Beaver Builder Pro v2.5.2.3 + Beaver Theme v1.7.10 – WordPress Theme

最后更新于:2022-03-29 03:00:59


Beaver Builder Pro is a complete multipurpose WordPress theme.

Beaver Builder makes it easy to create professional-looking pages with a drag-and-drop interface. The main difference is that all editing in Beaver Builder takes place on the look and feel of your site. Beaver Builder has good support for WooCommerce and WordPress Multilingual and works with any WordPress theme.

The features of Beaver Builder that really stand out are the system of page templates. This allows you to create different pages in seconds. All you have to do is choose a page template.

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Features Beaver Builder Pro – WordPress Page Builder Plugin

Features Beaver Builder Pro
  • Simple but powerful
  • Live Editing through the WordPress Customizer
  • Import and export settings, demos in 1 click
  • Built on Bootstrap
  • Long term support from developer and community…

变更日志 Beaver Builder WordPress Theme Nulled Free

v2.5.2.3 - 03/21/2022
Fix issue where published changes were not reflected until using the cache clearing tool in BB Settings

v2.5.2.1 - 02/11/2022
Improve compatibility with FontAwesome 6 and our icon picker when using the official FontAwesome plugin
Revert Button module: Fix border Style not working if width not specified as it was causing border settings to not be respected in some situations

v2.5.2 - 02/10/2022
Menu module: add submenu indicators on mobile
Content Slider: Focus on slide when editing
Login Module: Add new option for redirect
WPCLI: Add duplicate function
Prevent WP Post Page Clone plugin from adding duplicate links to posts/pages where BB is used to prevent it breaking our data
Add pop-up when upload_path is set to alert user of the issue as it will prevent the UI from working
Add database collation info to our debug mode output
If user templates are deleted in the UI, they now go to the trash first to ensure consistency with WP functions
Bug Fixes
Menu module: fix padding on menu items with a sub-menu
Button module: Fix border Style not working if width not specified
Photo module: Caption causes the image to go out of their container
Number Counter: fix animation not starting when number is not shown
Menu module: Fix both menus opening upon clicking on the menu button
Fix background video's Audio Control Not Shown in Firefox
Video Module: fix other video types showing as selectable when they are not supported
Fix PHP Notice WP_Scripts::localize was called incorrectly
Photo Module: Ensure the same sizes are shown in Photo module and Gallery Module lightbox option
Fix Global column disappearing from UI after saving row as global
Button Group module: Fix responsive alignment not working on vertical layout
Posts Module: Hide TEC options when TEC Events post type is not selected in query options
Pricing table: fix features preview not working properly
Pricing table: fix features display in Safari
Sanitize Site URLs for our use to prevent it from breaking the UI
Fix notice: Warning: Undefined variable $widget_class
Fix glitch with select2 where it won't stay open when clicking in some cases
Remove a PHP comment that was triggering some hosts' security protection to delete the file which resulted in the Outline Panel not working

v2.5.1.3 - 02/1/2022
Hot Fix
Post Module: Fix fatal errors when using PHP 8 when saving certain settings with blank values
TEC Pro: Fix fatal errors when using the Events Manager Date Filters
Fix compatibility with Google Site Kit plugin and others that use Rest API
Tweak our Mod Security filter to prevent it from interfering with column resize
Remove code no longer needed for the excerpt fix we implemented in 2.5.1
On publish, ensure assets are generated properly

v2.5.1.2 - 01/24/2022
Bug Fixes
Fix issue with modules moving positions after publishing in some situations

v2.5.1.1 - 12/22/2021
Bug Fixes
Accordion Module: Fix items not being able to be closed manually and fix smooth opening and closing not working
Button Module: Fix hover color issue
Menu Module: Fix sub-menu items using inherit for backwards compatibility
Post Grid Module: Fix FontAwesome icons being enqueued when it is not needed
Search module: fix missing an echo statement in the value attribute
Outline Panel: Fix not being able to delete unavailable modules
Fix ACF cache not being cleared for option pages properly
Fix JS error when changing a module setting and using the Publish keyboard shortcut
Fix limit on repeater field not working inside a form field
Fix FontAwesome icons preload issue
Optimize visibility fix to prevent an infinite loop (See here for details)
SEO Plugin integrations: don't delete assets while fetching data to prevent 404 errors with assets

v2.5.1 - 12/9/2021
Security Fix
Fixed an issue with the get_excerpt function showing hidden content when using visibility settings. This only affects pages using visibility settings (including Themer's conditional logic) to hide content and would allow others to view that content unauthorized via the WordPress REST API. This fix addresses all visibility issues, including the ones with Themer.
Add new shortcode [fl-safe] to wrap code in that is known to break the UI
Tweak the way we generate our unique node IDs to ensure that they always will be a string
Add offset option to Row Parallax background image
Allow user to choose images for different breakpoints when row is set to parallax background
Add support for Query Monitor to be used while inside the UI
Contact Form & Subscribe Form Modules: Show any WP_Error detected so it's easier to debug issues
Update Ace Editor to latest version
Update FontAwesome to latest version
Icon Group Module: Make spacing option responsive
Reduce number of queries for Saved nodes by switching from using get_terms function to get_the_terms since it's cached
Pricing Table Module: Make Advanced Spacing, Tooltip Icon Size, Feature Icon Size, Box Top Margin and Typography responsive
Fix conflict with Signify theme when adding media in UI
Add new filters fl_builder_render_css_row fl_builder_render_css_col fl_builder_render_css_module fl_builder_render_css_module_{$module->slug}
Bug Fixes
Fix issue with Slide Right animation
Fixed Saved nodes not retaining categories when published in BB UI
Button Group Module: Fix background animation not working
Video Module: Fixed flash on loading when set to loop
Accordion Module: Fix "Expand first item" option issue with anchor links
Content Slider Module: Fix module autoplaying when clicking on the arrows
Menu Module: Fix no smooth scrolling on mobile and not closing properly after clicking an anchor link
Button Module: Fix column text color overriding module color
Subscribe Module: Fix Mailjet integration only showing 10 lists
Callout Module: Fix issues with rel attribute
Fix UI being broken when removing some keyboard shortcuts with fl_builder_keyboard_shortcuts hook
Add select2 text color for UI Dark Mode
Pricing Table Module: Fix custom icons not working in feature list
WPML: Fix cache clear issue when switching domains
Menu Module: Fix missing closing li tags
Fix fatal error in UI in certain circumstances when plugins add widgets
Menu Module: Logo option now correctly outputs alt attribute
Fix fatal error if search enabled in Menu Module but Search module is disabled in settings and is_module_disable_enabled
is set to true - 10/7/2021
Ignore http/https in URL check to automatically clear cache when URL changes
Subscribe Module: Update cacert for Infusionsoft and Campaign Monitor
Bug Fixes
Fix templates registered with FLBuilder::register_templates being duplicated in content panel
Fix fatal error when saving Posts module with custom layout or when BigCommerce is active
Fix modules not being greyed out until ready after being duplicated in the BB UI
Fix not being able to import settings to modules with uppercase characters in class name
Fix some icons in some icon sets not displaying due to a space being added to the class when prefix is missing for that icon
Menu Module: Fix menu opening and closing when anchor links are used on a hamburger menu

