【前方高能!】Gifts from Santa Claus——股指期货趋势交易研究
最后更新于:2022-04-01 21:59:22
# 【前方高能!】Gifts from Santa Claus——股指期货趋势交易研究
> 来源:https://uqer.io/community/share/567ca9b1228e5b3444688438

## 股指期货的前世今生
股指期货,名曰期指,乃期货界的明珠,现货对应的是股票指数,其逼格比之大豆棉油不知道甩几条巷子。期指的上市为股票市场提供了很好的风险管理和做策略的工具,矿工们也觉得自己终于能吃上一碗带肉的康师傅牛肉面。正所谓侠之大者,为国背锅,这一年股指期货经历了不平凡的跌宕起伏。上半年市场一片开朗,10000点不是梦,期指也由原来的 'IF(沪深300)'一个品种增加到了‘IH(上证50)’,‘IF(沪深300)’,‘IC(中证500)’三个品种。“放开让孩儿们玩吧”,不愿透露姓名的领导心里想着,顺势掐灭了手上的烟头。不幸的是,市场下半年被玩坏了,从去杠杆到查做空、从基金经理被约谈到公安部出动、从券商砸奖金到救市基金强势入场,轰轰烈烈的市场拯救活动持续了一两个月,终于把市场给摁了下来。比较不幸的是,量化交易和衍生品受到了比较严重的打击和监管。股指期货的交易方式、保证金比例、交易频率都受到了严厉的限制,并成为众矢之的。
## 股指期货的才艺
+ 1、构建alpha市场中性策略;
+ 2、期限套利;
+ 3、期指间跨期跨品种套利;
+ 4、趋势交易;
+ 5、高频交易(现在估计比较难)。
这次我们主要研究一种单品种的股指期货趋势交易策略,提供了一种基于市场情绪的择时指标,称之为ITS(Informed Trader Sentiment),参考文献为。
## ITS——基于市场情绪的择时指标
+ step1. 表单中筛选VIP单位(三个排名均上榜)→ 备选大佬;
+ step2. 备选大佬中找到(持仓量/成交量)大于Avg的VIP单位 → 对的大佬;
+ step3. ITS = (持买单量-持卖单量)/(持买单量+持卖单量)
## ITS信号生成器
from CAL.PyCAL import *
import copy as cp
import numpy as np
# generate the its signal
class itsFutSignal:
def __init__(self,secID,currentDate):
self.secID = secID
self.currentDate = currentDate
self.sigDate = self.lastDateGet()
self.contract = self.currContractGet()
self.posTable = self.posTableGet()
self.vipDict = self.vipDictGet()
self.sentiSig = self.sentiSigGet()
self.inforedInvestor = self.inforedInvestorGet()
self.itsSig = self.itsSigGet()
def lastDateGet(self):
calendar = Calendar('China.SSE')
date = calendar.advanceDate(self.currentDate,'-'+str(1)+'B').toDateTime()
return date
def currContractGet(self):
future = DataAPI.MktMFutdGet(mainCon=u"1",contractMark=u"",contractObject=u"",tradeDate=self.sigDate,startDate=u"",endDate=u"",field=u"",pandas="1")
for index in future.ticker:
if index[:2] == self.secID:
return future[future.ticker==index].ticker.tolist()[0]
def posTableGet(self):
pos = DataAPI.MktFutMLRGet(secID=u"",ticker=self.contract,beginDate=self.sigDate,endDate=self.sigDate,field=u"",pandas="1")
neg = DataAPI.MktFutMSRGet(secID=u"",ticker=self.contract,beginDate=self.sigDate,endDate=self.sigDate,field=u"",pandas="1")
vol = DataAPI.MktFutMTRGet(secID=u"",ticker=self.contract,beginDate=self.sigDate,endDate=self.sigDate,field=u"",pandas="1")
return {'pos':pos,'neg':neg,'vol':vol}
calendar = Calendar('China.SSE')
self.sigDate = calendar.advanceDate(self.sigDate,'-'+str(1)+'B').toDateTime()
self.contract = self.currContractGet()
return self.posTableGet()
def list2Dict(self,list):
keys = list[0]
values = list[1]
resultDict = {}
for index in range(len(keys)):
resultDict[keys[index]] = values[index]
return resultDict
def vipDictGet(self):
####get data
longDict = self.list2Dict([self.posTable['pos'].partyShortName.tolist(),self.posTable['pos'].longVol])
shortDict = self.list2Dict([self.posTable['neg'].partyShortName.tolist(),self.posTable['neg'].shortVol])
volDict = self.list2Dict([self.posTable['vol'].partyShortName.tolist(),self.posTable['vol'].turnoverVol])
####get vip list
vipList = []
for index in longDict.keys():
if index in shortDict.keys():
if index in volDict.keys():
####get vip dict
vipDict = {}
for index in vipList:
vipDict[index] = [longDict[index],shortDict[index],volDict[index]]
return vipDict
def sentiSigGet(self):
sentiSig = {}
for index in self.vipDict:
sentiSig[index] = sum(self.vipDict[index][:2])*1.0/self.vipDict[index][-1]
return sentiSig
def inforedInvestorGet(self):
if len(self.sentiSig) != 0:
sentiAvg = sum(self.sentiSig.values())/len(self.sentiSig)
inforedInvestor = [index for index in self.sentiSig if self.sentiSig[index] > sentiAvg]
return inforedInvestor
sentiAvg = 0
return []
def itsSigGet(self):
totalBuy = 0
totalSell = 0
if len(self.inforedInvestor) != 0:
for index in self.inforedInvestor:
totalBuy += self.vipDict[index][0]
totalSell += self.vipDict[index][1]
if totalBuy + totalSell != 0:
return 1.0*(totalBuy - totalSell)/(totalBuy + totalSell)
return 'null'
return 'null'
## ITS趋势交易信号
1)`ITS > Thres`: 大佬看多,买买买,交易信号为1;
2)`ITS < Thres`: 大佬看空,卖卖卖,交易信号为-1;
3)`ITS = Thres & DataErr`: 形势不明朗或找不到大佬,停止交易观望,交易信号为0
此处我们取 `Thres = -0.12`? Why?其实是这样的,由于期现套利交易的存在,因此期指本身有一部分的空单是由于期限套利造成的,由于这部分资金通常会留存较久,因此通常情况下期指的持仓总量应该是空单偏多,而我们判断市场情绪的时候要把这部分期货市场上的“裸空单”给剔除掉,因此Thres应该设置为负。
## IF趋势交易测试
3)每日收益率:我们假定在获取当日的信号后,在开盘的一段时间内以某个价格买入期指,持有至临近收盘后以某个价格卖出,做日内交易。那么买卖价如何界定?有三种方式来计算:①昨收-今收; ②今开-今收; ③昨结算-今结算。 ①和②都是时点价格,而③是均价。①必然不合理因为无法在昨日收盘前得到今日的交易信号,不具有可操作性;②是时点价格,可操作性也不强;对③来讲,由于结算价是一段时间的均价,我们认为拿这个均价作为买卖的期望价格是合理的。所以每日收益率的计算方式是③;
startDate = '20110101'
endDate = '20150801'
future = DataAPI.MktMFutdGet(mainCon=u"1",contractMark=u"",contractObject=u"",tradeDate=u'',startDate=startDate,endDate=endDate,field=u"",pandas="1")
# print future
closePrice = []
openPrice = []
preClosePrice = []
settlePrice = []
preSettlePrice = []
tradeDate = []
ticker = []
for index in future.ticker.tolist():
if index[:2] == 'IF':
if index not in ticker:
for index in ticker:
closePrice += future[future.ticker==index]['closePrice'].tolist()
openPrice += future[future.ticker==index]['openPrice'].tolist()
preClosePrice += future[future.ticker==index]['preClosePrice'].tolist()
settlePrice += future[future.ticker==index]['settlePrice'].tolist()
preSettlePrice += future[future.ticker==index]['preSettlePrice'].tolist()
tradeDate += future[future.ticker==index]['tradeDate'].tolist()
closePrice = np.array(closePrice)
openPrice = np.array(openPrice)
preClosePrice = np.array(preClosePrice)
settlePrice = np.array(settlePrice)
preSettlePrice = np.array(preSettlePrice)
closeRetRate = (closePrice - preClosePrice)/preClosePrice
settleRetRate = (settlePrice - preSettlePrice)/preSettlePrice
clopenRetRate = (closePrice - openPrice)/openPrice
tradeDate = tradeDate
itsValue = [itsFutSignal('IF',index).itsSig for index in tradeDate]
itsSignal = []
thres = -0.12
for index in itsValue:
if index != 'null':
if index > thres:
itsSignal = np.array(itsSignal)
benchMark = DataAPI.MktIdxdGet(tradeDate=u"",indexID=u"",ticker=u"000300",beginDate=startDate,endDate=endDate,field=u"closeIndex",pandas="1")['closeIndex'].tolist()
benchMark = benchMark/benchMark[0]
## 回测展示
1) 每日收益率根据结算价来计算,前结算价作为买入的参考均价,结算价作为卖出的参考均价;
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
####calculate the daily return
dailyRet = settleRetRate*itsSignal
####calculate the winRate
count = 0
denom = 0
for index in dailyRet:
if index > 0:
count += 1
if index != 0:
denom += 1
print '策略胜率 : ' + str(round((count*1.0/denom)*100,2)) + '%'
####calculate the curve
curve = [1]
position = 0.8
for index in dailyRet:
curve.append(curve[-1] + index*position)
####calculate the location
print '策略仓位 : ' + str(position)
####calculate the max drawDown
maxDrawDown = []
for index in range(len(curve)):
tmp = [ele/curve[index] for ele in curve[index:]]
print '最大回撤 : ' + str(round((1-min(maxDrawDown))*100,2)) + '%'
####calculate the sharpRatio
stDate = Date(int(startDate[:4]),int(startDate[4:6]),int(startDate[6:8]))
edDate = Date(int(endDate[:4]),int(endDate[4:6]),int(endDate[6:8]))
duration = round((edDate-stDate)/365.0,1)
retYearly = curve[-1]/duration
interest = 0.05
fluctuation = np.std(curve)/np.sqrt(duration)
print '年化收益 : ' + str(round(retYearly,2)*100.0) + '%'
print '夏普比率 : ' + str(round((retYearly-interest)/fluctuation,2))
####plot the figure
print '\n'
策略胜率 : 55.03%
策略仓位 : 0.8
最大回撤 : 10.06%
年化收益 : 49.0%
夏普比率 : 2.44

被曲线美哭了,不叨叨了,Merry Xmas!

四 期货分析
最后更新于:2022-04-01 21:59:20
# 四 期货分析
最后更新于:2022-04-01 21:59:17
# 期权每日成交额PC比例计算
> 来源:https://uqer.io/community/share/55bed777f9f06c915418c62f
## P/C作为市场情绪指标
+ 看跌期权的成交量可以作为市场看空力量多寡的衡量;
+ 看涨期权的成交量可以描述市场看多力量。
+ 当P/C比例过小达到一个极端时,被视为市场过度乐观,此时市场将遏制原来的上涨趋势;
+ 当P/C比例过大到达另一个极端时,被视为市场过度悲观,此时市场可能出现反弹。
from matplotlib import pylab
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import DataAPI
import seaborn as sns
## 1. 定义计算PCR的函数
def getHistDayOptions(var, date):
# 使用DataAPI.OptGet,拿到已退市和上市的所有期权的基本信息;
# 同时使用DataAPI.MktOptdGet,拿到历史上某一天的期权成交信息;
# 返回历史上指定日期交易的所有期权信息,包括:
# optID varSecID contractType strikePrice expDate tradeDate closePrice turnoverValue
# 以optID为index。
vixDateStr = date.toISO().replace('-', '')
optionsMkt = DataAPI.MktOptdGet(tradeDate = vixDateStr, field = [u"optID", "tradeDate", "closePrice", "turnoverValue"], pandas = "1")
optionsMkt = optionsMkt.set_index(u"optID")
optionsMkt.closePrice.name = u"price"
optionsID = map(str, optionsMkt.index.values.tolist())
fieldNeeded = ["optID", u"varSecID", u'contractType', u'strikePrice', u'expDate']
optionsInfo = DataAPI.OptGet(optID=optionsID, contractStatus = [u"DE", u"L"], field=fieldNeeded, pandas="1")
optionsInfo = optionsInfo.set_index(u"optID")
options = pd.concat([optionsInfo, optionsMkt], axis=1, join='inner').sort_index()
return options[options.varSecID==var]
def calDayTurnoverValuePCR(optionVarSecID, date):
# 计算历史每日的看跌看涨期权交易额的比值
# PCR: put call ratio
options = getHistDayOptions(optionVarSecID, date)
call = options[options.contractType==u"CO"]
put = options[options.contractType==u"PO"]
callTurnoverValue = call.turnoverValue.sum()
putTurnoverValue = put.turnoverValue.sum()
return 1.0 * putTurnoverValue / callTurnoverValue
def getHistPCR(beginDate, endDate):
# 计算历史一段时间内的PCR指数并返回
optionVarSecID = u"510050.XSHG"
cal = Calendar('China.SSE')
dates = cal.bizDatesList(beginDate, endDate)
dates = map(Date.toDateTime, dates)
histPCR = pd.DataFrame(0.0, index=dates, columns=['PCR'])
histPCR.index.name = 'date'
for date in histPCR.index:
histPCR['PCR'][date] = calDayTurnoverValuePCR(optionVarSecID, Date.fromDateTime(date))
return histPCR
def getDayPCR(date):
# 计算历史某一天的PCR指数并返回
optionVarSecID = u"510050.XSHG"
return calDayTurnoverValuePCR(optionVarSecID, date)
## 2. 计算PCR指标
begin = Date(2015, 2, 9)
end = Date(2015, 7, 30)
getHistPCR(begin, end).tail()
| | PCR |
| --- | --- |
| date | |
| 2015-07-24 | 1.032107 |
| 2015-07-27 | 2.097952 |
| 2015-07-28 | 2.288790 |
| 2015-07-29 | 1.971831 |
| 2015-07-30 | 1.527717 |
date = Date(2015, 7, 30)
## 3. PC指标历史走势
secID = '510050.XSHG'
begin = Date(2015, 2, 9)
end = Date(2015, 7, 30)
# 历史PCR
histPCR = getHistPCR(begin, end)
# 华夏上证50ETF
etf = DataAPI.MktFunddGet(secID, beginDate=begin.toISO().replace('-', ''), endDate=end.toISO().replace('-', ''), field=['tradeDate', 'closePrice'])
etf['tradeDate'] = pd.to_datetime(etf['tradeDate'])
etf = etf.set_index('tradeDate')
pylab.figure(figsize = (12,6))
ax1 = histPCR.plot(x=histPCR.index, y='PCR', style='r')
ax1.set_xlabel(u'日期', fontproperties=font)
ax1.set_ylabel(u'VIX(%)', fontproperties=font)
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax2.set_ylabel(u'ETF Price', fontproperties=font)

