCommerce: Floating Bar - product title limited to 4 words to avoid responsiveness issues.
* **Added** - WooCommerce: Floating Bar - display 'Add to Cart' button on 320px width.
* **Added** - WooCommerce: Improved 'Sales!' badge responsiveness.
* **Added** - WooCommerce: Cart - product price on mobile devices.
* **Added** - WooCommerce Germanized: Product archive & single product - product price unit support.
* **Added** - WooCommerce Germanized: Product archive & single product - product units support.
* **Added** - WooCommerce Germanized: Product archive & single product - product legal info support.
* **Added** - WooCommerce Germanized: Product archive & single product - product delivery time info.
* **Added** - YITH WooCommerce Wishlist plugin support.
* **Added** - Speed Optimization: Display Swap: Google Fonts, woo star font, Font Awesome 5 icons, Simple Line icons, slick buttons.
* **Added** - Translation string: Close mobile menu - 'owp-string-close-mobile-menu".
* **Added** - Translation string: Mobile search - 'owp-string-mobile-search'.
* **Added** - Translation string: Mobile submit search query - 'owp-string-mobile-submit-search'.
* **Added** - Social Menu Options: TikTok & Medium.
* **Tweak** - WooCommerce: Product archive rating separated from price as an individual element.
* **Tweak** - WooCommerce: SEO Improvement - product title set to H2 tag.
* **Tweak** - WooCommerce: Improved 'My Account' login page style.
* **Tweak** - Blog: Post entries & single post meta data styling.
* **Tweak** - Blog: Sinlge Post Author Bio tag changed to H3 for Accessibility & SEO improvement.
* **Tweak** - Customizer Loading Optimization: WooCommerce typography live preview scripts separated from main script.
* **Tweak** - Customizer Loading Optimization: WooCommerce style live preview scripts separated from main script.
* **Tweak** - Customizer Loading Optimization: EDD style live preview script separated from main script.
* **Tweak** - Customizer Loading Optimization: LifterLMS style live preview script separated from main script.
* **Tweak** - Customizer Loading Optimization: LearnDash style live preview script separated from main script.
* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: Mixed up translation filters for Next/Prev product navigation.
* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: Incorrect single product Next/Prev nav - next nav displaying previous product & vice versa.
* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: Floating Bar - blank space below footer on 320px width and less.
* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: Floating Bar - responsiveness issues.
* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: Single product missing 'has-product-nav' class when navigation enabled.
* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: Product archive 'Add to Cart' typography settings declared as single 'Add to Cart' typography settings.
* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: Single product - next/prev RTL arrows.
* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: Cart shipping methods layout.
* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: Checkout shipping methods layout.
* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: RTL - 'Update Cart' button position.
* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: RTL - pagination arrows.
* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: Cart responsiveness.
* **Fixed** - WooCommerce: Fatal error - Call to a member function get_cart_contents_count () on null
* **Fixed** - Blog: Post entries - grid layout fit-rows style issue - skipped space even when containers equal height.
* **Fixed** - Blog: Single post - next/prev RTL arrows.
* **Fixed** - Minor RTL style issues.
* **Updated** - Font Awesome 5.15.1 version.

List of OceanWP Premium Extensions – Free Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

  1. OceanWP THEME v3.1.2
  2. Ocean Cookie Notice v2.0.3
  3. Ocean Elementor Widgets v2.0.7
  4. Ocean Footer Callout v2.0.1
  5. Ocean Full Screen v2.0.2
  6. Ocean Hooks v1.1.4
  7. Ocean Instagram v1.1.0
  8. Ocean Popup Login v2.0.2
  9. Ocean Portfolio v2.0.5
  10. Ocean Pro Demos v1.2.2
  11. Ocean Side Panel v2.0.3
  12. Ocean Sticky Footer v2.0.2
  13. Ocean Sticky Header v2.0.3
  14. Ocean White Label v1.0.6
  15. Ocean Woo Popup premium v2.0.1
  16. Ocean Extra v1.9.2 NULLED

下载 OceanWP Premium Extensions v3.1.2 NULLED – Free Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

Please install Ocean Extra v1.8.1 NULLED (updated 08-09) to fix the license

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