v2.5.0.1 - 09/21/2021
Improve updates message to account for different license situations
Update welcome page image
Update readme for Lite modules
Cache Clearing Tool: Improve Pagely cache clear
Bug Fixes
Subscribe Module: Fix error message alignment when Search module included in the layout
Icon Picker: various FontAwesome fixes including fixing broken domain check in kit settings, compatibility with FontAwesome plugin, AJAX search now respects admin icon settings, and fix kit displaying even if kit displays no icons
Number Counter Module: Fix preview not updating properly when changing the number
Code Editor: right click paste options now appears
Menu Module: Fix flyout menu panel showing after adding a new module
Global Modules: Fix global modules opening for editing after dropping it on the page to be consistent with Global Rows/Columns behavior
Cache Clear Tool: fix Pantheon cache clear not working properly
Fix certain HTML elements being stripped from post_content fl-builder block on publish
Fix images not being able to be cropped on the demo server
Menu Module: Fix separators being different sizes when search enabled

v2.5 "CONTRA" - 08/19/2021​
Beaver Builder 2.5 is here! This is a major update and will be released as the official download on the My Account page first. Remote updates to all existing sites will begin soon!
Please check out the "About this Release" doc for screenshots and instructions for the new features and enhancements.
New & Major Updates
Add Outline Panel to easily see the structure of your page and move things around
Add Duplicate option for BB posts in the WP Admin
Premium Templates added - 2 new Landing page templates and several content page templates. Some older templates were also removed.
In WP Admin list for for saved elements, show shortcode and add click to copy to clipboard
Icon Picker: various enhancements including live search, recently used icons section and compatibility with FontAwesome plugin
Menu Module: Add responsive dropdown styles and default menu items when no menus exist on the site
Menu Module: Now has styling options for sub-menu link colors and the responsive toggle, also new option to have a logo in the center of the menu, new option to add search to the menu, and add support for showing WooCommerce cart contents in the menu
Pricing Table Module: Add toggle for monthly/yearly pricing, add the ability to add icons for each feature, add Typography options, and add option to display a ribbon
Subscribe Module: Add filter for users to add their own service fl_builder_subscribe_form_services
Button Group Module: Add width for the horizontal layout
Contact Form Module: Labels are now translatable
Content Slider Module: Make Button Padding Responsive
Content Slider: Add Background Overlay option for individual slides
Countdown Module: Add Typography Options
Countdown Module: Add overall Alignment option
List Module: Update icon and move List items section to the top of the first tab
Menu Module: Add support for Menu Module closing when tabbing through the last of the items
Number Counter Module: Add Typography
Number Counter: Add option to choose height of bar and not show number with Bar layout as well as add field connection for number
Post Modules: Make the suggest fields sortable
Post Carousel Module: Add Typography options
Post Slider Module: Now has Typography options
Separator Module: Height and Alignment are now responsive
Subscribe Module: Mailpoet 3 integration now shows all lists
Subscribe Module: Add better error handling if no service is selected
Testimonials Module: Accessibility improvements with navigation
Post Modules: Make the suggest fields sortable
Video Module: Add structured data options for contentUrl and embedUrl
Columns: Now have custom position available for backgrounds
Columns: Make width field available even for Single Columns
Add icons for border, border radius, padding, and margin labels
Add some improvements to the display of the Launch BB area in WP Editor
Cache Clearing Tool: Improve integration with CloudFlare plugin
Developers: Post type field now supports multi-select
Outline Panel: Add filter to disable fl_builder_outline_panel_enabled
Add support for SEOPress
Update the Welcome page in WP Admin for 2.5 version
Update internal links to the Knowledge Base
Remove Google+ Icon from Slideshow Module
Shift some wp_options to autoload = false
Update jQuery deprecated code
Code Editor: Enable word wrap and line numbers by default
Fix conflict with 3CX Live Chat plugin
Add Layout Type As Parameter to the FLBuilder::render_content_classes() method
Try to remove other Duplicate plugin Duplicate links since they are not compatible with BB
Border Field Type: Add ability to disable parts of the compound field
Add custom position for column backgrounds as well
Allow line height to be 0 in Typography settings
WPCLI Enhancements: wp beaver global list shows list of all options and wp beaver global-update --id=default_heading_selector --value=.fl-post-header updates a single option
Add new mode to disable history temporarily
Debug Mode: Only output errors if showerrors parameter is in the URL
Disable smooth scroll via custom class fl-no-scroll
Automatically clear CSS/JS files when URL changes
Bug Fixes
Make sure content panel icons for modules are all the same size
Photo Module: Fix fatal error when using PHP8 and border is a string
Menu Module: Fix flyout menu being visible while builder is active
Contact Form Module: Fix console notices when multiple modules are present on the same page
Icon Module: Fix alignment issues when using multiple modules to create a group of icons
Icon Module: Fix screen reader text being visible when it should not in some cases
Menu Module: Adjust search placement on vertical layouts
Text Editor Module: Fix strong/bold tag styling ignored when font weight is set in module
Fix SVGs used in layout/global CSS
Fix notices on WP 5.8 Block Widget Screen
Photo Module: Fix issue with cropping on some hosts
UI: Fix node visibility icon flashing on hover
Fixed PHP Notices when Applying a Template
Fixed responsive editing being glitchy when inline assets is enabled
Fixed issue where due to custom code the post_id could be set wrong in AJAX
Callout Module: Fix image set to show on right being off centered vertically when a link is entered
Content Slider: Fix mobile image alt tag being empty when using slide content layout
Slideshow Module: Fix tweet button visibility and issues with icon alignment
Fixed issue with smooth scrolling when clicking on a "Back to Top" link when Themer "Sticky" Header is enabled
Fix unneeded AJAX call for notifications
Text Editor Module: Fix bold not working properly with Google Fonts as that version wasn't being enqueued
Contact Module: Fix Ampersand displaying as entity in From Email
Content Slider: Fix delay not resetting and fix issues with slides skipping while in transition
Countdown Module: Fix circle being clipped at certain sizes
Icon Picker: Fix missing Icon
Menu Module: Fix issues with preview showing incorrectly until save
Subscribe Module: Fix conflict with WooCommerce Mailer Lite
Subscribe Module: Fix issue where users couldn't join multiple Mailer Lite lists & remove trashed lists from List dropdown
IE 11: Fix visibility issues where items set to hide on screens were showing unexpectedly
Restricted Editing: Make sure users can still unpin content panel
Font Settings: Sanitize FontAwesome Pro Kit URL Field to prevent HTML
Improvements to prevent Google fonts from being enqueued twice in some circumstances with Global elements
Row/Column BG color need sanitizing
Fix YouTube row BG videos not working if you choose a start time
Fix JS errors when editing/saving form items
Content Slider: Fix JS error if link clicked after mobile layout kicks in and fix some styles shifting when styles re-arranged
Photo Fields: fix photo field forgetting selected size if you edited alt text and other data and add new filter to select default size fl_builder_default_image_select_size
Posts Module: Fix JS error seen in FireFox
Subscribe Module: Fix MailPoet Integration after they upgraded their API without backwards compatibility
Fix: Video background not resizing correctly when picked from Media Library
Fix custom row/col background positions hiding when they shouldn't
Fix preview not showing on subforms
Fix debug URL throwing an error if child theme is active with no functions.php
Fix JS/CSS error when options keys have a non alphanumeric character
Fix Molle Google Font not working properly
Fix inconsistent font-family in builder UI
Widgets: Fix showing no longer exists message if the title is blank
SEOPress: Fix issue with second post module on the page pagination doesn't work if category slug is removed in SEOPress.
Revisions now show correct time when Site Timezone changed
Fixed issue with color pickers in Dark Mode
Fixed issue with ampersand used in Categories not showing properly in Loop filters section