最后更新于:2022-04-01 21:59:15
# 基于期权PCR指数的择时策略
> 来源:https://uqer.io/community/share/55bedc1af9f06c91f818c62d
## P/C作为市场情绪指标
+ 看跌期权的成交量可以作为市场看空力量多寡的衡量;
+ 看涨期权的成交量可以描述市场看多力量。
+ 当P/C比例过小达到一个极端时,被视为市场过度乐观,此时市场将遏制原来的上涨趋势;
+ 当P/C比例过大到达另一个极端时,被视为市场过度悲观,此时市场可能出现反弹。
比较交易日之前两日的PCR(Put Call Ratio)指数:
+ PCR上升时,市场恐慌情绪蔓延,卖出
+ PCR下降时,恐慌情绪有所舒缓,买入
## 1. 计算历史PCR指数
from matplotlib import pylab
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import DataAPI
import seaborn as sns
def getHistDayOptions(var, date):
# 使用DataAPI.OptGet,拿到已退市和上市的所有期权的基本信息;
# 同时使用DataAPI.MktOptdGet,拿到历史上某一天的期权成交信息;
# 返回历史上指定日期交易的所有期权信息,包括:
# optID varSecID contractType strikePrice expDate tradeDate closePrice turnoverValue
# 以optID为index。
dateStr = date.toISO().replace('-', '')
optionsMkt = DataAPI.MktOptdGet(tradeDate = dateStr, field = [u"optID", "tradeDate", "closePrice", "turnoverValue"], pandas = "1")
optionsMkt = optionsMkt.set_index(u"optID")
optionsMkt.closePrice.name = u"price"
optionsID = map(str, optionsMkt.index.values.tolist())
fieldNeeded = ["optID", u"varSecID", u'contractType', u'strikePrice', u'expDate']
optionsInfo = DataAPI.OptGet(optID=optionsID, contractStatus = [u"DE", u"L"], field=fieldNeeded, pandas="1")
optionsInfo = optionsInfo.set_index(u"optID")
options = concat([optionsInfo, optionsMkt], axis=1, join='inner').sort_index()
return options[options.varSecID==var]
def calDayTurnoverValuePCR(optionVarSecID, date):
# 计算历史每日的看跌看涨期权交易额的比值
# PCR: put call ratio
options = getHistDayOptions(optionVarSecID, date)
call = options[options.contractType==u"CO"]
put = options[options.contractType==u"PO"]
callTurnoverValue = call.turnoverValue.sum()
putTurnoverValue = put.turnoverValue.sum()
return 1.0 * putTurnoverValue / callTurnoverValue
def getHistPCR(beginDate, endDate):
# 计算历史一段时间内的PCR指数并返回
optionVarSecID = u"510050.XSHG"
cal = Calendar('China.SSE')
dates = cal.bizDatesList(beginDate, endDate)
dates = map(Date.toDateTime, dates)
histPCR = pd.DataFrame(0.0, index=dates, columns=['PCR'])
histPCR.index.name = 'date'
for date in histPCR.index:
histPCR['PCR'][date] = calDayTurnoverValuePCR(optionVarSecID, Date.fromDateTime(date))
return histPCR
def getDayPCR(date):
# 计算历史一段时间内的PCR指数并返回
optionVarSecID = u"510050.XSHG"
return calDayTurnoverValuePCR(optionVarSecID, date)
secID = '510050.XSHG'
begin = Date(2015, 2, 9)
end = Date(2015, 7, 30)
getHistPCR(begin, end).tail()
| | PCR |
| --- | --- |
| date | |
| 2015-07-24 | 1.032107 |
| 2015-07-27 | 2.097952 |
| 2015-07-28 | 2.288790 |
| 2015-07-29 | 1.971831 |
| 2015-07-30 | 1.527717 |
## 2. PCR指数与华夏上证50ETF基金的走势对比
secID = '510050.XSHG'
begin = Date(2015, 2, 9)
end = Date(2015, 7, 30)
# 历史PCR
histPCR = getHistPCR(begin, end)
# 华夏上证50ETF
etf = DataAPI.MktFunddGet(secID, beginDate=begin.toISO().replace('-', ''), endDate=end.toISO().replace('-', ''), field=['tradeDate', 'closePrice'])
etf['tradeDate'] = pd.to_datetime(etf['tradeDate'])
etf = etf.set_index('tradeDate')
pylab.figure(figsize = (16,8))
ax1 = histPCR.plot(x=histPCR.index, y='PCR', style='r')
ax1.set_xlabel(u'日期', fontproperties=font)
ax1.set_ylabel(u'PCR(%)', fontproperties=font)
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax2.set_ylabel(u'ETF Price', fontproperties=font)

## 3. 基于PCR指数的择时策略示例
start = datetime(2015, 2, 9) # 回测起始时间
end = datetime(2015, 7, 31) # 回测结束时间
benchmark = '510050.XSHG' # 策略参考标准
universe = ['510050.XSHG'] # 股票池
capital_base = 100000 # 起始资金
commission = Commission(0.0,0.0)
longest_history = 1
histPCR = getHistPCR(start, end)
def initialize(account): # 初始化虚拟账户状态
account.fund = universe[0]
def handle_data(account): # 每个交易日的买入卖出指令
hist = account.get_history(longest_history)
fund = account.fund
# 获取回测当日的前一天日期
dt = Date.fromDateTime(account.current_date)
cal = Calendar('China.IB')
lastTDay = cal.advanceDate(dt,'-1B',BizDayConvention.Preceding) #计算出倒数第一个交易日
lastLastTDay = cal.advanceDate(lastTDay,'-1B',BizDayConvention.Preceding) #计算出倒数第二个交易日
last_day_str = lastTDay.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
last_last_day_str = lastLastTDay.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
# 计算买入卖出信号
pcr_last = histPCR['PCR'].loc[last_day_str] # 计算短均线值
pcr_last_last = histPCR['PCR'].loc[last_last_day_str] # 计算长均线值
long_flag = True if (pcr_last - pcr_last_last) < 0 else False
if long_flag:
if account.position.secpos.get(fund, 0) == 0:
# 空仓时全仓买入,买入股数为100的整数倍
approximationAmount = int(account.cash / hist[fund]['closePrice'][-1]/100.0) * 100
order(fund, approximationAmount)
# 卖出时,全仓清空
if account.position.secpos.get(fund, 0) >= 0:
order_to(fund, 0)

最后更新于:2022-04-01 21:59:13
# 期权市场一周纵览
> 来源:https://uqer.io/community/share/55027679f9f06c7a9ae9a53a
本文档依赖的数据 `option_data.csv` 可以通过运行 期权高频数据准备 notebook而获取。
from matplotlib import pylab
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
sns.set(style="white", context="talk")
import pandas as pd
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,>.4f}'.format
res = pd.read_csv('option_data.csv', parse_dates=['pdDateTime'])
res['timeStamp'] = res['dataDate'] + ' ' + res['dataTime']
res['timeStamp'] = pd.to_datetime(res['timeStamp'])
res.optionId = res.optionId.astype('str')
res = res.drop('Unnamed: 0', axis=1)
res.pdDateTime = res.pdDateTime.apply(lambda x:Date(x.year,x.month,x.day))
print('开始日期: ' + res['dataDate'].iloc[0])
print('结束日期: ' + res['dataDate'].iloc[-1])
print('Market Sample: ')
res[['dataDate', 'dataTime', 'optionId', 'lastPrice', 'bidPrice1', 'askPrice1', 'lastPrice(vol)']].head()
开始日期: 2015-03-05
结束日期: 2015-03-09
Market Sample:
| | dataDate | dataTime | optionId | lastPrice | bidPrice1 | askPrice1 | lastPrice(vol) |
| --- | --- |
| 0 | 2015-03-05 | 09:30:00 | 10000001 | 0.1677 | 0.1717 | 0.1765 | 0.3468 |
| 1 | 2015-03-05 | 09:30:14 | 10000001 | 0.1717 | 0.1717 | 0.1765 | 0.3768 |
| 2 | 2015-03-05 | 09:30:15 | 10000001 | 0.1717 | 0.1610 | 0.1798 | 0.3768 |
| 3 | 2015-03-05 | 09:30:16 | 10000001 | 0.1678 | 0.1610 | 0.1798 | 0.3525 |
| 4 | 2015-03-05 | 09:30:18 | 10000001 | 0.1798 | 0.1641 | 0.1798 | 0.4205 |
## 1. 买卖价差分析
### 1.1 买卖价差(到期时间)
bidAskSample = res[[u'optionId', 'pdDateTime', 'dataDate', 'contractType', 'strikePrice', 'bidAskSpread(bps)']]
bidAskSample.columns = ['optionId', 'maturity', 'tradingDate', 'contractType', 'strikePrice', 'bidAskSpread(bps)']
tmp = bidAskSample.groupby(['maturity'])[['bidAskSpread(bps)']]
ax = tmp.mean().plot(kind = 'bar', figsize = (12,6), rot = 45)
ax.set_title(u'买卖价差(按照期权到期时间)', fontproperties = font, fontsize = 25)
ax.set_xlabel(u'到期时间', fontproperties = font, fontsize = 15)

### 1.2 买卖价差(行权价)
tmp = bidAskSample.groupby(['maturity', 'strikePrice'])[['bidAskSpread(bps)']].mean().unstack()
ax = tmp.plot(kind = 'bar', figsize = (12,6), legend = True, rot = 45)
patches, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
labels = ['Strike/' + l.strip('()').split()[1] for l in labels]
ax.legend(patches, labels, loc='best', prop = font)
ax.set_title(u'买卖价差(按照期权行权价)', fontproperties = font, fontsize = 25)
ax.set_xlabel(u'到期时间', fontproperties = font, fontsize = 15)

### 1.3 买卖价差(期权类型)
tmp = bidAskSample.groupby(['maturity', 'contractType'])[['bidAskSpread(bps)']].mean().unstack()
ax = tmp.plot(kind = 'bar', figsize = (12,6), rot = 45)
patches, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
labels = [l.strip('()').split()[1] for l in labels]
ax.legend(patches, labels, loc='best')
ax.set_title(u'买卖价差(按照期权类型)', fontproperties = font, fontsize = 25)
ax.set_xlabel(u'到期时间', fontproperties = font, fontsize = 15)

## 2. 日交易量分析
volumeSample = res[[u'optionId', 'pdDateTime', 'dataDate', 'contractType', 'strikePrice', 'volume']]
volumeSample.columns = ['optionId', 'maturity', 'tradingDate', 'contractType', 'strikePrice', 'volume']
tmp = volumeSample.groupby(['tradingDate'])[['volume']].sum()
ax = tmp.plot(kind = 'bar', figsize = (12,6), rot = 45)
ax.set_title(u'日交易量(按交易日期)', fontproperties = font, fontsize = 25)
ax.set_xlabel(u'交易日期', fontproperties = font, fontsize = 15)

### 2.1 日交易量(到期时间)
tmp = volumeSample.groupby(['maturity', 'tradingDate'])[['volume']].sum().unstack()
ax = tmp.plot(kind = 'bar', figsize = (12,6), rot = 45)
patches, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
labels = [l.strip('()').split()[1] for l in labels]
ax.legend(patches, labels, loc='best')
ax.set_title(u'日交易量(按照期权到期时间)', fontproperties = font, fontsize = 25)
ax.set_xlabel(u'到期时间', fontproperties = font, fontsize = 15)

| | volume |
| --- | --- |
| tradingDate | 2015-03-05 | 2015-03-06 | 2015-03-09 | 2015-03-10 | 2015-03-11 |
| maturity | | | | | |
| March 25th, 2015 | 18767.0000 | 16704.0000 | 31115.0000 | 11888.0000 | 11562.0000 |
| April 22nd, 2015 | 7791.0000 | 4468.0000 | 13355.0000 | 6909.0000 | 5632.0000 |
| June 24th, 2015 | 965.0000 | 326.0000 | 3091.0000 | 619.0000 | 604.0000 |
| September 23rd, 2015 | 635.0000 | 101.0000 | 2426.0000 | 240.0000 | 178.0000 |
### 2.2 日交易量(行权价)
tmp = volumeSample.groupby(['tradingDate','strikePrice'])[['volume']].sum().unstack()
ax = tmp.plot(kind = 'bar', figsize = (16,8), rot = 45)
patches, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
labels = ['Strike/' + l.strip('()').split()[1] for l in labels]
ax.legend(patches, labels, loc='best')
ax.set_title(u'日交易量(按照期权行权价)', fontproperties = font, fontsize = 25)
ax.set_xlabel(u'交易日期', fontproperties = font, fontsize = 15)

| | volume |
| --- | --- |
| strikePrice | 2.2000 | 2.2500 | 2.3000 | 2.3500 | 2.4000 | 2.4500 | 2.5000 | 2.5500 |
| tradingDate | | | | | | | | |
| 2015-03-05 | 2597.0000 | 1725.0000 | 3077.0000 | 5351.0000 | 5430.0000 | 4231.0000 | 3148.0000 | 2599.0000 |
| 2015-03-06 | 1352.0000 | 750.0000 | 1435.0000 | 5219.0000 | 4395.0000 | 3301.0000 | 3143.0000 | 2004.0000 |
| 2015-03-09 | 4576.0000 | 3407.0000 | 3599.0000 | 8954.0000 | 9564.0000 | 9015.0000 | 5969.0000 | 4903.0000 |
| 2015-03-10 | 2225.0000 | 1649.0000 | 1532.0000 | 3237.0000 | 3588.0000 | 2832.0000 | 2343.0000 | 2250.0000 |
| 2015-03-11 | 2021.0000 | 1286.0000 | 1299.0000 | 2959.0000 | 3121.0000 | 2648.0000 | 2565.0000 | 2077.0000 |
### 2.3 日交易量(期权类型)
tmp = volumeSample.groupby(['tradingDate','contractType'])[['volume']].sum().unstack()
ax = tmp.plot(kind = 'bar', y = ['volume'], figsize = (12,6), rot = 45)
patches, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
labels = [l.strip('()').split()[1] for l in labels]
ax.legend(patches, labels, loc='best')
ax.set_title(u'日交易量(按照期权类型)', fontproperties = font, fontsize = 25)
ax.set_xlabel(u'交易日期', fontproperties = font, fontsize = 15)

## 3. 波动率价差分析
bidAskVolSample = res[[u'optionId', 'pdDateTime', 'dataDate', 'contractType', 'strikePrice', 'bidAskSpread(vol bps)']]
bidAskVolSample.columns = ['optionId', 'maturity', 'tradingDate', 'contractType', 'strikePrice', 'bidAskSpread(vol bps)']
### 3.1 波动率价差(到期时间)
tmp = bidAskVolSample.groupby(['maturity'])[['bidAskSpread(vol bps)']]
ax = tmp.mean().plot(kind = 'bar', figsize = (12,6), rot = 45)
ax.set_title(u'波动率价差(按照期权到期时间)', fontproperties = font, fontsize = 25)
ax.set_xlabel(u'到期时间', fontproperties = font, fontsize = 15)

### 3.2 波动率价差(行权价)
tmp = bidAskVolSample.groupby(['maturity', 'strikePrice'])[['bidAskSpread(vol bps)']].mean().unstack()
ax = tmp.plot(kind = 'bar', figsize = (14,6), legend = True, rot = 45)
patches, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
labels = ['strike/' + l.strip('()').split()[-1] for l in labels]
ax.legend(patches, labels, loc='best')
ax.set_title(u'波动率价差(按照期权行权价)', fontproperties = font, fontsize = 25)
ax.set_xlabel(u'到期时间', fontproperties = font, fontsize = 15)

### 3.3 波动率价差(期权类型)
tmp = bidAskVolSample.groupby(['maturity', 'contractType'])[['bidAskSpread(vol bps)']].mean().unstack()
ax = tmp.plot(kind = 'bar', figsize = (12,6), rot = 45)
patches, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
labels = [l.split()[-1].strip('()') for l in labels]
ax.legend(patches, labels, loc='best')
ax.set_title(u'波动率价差(按照期权类型)', fontproperties = font, fontsize = 25)
ax.set_xlabel(u'到期时间', fontproperties = font, fontsize = 15)

### 3.4 波动率价差(交易时间)
tmp = bidAskVolSample.groupby(['tradingDate', 'maturity'])[['bidAskSpread(vol bps)']].mean().unstack()
ax = tmp.plot(kind = 'bar', figsize = (12,6), rot = 45)
patches, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
labels = [l.split(',')[1].strip('()') for l in labels]
ax.legend(patches, labels, loc='best')
ax.set_title(u'波动率价差(按照交易时间)', fontproperties = font, fontsize = 25)
ax.set_xlabel(u'交易日期', fontproperties = font, fontsize = 15)

## 4. 个券分析
### 4.1 交易量
tmp = volumeSample.groupby(['tradingDate','optionId'])[['volume']].sum().unstack()
fig, axs = pylab.subplots(len(tmp)/2 + len(tmp)%2, 2, figsize = (16,8 * len(tmp)/2))
for i in range(len(tmp)):
sample = pd.DataFrame(tmp.iloc[i]['volume'])
sample.columns = ['volume']
sample = sample.sort('volume', ascending = False)
sample = sample[:10]
row = i / 2
col = i % 2
sample.plot(kind = 'PIE',y = 'volume', sharex= False, ax = axs[row][col], legend = False, rot = 45)
axs[row][col].set_title(u'交易日: ' + str(tmp.index[i]), fontproperties = font, fontsize = 18)