= v1.7.9 - 05/12/2021 =
Update Bootstrap to 4.6.0
Update Comments Form code to use comment_form_defaults filter
Accessibility: Tabbing through mobile menu/flyout menu doesn't close it
Accessibility: Remove role="banner" on Page Title as best practice is only one per page
Bug Fixes
Fix Menu that contains an anchor link doesn't open properly on page where that anchor link is present
Fix Flyout menu not closing after clicking an anchor link
Fix Button active state styling impacting Audio module
Fix Fatal error if using older versions of BB
PHP8 fixes
Throw error if HTML is added to JS settings in customiser

= v1.7.8 - 01/18/2021 =
Add new filter fl_theme_get_upload_dir (#165)
Add new filter to disable smooth scroll fl_theme_disable_smoothscroll_links (#148)
Add new filter to change the hamburger icon in the responsive menu fl_theme_mobile_nav_icon (#116)
Add PHP8 Support (#136)
Customizer: Add WordPress as an option to Social Icons section (#154)
Accessibility: Off Canvas Menu close button now has an accessible name (#150)
WooCommerce: Fix compatibility issue with Addify's Tax Exempt add-on (#171)
Bug Fixes
Fix Top Padding settings not showing correctly in Customizer preview (#156)
Fix Menu sub-menu icon indicator not showing if FontAwesome Pro is enabled in BB Plugin (#146)
Make sure if user makes a LESS error, it does not crash the Block Editor (#162)
Fix BB Plugin Tour being broken if Full Bootstrap 3 or 4 selected as layout option (#157)
WooCommerce: Fix sidebar displaying some widgets when Shop page is set to show categories (#159)
WooCommerce: Fix product image lightbox buttons not working properly in some cases (#160)
Fix search term disappearing from the Search Widget (#169)
Use wp_login_url() in comments.php to allow the url to be overridden with plugins and filters

⭐另请参考: premium WordPress Plugin synthesis, updated daily

下载 Beaver Builder Pro v2.5.2.3 + Beaver Theme v1.7.10 Nulled

Beaver Builder Professional WordPress Plugin

Beaver Theme v1.7.10:

Beaver Team Pro for Beaver Builder Pro v1.2.11:

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PowerPack Beaver Builder Addon v2.22.1

最后更新于:2022-03-29 02:56:57


IdeaBox Creations created the PowerPack Beaver Builder Addon. It enhances Beaver Builder’s capabilities with its bespoke, innovative, and one-of-a-kind modules.

There are 50+ drag-and-drop modules, 350+ design components, sections, row templates, and page templates to help you speed up the building of your website. You will be able to create professional websites without having to write code.

It also includes lead generating modules like as call to action buttons, a popup generator, a banner builder, and many more. You can create magnificent websites in a matter of hours with the PowerPack Addon for Beaver Builder.


Features: PowerPack Beaver Builder Addon

  • Row Separators: A unique module that allows you to add stylish row separators to your Beaver Builder site, making it seem more stunning and attractive. Tilt, Big Triangle, Triangle Left, Triangle Right, and Small Triangle may be used to create lovely section breaks on your website.
  • Contact Form 7 Module: Use simple design choices to style your CF7 forms from the front end. There’s no need for specialized coding.
  • Heading: A clever Heading module that allows you to Write and Create eye-catching headlines on the page.
  • Icon / Number List: An excellent content module that allows you to generate list items with over 2000 typeface icons or bullet point numbers.
  • Business Hours: Use this to display opening and closing times with a variety of design choices.
  • Image Hotspot: With the Image Hotspot module, you can simply and interactively display product features, make virtual tours, and display information.
  • Image Scroll: This module displays your photographs with a variety of transition effects and gives you a unique method to present images on your website.
  • Image Comparison: Display a before and after slider with an image box comparison module to demonstrate the strength of your product or service.
  • Advanced Menu: Design a visually appealing and highly adjustable menu for your Beaver Builder website.
  • Filterable Gallery: Use filters and overlay effects to create a stunning gallery.
  • Photo Gallery: Use the Photo Gallery module to create stunning photo galleries.
  • Image Carousel: The Image Carousel module allows you to apply stunning carousel effects to photographs on your website.
  • Content Grid: A robust content grid module that allows you to design visually appealing and adaptable post grids.
  • Content Tiles: Use content tiles to create successful magazine-style layouts for your website.
  • Team is a content module that allows you to introduce your expert team.
  • Info Box: An excellent content module for creating gorgeous content blocks with an icon, title, description, and call-to-action button/link.
  • Info List: A straightforward content module that lets you to show material in either a vertical or horizontal list format.
  • Countdown Timer: Use this module to add urgency to your site or to create a “Coming Soon” page.
  • Post Timeline: The Post Timeline module enables you to include interactive timelines on your website’s pages.
  • Button: Use the Smart Button module to create eye-catching call-to-action buttons.
  • Dual Button: A smart button module that allows you to construct visually appealing call-to-action dual buttons.
  • Dual Style Heading: Make a heading with different styles, separators, and descriptions. You may make a dual-color and dual-font header.
  • Image: Allows you to display photos in a lovely arrangement.
  • Testimonials: With a few clicks, you can create a testimonial slider and carousel. You may modify the appearance and feel by choosing one of five pre-defined styles.
  • Advanced Tabs: A content module that allows you to generate excellent tabbed content for your Beaver Builder site by using preset and custom design.
  • Advanced Accordion: A content module that allows you to construct accordions with specific design choices.
  • Image Panels: Use custom style to create eye-catching accordions of photos.
  • Create a magnificent menu for restaurants, cafés, bars, and diners, or include any company services.
  • Timeline: Make an eye-catching timeline for your website’s pages.
  • Pricing Table: A helpful content module that allows you to list your products in several styles.
  • Table: Use numerous design and sorting options to create a table with custom data.
  • Animated Headlines: A creative module that lets you build eye-catching and beautiful headlines to your website.
  • This module allows you to create attractive one-page websites.
  • 3D Slider: Design an eye-catching 3D slider for your portfolio or gallery.
  • Highlight Box: A creative module that allows you to use wonderful effects to highlight the contents of the box.
  • Smart Banner: Make eye-catching advertisements or information blocks with a call to action.
  • Create a grid or carousel to display your client or partner logos.
  • Hover Cards: A creative module that allows you to display your material in a stylish manner with hover effects.
  • Flip Box: Use flip animations to add dual-sided content to information boxes.
  • Fancy Heading: A creative module that allows you to design stunning headers using built-in presets.
  • Divider: As the name implies, this module allows you to create a visually appealing split in your content by using beautiful dividers.
  • Instagram Feed: A unique module that displays Instagram photographs from Instagram accounts.
  • Facebook Modules: A creative module that boosts user engagement on your site and helps you gain more followers.
  • Twitter Modules: Display your Twitter feed, Tweet buttons, Twitter integrated grid, and timeline with this module.
  • Create unique content, picture, video, form, and template popup boxes with multiple trigger choices – auto-load, on-click, and exit intent.
  • Alert Box: You may use this to create basic notification and alert boxes to get the user’s attention.
  • Announcement Bar: This is a useful lead generating module that allows you to display the most recent news, offers, discounts, or any other information.
  • Subscribe Form: Include eye-catching opt-in / subscribe forms that are compatible with all common mailing providers.
  • Forms: PowerPack’s Form Styler Modules for Beaver Builder provide you total control over form styling.
  • Gravity Forms, Ninja Forms, Formidable Forms, WPForms, and Caldera Forms are all supported.
  • Search Form: Use Beaver Builder to create eye-catching Search Forms.
  • Login Form: Using Beaver Builder, you can create eye-catching login pages.
  • Devices: Add device frames to your sites to showcase your web designs or portfolio to your clients in a stylish way.
  • FAQ using Schema Markup: Use Schema Markup to create, organize, and display your FAQs.
  • How to Use Schema Markup to Create and Display Tutorials, walk-throughs, and how-to guides.
  • Display Category or Custom Taxonomy on any page in a grid or carousel layout with a custom feature picture.
  • Sitemap: This feature allows you to construct a sitemap page for your website that provides visitors with a comprehensive overview of the site.
  • Breadcrumbs: This feature enables you to construct a hierarchical representation of the navigation links.

变更日志: PowerPack Beaver Builder Addon

== v2.22.1 == Release date: March 22, 2022
* Fix: Modal Box - Text align under button typography fields was not working
* Fix: Content Ticker - PHP warning in WPML translation editor screen
* Fix: Info List - Responsive alignment issue for layout 3
* Fix: Info Box - Missing title prefix after the recent update
* Fix: Content Grid - Filter issue in some cases after the recent update
* Fix: Gravity Forms - Submit button styles were not working when the button location is set to end of the last row (inline) in GF 2.6.x
* Development: Sitemap - Added filter hook pp_sitemap_post_query_args
* Development: Sitemap - Added filter hook pp_sitemap_taxonomy_query_args
* Development: Added filter hook pp_prev_icon_svg
* Development: Added filter hook pp_next_icon_svg