### 4.2 买卖价差
tmp = bidAskSample.groupby(['tradingDate','optionId'])[['bidAskSpread(bps)']].mean().unstack()
fig, axs = pylab.subplots(len(tmp)/2 + len(tmp)%2, 2, figsize = (16,8*len(tmp)/2))
for i in range(len(tmp)):
sample = pd.DataFrame(tmp.iloc[i]['bidAskSpread(bps)'])
sample.columns = ['bidAskSpread(bps)']
sample = sample.sort('bidAskSpread(bps)')
sample = sample[:10]
row = i / 2
col = i % 2
sample.plot(kind = 'bar',y = 'bidAskSpread(bps)', sharex= False, ax = axs[row][col], legend = False, rot = 20)
axs[row][col].set_title(u'交易日: ' + str(tmp.index[i]), fontproperties = font, fontsize = 18)

### 4.3 波动率价差
tmp = bidAskVolSample.groupby(['tradingDate','optionId'])[['bidAskSpread(vol bps)']].mean().unstack()
fig, axs = pylab.subplots(len(tmp)/2 + len(tmp)%2, 2, figsize = (16,8*len(tmp)/2))
for i in range(len(tmp)):
sample = pd.DataFrame(tmp.iloc[i]['bidAskSpread(vol bps)'])
sample.columns = ['bidAskSpread(vol bps)']
sample = sample.sort('bidAskSpread(vol bps)')
sample = sample[:10]
row = i / 2
col = i % 2
sample.plot(kind = 'bar',y = 'bidAskSpread(vol bps)', sharex= False, ax = axs[row][col], legend = False, rot = 20)
axs[row][col].set_title(u'交易日: ' + str(tmp.index[i]), fontproperties = font, fontsize = 18)

### 4.4 时间序列分析
tmp = volumeSample.groupby(['tradingDate','optionId'])[['volume']].sum().unstack()
for i, d in enumerate(tmp.index):
fig, axs = pylab.subplots(2, 1, figsize = (16,5))
sample = tmp.loc(d)
sample = sample[d]
sample.sort('volume', ascending = False)
base = res[res['dataDate'] == d]
base = base[base.optionId == sample.index[0][1]]
base.index = range(len(base))
base['calTimeStamp'] = base.timeStamp.apply(lambda s: DateTime(s.year, s.month, s.day, s.hour, s.minute, s.second))
ax = base.plot(x = 'calTimeStamp', y = ['volume'], kind = 'bar', sharex=True, xticks = [], color = 'r', ax = axs[0])
ax.set_title(u'交易日: ' + unicode(d) + u' 最活跃期权:'+ unicode(sample.index[0][1]), fontproperties = font, fontsize = 18)
ax = base.plot(x= 'calTimeStamp', y = ['lastPrice(vol)'], sharex=True, legend = True,ax = axs[1], rot = 45)
ax.set_xlabel(u'交易时间', fontproperties = font, fontsize = 15)

最后更新于:2022-04-01 21:59:10
# 期权探秘2
> 来源:https://uqer.io/community/share/54c479f1f9f06c276f651a4a
+ 期权 + 零息债券
+ 期权 + 标的资产
+ 同一标的资产上的多个期权
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pylab
## 1. 期权 + 零息债券 = 保本债券
+ 面值为1000元的三年期零息债券
+ 标的为股票组合的三年期欧式平值看涨期权
该产品三年到期后:如果股票组合的价值增长,通过行使期权,投资者将得到1000元债券收益外加1000元股票组合头寸对应的增值部分;如果股票组合下跌,期权便没有价值,但是投资者仍然可以得到1000元的债券收益。总的来看,投资者此时的1000元投资在三年后是保本的,即本金不会有任何风险,这就是保本债券(principle-protected notes)的由来。
price = BSMPrice(Option.Call, 1000, 1000, 0.05, 0.015, 0.1, 3)['price']
print "看涨期权价格: ", price[1]
看涨期权价格: 121.470487448
+ 普通投资者入市期权门槛太高,也会面临更大的买入卖出差价
+ 剩余本金的投资利息比银行要低
price = BSMPrice(Option.Call, 1000, 1000, 0.05, 0.015, 0.2, 3)['price']
print "波动率为20%时看涨期权价格: ", price[1]
波动率为20%时看涨期权价格: 178.183351319
price = BSMPrice(Option.Call, 1100, 1000, 0.05, 0.015, 0.2, 3)['price']
print "波动率为20%、行权价为1100时的看涨期权价格: ", price[1]
波动率为20%、行权价为1100时的看涨期权价格: 135.48518416
在此基础上(标的波动率为20%、期权行权价为1100),我们讨论投资者今日投入1000元、三年后到期的收益情况:如果标的组合三年期间价格增加30%,那么投资者到期收益1200元;这一收益仍大于将1000元直接存入银行的收益`1000e ** 0.05*3=1161.83`元。总之,投资者投资这一产品的收益和标的资产的价格增长情况息息相关;如果标的资产为上证50ETF,那么在接下来普遍看好的牛市中该产品应该可以带给投资者不错的收益,且投资该产品是保本的。
## 2. 股票与单一期权相组合的策略
# 定义看涨看跌期权到期收益函数
def call(S):
return max(S - 100.0,0.0) - 40.0
def put(S):
return max(100.0 - S,0.0) - 40.0
callfunc = np.frompyfunc(call, 1, 1)
putfunc = np.frompyfunc(put, 1, 1)
2.1 备保看涨期权承约(writing covered call)
+ 卖出以股票为标的的看涨期权
+ 持有相应于期权空头的该标的股票
spots = np.linspace(0,200,21)
pylab.plot(spots, -callfunc(spots), 'b-.',linewidth = 2)
pylab.plot(spots, spots, 'r--',linewidth = 2)
pylab.plot(spots, -callfunc(spots) + spots, 'k-',linewidth = 2)
pylab.legend([u'看涨期权空头',u'股票多头',u'策略组合收益'], prop = font, loc = 'best')
pylab.title(u'备保看涨期权承约', fontproperties = font)
pylab.xlabel(u'标的价格', fontproperties = font)
pylab.ylabel(u'偿付', fontproperties = font)

由上图中所见,在股票价格急剧上涨时,投资者持有的股票保护(cover)了其看涨期权空头将带来的损失。可以看出,采用Covered Call策略的投资者对未来该股票的表现持中性态度,认为该股票价格在未来一段时间内将保持在当前价格附件区间。
和Covered Call相反,如果对未来某股票的表现持中性或者看跌态度,投资者利用该股票看涨期权构建策略:
+ 持有以股票为标的的看涨期权
+ 卖空相应份额的该股票
spots = np.linspace(0,200,21)
pylab.plot(spots, callfunc(spots), 'b-.',linewidth = 2)
pylab.plot(spots, -spots, 'r--',linewidth = 2)
pylab.plot(spots, callfunc(spots) - spots, 'k-',linewidth = 2)
pylab.legend([u'看涨期权多头',u'股票空头',u'策略组合收益'], prop = font, loc = 'best')
pylab.xlabel(u'标的价格', fontproperties = font)
pylab.ylabel(u'偿付', fontproperties = font)

## 2.2 保护性看跌期权策略(Protective Put)
+ 持有以某股票为标的的看跌期权
+ 买入相应于看跌期权份额的该股票
spots = np.linspace(0,200,21)
pylab.plot(spots, putfunc(spots), 'b-.',linewidth = 2)
pylab.plot(spots, spots, 'r--',linewidth = 2)
pylab.plot(spots, putfunc(spots) + spots, 'k-',linewidth = 2)
pylab.legend([u'看跌期权多头',u'股票多头',u'策略组合收益'], prop = font, loc = 'best')
pylab.title(u'受保护看跌期权策略', fontproperties = font)
pylab.xlabel(u'标的价格', fontproperties = font)
pylab.ylabel(u'偿付', fontproperties = font)

由上图可以看到,投资者对于自身持有的股票持看涨态度,但是又不愿意承担股票下跌的损失,所以采用保护性看跌期权策略(Protective Put),能够在获取股票升值收益的情况下,同时利用持有的看跌期权保护自己不受股票下跌的影响。
+ 卖出以某股票为标的的看跌期权
+ 卖空相应于看跌期权份额的该股票
spots = np.linspace(0,200,21)
pylab.plot(spots, -putfunc(spots), 'b-.',linewidth = 2)
pylab.plot(spots, -spots, 'r--',linewidth = 2)
pylab.plot(spots, -putfunc(spots) - spots, 'k-',linewidth = 2)
pylab.legend([u'看跌期权空头',u'股票空头',u'策略组合收益'], prop = font, loc = 'best')
pylab.xlabel(u'标的价格', fontproperties = font)
pylab.ylabel(u'偿付', fontproperties = font)

## 3. 差价策略(spread)
def call(S, K, c):
return max(S - K,0.0) - c
def put(S, K, p):
return max(K - S,0.0) - p
callfunc = np.frompyfunc(call, 3, 1)
putfunc = np.frompyfunc(put, 3, 1)
## 3.1 牛市差价(bull spread)
+ 买入一份股票标的看涨期权
+ 卖出同一股票标的、期权期限相同,但执行价格较高的看涨期权(对于看涨期权来说,执行价格高意味着期权费用较低)
spots = np.linspace(0,200,41)
pylab.plot(spots, callfunc(spots, 75, 40), 'b-.',linewidth = 2)
pylab.plot(spots, -callfunc(spots, 125, 20), 'r--',linewidth = 2)
pylab.plot(spots, callfunc(spots, 75, 40) - callfunc(spots, 125, 20), 'k-',linewidth = 2)
pylab.legend([u'看涨期权多头,执行价格75',u'看涨期权空头,执行价格125',u'策略组合收益'], prop = font, loc = 'best')
pylab.title(u'看涨期权构造的牛市差价策略', fontproperties = font)
pylab.xlabel(u'标的价格', fontproperties = font)
pylab.ylabel(u'偿付', fontproperties = font)

+ 两个看涨期权均为虚值期权
+ 持有的看涨期权为实值期权,卖出的期权为虚值期权
+ 两个看涨期权均为实值期权
+ 买入一份股票标的看跌期权
+ 卖出同一股票标的、期权期限相同,但执行价格较高的看跌期权(对于看跌期权来说,执行价格高意味着期权费用较高)
spots = np.linspace(0,200,41)
pylab.plot(spots, putfunc(spots, 75, 20), 'b-.',linewidth = 2)
pylab.plot(spots, -putfunc(spots, 125, 40), 'r--',linewidth = 2)
pylab.plot(spots, putfunc(spots, 75, 20) - putfunc(spots, 125, 40), 'k-',linewidth = 2)
pylab.legend([u'看跌期权多头,执行价格75',u'看跌期权空头,执行价格125',u'策略组合收益'], prop = font, loc = 'best')
pylab.title(u'看跌期权构造的牛市差价策略', fontproperties = font)
pylab.xlabel(u'标的价格', fontproperties = font)
pylab.ylabel(u'偿付', fontproperties = font)

## 3.2 熊市差价(bear spread)
+ 买入一份股票标的看跌期权
+ 卖出同一股票标的、期权期限相同,但执行价格较低的看跌期权(对于看跌期权来说,执行价格低意味着期权费用较低)
spots = np.linspace(0,200,41)
pylab.plot(spots, putfunc(spots, 125, 40), 'b-.',linewidth = 2)
pylab.plot(spots, -putfunc(spots, 75, 20), 'r--',linewidth = 2)
pylab.plot(spots, putfunc(spots, 125, 40) - putfunc(spots, 75, 20), 'k-',linewidth = 2)
pylab.legend([u'看跌期权多头,执行价格125',u'看跌期权空头,执行价格75',u'策略组合收益'], prop = font, loc = 'best')
pylab.title(u'看跌期权构造的熊市差价策略', fontproperties = font)
pylab.xlabel(u'标的价格', fontproperties = font)
pylab.ylabel(u'偿付', fontproperties = font)

+ 买入一份股票标的看涨期权
+ 卖出同一股票标的、期权期限相同,但执行价格较低的看涨期权(对于看涨期权来说,执行价格低意味着期权费用较高)
spots = np.linspace(0,200,41)
pylab.plot(spots, callfunc(spots, 125, 20), 'b-.',linewidth = 2)
pylab.plot(spots, -callfunc(spots, 75, 40), 'r--',linewidth = 2)
pylab.plot(spots, callfunc(spots, 125, 20) - callfunc(spots, 75, 40), 'k-',linewidth = 2)
pylab.legend([u'看涨期权多头,执行价格125',u'看涨期权空头,执行价格75',u'策略组合收益'], prop = font, loc = 'best')
pylab.title(u'看涨期权构造的熊市差价策略', fontproperties = font)
pylab.xlabel(u'标的价格', fontproperties = font)
pylab.ylabel(u'偿付', fontproperties = font)

## 3.3 盒式差价(box spread)
+ 牛市差价:价格`c1`买入执行价格为K1的看涨期权,同时卖出执行价格为`K2`的看涨期权并获得期权费用c2
+ 熊市差价:价格`p1`买入执行价格为K1的看跌期权,同时卖出执行价格为`K2`的看跌期权并获得期权费用p2
策略到期收益和股票价格的关系示意如下图(相应参数为 `c1=40`,`c2=20`,`p1=45`,`p2=20`,`K1=75`,`K2=125`):
spots = np.linspace(0,200,41)
pylab.plot(spots, callfunc(spots, 75, 40) - callfunc(spots, 125, 20), 'b-.',linewidth = 2)
pylab.plot(spots, putfunc(spots, 125, 45) - putfunc(spots, 75, 20), 'r--',linewidth = 2)
pylab.plot(spots, callfunc(spots, 75, 40) - callfunc(spots, 125, 20) + putfunc(spots, 125, 45) - putfunc(spots, 75, 20), 'k-',linewidth = 2)
pylab.legend([u'看涨期权构造的牛市差价',u'看跌期权构造的熊市差价',u'策略组合收益'], prop = font, loc = 'best')
pylab.title(u'盒式差价', fontproperties = font)
pylab.xlabel(u'标的价格', fontproperties = font)
pylab.ylabel(u'偿付', fontproperties = font)


###3.4 蝶式差价(butterfly spread)
+ 买入一个具有较低执行价格`K1`的欧式看涨期权
+ 买入一个具有较高执行价格`K3`的欧式看涨期权
+ 卖出两个具有中间执行价格K2的欧式看涨期权,其中`K1
最后更新于:2022-04-01 21:59:08
# 期权探秘1
> 来源:https://uqer.io/community/share/54b39784f9f06c276f651a0e
## 1. 什么是期权
+ 当期权卖方有标的的卖出义务,期权买方有标的的买入权利时,这个期权称为看涨期权或者买入期权
+ 当期权卖方有标的的买入义务,期权买方有标的的卖出权利时,这个期权称为看跌期权或者卖出期权
+ 如果到期日,标的资产价格高于敲定价格,那么投资者会很高兴行使买入的权利(Exercise);
+ 反之在到期日,标的资产价格低于敲定价格,投资者宁可选择从市场上直接买入标的而不是行权。
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pylab
def future(S):
return S - 50.0
def call(S):
return max(S - 50.0,0.0)
callfunc = np.frompyfunc(call, 1, 1)
futurefunc = np.frompyfunc(future, 1, 1)
spots = np.linspace(0,100,20)
pylab.plot(spots, callfunc(spots), 'k-.')
pylab.plot(spots, futurefunc(spots), 'ko')
pylab.legend([u'期权',u'期货'], prop = font, loc = 'best')
pylab.title(u'期权 v.s.期货(不含期权本身价格)', fontproperties = font)
pylab.xlabel(u'标的价格', fontproperties = font)
pylab.ylabel(u'偿付', fontproperties = font)

def future(S):
return S - 50.0
def call(S):
return max(S - 50.0,0.0) - 10.0
callfunc = np.frompyfunc(call, 1, 1)
spots = np.linspace(0,100,20)
pylab.plot(spots, callfunc(spots), 'k-.')
pylab.plot(spots, futurefunc(spots), 'ko')
pylab.legend([u'期权',u'期货'], prop = font, loc = 'best')
pylab.title(u'期权 v.s.期货(含期权本身价格)', fontproperties = font)
pylab.xlabel(u'标的价格', fontproperties = font)
pylab.ylabel(u'偿付', fontproperties = font)