== 2.22.0 ==
Release date: March 16, 2022
* Enhancement: Added support for plugin auto-update
* Enhancement: Login Form - Render error message returning in response with 503 status
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added CSS class pp-post-img to the featured image <img> tag (not applicable for the custom layout)
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added Content Width option to control the width of the post content when featured image is enabled in Style 8
* Enhancement: Dual Button - Enabled responsive control for the spacing field and minor CSS improvements
* Enhancement: Subscribe Form - Added label to the close button for ADA compliance
* Enhancement: Subscribe Form - Added integration for reCAPTCHA and hCaptcha
* Enhancement: Sliding Menu - Reveal the submenu when the current page is inside the submenu
* Enhancement: Photo Gallery - Added an option to show/hide image description in the lightbox
* Enhancement: One Page Navigation - Hide the nav item when there the row does not exist on the page of the given ID
* Enhancement: Modal Box - Added an option to choose title HTML tag
* Enhancement: Info Box - Added an option to enable the link for both the button and title
* Enhancement: Content Ticker - Added WPML support for module fields
* Enhancement: Card Slider - Added WPML support for module fields
* Enhancement: 目录 - Added WPML support for the title field
* Enhancement: Video - Added keyboard navigation and play support
* Enhancement: Video Gallery - Added keyboard navigation and play support
* Fix: Modal Box - Popup was not displaying the content for the custom post type
* Fix: Modal Box - Fullscreen overlay modal width issue in some cases
* Fix: Modal Box - Video continues to play that is embedded using the <video> tag after the popup is closed
* Fix: Subscribe Form - Duplicate HTML ID issue
* Fix: Advanced Accordion - PHP warning in some cases in ACF Relationship field query
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Menu fade out issue in Off-Canvas panel in some cases
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Alignment settings under the "Responsive" tab was not working in some cases
* Fix: Content Grid - Layout issue on window resize when using in the Advanced Tabs module
* Fix: Content Grid - The Events Calendar section was not getting shown on event tags archive
* Fix: Content Grid - Columns spacing px unit breaks the columns if the given value is more than 10
* Fix: FAQ - PHP warning in some cases in ACF Relationship field query
* Fix: Info List - Responsive alignment issue
* Fix: Filterable Gallery - Applying both border and border radius was adding some spacing around the corners of images
* Fix: Image Carousel - Applying both border and border radius was adding some spacing around the corners of images
* Fix: Animated Headline - Using apostrophe in the text adding backslash while rendering
* Fix: Off-Canvas Content - Custom font icon was not getting loaded
* Fix: Image Carousel - Image repetition issue in lightbox
* Fix: Image Carousel - Image overlap in slideshow when images are in different size
* Fix: Team - Link field was not getting shown in WPML translation editor
* Fix: Instagram Feed - Limit field was not working in some cases
* Fix: Google Map - Zooming the map was not retaining the position of custom marker image in some cases
* Fix: Header/Footer - Header was not getting sticky on responsive devices landscape mode
* Fix: Header/Footer - Assets were not getting loaded properly in some cases
* Fix: Row Templates - Incorrect thumbnail image was showing for Pricing Table 4 and 5
* Development: Video - Added filter hook pp_video_play_button_html
* Development: Info Box - Added filter hook pp_infobox_icon_link_enabled

== v2.21.2 == Release date: February 2, 2022
* Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added ACF Relationship field as a source (requires Beaver Themer plugin)
* Enhancement: FAQ - Added ACF Relationship field as a source (requires Beaver Themer plugin)
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added an option to open the link in new window
* Fix: Content Grid - Taxonomy filters were not reappearing when resizing the window from responsive to large in some cases
* Fix: Countdown - PHP warning in frontend.js.php due to empty "fixed date - month" field
* Fix: Advanced Accordion - Leaving icon size field empty breaks the page on the sites running PHP 8
* Development: FAQ - Added filter hook pp_faq_items
* Development: Video Gallery - Added filter hook pp_video_gallery_items

== v2.21.1 ==
Release date: January 27, 2022
* Hotfix: Photo Gallery - Images disappeared in justified layout

== v2.20.0 == Release date: December 20, 2021
* Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added an option to enable Search in the menu
* Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added an option to enable Woo Cart in the menu
* Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added an option to use Submenu Width as min-width
* Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Wrapped menu in <nav> HTML tag
* Enhancement: Modal Box - Added an option to trigger popup on page scroll by certain percentage
* Enhancement: Smart Button - Added an option to provide sub text with its own styling colors and typography
* Enhancement: Login Form - Added hCaptcha integration
* Enhancement: Login Form - Added reCAPTCHA and hCaptcha for lost password form as well
* Enhancement: Category Grid - Added an option to make the content appear overlay or stacked
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added logic to not render empty category in filters
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added discernible text to slider previous/next navigation buttons for ADA compliance
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added discernible text to slider pagination dots for ADA compliance
* Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added Order By and Offset options for Posts
* Enhancement: Hover Cards 2 - Use image alt text from media library as primary and card title as secondary (fallback)
* Enhancement: Photo Gallery - Added typography and width options for the Load More button
* Enhancement: Photo Gallery - Enabled responsive option for the Load More button alignment
* Enhancement: Testimonials - Removed unused FontAwesome stylesheet
* Enhancement: Row Effects - Added Line Color option for Particles effect
* Fix: Content Grid - Filters were not working properly in main query
* Fix: Content Grid - PHP warning when Column Spacing field is empty
* Fix: Announcement Bar - admin bar menus overlap issue
* Fix: Announcement Bar - Close button ARIA attribute validation issue
* Fix: Hover Cards - Missing image alt tag
* Fix: Testimonials - Fixed height option was not working for Layout 4
* Fix: Off-Canvas Content - Close icon was not getting displayed in some cases
* Fix: Video Gallery - Non-English letters in filter tags were breaking the functionality
* Fix: Advanced Tabs - ajaxurl unfefined error in some cases
* Fix: Advanced Accordion - ajaxurl unfefined error in some cases
* Fix: Header/Footer - Issue with Theme My Login password reset screen
* Development: Content Grid - Added filter hook pp_cg_filters_show_available_posts_terms
* Development: Content Grid - Added filter hook pp_cg_post_author_html
* Development: Author Box - Added filter hook pp_author_box_image_url
* Development: Author Box - Added filter hook pp_author_box_image_size