## 2. 影响期权价格的因素
这里我们暂不讨论期权的定价方法,这个我们将在后续的报告中讨论。这里我们首先讨论影响期权价格的几个显著要素。这里我们仍然选取上面的看涨期权的例子,先使用最常见的Black - Scholes模型[1](关于这个模型的详细介绍会在以后给出)。这里例子的数据取自经典教材[2]
+ 期权类型:看涨期权
+ 敲定价格:50
+ 标的价格:50
+ 无风险利率: 5%
+ 红利率:0%
+ 波动率:30%
+ 到期时间:1年
### 2.1 标的价格
optinType = Option.Call
strike = 50.0
riskFree = 0.05
dividend = 0.0
volatility = 0.3
maturity = 1.0
spots = np.linspace(10,80,20)
prices = BSMPrice(optinType, strike, spots, riskFree, dividend, volatility, maturity)['price']
pylab.plot(spots, prices, 'k-.')
pylab.title(u'期权价格 v.s.标的价格', fontproperties = font)
pylab.xlabel(u'标的价格', fontproperties = font)
pylab.ylabel(u'期权价格', fontproperties = font)

### 2.2 敲定价格
strikes = np.linspace(10,80,20)
spot = 50.0
prices = BSMPrice(optinType, strikes, spot, riskFree, dividend, volatility, maturity)['price']
pylab.plot(strikes, prices, 'k-.')
pylab.title(u'期权价格 v.s.敲定价格', fontproperties = font)
pylab.xlabel(u'敲定价格', fontproperties = font)
pylab.ylabel(u'期权价格', fontproperties = font)

### 2.3 到期时间
spot = 50
strike = 50
maturities = np.linspace(0.2,2.0,20)
prices = BSMPrice(optinType, strike, spot, riskFree, 0.0, volatility, maturities)['price']
pylab.plot(maturities, prices, 'k-.')
pylab.title(u'期权价格 v.s.到期时间', fontproperties = font)
pylab.xlabel(u'到期时间', fontproperties = font)
pylab.ylabel(u'期权价格', fontproperties = font)

spot = 50
strike = 50
maturities = np.linspace(0.2,2.0,20)
prices = BSMPrice(optinType, strike, spot, riskFree, 0.2, volatility, maturities)['price']
pylab.plot(maturities, prices, 'k-.')
pylab.title(u'期权价格 v.s.到期时间(红利水平20%)', fontproperties = font)
pylab.xlabel(u'到期时间', fontproperties = font)
pylab.ylabel(u'期权价格', fontproperties = font)

最后更新于:2022-04-01 21:59:06
# 期权头寸计算
> 来源:https://uqer.io/community/share/54c846cdf9f06c276f651a50
## 数据准备
optionData = pd.read_csv(u'期权头寸.csv', encoding='gbk', parse_dates = [3], dtype = {u'代码':str})
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.2f}'.format
代码 方向 行权价 到期时间 头寸
0 000001 C 2.20 2015-02-19 1000
1 000002 C 2.10 2015-02-19 -500
2 000003 P 1.90 2015-03-19 1000
3 000004 P 1.80 2015-03-19 -500
## 计算方法
def processOptionBook(optionData):
# 由于我们现在还无法获取市场数据,制作一些假的市场数据数据
# 例如波动率水平,利率水平
vol = 0.3 * np.random.random(len(optionData)) + 0.2
spot = 2.0
riskFree = 0.04
dividend = 0.0
evaluationDate = Date.todaysDate()
# 根据用户的输入计算期权的价格以及各种greeks
t2m = (optionData[u'到期时间'].apply(lambda x:Date(x.year,x.month,x.day)) - evaluationDate)/ 365.0
optionType = optionData[u'方向'].apply(lambda x: x=='C' and 1 or -1)
strike = optionData[u'行权价']
calculateResult = BSMPrice(optionType,strike,spot,riskFree,dividend, vol,t2m)
# 整理数据
calculateResult = calculateResult.multiply(optionData[u'头寸'].values, axis = 0)
calculateResult.index = optionData[u'代码']
portfolio = pd.DataFrame(dict(np.sum(calculateResult)), index = ['portfolio'])
calculateResult = calculateResult.append(portfolio)
calculateResult.index.name = u'代码'
calculateResult = calculateResult.reindex_axis(['price', 'delta', 'gamma', 'rho', 'theta', 'vega'], axis = 1)
return calculateResult
res= processOptionBook(optionData)
price delta gamma rho theta vega
000001 27.36 222.15 1,317.92 26.27 -550.43 149.48
000002 -5.13 -94.07 -1,326.48 -11.53 116.11 -67.71
000003 24.81 -238.18 1,822.42 -70.03 -168.14 231.44
000004 -8.43 71.48 -514.95 21.15 82.48 -84.38
portfolio 38.62 -38.62 1,298.91 -34.13 -519.98 228.84
最后更新于:2022-04-01 21:59:03
# 每日期权风险数据整理
| | Call | Call-Put | Put |
| --- | -- |
| | close | iv | delta | theta | gamma | vega | rho | strike | spot | forward | close | iv | delta | theta | gamma | vega | rho |
| expDate | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.4331 | 0.4790 | 0.9830 | -0.1615 | 0.1779 | 0.0208 | 0.0842 | 1.85 | 2.288 | 2.283 | 0.0015 | 0.4793 | -0.0170 | -0.1059 | 0.1783 | 0.0208 | -0.0019 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.3821 | 0.4772 | 0.9692 | -0.2310 | 0.2949 | 0.0343 | 0.0850 | 1.90 | 2.288 | 2.283 | 0.0029 | 0.4765 | -0.0306 | -0.1725 | 0.2939 | 0.0341 | -0.0034 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.3335 | 0.4485 | 0.9568 | -0.2740 | 0.4144 | 0.0453 | 0.0859 | 1.95 | 2.288 | 2.283 | 0.0040 | 0.4473 | -0.0428 | -0.2129 | 0.4124 | 0.0450 | -0.0048 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.2874 | 0.4218 | 0.9381 | -0.3289 | 0.5861 | 0.0603 | 0.0862 | 2.00 | 2.288 | 2.283 | 0.0058 | 0.4220 | -0.0620 | -0.2690 | 0.5866 | 0.0604 | -0.0069 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.2420 | 0.2613 | 0.9773 | -0.1349 | 0.4175 | 0.0266 | 0.0929 | 2.05 | 2.288 | 2.283 | 0.0077 | 0.3873 | -0.0849 | -0.3130 | 0.8130 | 0.0768 | -0.0094 |
+ 下图中,竖直虚线表示当日的标的50ETF收盘价
+ 实际上计算PCIVD就是仅仅考虑竖直虚线附近的平值期权
+ 看跌看涨隐含波动率微笑曲线中间的 Gap 的变化,正是我们关注点

def histDayPCIVD50ETF(date):
## PCIVD: Put Call Implied Volatility Diff;
## 看跌看涨期权隐含波动率价差,选取平值附近的近月和次近月合约构建
## 看跌和看涨期权的隐含波动率指数,PCIVD即为两指数之差。
# Uqer 计算期权的风险数据
opt = histDayGreeksIVOpt50ETF(date)
# 下面展示波动率微笑
exp_dates = np.sort(opt.index.unique())[0:2]
pcivd = pd.DataFrame(0.0, index=map(Date.toDateTime, [date]), columns=['nearPCIVD','nextPCIVD'])
pcivd.index.name = 'date'
ivd = []
for epd in exp_dates:
opt_epd = opt[opt.index==epd]
opt_epd[('Call-Put', 'diffKF')] = np.abs(opt_epd[('Call-Put', 'strike')] - opt_epd[('Call-Put', 'spot')])
opt_epd = opt_epd.set_index(('Call-Put', 'strike'))
opt_epd.index.name = 'strike'
opt_epd = opt_epd.sort([('Call-Put', 'diffKF')]).head(2)
ivd_epd = opt_epd[('Put', 'iv')].mean() - opt_epd[('Call', 'iv')].mean()
pcivd.ix[Date.toDateTime(date)] = ivd
return pcivd
def histDayPCIVD50ETF_check(date):
## PCIVD: Put Call Implied Volatility Diff;
## 看跌看涨期权隐含波动率价差,选取平值附近的近月和次近月合约构建
## 看跌和看涨期权的隐含波动率指数,PCIVD即为两指数之差。
# Uqer 计算期权的风险数据
opt = histDayGreeksIVOpt50ETF(date)
# 下面展示波动率微笑
exp_dates = np.sort(opt.index.unique())[0:2]
pcivd = pd.DataFrame(0.0, index=map(Date.toDateTime, [date]), columns=['nearPCIVD', 'nearPutIV', 'nearCallIV','nextPCIVD', 'nextPutIV', 'nextCallIV'])
pcivd.index.name = 'date'
ivd = []
for epd in exp_dates:
opt_epd = opt[opt.index==epd]
opt_epd[('Call-Put', 'diffKF')] = np.abs(opt_epd[('Call-Put', 'strike')] - opt_epd[('Call-Put', 'spot')])
opt_epd = opt_epd.set_index(('Call-Put', 'strike'))
opt_epd.index.name = 'strike'
opt_epd = opt_epd.sort([('Call-Put', 'diffKF')]).head(2)
ivd_epd = opt_epd[('Put', 'iv')].mean() - opt_epd[('Call', 'iv')].mean()
ivd.append(opt_epd[('Put', 'iv')].mean())
ivd.append(opt_epd[('Call', 'iv')].mean())
pcivd.ix[Date.toDateTime(date)] = ivd
return pcivd
def histPCIVD50ETF(beginDate, endDate):
begin = Date.fromDateTime(beginDate)
end = Date.fromDateTime(endDate)
cal = Calendar('China.SSE')
dates = cal.bizDatesList(begin, end)
pcivd = pd.DataFrame()
for dt in dates:
pcivd_dt = histDayPCIVD50ETF(dt)
pcivd = concat([pcivd, pcivd_dt])
pcivd['nearDiff'] = pcivd['nearPCIVD'].diff()
pcivd['nextDiff'] = pcivd['nextPCIVD'].diff()
return pcivd
def histPCIVD50ETF_check(beginDate, endDate):
begin = Date.fromDateTime(beginDate)
end = Date.fromDateTime(endDate)
cal = Calendar('China.SSE')
dates = cal.bizDatesList(begin, end)
pcivd = pd.DataFrame()
for dt in dates:
pcivd_dt = histDayPCIVD50ETF_check(dt)
pcivd = concat([pcivd, pcivd_dt])
pcivd['nearPutDiff'] = pcivd['nearPutIV'].diff()
pcivd['nearCallDiff'] = pcivd['nearCallIV'].diff()
pcivd['nextPutDiff'] = pcivd['nextPutIV'].diff()
pcivd['nextCallDiff'] = pcivd['nextCallIV'].diff()
return pcivd
+ 期权自15年2月9号上市
+ 此处计算得到的数据可以用在后面几条策略中
+ nearDiff:当月PCIVD与前一日值的变化量
+ nextDiff:次月PCIVD与前一日值的变化量
## PCIVD计算示例
start = datetime(2015, 2, 9) # 回测起始时间
end = datetime(2015, 10, 12) # 回测结束时间
pcivd = histPCIVD50ETF(start, end)
| | nearPCIVD | nextPCIVD | nearDiff | nextDiff |
| --- | --- |
| date | | | | |
| 2015-09-29 | 0.15540 | 0.15915 | 0.02660 | 0.0073 |
| 2015-09-30 | 0.10205 | 0.14915 | -0.05335 | -0.0100 |
| 2015-10-08 | 0.08845 | 0.10645 | -0.01360 | -0.0427 |
| 2015-10-09 | 0.08320 | 0.10375 | -0.00525 | -0.0027 |
| 2015-10-12 | 0.04635 | 0.07065 | -0.03685 | -0.0331 |
### 2.1 结合使用当月、次月 PCIVD 的择时策略
策略思路:考虑当月 PCIVD 和 次月 PCIVD 的日变化量
+ 当月 PCIVD 和 次月 PCIVD 同时变小(当月和次月的 PCIVDDiff 同时小于0),则今天全仓50ETF
+ 否则,清仓观望
start = datetime(2015, 2, 9) # 回测起始时间
end = datetime(2015, 10, 8) # 回测结束时间
benchmark = '510050.XSHG' # 策略参考标准
universe = ['510050.XSHG'] # 股票池
capital_base = 100000 # 起始资金
commission = Commission(0.0,0.0)
refresh_rate = 1
# pcivd = histPCIVD50ETF(start, end)
def initialize(account): # 初始化虚拟账户状态
account.fund = universe[0]
def handle_data(account): # 每个交易日的买入卖出指令
fund = account.fund
# 获取回测当日的前一天日期
dt = Date.fromDateTime(account.current_date)
cal = Calendar('China.IB')
last_day = cal.advanceDate(dt,'-1B',BizDayConvention.Preceding) #计算出倒数第一个交易日
last_day_str = last_day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
# 计算买入卖出信号
# 拿取PCIVD数据
pcivd_near = pcivd.nearDiff.loc[last_day_str]
pcivd_next = pcivd.nextDiff.loc[last_day_str]
long_flag = True if pcivd_near < 0 and pcivd_next < 0 else False
long_flag = False
if long_flag:
# 买入时,全仓杀入
approximationAmount = int(account.cash / account.referencePrice[fund] / 100.0) * 100
order(fund, approximationAmount)
# 卖出时,全仓清空
order_to(fund, 0)

PCR 和 PCIVD 的良好择时效果表明,虽然回测时间短,但它们均可以通过期权市场的信息来给出在现货市场的买卖择时信号,必要时建议我们空仓
## 3. 监视最近 PCR 和 PCIVD 走势
+ 每日监视 PCR 和 PCIVD 近期走势,指导次日操作
+ 如果 PCR 和 PCIVD 的值降低,那么我们就在第二天买入
cal = Calendar('China.IB')
# Dates
end = Date.todaysDate()
end = cal.advanceDate(end,'-1B',BizDayConvention.Preceding) # 这里结束点选择昨天,因为DataAPI的今日数据要到收盘后比较晚才能拿到;实际中可以自己调整
start = cal.advanceDate(end,'-15B',BizDayConvention.Preceding) # 开始点为七天前
## 计算 PCR 和 PCIVD
start = start.toDateTime()
end = end.toDateTime()
hist_pcr = histPCR50ETF(start, end) # 计算PCR
hist_pcivd = histPCIVD50ETF(start, end) # 计算PCIVD
hist_pcr[['nearVolPCR', 'nearValuePCR']].plot(style='s-')
hist_pcivd[['nearPCIVD', 'nextPCIVD']].plot(style='s-')