== v2.19.1 == Release date: December 2, 2021
* Fix: Content Grid - Pagination was not working properly when using custom query on category archives
* Fix: Content Grid - PHP warning after recent update
* Fix: Animated Headlines - Shortcodes were not working in the text field
* Fix: Table - File field value in ACF repeater was not getting outputted
* Fix: Filterable Gallery - Filter by URL was not working sometimes in Firefox

== 2.19.0 ==
Release date: November 29, 2021
* Enhancement: Maintenance Mode - Added scheduling feature
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Slide can be swiped using the URL hash in carousel
* Enhancement: Coupon - Added more position options for discount code and offer info
* Enhancement: Subscribe Form - Added form width and alignement options
* Enhancement: Logos Grid & Carousel - Added background color option for individual logo item
* Enhancement: Pricing Table - Added package title padding option for individual package item
* Fix: Logos Carousel - Update number of slides on window resize
* Fix: Contact Form - Empty message body getting sent in the email content when the message field is hidden
* Fix: Content Grid - Filters were not working when taxonomy terms slugs are in non-English letters
* Fix: Content Grid - FontAwesome CSS was not loading when using font awesome icon in the custom layout
* Fix: Hotspot - Trouble getting tooltip in touch devices when tooltip display setting is set to hover
* Fix: Social Share - Wrong sharing URL on user profile page by Ultimate Member plugin
* Fix: Breadcrumbs - Alignment setting was not working for responsive devices
* Fix: Info List - Removed empty CSS output for title margin
* Fix: Social Share - Facebook Messenger sharing was no longer working on mobile
* Fix: Timeline - Timeline items not loading in Off-Canvas panel
* Fix: Info List - Icon alignment issue when the whole box is linked
* Development: Registration Form - Added filter hook pp_rf_email_fields

== v2.18.4 == Release date: November 10, 2021
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added an option to provide custom separator for taxonomy terms
* Fix: Row Animated Background - Fix background size issue when using an image as background
* Fix: Added missing strings in French translations (props: Emmanuel SOYER)
* Fix: WPForms - Removed empty custom title and description HTML tags
* Fix: Countdown Timer - Expiry message for the fixed timer shows Unfefined in some cases
* Fix: Video - Added missing reset option for play icon border hover color
* Fix: Video Gallery - Added missing reset option for play icon border hover color
* Fix: Hotspot - PHP warning in some cases
* Fix: Custom Link field in media modal was not showing when Envira Gallery plugin is active

== v2.18.3 == Release date: October 29, 2021
* Enhancement: Image - Introducing CSS class "shrink-header-fix" to override custom width when module is used inside shrinkable header
* Fix: Gravity Forms - Padding wasn't getting applied on input fields in some cases
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Responsive submenu background color was not working in some cases
* Fix: Contact Form 7 - Column classes were not working in some cases
* Fix: Highlight Box - Font size was not working for dashicons
* Fix: Post Timeline - Icon size was not working for dashicons
* Development: Added filter hook pp_expandable_row_icon_html

== v2.18.2 == Release date: Ocotober 20, 2021
* Fix: Gravity Forms - Added missing responsive controls for label font size, description font size
* Fix: Gravity Forms - Input field padding responsive issue
* Fix: Gravity Forms - More override fixes due to text color set in row / column
* Fix: Countdown - Apostrophe in expire message field was breaking the layout
* Fix: Advanced Accordion - Added missing role="tablist" HTML attribute
* Fix: Info Box - Custom image width was not working when the module is used in site header
* Fix: Updated French translation and added missing MO file
* Fix: Updated Portuguese (Brazil) translations
* Development: Video - Added hook pp_video_lightbox_after_load

== 2.18.1 ==
Release date: October 13, 2021
* Enhancement: 目录 - Added a CSS class field under Sticky ToC settings to hide the ToC when it reaches to the row with specified CSS class
* Fix: Info Box - Added an option in the module to inherit the columns equal heights behavior (kept enabled by default for existing users)
* Fix: Photo Gallery - Added a workaround for the images which were not getting rendered in custom registered size
* Fix: Filterable Gallery - Added a workaround for the images which were not getting rendered in custom registered size
* Fix: Image Carousel - Added a workaround for the images which were not getting rendered in custom registered size
* Fix: Registration Form - Validation error message was not showing for custom added fields
* Fix: Gravity Forms - Text color set in the row or column setting overriding the custom title and description colors
* Development: Photo Gallery - Added filter hook pp_gallery_image_html_attrs
* Development: Filterable Gallery - Added filter hook pp_filterable_gallery_image_html_attrs
* Development: Logos Grid & Carousel - Added filter hook pp_logo_image_html_attrs
* Development: Advanced Accordion - Added filter hook pp_advanced_accordion_scroll_offset_top
* Development: Post related modules - Added filter hook pp_post_image_settings_data

== 2.18.0 ==
Release date: September 29, 2021
* Enhancement: Content Tiles - Added an option to enable date & author to be displayed on all tiles
* Enhancement: Advanced Tabs - Added an option to set an image as an icon
* Fix: Content Grid - None option in Fallback image field was not working in some cases
* Fix: Content Grid - Post Filter Type option will always be visible to switch pagination from AJAX to static
* Fix: Content Grid - Current category's child categories were not showing up in the taxonomy filters
* Fix: Advanced Accordion - Total Number of Posts value was getting restored to default one after saving the module settings
* Fix: Advanced Accordion - URL trigger was only working for the first instance when there are multiple instances on the page
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Sub-menu alignement issue when using Expanded layout
* Fix: Reviews - Google font awesome icon was not loading
* Fix: Info Box - Column equal heights causes Info Box to use all available space
* Fix: Login Form - Password reset was not working with BuddyBoss theme
* Fix: Filterable Gallery - Images were not getting rendered in the given size in some cases
* Fix: Animated Headlines - Animated text was not displaying in the builder when it renders the JS layout on changing module settings
* Fix: Maintenance Mode - Header/Footer set in PowerPack settings were getting displayed while maintenance mode is enabled
* Fix: Login/Register - Pages were not getting saved in the network admin
* Development: 目录 - Added JS hooks pp_toc_before_init and pp_toc_after_init
* Development: 目录 - Added is-empty and pp-toc-initialized CSS classes
* Development: Category Grid - Added filter hook pp_category_grid_exclude_current_category
* Development: Video - Added filter hook pp_video_iframe_attrs

⭐Similar Suggestion: Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder

下载 PowerPack Beaver Builder Addon v2.22.1 Nulled

注意: 也许你需要在安装插件之前解压。 如果任何主题/插件包含病毒,我们不提供任何保证。在本地主机上使用,请先查杀病毒。

Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder v1.34.5

最后更新于:2022-03-29 01:23:20


Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder is boosted with 60+ strong modules, 200+ section templates, and 100+ page templates to help you construct WordPress websites in record speed! This Beaver Builder Addon is meant to make website creation an enjoyable experience for you all.