PCIVD 图中,近月期权的 PCIVD 在行权日为0,需要注意;行权日附近,可以以次近月期权的 PCIVD 走势为参考
【50ETF期权】 期权择时指数 1.0
最后更新于:2022-04-01 21:59:01
# 【50ETF期权】 期权择时指数 1.0
> 来源:https://uqer.io/community/share/561c883df9f06c4ca72fb5f7
+ 成交量(成交额) PCR:看跌看涨期权的成交量(成交额)比率
+ PCIVD:Put Call Implied Volatility Difference 看跌看涨期权隐含波动率差
from CAL.PyCAL import *
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
rc('mathtext', default='regular')
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib import dates
from pandas import concat
from scipy import interpolate
import math
## 1. 看跌看涨成交量(成交额)比率 PCR
+ 计算每日看跌看涨成交量或成交额的比率,即PCR
+ 我们考虑PCR每日变化量与现货50ETF隔日收益率的关系
+ 每日PCR变化量PCRD为:当日PCR减去前一日PCR得到的值,即对PCR做差分
def histVolumeOpt50ETF(beginDate, endDate):
## 计算历史一段时间内的50ETF期权持仓量交易量数据
optionVarSecID = u"510050.XSHG"
cal = Calendar('China.SSE')
dates = cal.bizDatesList(beginDate, endDate)
dates = map(Date.toDateTime, dates)
columns = ['callVol', 'putVol', 'callValue',
'putValue', 'callOpenInt', 'putOpenInt',
'nearCallVol', 'nearPutVol', 'nearCallValue',
'nearPutValue', 'nearCallOpenInt', 'nearPutOpenInt',
'netVol', 'netValue', 'netOpenInt',
'volPCR', 'valuePCR', 'openIntPCR',
'nearVolPCR', 'nearValuePCR', 'nearOpenIntPCR']
hist_opt = pd.DataFrame(0.0, index=dates, columns=columns)
hist_opt.index.name = 'date'
# 每一个交易日数据单独计算
for date in hist_opt.index:
date_str = Date.fromDateTime(date).toISO().replace('-', '')
opt_data = DataAPI.MktOptdGet(secID=u"", tradeDate=date_str, field=u"", pandas="1")
hist_opt = hist_opt.drop(date)
opt_type = []
exp_date = []
for ticker in opt_data.secID.values:
opt_data['optType'] = opt_type
opt_data['expDate'] = exp_date
near_exp = np.sort(opt_data.expDate.unique())[0]
data = opt_data.groupby('optType')
# 计算所有上市期权:看涨看跌交易量、看涨看跌交易额、看涨看跌持仓量
hist_opt['callVol'][date] = data.turnoverVol.sum()['C']
hist_opt['putVol'][date] = data.turnoverVol.sum()['P']
hist_opt['callValue'][date] = data.turnoverValue.sum()['C']
hist_opt['putValue'][date] = data.turnoverValue.sum()['P']
hist_opt['callOpenInt'][date] = data.openInt.sum()['C']
hist_opt['putOpenInt'][date] = data.openInt.sum()['P']
near_data = opt_data[opt_data.expDate == near_exp]
near_data = near_data.groupby('optType')
# 计算近月期权(主力合约): 看涨看跌交易量、看涨看跌交易额、看涨看跌持仓量
hist_opt['nearCallVol'][date] = near_data.turnoverVol.sum()['C']
hist_opt['nearPutVol'][date] = near_data.turnoverVol.sum()['P']
hist_opt['nearCallValue'][date] = near_data.turnoverValue.sum()['C']
hist_opt['nearPutValue'][date] = near_data.turnoverValue.sum()['P']
hist_opt['nearCallOpenInt'][date] = near_data.openInt.sum()['C']
hist_opt['nearPutOpenInt'][date] = near_data.openInt.sum()['P']
# 计算所有上市期权: 总交易量、总交易额、总持仓量
hist_opt['netVol'][date] = hist_opt['callVol'][date] + hist_opt['putVol'][date]
hist_opt['netValue'][date] = hist_opt['callValue'][date] + hist_opt['putValue'][date]
hist_opt['netOpenInt'][date] = hist_opt['callOpenInt'][date] + hist_opt['putOpenInt'][date]
# 计算期权看跌看涨期权交易量(持仓量)的比率:
# 交易量看跌看涨比率,交易额看跌看涨比率, 持仓量看跌看涨比率
# 近月期权交易量看跌看涨比率,近月期权交易额看跌看涨比率, 近月期权持仓量看跌看涨比率
# PCR = Put Call Ratio
hist_opt['volPCR'][date] = round(hist_opt['putVol'][date]*1.0/hist_opt['callVol'][date], 4)
hist_opt['valuePCR'][date] = round(hist_opt['putValue'][date]*1.0/hist_opt['callValue'][date], 4)
hist_opt['openIntPCR'][date] = round(hist_opt['putOpenInt'][date]*1.0/hist_opt['callOpenInt'][date], 4)
hist_opt['nearVolPCR'][date] = round(hist_opt['nearPutVol'][date]*1.0/hist_opt['nearCallVol'][date], 4)
hist_opt['nearValuePCR'][date] = round(hist_opt['nearPutValue'][date]*1.0/hist_opt['nearCallValue'][date], 4)
hist_opt['nearOpenIntPCR'][date] = round(hist_opt['nearPutOpenInt'][date]*1.0/hist_opt['nearCallOpenInt'][date], 4)
return hist_opt
def histPrice50ETF(beginDate, endDate):
# 华夏上证50ETF收盘价数据
secID = '510050.XSHG'
begin = Date.fromDateTime(beginDate).toISO().replace('-', '')
end = Date.fromDateTime(endDate).toISO().replace('-', '')
fields = ['tradeDate', 'closePrice', 'preClosePrice']
etf = DataAPI.MktFunddGet(secID, beginDate=begin, endDate=end, field=fields)
etf['tradeDate'] = pd.to_datetime(etf['tradeDate'])
etf['dailyReturn'] = etf['closePrice'] / etf['preClosePrice'] - 1.0
etf = etf.set_index('tradeDate')
return etf
def histPCR50ETF(beginDate, endDate):
# PCRD: Put Call Ratio Diff
# 计算每日PCR变化量:当日PCR减去前一日PCR得到的值,即对PCR做差分
# 专注于某一项PCR,例如:成交额PCR --- valuePCR
pcr_names = ['volPCR', 'valuePCR', 'openIntPCR',
'nearVolPCR', 'nearValuePCR', 'nearOpenIntPCR']
pcr_diff_names = [pcr + 'Diff' for pcr in pcr_names]
pcr = histVolumeOpt50ETF(beginDate, endDate)
for pcr_name in pcr_names:
pcr[pcr_name + 'Diff'] = pcr[pcr_name].diff()
return pcr[pcr_names + pcr_diff_names]
+ 期权自15年2月9号上市
+ 此处计算得到的数据可以用在后面几条策略中
## PCRD计算示例
start = datetime(2015,2, 9) # 回测起始时间
end = datetime(2015, 10, 13) # 回测结束时间
hist_pcrd = histPCR50ETF(start, end) # 计算PCRD
| | volPCR | valuePCR | openIntPCR | nearVolPCR | nearValuePCR | nearOpenIntPCR | volPCRDiff | valuePCRDiff | openIntPCRDiff | nearVolPCRDiff | nearValuePCRDiff | nearOpenIntPCRDiff |
| --- | --- |
| date | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 2015-09-29 | 1.0863 | 1.5860 | 0.6680 | 1.2372 | 1.6552 | 0.7632 | 0.0255 | 0.4779 | -0.0058 | 0.0801 | 0.6352 | -0.0193 |
| 2015-09-30 | 0.9664 | 1.1366 | 0.6709 | 1.1153 | 1.1460 | 0.7579 | -0.1199 | -0.4494 | 0.0029 | -0.1219 | -0.5092 | -0.0053 |
| 2015-10-08 | 0.8997 | 0.5940 | 0.6726 | 0.9244 | 0.4646 | 0.7480 | -0.0667 | -0.5426 | 0.0017 | -0.1909 | -0.6814 | -0.0099 |
| 2015-10-09 | 1.0979 | 0.7708 | 0.7068 | 1.1542 | 0.6672 | 0.8121 | 0.1982 | 0.1768 | 0.0342 | 0.2298 | 0.2026 | 0.0641 |
| 2015-10-12 | 0.6494 | 0.2432 | 0.7713 | 0.6604 | 0.2002 | 1.0197 | -0.4485 | -0.5276 | 0.0645 | -0.4938 | -0.4670 | 0.2076 |
### 1.1 使用基于成交量 PCR 日变化量的择时策略
策略思路:考虑成交量 PCR 日变化量 PCRD(volume)
+ 前一日PCRD(volume)小于0,则今天全仓50ETF
+ 否则,清仓观望
+ 简单来说,就是PCR上升,空仓;PCR下降,买入
start = datetime(2015, 2, 9) # 回测起始时间
end = datetime(2015, 10, 7) # 回测结束时间
benchmark = '510050.XSHG' # 策略参考标准
universe = ['510050.XSHG'] # 股票池
capital_base = 100000 # 起始资金
commission = Commission(0.0,0.0)
refresh_rate = 1
# hist_pcrd = histPCR50ETF(start, end) # 计算PCRD
def initialize(account): # 初始化虚拟账户状态
account.fund = universe[0]
def handle_data(account): # 每个交易日的买入卖出指令
fund = account.fund
# 获取回测当日的前一天日期
dt = Date.fromDateTime(account.current_date)
cal = Calendar('China.IB')
last_day = cal.advanceDate(dt,'-1B',BizDayConvention.Preceding) #计算出倒数第一个交易日
last_day_str = last_day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
# 计算买入卖出信号
# 拿取PCRD数据
pcrd_last_vol = hist_pcrd.volPCRDiff.loc[last_day_str] # PCRD(volumn)
long_flag = True if pcrd_last_vol < 0 else False # 调仓条件
long_flag = False
if long_flag:
# 买入时,全仓杀入
approximationAmount = int(account.cash / account.referencePrice[fund] / 100.0) * 100
order(fund, approximationAmount)
# 卖出时,全仓清空
order_to(fund, 0)

### 1.2 使用基于成交额 PCR 日变化量的择时策略
策略思路:考虑成交额 PCR 日变化量 PCRD(value)
+ 前一日PCRD(value)小于0,则今天全仓50ETF
+ 否则,清仓观望
+ 简单来说,就是PCR上升,空仓;PCR下降,买入
start = datetime(2015, 2, 9) # 回测起始时间
end = datetime(2015, 10, 7) # 回测结束时间
benchmark = '510050.XSHG' # 策略参考标准
universe = ['510050.XSHG'] # 股票池
capital_base = 100000 # 起始资金
commission = Commission(0.0,0.0)
refresh_rate = 1
# hist_pcrd = histPCR50ETF(start, end) # 计算PCRD
def initialize(account): # 初始化虚拟账户状态
account.fund = universe[0]
def handle_data(account): # 每个交易日的买入卖出指令
fund = account.fund
# 获取回测当日的前一天日期
dt = Date.fromDateTime(account.current_date)
cal = Calendar('China.IB')
last_day = cal.advanceDate(dt,'-1B',BizDayConvention.Preceding) #计算出倒数第一个交易日
last_day_str = last_day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
# 计算买入卖出信号
# 拿取PCRD数据
pcrd_last_value = hist_pcrd.valuePCRDiff.loc[last_day_str] # PCRD(value)
long_flag = True if pcrd_last_value < 0 else False # 调仓条件
long_flag = False
if long_flag:
# 买入时,全仓杀入
approximationAmount = int(account.cash / account.referencePrice[fund] / 100.0) * 100
order(fund, approximationAmount)
# 卖出时,全仓清空
order_to(fund, 0)

### 1.3 结合使用成交量、成交额 PCR 日变化量的择时策略
策略思路:考虑成交量PCRD(volume) 和成交额PCRD(value)
+ 前一日PCRD(volume)和PCRD(value)同时小于0,则今天全仓50ETF
+ 否则,清仓观望
start = datetime(2015, 2, 9) # 回测起始时间
end = datetime(2015, 10, 7) # 回测结束时间
benchmark = '510050.XSHG' # 策略参考标准
universe = ['510050.XSHG'] # 股票池
capital_base = 100000 # 起始资金
commission = Commission(0.0,0.0)
refresh_rate = 1
hist_pcrd = histPCR50ETF(start, end) # 计算PCRD
def initialize(account): # 初始化虚拟账户状态
account.fund = universe[0]
def handle_data(account): # 每个交易日的买入卖出指令
fund = account.fund
# 获取回测当日的前一天日期
dt = Date.fromDateTime(account.current_date)
cal = Calendar('China.IB')
last_day = cal.advanceDate(dt,'-1B',BizDayConvention.Preceding) #计算出倒数第一个交易日
last_day_str = last_day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
# 计算买入卖出信号
# 拿取PCRD数据
pcrd_last_value = hist_pcrd.valuePCRDiff.loc[last_day_str] # PCRD(value)
pcrd_last_vol = hist_pcrd.volPCRDiff.loc[last_day_str] # PCRD(volumn)
long_flag = True if pcrd_last_value < 0.0 and pcrd_last_vol < 0.0 else False # 调仓条件
long_flag = False
if long_flag:
# 买入时,全仓杀入
approximationAmount = int(account.cash / account.referencePrice[fund] / 100.0) * 100
order(fund, approximationAmount)
# 卖出时,全仓清空
order_to(fund, 0)

## 2. 看跌看涨隐含波动率价差 PCIVD
+ 相同到期日、行权价的看跌看涨期权,其隐含波动率会有差异
+ 由于套保需要,一般看跌期权隐含波动率高于看涨期权
+ 看跌、看涨期权隐含波动率之差 PCIVD 的每日变化可以用来指导实际操作
+ 在计算中,我们使用平值附近的期权计算 PCIVD
## 银行间质押式回购利率
def histDayInterestRateInterbankRepo(date):
cal = Calendar('China.SSE')
period = Period('-10B')
begin = cal.advanceDate(date, period)
begin_str = begin.toISO().replace('-', '')
date_str = date.toISO().replace('-', '')
# 以下的indicID分别对应的银行间质押式回购利率周期为:
# 1D, 7D, 14D, 21D, 1M, 3M, 4M, 6M, 9M, 1Y
indicID = [u"M120000067", u"M120000068", u"M120000069", u"M120000070", u"M120000071",
u"M120000072", u"M120000073", u"M120000074", u"M120000075", u"M120000076"]
period = np.asarray([1.0, 7.0, 14.0, 21.0, 30.0, 90.0, 120.0, 180.0, 270.0, 360.0]) / 360.0
period_matrix = pd.DataFrame(index=indicID, data=period, columns=['period'])
field = u"indicID,indicName,publishTime,periodDate,dataValue,unit"
interbank_repo = DataAPI.ChinaDataInterestRateInterbankRepoGet(indicID=indicID,beginDate=begin_str,endDate=date_str,field=field,pandas="1")
interbank_repo = interbank_repo.groupby('indicID').first()
interbank_repo = concat([interbank_repo, period_matrix], axis=1, join='inner').sort_index()
return interbank_repo
## 银行间同业拆借利率
def histDaySHIBOR(date):
cal = Calendar('China.SSE')
period = Period('-10B')
begin = cal.advanceDate(date, period)
begin_str = begin.toISO().replace('-', '')
date_str = date.toISO().replace('-', '')
# 以下的indicID分别对应的SHIBOR周期为:
# 1D, 7D, 14D, 1M, 3M, 6M, 9M, 1Y
indicID = [u"M120000057", u"M120000058", u"M120000059", u"M120000060",
u"M120000061", u"M120000062", u"M120000063", u"M120000064"]
period = np.asarray([1.0, 7.0, 14.0, 30.0, 90.0, 180.0, 270.0, 360.0]) / 360.0
period_matrix = pd.DataFrame(index=indicID, data=period, columns=['period'])
field = u"indicID,indicName,publishTime,periodDate,dataValue,unit"
interest_shibor = DataAPI.ChinaDataInterestRateSHIBORGet(indicID=indicID,beginDate=begin_str,endDate=date_str,field=field,pandas="1")
interest_shibor = interest_shibor.groupby('indicID').first()
interest_shibor = concat([interest_shibor, period_matrix], axis=1, join='inner').sort_index()
return interest_shibor
## 插值得到给定的周期的无风险利率
def periodsSplineRiskFreeInterestRate(date, periods):
# 此处使用SHIBOR来插值
init_shibor = histDaySHIBOR(date)
shibor = {}
min_period = min(init_shibor.period.values)
min_period = 25.0/360.0
max_period = max(init_shibor.period.values)
for p in periods.keys():
tmp = periods[p]
if periods[p] > max_period:
tmp = max_period * 0.99999
elif periods[p] < min_period:
tmp = min_period * 1.00001
sh = interpolate.spline(init_shibor.period.values, init_shibor.dataValue.values, [tmp], order=3)
shibor[p] = sh[0]/100.0
return shibor
## 使用DataAPI.OptGet, DataAPI.MktOptdGet拿到计算所需数据
def histDayDataOpt50ETF(date):
date_str = date.toISO().replace('-', '')
info_fields = [u'optID', u'varSecID', u'varShortName', u'varTicker', u'varExchangeCD', u'varType',
u'contractType', u'strikePrice', u'contMultNum', u'contractStatus', u'listDate',
u'expYear', u'expMonth', u'expDate', u'lastTradeDate', u'exerDate', u'deliDate',
opt_info = DataAPI.OptGet(optID='', contractStatus=[u"DE",u"L"], field=info_fields, pandas="1")
mkt_fields = [u'ticker', u'optID', u'secShortName', u'exchangeCD', u'tradeDate', u'preSettlePrice',
u'preClosePrice', u'openPrice', u'highestPrice', u'lowestPrice', u'closePrice',
u'settlPrice', u'turnoverVol', u'turnoverValue', u'openInt']
opt_mkt = DataAPI.MktOptdGet(tradeDate=date_str, field=mkt_fields, pandas = "1")
opt_info = opt_info.set_index(u"optID")
opt_mkt = opt_mkt.set_index(u"optID")
opt = concat([opt_info, opt_mkt], axis=1, join='inner').sort_index()
return opt
# 旧版forward计算稍有差别
def histDayMktForwardPriceOpt50ETF(opt, risk_free):
exp_dates_str = np.sort(opt.expDate.unique())
trade_date = Date.parseISO(opt.tradeDate.values[0])
forward = {}
for date_str in exp_dates_str:
opt_date = opt[opt.expDate == date_str]
opt_call_date = opt_date[opt_date.contractType == 'CO']
opt_put_date = opt_date[opt_date.contractType == 'PO']
opt_call_date = opt_call_date[[u'strikePrice', u'price']].set_index('strikePrice').sort_index()
opt_put_date = opt_put_date[[u'strikePrice', u'price']].set_index('strikePrice').sort_index()
opt_call_date.columns = [u'callPrice']
opt_put_date.columns = [u'putPrice']
opt_date = concat([opt_call_date, opt_put_date], axis=1, join='inner').sort_index()
opt_date['diffCallPut'] = opt_date.callPrice - opt_date.putPrice
strike = abs(opt_date['diffCallPut']).idxmin()
priceDiff = opt_date['diffCallPut'][strike]
date = Date.parseISO(date_str)
ttm = abs(float(date - trade_date + 1.0)/365.0)
rf = risk_free[date]
fw = strike + np.exp(ttm*rf) * priceDiff
forward[date] = fw
return forward
## 分析历史某一日的期权收盘价信息,得到隐含波动率微笑和期权风险指标
def histDayAnalysisOpt50ETF(date):
opt_var_sec = u"510050.XSHG" # 期权标的
opt = histDayDataOpt50ETF(date)
date_str = date.toISO().replace('-', '')
opt_var_mkt = DataAPI.MktFunddGet(secID=opt_var_sec,tradeDate=date_str,beginDate=u"",endDate=u"",field=u"",pandas="1")
#opt_var_mkt = DataAPI.MktFunddAdjGet(secID=opt_var_sec,beginDate=date_str,endDate=date_str,field=u"",pandas="1")
# 计算shibor
exp_dates_str = opt.expDate.unique()
periods = {}
for date_str in exp_dates_str:
exp_date = Date.parseISO(date_str)
periods[exp_date] = (exp_date - date)/360.0
shibor = periodsSplineRiskFreeInterestRate(date, periods)
# 计算forward price
opt_tmp = opt[[u'contractType', u'tradeDate', u'strikePrice', u'expDate', u'settlPrice']]
opt_tmp.columns = [[u'contractType', u'tradeDate', u'strikePrice', u'expDate', u'price']]
forward_price = histDayMktForwardPriceOpt50ETF(opt_tmp, shibor)
settle = opt.settlPrice.values # 期权 settle price
close = opt.closePrice.values # 期权 close price
strike = opt.strikePrice.values # 期权 strike price
option_type = opt.contractType.values # 期权类型
exp_date_str = opt.expDate.values # 期权行权日期
eval_date_str = opt.tradeDate.values # 期权交易日期
mat_dates = []
eval_dates = []
spot = []
for epd, evd in zip(exp_date_str, eval_date_str):
time_to_maturity = [float(mat - eva + 1.0)/365.0 for (mat, eva) in zip(mat_dates, eval_dates)]
risk_free = [] # 无风险利率
forward = [] # 市场远期
for s, mat, time in zip(spot, mat_dates, time_to_maturity):
#rf = math.log(forward_price[mat] / s) / time
rf = shibor[mat]
opt_types = [] # 期权类型
for t in option_type:
if t == 'CO':
# 使用通联CAL包中 BSMImpliedVolatity 计算隐含波动率
calculated_vol = BSMImpliedVolatity(opt_types, strike, spot, risk_free, 0.0, time_to_maturity, settle)
calculated_vol = calculated_vol.fillna(0.0)
# 使用通联CAL包中 BSMPrice 计算期权风险指标
greeks = BSMPrice(opt_types, strike, spot, risk_free, 0.0, calculated_vol.vol.values, time_to_maturity)
# vega、rho、theta 的计量单位参照上交所的数据,以求统一对比
greeks.vega = greeks.vega #/ 100.0
greeks.rho = greeks.rho #/ 100.0
greeks.theta = greeks.theta #* 365.0 / 252.0 #/ 365.0
opt['strike'] = strike
opt['forward'] = np.around(forward, decimals=3)
opt['optType'] = option_type
opt['expDate'] = exp_date_str
opt['spotPrice'] = spot
opt['riskFree'] = risk_free
opt['timeToMaturity'] = np.around(time_to_maturity, decimals=4)
opt['settle'] = np.around(greeks.price.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
opt['iv'] = np.around(calculated_vol.vol.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
opt['delta'] = np.around(greeks.delta.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
opt['vega'] = np.around(greeks.vega.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
opt['gamma'] = np.around(greeks.gamma.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
opt['theta'] = np.around(greeks.theta.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
opt['rho'] = np.around(greeks.rho.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
fields = [u'ticker', u'contractType', u'strikePrice', 'forward', u'expDate', u'tradeDate',
u'closePrice', u'settlPrice', 'spotPrice', u'iv',
u'delta', u'vega', u'gamma', u'theta', u'rho']
opt = opt[fields].reset_index().set_index('ticker').sort_index()
#opt['iv'] = opt.iv.replace(to_replace=0.0, value=np.nan)
return opt
# 每日期权分析数据整理
def histDayGreeksIVOpt50ETF(date):
# Uqer 计算期权的风险数据
opt = histDayAnalysisOpt50ETF(date)
# 整理数据部分
opt.index = [index[-10:] for index in opt.index]
opt = opt[['contractType','strikePrice','spotPrice','forward','expDate','closePrice','iv','delta','theta','gamma','vega','rho']]
opt.columns = [['contractType','strike','spot','forward','expDate','close','iv','delta','theta','gamma','vega','rho']]
opt_call = opt[opt.contractType=='CO']
opt_put = opt[opt.contractType=='PO']
opt_call.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([('Call', c) for c in opt_call.columns])
opt_call[('Call-Put', 'strike')] = opt_call[('Call', 'strike')]
opt_call[('Call-Put', 'spot')] = opt_call[('Call', 'spot')]
opt_call[('Call-Put', 'forward')] = opt_call[('Call', 'forward')]
opt_put.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([('Put', c) for c in opt_put.columns])
opt = concat([opt_call, opt_put], axis=1, join='inner').sort_index()
opt = opt.set_index(('Call','expDate')).sort_index()
opt = opt.drop([('Call','contractType'), ('Call','strike'), ('Call','forward'), ('Call','spot')], axis=1)
opt = opt.drop([('Put','expDate'), ('Put','contractType'), ('Put','strike'), ('Put','forward'), ('Put','spot')], axis=1)
opt.index.name = 'expDate'
## 以上得到完整的历史某日数据,格式简洁明了
return opt
# 做图展示某一天的隐含波动率微笑
def histDayPlotSmileVolatilityOpt50ETF(date):
cal = Calendar('China.SSE')
if not cal.isBizDay(date):
print date, ' is not a trading day!'
# Uqer 计算期权的风险数据
opt = histDayGreeksIVOpt50ETF(date)
spot = opt[('Call-Put', 'spot')].values[0]
# 下面展示波动率微笑
exp_dates = np.sort(opt.index.unique())
## ----------------------------------------------
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
for i in range(exp_dates.shape[0]):
date = exp_dates[i]
ax = fig.add_subplot(2,2,i+1)
opt_date = opt[opt.index==date].set_index(('Call-Put', 'strike'))
opt_date.index.name = 'strike'
ax.plot(opt_date.index, opt_date[('Call', 'iv')], '-o')
ax.plot(opt_date.index, opt_date[('Put', 'iv')], '-s')
(y_min, y_max) = ax.get_ylim()
ax.plot([spot, spot], [y_min, y_max], '--')
ax.set_ylim(y_min, y_max)
ax.legend(['call', 'put'], loc=0)
ax.set_ylabel(r"Implied Volatility")
三 期权分析
最后更新于:2022-04-01 21:58:59
# 三 期权分析
【50ETF期权】 5. 日内即时监控 Greeks 和隐含波动率微笑
最后更新于:2022-04-01 21:58:56
# 【50ETF期权】 5. 日内即时监控 Greeks 和隐含波动率微笑
> 来源:https://uqer.io/community/share/5615d10ff9f06c4ca72fb5be
和上一篇类似,计算上证50ETF期权的隐含波动率微笑,但这里通过DataAPI提供的高频数据,在交易时间实时监控Greeks 和隐含波动率变化!
from CAL.PyCAL import *
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
rc('mathtext', default='regular')
import seaborn as sns
import math
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy.stats import mstats
from pandas import Series, DataFrame, concat
import time
from matplotlib import dates
上海银行间同业拆借利率 SHIBOR,用来作为无风险利率参考
## 银行间质押式回购利率
def getHistDayInterestRateInterbankRepo(date):
cal = Calendar('China.SSE')
period = Period('-10B')
begin = cal.advanceDate(date, period)
begin_str = begin.toISO().replace('-', '')
date_str = date.toISO().replace('-', '')
# 以下的indicID分别对应的银行间质押式回购利率周期为:
# 1D, 7D, 14D, 21D, 1M, 3M, 4M, 6M, 9M, 1Y
indicID = [u"M120000067", u"M120000068", u"M120000069", u"M120000070", u"M120000071",
u"M120000072", u"M120000073", u"M120000074", u"M120000075", u"M120000076"]
period = np.asarray([1.0, 7.0, 14.0, 21.0, 30.0, 90.0, 120.0, 180.0, 270.0, 360.0]) / 360.0
period_matrix = pd.DataFrame(index=indicID, data=period, columns=['period'])
field = u"indicID,indicName,publishTime,periodDate,dataValue,unit"
interbank_repo = DataAPI.ChinaDataInterestRateInterbankRepoGet(indicID=indicID,beginDate=begin_str,endDate=date_str,field=field,pandas="1")
interbank_repo = interbank_repo.groupby('indicID').first()
interbank_repo = concat([interbank_repo, period_matrix], axis=1, join='inner').sort_index()
return interbank_repo
## 银行间同业拆借利率
def getHistDaySHIBOR(date):
cal = Calendar('China.SSE')
period = Period('-10B')
begin = cal.advanceDate(date, period)
begin_str = begin.toISO().replace('-', '')
date_str = date.toISO().replace('-', '')
# 以下的indicID分别对应的SHIBOR周期为:
# 1D, 7D, 14D, 1M, 3M, 6M, 9M, 1Y
indicID = [u"M120000057", u"M120000058", u"M120000059", u"M120000060",
u"M120000061", u"M120000062", u"M120000063", u"M120000064"]
period = np.asarray([1.0, 7.0, 14.0, 30.0, 90.0, 180.0, 270.0, 360.0]) / 360.0
period_matrix = pd.DataFrame(index=indicID, data=period, columns=['period'])
field = u"indicID,indicName,publishTime,periodDate,dataValue,unit"
interest_shibor = DataAPI.ChinaDataInterestRateSHIBORGet(indicID=indicID,beginDate=begin_str,endDate=date_str,field=field,pandas="1")
interest_shibor = interest_shibor.groupby('indicID').first()
interest_shibor = concat([interest_shibor, period_matrix], axis=1, join='inner').sort_index()
return interest_shibor
## 插值得到给定的周期的无风险利率
def periodsSplineRiskFreeInterestRate(date, periods):
# 此处使用SHIBOR来插值
init_shibor = getHistDaySHIBOR(date)
shibor = {}
min_period = min(init_shibor.period.values)
min_period = 10.0/360.0
max_period = max(init_shibor.period.values)
for p in periods.keys():
tmp = periods[p]
if periods[p] > max_period:
tmp = max_period * 0.99999
elif periods[p] < min_period:
tmp = min_period * 1.00001
sh = interpolate.spline(init_shibor.period.values, init_shibor.dataValue.values, [tmp], order=3)
shibor[p] = sh[0]/100.0
return shibor
## 1. Greeks 和 隐含波动率
+ `delta` 期权价格关于标的价格的一阶导数
+ `gamma` 期权价格关于标的价格的二阶导数
+ `rho` 期权价格关于无风险利率的一阶导数
+ `theta` 期权价格关于到期时间的一阶导数
+ `vega` 期权价格关于波动率的一阶导数
+ 计算隐含波动率,我们采用Black-Scholes-Merton模型,此模型在平台Python包CAL中已有实现
+ 无风险利率使用SHIBOR
+ 期权的时间价值为负时(此种情况在50ETF期权里时有发生),没法通过BSM模型计算隐含波动率,故此时将期权隐含波动率设为0.0,实际上,此时的隐含波动率和各风险指标并无实际参考价值
+ 此处计算即时隐含波动率和Greeks时候,我们使用买一和卖一的中间价作为期权价格
## 使用DataAPI.OptGet, DataAPI.MktOptionTickRTSnapshotGet 拿到计算所需数据
def getOptTickSnapshot(opt_var_sec, date):
date_str = date.toISO().replace('-', '')
info_fields = [u'optID', u'varSecID', u'varShortName', u'varTicker', u'varExchangeCD', u'varType',
u'contractType', u'strikePrice', u'contMultNum', u'contractStatus', u'listDate',
u'expYear', u'expMonth', u'expDate', u'lastTradeDate', u'exerDate', u'deliDate',
opt_info = DataAPI.OptGet(optID='', contractStatus=[u"DE",u"L"], field=info_fields, pandas="1")
date_str = date.toISO().replace('-', '')
fields_mkt = ['instrumentID', u'optionId', u'dataDate', u'lastPrice', u'preSettlePrice',
u'bidBook_price1', u'bidBook_volume1', u'askBook_price1', u'askBook_volume1']
opt_mkt = DataAPI.MktOptionTickRTSnapshotGet(optionId=u"", field='', pandas="1")
opt_mkt = opt_mkt[opt_mkt.dataDate == date.toISO()]
opt_mkt['optID'] = map(int, opt_mkt['optionId'])
opt_mkt[u"price"] = (opt_mkt['bidBook_price1'] + opt_mkt['askBook_price1'])/2.0
opt_info = opt_info.set_index(u"optID")
opt_mkt = opt_mkt.set_index(u"optID")
opt = concat([opt_info, opt_mkt], axis=1, join='inner').sort_index()
return opt
## 分析期权即时交易信息,得到隐含波动率微笑和期权风险指标
def getOptAnalysisSnapshot(opt_var_sec):
date = Date.todaysDate()
opt = getOptTickSnapshot(opt_var_sec, date)
#使用DataAPI.MktTickRTSnapshotGet 拿到期权标的的即时行情
date_str = date.toISO().replace('-', '')
opt_var_mkt = DataAPI.MktTickRTSnapshotGet(securityID=opt_var_sec,field=u"lastPrice",pandas="1")
# 计算shibor
exp_dates_str = opt.expDate.unique()
periods = {}
for date_str in exp_dates_str:
exp_date = Date.parseISO(date_str)
periods[exp_date] = (exp_date - date)/360.0
shibor = periodsSplineRiskFreeInterestRate(date, periods)
settle = opt.price.values # 期权 settle price
close = opt.price.values # 期权 close price
strike = opt.strikePrice.values # 期权 strike price
option_type = opt.contractType.values # 期权类型
exp_date_str = opt.expDate.values # 期权行权日期
eval_date_str = opt.dataDate.values # 期权交易日期
mat_dates = []
eval_dates = []
spot = []
for epd, evd in zip(exp_date_str, eval_date_str):
time_to_maturity = [float(mat - eva + 1.0)/365.0 for (mat, eva) in zip(mat_dates, eval_dates)]
risk_free = [] # 无风险利率
for s, mat, time in zip(spot, mat_dates, time_to_maturity):
#rf = math.log(forward_price[mat] / s) / time
rf = shibor[mat]
opt_types = [] # 期权类型
for t in option_type:
if t == 'CO':
# 使用通联CAL包中 BSMImpliedVolatity 计算隐含波动率
calculated_vol = BSMImpliedVolatity(opt_types, strike, spot, risk_free, 0.0, time_to_maturity, settle)
calculated_vol = calculated_vol.fillna(0.0)
# 使用通联CAL包中 BSMPrice 计算期权风险指标
greeks = BSMPrice(opt_types, strike, spot, risk_free, 0.0, calculated_vol.vol.values, time_to_maturity)
# vega、rho、theta 的计量单位参照上交所的数据,以求统一对比
greeks.vega = greeks.vega #/ 100.0
greeks.rho = greeks.rho #/ 100.0
greeks.theta = greeks.theta #* 365.0 / 252.0 #/ 365.0
opt['strike'] = strike
opt['optType'] = option_type
opt['expDate'] = exp_date_str
opt['spotPrice'] = spot
opt['riskFree'] = risk_free
opt['timeToMaturity'] = np.around(time_to_maturity, decimals=4)
opt['settle'] = np.around(greeks.price.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
opt['iv'] = np.around(calculated_vol.vol.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
opt['delta'] = np.around(greeks.delta.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
opt['vega'] = np.around(greeks.vega.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
opt['gamma'] = np.around(greeks.gamma.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
opt['theta'] = np.around(greeks.theta.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
opt['rho'] = np.around(greeks.rho.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
fields = [u'instrumentID', u'contractType', u'strikePrice', u'expDate', u'dataDate', u'dataTime',
u'price', 'spotPrice', u'iv',
u'delta', u'vega', u'gamma', u'theta', u'rho']
opt = opt[fields].reset_index().set_index('instrumentID').sort_index()
#opt['iv'] = opt.iv.replace(to_replace=0.0, value=np.nan)
return opt
# 期权分析数据整理
def getOptSnapshotGreeksIV():
# Uqer 计算期权的风险数据
opt_var_sec = u"510050.XSHG" # 期权标的
opt = getOptAnalysisSnapshot(opt_var_sec)
# 整理数据部分
opt.index = [index[-10:] for index in opt.index]
opt = opt[['spotPrice', 'contractType','strikePrice','expDate','price','iv','delta','theta','gamma','vega','rho']]
opt_call = opt[opt.contractType=='CO']
opt_put = opt[opt.contractType=='PO']
opt_call.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([('Call', c) for c in opt_call.columns])
opt_call[('Call-Put', 'spotPrice')] = opt_call[('Call', 'spotPrice')]
opt_call[('Call-Put', 'strikePrice')] = opt_call[('Call', 'strikePrice')]
opt_put.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([('Put', c) for c in opt_put.columns])
opt = concat([opt_call, opt_put], axis=1, join='inner').sort_index()
opt = opt.set_index(('Call','expDate')).sort_index()
opt = opt.drop([('Call','contractType'), ('Call','strikePrice'), ('Call','spotPrice')], axis=1)
opt = opt.drop([('Put','expDate'), ('Put','contractType'), ('Put','strikePrice'), ('Put','spotPrice')], axis=1)
opt.index.name = 'expDate'
## 以上得到完整的历史某日数据,格式简洁明了
return opt
Index([u'exchangeCD', u'ticker', u'timestamp', u'AggQty', u'amplitude', u'change', u'changePct', u'currencyCD', u'dataDate', u'dataTime', u'deal', u'extraLargeOrderValue', u'highPrice', u'IEP', u'largeOrderValue', u'lastPrice', u'localTimestamp', u'lowPrice', u'mediumOrderValue', u'negMarketValue', u'nominalPrice', u'openPrice', u'orderType', u'prevClosePrice', u'shortNM', u'smallOrderValue', u'staticPE', u'suspension', u'totalOrderValue', u'tradSessionID', u'tradSessionStatus', u'tradSessionSubID', u'tradStatus', u'tradType', u'turnoverRate', u'utcOffset', u'value', u'volume', u'VWAP', u'Yield', u'bidBook_price1', u'bidBook_volume1', u'bidBook_price2', u'bidBook_volume2', u'bidBook_price3', u'bidBook_volume3', u'bidBook_price4', u'bidBook_volume4', u'bidBook_price5', u'bidBook_volume5', u'askBook_price1', u'askBook_volume1', u'askBook_price2', u'askBook_volume2', u'askBook_price3', u'askBook_volume3', u'askBook_price4', u'askBook_volume4', u'askBook_price5', u'askBook_volume5'], dtype='object')
opt = getOptSnapshotGreeksIV()
| | Call | Call-Put | Put |
| --- | --- |
| price | iv | delta | theta | gamma | vega | rho | spotPrice | strikePrice | price | iv | delta | theta | gamma | vega | rho |
| expDate | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.35250 | 0.0000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2.215 | 1.85 | 0.00265 | 0.4139 | -0.0300 | -0.1281 | 0.3097 | 0.0362 | -0.0040 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.30390 | 0.0000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2.215 | 1.90 | 0.00490 | 0.4093 | -0.0517 | -0.1965 | 0.4868 | 0.0562 | -0.0069 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.25710 | 0.0000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2.215 | 1.95 | 0.00810 | 0.3985 | -0.0810 | -0.2706 | 0.7086 | 0.0797 | -0.0108 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.20990 | 0.0000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2.215 | 2.00 | 0.01130 | 0.3716 | -0.1133 | -0.3219 | 0.9729 | 0.1021 | -0.0151 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.16690 | 0.0000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2.215 | 2.05 | 0.01710 | 0.3539 | -0.1649 | -0.3942 | 1.3199 | 0.1318 | -0.0220 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.12500 | 0.1998 | 0.8793 | -0.2390 | 1.8916 | 0.1067 | 0.1049 | 2.215 | 2.10 | 0.02605 | 0.3391 | -0.2367 | -0.4668 | 1.7125 | 0.1639 | -0.0317 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.09155 | 0.2392 | 0.7182 | -0.4171 | 2.6574 | 0.1794 | 0.0863 | 2.215 | 2.15 | 0.03965 | 0.3287 | -0.3305 | -0.5273 | 2.0746 | 0.1925 | -0.0444 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.06285 | 0.2510 | 0.5679 | -0.4908 | 2.9485 | 0.2089 | 0.0688 | 2.215 | 2.20 | 0.06060 | 0.3297 | -0.4416 | -0.5701 | 2.2532 | 0.2097 | -0.0598 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.04160 | 0.2615 | 0.4241 | -0.4994 | 2.8189 | 0.2081 | 0.0516 | 2.215 | 2.25 | 0.09095 | 0.3483 | -0.5500 | -0.5979 | 2.1391 | 0.2103 | -0.0753 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.02795 | 0.2780 | 0.3064 | -0.4697 | 2.3766 | 0.1865 | 0.0374 | 2.215 | 2.30 | 0.12510 | 0.3612 | -0.6450 | -0.5751 | 1.9401 | 0.1978 | -0.0894 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.01655 | 0.2793 | 0.2049 | -0.3791 | 1.9141 | 0.1509 | 0.0252 | 2.215 | 2.35 | 0.16490 | 0.3831 | -0.7188 | -0.5449 | 1.6571 | 0.1792 | -0.1011 |
| 2015-11-25 | 0.17915 | 0.1663 | 0.9149 | -0.1371 | 1.1545 | 0.1264 | 0.2480 | 2.215 | 2.05 | 0.04815 | 0.3692 | -0.2509 | -0.3361 | 1.0627 | 0.2584 | -0.0811 |
| 2015-11-25 | 0.14805 | 0.2196 | 0.7751 | -0.2490 | 1.6819 | 0.2433 | 0.2106 | 2.215 | 2.10 | 0.06685 | 0.3775 | -0.3136 | -0.3803 | 1.1574 | 0.2878 | -0.1022 |
| 2015-11-25 | 0.12025 | 0.2438 | 0.6649 | -0.3116 | 1.8413 | 0.2957 | 0.1816 | 2.215 | 2.15 | 0.08985 | 0.3880 | -0.3780 | -0.4163 | 1.2072 | 0.3085 | -0.1245 |
| 2015-11-25 | 0.09455 | 0.2541 | 0.5657 | -0.3391 | 1.9085 | 0.3194 | 0.1555 | 2.215 | 2.20 | 0.11335 | 0.3891 | -0.4408 | -0.4293 | 1.2495 | 0.3202 | -0.1463 |
| 2015-11-25 | 0.07355 | 0.2631 | 0.4721 | -0.3475 | 1.8635 | 0.3230 | 0.1305 | 2.215 | 2.25 | 0.14205 | 0.3964 | -0.5023 | -0.4380 | 1.2402 | 0.3238 | -0.1684 |
| 2015-11-25 | 0.05525 | 0.2667 | 0.3849 | -0.3335 | 1.7659 | 0.3102 | 0.1070 | 2.215 | 2.30 | 0.17425 | 0.4052 | -0.5598 | -0.4381 | 1.1993 | 0.3201 | -0.1899 |
| 2015-12-23 | 0.38610 | 0.0000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2.215 | 1.80 | 0.02025 | 0.3907 | -0.0997 | -0.1573 | 0.4406 | 0.1782 | -0.0509 |
| 2015-12-23 | 0.34710 | 0.0000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2.215 | 1.85 | 0.02735 | 0.3885 | -0.1280 | -0.1862 | 0.5295 | 0.2129 | -0.0656 |
| 2015-12-23 | 0.30415 | 0.0000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2.215 | 1.90 | 0.03625 | 0.3865 | -0.1610 | -0.2152 | 0.6212 | 0.2485 | -0.0829 |
## 2. 隐含波动率微笑
# 做图展示某一天的隐含波动率微笑
def plotSnapshotSmileVolatility():
# Uqer 计算期权的风险数据
opt = getOptSnapshotGreeksIV()
# 下面展示波动率微笑
exp_dates = np.sort(opt.index.unique())
## ----------------------------------------------
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
for i in range(exp_dates.shape[0]):
date = exp_dates[i]
ax = fig.add_subplot(2,2,i+1)
opt_date = opt[opt.index==date].set_index(('Call-Put', 'strikePrice'))
opt_date.index.name = 'strikePrice'
ax.plot(opt_date.index, opt_date[('Call', 'iv')], '-o')
ax.plot(opt_date.index, opt_date[('Put', 'iv')], '-s')
ax.legend(['call', 'put'], loc=0)
ax.set_ylabel(r"Implied Volatility")