Simply drag and drop custom modules and pre-designed row and page layouts to cut your website construction time in half!

We took the agony out of the website construction process with easy-to-use bespoke & creative modules that allow you to design websites in minutes without writing a single line of code with the Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder. As a result, you will no longer have to deal with the difficulties of coding!


Features: Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder

  • Ribbon: An eye-catching lead generating module that allows you to show headers, titles, and offers inside an eye-catching ribbon that can be modified to your specifications.
  • Separator of images: A creative module that allows you to insert useful and visually appealing pictures between rows.
  • Table of contents: A fantastic content module that can be used to present material in a detailed way, complete with a title, description, links, and a picture.
  • List of information: Another content module that lets you display a list of objects together with their associated information and a picture or symbol.
  • Box of Slides: A creative module for adding material to the front and rear of a box. When you hover or click on the box, the content on the back slides out.
  • Box that flips: Another creative module that functions similarly to a slide box, with the exception that the box is flipped over to display the information on the back.
  • Button: When combined with your call-to-action, a button may be an excellent lead generation module. This module has various options for making it seem attractive and trendy.
  • Icon / Image: The Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder include a vivid content module that enables you to upload a picture of your choosing and an icon from the hundreds available in the free library.
  • Separator that is simple: A basic content module that lets you place a separator between the title and description of a specific piece of content. You’ll like the style possibilities provided here!
  • Spacer: A basic yet helpful module for inserting extra space between modules or anyplace on a page.
  • Heading: You may put a heading anywhere on the page using the Heading module. Remember to use the heading module the next time you wish to add a single line.
  • Icons for Advanced Users: Choose an icon from the icon collection included with the Ultimate Addons. Customize and utilize them as needed.
  • Rating 5 stars: A basic content module that allows you to show star ratings along with a title on your website.
  • Modules that are 100% SEO friendly and load quickly.
  • A user-friendly interface that makes working with translations simple and enjoyable.
  • Responsive design was used.
  • All of the modules described above are part of a collection of 50+ high-performance and creative modules that make developing websites simple and enjoyable.
  • 300+ well-designed, conversion-focused, responsive, and visually appealing section and page templates made with your needs in mind. These are all loaded into a Template Cloud.
  • Modules may be easily enabled and disabled, reducing needless server queries.
  • While you are currently updating a page, you may use the Live Preview options.
  • Branding Using a Private Label
  • Unrestricted use on your own or your clients’ websites.

变更日志: Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder

v1.34.5, Thursday, 10th March 2022
- Improvement: Countdown - Added dynamic field option.
- Improvement: FAQ - Added a filter hook "uabb_faq_scroll_animation" to enable or disable scroll animation.
- Fixed: Advanced posts - Layout not visible properly when used as a saved module in Content Toggle/Advanced Accordion/ Advanced Tabs content.
- Fixed: Contact Form - Sending blank emails when a form is used in a modal popup and a popup is added on a page multiple times.
- Fixed: Dual button - The radius is not getting applied to the buttons.
- Fixed: Photo Gallery - Layout not visible properly when used as a saved module in Content Toggle/Advanced Accordion/ Advanced Tabs content.

v1.34.4, Tuesday, 1st February 2022
- Improvement: Advanced Timeline - Added WPML support to the Label text.
- Fixed: Advanced Posts - Fatal error with ACF in some cases.

v1.34.3, Thursday, 27th January 2022
- Fixed: Advanced Menu - Black box appearing below submenu when using the 2021 theme.
- Fixed: Advanced Posts - ACF repeater fields not working in Custom Post Layout.
- Fixed: Advanced Posts - Carousel dots and arrows get black background when using the 2021 theme.
- Fixed: Devices - Image size issue when Type is Tablet and Orientation is landscape.
- Fixed: IHover - Link added in the Description not working in some effects.
- Fixed: Image Carousel - Carousel dots and arrows get black background when using the 2021 theme.
- Fixed: Retina image - Resolved PHP warning with PHP Version 8 in some cases.
- Fixed: Social Share - Print option not working properly.
- Fixed: Video - Resolved PHP Notice when alt text is empty for Thumbnail.
- Fixed: Video Gallery - Carousel dots and arrows get black background when using the 2021 theme.
- Fixed: Woo - Categories - Carousel dots and arrows get black background when using the 2021 theme.
- Fixed: Woo - Products- Carousel dots and arrows get black background when using the 2021 theme.

v1.34.2, Thursday, 23rd December 2021
- Fixed: Advanced Icons - Fixed 'Links are not crawlable' error when link is empty.
- Improvement: Info Box - Added aria-label attribute to CTA link for Complete Box.
- Improvement: Video - Added alt attribute support for Custom Thumbnail.

v1.34.1, Thursday, 9th December 2021
- Fixed: Advanced Timeline - Link to Complete Box setting not working for Posts Content Type.
- Fixed: Conflict with BB Assistant in some UABB modules.
- Fixed: Image Carousel - Layout issue when used as saved module in Content Toggle/Advanced Accordion/ Advanced Tabs content.
- Fixed: Info Box - PHP error with v8 in some cases.
- Fixed: Photo Gallery - Layout issue when used as saved module in Content Toggle/Advanced Accordion/ Advanced Tabs content.