from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
# 做图展示某一天的隐含波动率结构
def plotSnapshotSmileVolatilitySurface():
# Uqer 计算期权的风险数据
date = Date.todaysDate()
opt = getOptSnapshotGreeksIV()
# 下面展示波动率结构
exp_dates = np.sort(opt.index.unique())
strikes = np.sort(opt[('Call-Put', 'strikePrice')].unique())
risk_mt = {'Call': pd.DataFrame(index=strikes),
'Put': pd.DataFrame(index=strikes) }
# 将数据整理成Call和Put分开来,分别的结构为:
# 行为行权价,列为剩余到期天数(以自然天数计算)
for epd in exp_dates:
exp_days = Date.parseISO(epd) - date
opt_date = opt[opt.index==epd].set_index(('Call-Put', 'strikePrice'))
opt_date.index.name = 'strikePrice'
for cp in risk_mt.keys():
risk_mt[cp][exp_days] = opt_date[(cp, 'iv')]
for cp in risk_mt.keys():
for strike in risk_mt[cp].index:
if np.sum(np.isnan(risk_mt[cp].ix[strike])) > 0:
risk_mt[cp] = risk_mt[cp].drop(strike)
# Call和Put分开显示,行index为行权价,列index为剩余到期天数
#print risk_mt
# 画图
for cp in ['Call', 'Put']:
opt = risk_mt[cp]
x = []
y = []
z = []
for xx in opt.index:
for yy in opt.columns:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
ax.plot_trisurf(x, y, z, cmap=cm.jet, linewidth=0.2)
return risk_mt
opt = plotSnapshotSmileVolatilitySurface()
opt # Call和Put分开显示,行index为行权价,列index为剩余到期天数
{'Call': 20 48 76 167
2.05 0.0000 0.1663 0.2027 0.2263
2.10 0.1998 0.2196 0.2283 0.2430
2.15 0.2392 0.2438 0.2446 0.2502
2.20 0.2510 0.2541 0.2570 0.2579
2.25 0.2615 0.2631 0.2646 0.2639
2.30 0.2780 0.2667 0.2763 0.2673,
'Put': 20 48 76 167
2.05 0.3535 0.3692 0.3965 0.3965
2.10 0.3391 0.3775 0.4002 0.4002
2.15 0.3287 0.3877 0.4116 0.4030
2.20 0.3297 0.3891 0.4185 0.4069
2.25 0.3483 0.3964 0.4228 0.4084
2.30 0.3612 0.4052 0.4287 0.4149}