v1.34.0, Wednesday, 6th October 2021
- New: Login Form - Added preset designs.
- New: Marketing Button - Added preset designs.
- New: Social Share - Added preset designs.
- New: User Registration Form - Added preset designs.
- Improvement: Info Box - Added gradient field options for Gradient Button Style.
- Improvement: Login Form - Added icon support to the Login button.
- Improvement: Login Form - Added option to make Remember Me text and Login button inline.
- Improvement: Login Form - Added icon support to Username and Password fields.
- Improvement: Marketing Button - Added option for Flare Animation.
- Improvement: Photo Gallery - Added functionality to scroll to the filter tabs when opening specific tab using URL.
- Improvement: User Registration Form - Added icon support to form fields.
- Improvement: User Registration Form - Added option Show/Hide Terms and Conditions Text.
- Fixed: Advanced Tabs - Accordion toggle icons in responsive layout don't load in some cases.
- Fixed: Advanced Tabs - Default Tab icons are not visible on the front end.
- Fixed: Testimonials - Fatal error with PHP v8 in some cases.
- Fixed: Gravity Forms Styler - JS error with the Gravity Forms v2.5 onwards.
- Fixed: Login Form - Remember Me functionality not working.
- Fixed: User Registration Form - Column Gap setting not working.
- Fixed: Woo-Products - Sale flash layout issue in modern skin.

v1.33.0, Thursday, 9th September 2021
- New: Introduced Advanced Timeline module.
- Improvement: Button - Added support for Tablet devices for Alignment setting.
- Improvement: FAQ Schema - Added functionality to open a specific FAQ Accordion Item from URL.
- Improvement: Info List - Added option to change the thickness of Connector Line.
- Improvement: Video - Added Border settings.
- Fixed: iHover - Effect 13 is not working properly.
- Fixed: Login Form - Checkbox for Remember Me not working.
- Fixed: Modal Popup - Close on Overlay click setting is not working when Woo-Mini Cart module is added on same page.
- Fixed: Woo-Mini Cart - Cart Content is misaligned on archive pages.
- Fixed: Woo-Products - Add to Cart functionality is not working from Quick View for Variable Product.
- Fixed: Woo-Products - Columns setting not working on archive pages.

v1.32.0, Monday, 2nd August 2021
- New: Introduced Star Rating module.
- Improvement: Added WPML integration using wpml-config.xml file.
- Improvement: Optimized CSS & JS in the plugin for improving Core Web Vitals.
- Fixed: Advanced Tabs - Title typography settings are not working properly.
- Fixed: Off-canvas - Padding settings not working for all the buttons styles.
- Fixed: Off-canvas - Full-width Button option not working for default style.
- Fixed: Social Share - Auto layout not working as expected for the responsive devices.

v1.31.2, Tuesday, 13th July 2021
- Fixed: Advanced Testimonials - Fatal error with PHP v8 when Image/Icon Size is empty.
- Fixed: Social Share - PHP notice when Social Share Type is Pinterest and no image is set.
- Fixed: Woo-Products - Grid & Carousel layout breaks on archive pages.
- Fixed: Woo-Categories - Grid & Carousel layout breaks on archive pages.

v1.31.1, Friday, 2nd July 2021
- Fixed: Heading - Description text gets disappeared after updating to latest version.

v1.31.0, Thursday, 1st July 2021
- New: Advanced Accordion - Added preset designs
- New: Advanced Tabs - Added preset designs
- New: Business Hours - Added preset designs
- New: Dual Buttons - Added preset designs
- New: Dual Color Heading - Added preset designs
- New: FAQ Schema - Added preset designs
- New: Heading - Added preset designs
- New: Info Box - Added preset designs
- New: Countdown - Added preset designs
- New: Team - Added preset designs
- Improvement: Added new default designs for modules
- Improvement: Advanced Tab - Added Tab spacing options for horizontal layout.
- Improvement: Team - Added Border setting for the complete box.
- Improvement: Team - Added a single Background setting for the complete box.
- Improvement: Advanced Icons - Added aria-label attribute to link.
- Improvement: Button - Added aria-label attribute to link.
- Improvement: Video - Added title attribute to iframe in Video module.
- Improvement: Business Reviews - Added responsive support for carousel arrows.
- Improvement: Woo-Products - Added filter to change Quick View text.
- Fixed: Advanced Testimonials - Icon dynamic CSS was not being applied when the layout is selected as Box.
- Fixed: Advanced Menu - Menu text color option is not working with rgba color code.
- Fixed: Dual Buttons - Border radius not working for mobile devices.
- Fixed: Heading - Heading Bottom Margin is overridden if we add another Heading Module in the Themer Layout.
- Fixed: Woo-Products - When Source is ACF Relationship respective settings are not shown.

v1.30.6, Thursday, 27th May 2021
- Fixed: Advanced Menu - Desktop menu disappears when Responsive Layout is Below Row.
- Fixed: Advanced Testimonials - Fatal error with PHP v8.

v1.30.5, Monday, 24th May 2021
- Improvement: Advanced Testimonials - Added responsive support for Image/Icon Size.
- Improvement: Dual Button - Changes in settings UI.
- Improvement: Heading: Added WPML support to the Link field.
- Improvement: Advanced Menu - Added Menu Label Typography option for Responsive Navigation.
- Improvement: Modal Popup - Added field connection support for color fields.
- Improvement: Photo gallery - Added filter to modify Filterable tabs
- Fixed: Conflict between Image Carousel and Business Reviews Carousel layout.
- Fixed: Advanced Posts - Custom Size option for Featured Image not working as expected.
- Fixed: Advanced Posts - Accessibility errors with Carousel layout.
- Fixed: Advanced Menu - CLS issue with Responsive Below Row layout.
- Fixed: Advanced Testimonials - Spacing not working in between paragraph as expected.
- Fixed: Woo-Mini Cart - Close Cart on Overlay Click functionality is not working in Modal & Off-Canvas Cart Style.
- Fixed: Woo-Mini Cart - Badge Position & Color changes after publishing.

⭐另请参考: Collection of WordPress plugins updated daily on FreeWP

下载 Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder v1.34.5 Nulled

注意: 也许你需要在安装插件之前解压。 如果任何主题/插件包含病毒,我们不提供任何保证。在本地主机上使用,请先查杀病毒。