+ 上图为Call,下图为Put,此处没有进行任何插值处理,略显粗糙
+ Put的隐含波动率明显大于Call
+ 期限结构来说,波动率呈现远高近低的特征
+ 切记:所有的隐含波动率为0代表着期权的时间价值为负,此时的风险数据实际上并无多大参考意义!!
【50ETF期权】 5. 日内即时监控 Greeks 和隐含波动率微笑
最后更新于:2022-04-01 21:58:54
# 【50ETF期权】 5. 日内即时监控 Greeks 和隐含波动率微笑
> 来源:https://uqer.io/community/share/5615d10ff9f06c4ca72fb5be
和上一篇类似,计算上证50ETF期权的隐含波动率微笑,但这里通过DataAPI提供的高频数据,在交易时间实时监控Greeks 和隐含波动率变化!
from CAL.PyCAL import *
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
rc('mathtext', default='regular')
import seaborn as sns
import math
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy.stats import mstats
from pandas import Series, DataFrame, concat
import time
from matplotlib import dates
上海银行间同业拆借利率 SHIBOR,用来作为无风险利率参考
## 银行间质押式回购利率
def getHistDayInterestRateInterbankRepo(date):
cal = Calendar('China.SSE')
period = Period('-10B')
begin = cal.advanceDate(date, period)
begin_str = begin.toISO().replace('-', '')
date_str = date.toISO().replace('-', '')
# 以下的indicID分别对应的银行间质押式回购利率周期为:
# 1D, 7D, 14D, 21D, 1M, 3M, 4M, 6M, 9M, 1Y
indicID = [u"M120000067", u"M120000068", u"M120000069", u"M120000070", u"M120000071",
u"M120000072", u"M120000073", u"M120000074", u"M120000075", u"M120000076"]
period = np.asarray([1.0, 7.0, 14.0, 21.0, 30.0, 90.0, 120.0, 180.0, 270.0, 360.0]) / 360.0
period_matrix = pd.DataFrame(index=indicID, data=period, columns=['period'])
field = u"indicID,indicName,publishTime,periodDate,dataValue,unit"
interbank_repo = DataAPI.ChinaDataInterestRateInterbankRepoGet(indicID=indicID,beginDate=begin_str,endDate=date_str,field=field,pandas="1")
interbank_repo = interbank_repo.groupby('indicID').first()
interbank_repo = concat([interbank_repo, period_matrix], axis=1, join='inner').sort_index()
return interbank_repo
## 银行间同业拆借利率
def getHistDaySHIBOR(date):
cal = Calendar('China.SSE')
period = Period('-10B')
begin = cal.advanceDate(date, period)
begin_str = begin.toISO().replace('-', '')
date_str = date.toISO().replace('-', '')
# 以下的indicID分别对应的SHIBOR周期为:
# 1D, 7D, 14D, 1M, 3M, 6M, 9M, 1Y
indicID = [u"M120000057", u"M120000058", u"M120000059", u"M120000060",
u"M120000061", u"M120000062", u"M120000063", u"M120000064"]
period = np.asarray([1.0, 7.0, 14.0, 30.0, 90.0, 180.0, 270.0, 360.0]) / 360.0
period_matrix = pd.DataFrame(index=indicID, data=period, columns=['period'])
field = u"indicID,indicName,publishTime,periodDate,dataValue,unit"
interest_shibor = DataAPI.ChinaDataInterestRateSHIBORGet(indicID=indicID,beginDate=begin_str,endDate=date_str,field=field,pandas="1")
interest_shibor = interest_shibor.groupby('indicID').first()
interest_shibor = concat([interest_shibor, period_matrix], axis=1, join='inner').sort_index()
return interest_shibor
## 插值得到给定的周期的无风险利率
def periodsSplineRiskFreeInterestRate(date, periods):
# 此处使用SHIBOR来插值
init_shibor = getHistDaySHIBOR(date)
shibor = {}
min_period = min(init_shibor.period.values)
min_period = 10.0/360.0
max_period = max(init_shibor.period.values)
for p in periods.keys():
tmp = periods[p]
if periods[p] > max_period:
tmp = max_period * 0.99999
elif periods[p] < min_period:
tmp = min_period * 1.00001
sh = interpolate.spline(init_shibor.period.values, init_shibor.dataValue.values, [tmp], order=3)
shibor[p] = sh[0]/100.0
return shibor
## 1. Greeks 和 隐含波动率
+ `delta` 期权价格关于标的价格的一阶导数
+ `gamma` 期权价格关于标的价格的二阶导数
+ `rho` 期权价格关于无风险利率的一阶导数
+ `theta` 期权价格关于到期时间的一阶导数
+ `vega` 期权价格关于波动率的一阶导数
+ 计算隐含波动率,我们采用Black-Scholes-Merton模型,此模型在平台Python包CAL中已有实现
+ 无风险利率使用SHIBOR
+ 期权的时间价值为负时(此种情况在50ETF期权里时有发生),没法通过BSM模型计算隐含波动率,故此时将期权隐含波动率设为0.0,实际上,此时的隐含波动率和各风险指标并无实际参考价值
+ 此处计算即时隐含波动率和Greeks时候,我们使用买一和卖一的中间价作为期权价格
## 使用DataAPI.OptGet, DataAPI.MktOptionTickRTSnapshotGet 拿到计算所需数据
def getOptTickSnapshot(opt_var_sec, date):
date_str = date.toISO().replace('-', '')
info_fields = [u'optID', u'varSecID', u'varShortName', u'varTicker', u'varExchangeCD', u'varType',
u'contractType', u'strikePrice', u'contMultNum', u'contractStatus', u'listDate',
u'expYear', u'expMonth', u'expDate', u'lastTradeDate', u'exerDate', u'deliDate',
opt_info = DataAPI.OptGet(optID='', contractStatus=[u"DE",u"L"], field=info_fields, pandas="1")
date_str = date.toISO().replace('-', '')
fields_mkt = ['instrumentID', u'optionId', u'dataDate', u'lastPrice', u'preSettlePrice',
u'bidBook_price1', u'bidBook_volume1', u'askBook_price1', u'askBook_volume1']
opt_mkt = DataAPI.MktOptionTickRTSnapshotGet(optionId=u"", field='', pandas="1")
opt_mkt = opt_mkt[opt_mkt.dataDate == date.toISO()]
opt_mkt['optID'] = map(int, opt_mkt['optionId'])
opt_mkt[u"price"] = (opt_mkt['bidBook_price1'] + opt_mkt['askBook_price1'])/2.0
opt_info = opt_info.set_index(u"optID")
opt_mkt = opt_mkt.set_index(u"optID")
opt = concat([opt_info, opt_mkt], axis=1, join='inner').sort_index()
return opt
## 分析期权即时交易信息,得到隐含波动率微笑和期权风险指标
def getOptAnalysisSnapshot(opt_var_sec):
date = Date.todaysDate()
opt = getOptTickSnapshot(opt_var_sec, date)
#使用DataAPI.MktTickRTSnapshotGet 拿到期权标的的即时行情
date_str = date.toISO().replace('-', '')
opt_var_mkt = DataAPI.MktTickRTSnapshotGet(securityID=opt_var_sec,field=u"lastPrice",pandas="1")
# 计算shibor
exp_dates_str = opt.expDate.unique()
periods = {}
for date_str in exp_dates_str:
exp_date = Date.parseISO(date_str)
periods[exp_date] = (exp_date - date)/360.0
shibor = periodsSplineRiskFreeInterestRate(date, periods)
settle = opt.price.values # 期权 settle price
close = opt.price.values # 期权 close price
strike = opt.strikePrice.values # 期权 strike price
option_type = opt.contractType.values # 期权类型
exp_date_str = opt.expDate.values # 期权行权日期
eval_date_str = opt.dataDate.values # 期权交易日期
mat_dates = []
eval_dates = []
spot = []
for epd, evd in zip(exp_date_str, eval_date_str):
time_to_maturity = [float(mat - eva + 1.0)/365.0 for (mat, eva) in zip(mat_dates, eval_dates)]
risk_free = [] # 无风险利率
for s, mat, time in zip(spot, mat_dates, time_to_maturity):
#rf = math.log(forward_price[mat] / s) / time
rf = shibor[mat]
opt_types = [] # 期权类型
for t in option_type:
if t == 'CO':
# 使用通联CAL包中 BSMImpliedVolatity 计算隐含波动率
calculated_vol = BSMImpliedVolatity(opt_types, strike, spot, risk_free, 0.0, time_to_maturity, settle)
calculated_vol = calculated_vol.fillna(0.0)
# 使用通联CAL包中 BSMPrice 计算期权风险指标
greeks = BSMPrice(opt_types, strike, spot, risk_free, 0.0, calculated_vol.vol.values, time_to_maturity)
# vega、rho、theta 的计量单位参照上交所的数据,以求统一对比
greeks.vega = greeks.vega #/ 100.0
greeks.rho = greeks.rho #/ 100.0
greeks.theta = greeks.theta #* 365.0 / 252.0 #/ 365.0
opt['strike'] = strike
opt['optType'] = option_type
opt['expDate'] = exp_date_str
opt['spotPrice'] = spot
opt['riskFree'] = risk_free
opt['timeToMaturity'] = np.around(time_to_maturity, decimals=4)
opt['settle'] = np.around(greeks.price.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
opt['iv'] = np.around(calculated_vol.vol.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
opt['delta'] = np.around(greeks.delta.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
opt['vega'] = np.around(greeks.vega.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
opt['gamma'] = np.around(greeks.gamma.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
opt['theta'] = np.around(greeks.theta.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
opt['rho'] = np.around(greeks.rho.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
fields = [u'instrumentID', u'contractType', u'strikePrice', u'expDate', u'dataDate', u'dataTime',
u'price', 'spotPrice', u'iv',
u'delta', u'vega', u'gamma', u'theta', u'rho']
opt = opt[fields].reset_index().set_index('instrumentID').sort_index()
#opt['iv'] = opt.iv.replace(to_replace=0.0, value=np.nan)
return opt
# 期权分析数据整理
def getOptSnapshotGreeksIV():
# Uqer 计算期权的风险数据
opt_var_sec = u"510050.XSHG" # 期权标的
opt = getOptAnalysisSnapshot(opt_var_sec)
# 整理数据部分
opt.index = [index[-10:] for index in opt.index]
opt = opt[['spotPrice', 'contractType','strikePrice','expDate','price','iv','delta','theta','gamma','vega','rho']]
opt_call = opt[opt.contractType=='CO']
opt_put = opt[opt.contractType=='PO']
opt_call.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([('Call', c) for c in opt_call.columns])
opt_call[('Call-Put', 'spotPrice')] = opt_call[('Call', 'spotPrice')]
opt_call[('Call-Put', 'strikePrice')] = opt_call[('Call', 'strikePrice')]
opt_put.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([('Put', c) for c in opt_put.columns])
opt = concat([opt_call, opt_put], axis=1, join='inner').sort_index()
opt = opt.set_index(('Call','expDate')).sort_index()
opt = opt.drop([('Call','contractType'), ('Call','strikePrice'), ('Call','spotPrice')], axis=1)
opt = opt.drop([('Put','expDate'), ('Put','contractType'), ('Put','strikePrice'), ('Put','spotPrice')], axis=1)
opt.index.name = 'expDate'
## 以上得到完整的历史某日数据,格式简洁明了
return opt
Index([u'exchangeCD', u'ticker', u'timestamp', u'AggQty', u'amplitude', u'change', u'changePct', u'currencyCD', u'dataDate', u'dataTime', u'deal', u'extraLargeOrderValue', u'highPrice', u'IEP', u'largeOrderValue', u'lastPrice', u'localTimestamp', u'lowPrice', u'mediumOrderValue', u'negMarketValue', u'nominalPrice', u'openPrice', u'orderType', u'prevClosePrice', u'shortNM', u'smallOrderValue', u'staticPE', u'suspension', u'totalOrderValue', u'tradSessionID', u'tradSessionStatus', u'tradSessionSubID', u'tradStatus', u'tradType', u'turnoverRate', u'utcOffset', u'value', u'volume', u'VWAP', u'Yield', u'bidBook_price1', u'bidBook_volume1', u'bidBook_price2', u'bidBook_volume2', u'bidBook_price3', u'bidBook_volume3', u'bidBook_price4', u'bidBook_volume4', u'bidBook_price5', u'bidBook_volume5', u'askBook_price1', u'askBook_volume1', u'askBook_price2', u'askBook_volume2', u'askBook_price3', u'askBook_volume3', u'askBook_price4', u'askBook_volume4', u'askBook_price5', u'askBook_volume5'], dtype='object')
opt = getOptSnapshotGreeksIV()
| | Call | Call-Put | Put |
| --- | --- |
| price | iv | delta | theta | gamma | vega | rho | spotPrice | strikePrice | price | iv | delta | theta | gamma | vega | rho |
| expDate | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.35250 | 0.0000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2.215 | 1.85 | 0.00265 | 0.4139 | -0.0300 | -0.1281 | 0.3097 | 0.0362 | -0.0040 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.30390 | 0.0000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2.215 | 1.90 | 0.00490 | 0.4093 | -0.0517 | -0.1965 | 0.4868 | 0.0562 | -0.0069 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.25710 | 0.0000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2.215 | 1.95 | 0.00810 | 0.3985 | -0.0810 | -0.2706 | 0.7086 | 0.0797 | -0.0108 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.20990 | 0.0000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2.215 | 2.00 | 0.01130 | 0.3716 | -0.1133 | -0.3219 | 0.9729 | 0.1021 | -0.0151 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.16690 | 0.0000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2.215 | 2.05 | 0.01710 | 0.3539 | -0.1649 | -0.3942 | 1.3199 | 0.1318 | -0.0220 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.12500 | 0.1998 | 0.8793 | -0.2390 | 1.8916 | 0.1067 | 0.1049 | 2.215 | 2.10 | 0.02605 | 0.3391 | -0.2367 | -0.4668 | 1.7125 | 0.1639 | -0.0317 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.09155 | 0.2392 | 0.7182 | -0.4171 | 2.6574 | 0.1794 | 0.0863 | 2.215 | 2.15 | 0.03965 | 0.3287 | -0.3305 | -0.5273 | 2.0746 | 0.1925 | -0.0444 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.06285 | 0.2510 | 0.5679 | -0.4908 | 2.9485 | 0.2089 | 0.0688 | 2.215 | 2.20 | 0.06060 | 0.3297 | -0.4416 | -0.5701 | 2.2532 | 0.2097 | -0.0598 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.04160 | 0.2615 | 0.4241 | -0.4994 | 2.8189 | 0.2081 | 0.0516 | 2.215 | 2.25 | 0.09095 | 0.3483 | -0.5500 | -0.5979 | 2.1391 | 0.2103 | -0.0753 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.02795 | 0.2780 | 0.3064 | -0.4697 | 2.3766 | 0.1865 | 0.0374 | 2.215 | 2.30 | 0.12510 | 0.3612 | -0.6450 | -0.5751 | 1.9401 | 0.1978 | -0.0894 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.01655 | 0.2793 | 0.2049 | -0.3791 | 1.9141 | 0.1509 | 0.0252 | 2.215 | 2.35 | 0.16490 | 0.3831 | -0.7188 | -0.5449 | 1.6571 | 0.1792 | -0.1011 |
| 2015-11-25 | 0.17915 | 0.1663 | 0.9149 | -0.1371 | 1.1545 | 0.1264 | 0.2480 | 2.215 | 2.05 | 0.04815 | 0.3692 | -0.2509 | -0.3361 | 1.0627 | 0.2584 | -0.0811 |
| 2015-11-25 | 0.14805 | 0.2196 | 0.7751 | -0.2490 | 1.6819 | 0.2433 | 0.2106 | 2.215 | 2.10 | 0.06685 | 0.3775 | -0.3136 | -0.3803 | 1.1574 | 0.2878 | -0.1022 |
| 2015-11-25 | 0.12025 | 0.2438 | 0.6649 | -0.3116 | 1.8413 | 0.2957 | 0.1816 | 2.215 | 2.15 | 0.08985 | 0.3880 | -0.3780 | -0.4163 | 1.2072 | 0.3085 | -0.1245 |
| 2015-11-25 | 0.09455 | 0.2541 | 0.5657 | -0.3391 | 1.9085 | 0.3194 | 0.1555 | 2.215 | 2.20 | 0.11335 | 0.3891 | -0.4408 | -0.4293 | 1.2495 | 0.3202 | -0.1463 |
| 2015-11-25 | 0.07355 | 0.2631 | 0.4721 | -0.3475 | 1.8635 | 0.3230 | 0.1305 | 2.215 | 2.25 | 0.14205 | 0.3964 | -0.5023 | -0.4380 | 1.2402 | 0.3238 | -0.1684 |
| 2015-11-25 | 0.05525 | 0.2667 | 0.3849 | -0.3335 | 1.7659 | 0.3102 | 0.1070 | 2.215 | 2.30 | 0.17425 | 0.4052 | -0.5598 | -0.4381 | 1.1993 | 0.3201 | -0.1899 |
| 2015-12-23 | 0.38610 | 0.0000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2.215 | 1.80 | 0.02025 | 0.3907 | -0.0997 | -0.1573 | 0.4406 | 0.1782 | -0.0509 |
| 2015-12-23 | 0.34710 | 0.0000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2.215 | 1.85 | 0.02735 | 0.3885 | -0.1280 | -0.1862 | 0.5295 | 0.2129 | -0.0656 |
| 2015-12-23 | 0.30415 | 0.0000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2.215 | 1.90 | 0.03625 | 0.3865 | -0.1610 | -0.2152 | 0.6212 | 0.2485 | -0.0829 |
## 2. 隐含波动率微笑
# 做图展示某一天的隐含波动率微笑
def plotSnapshotSmileVolatility():
# Uqer 计算期权的风险数据
opt = getOptSnapshotGreeksIV()
# 下面展示波动率微笑
exp_dates = np.sort(opt.index.unique())
## ----------------------------------------------
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
for i in range(exp_dates.shape[0]):
date = exp_dates[i]
ax = fig.add_subplot(2,2,i+1)
opt_date = opt[opt.index==date].set_index(('Call-Put', 'strikePrice'))
opt_date.index.name = 'strikePrice'
ax.plot(opt_date.index, opt_date[('Call', 'iv')], '-o')
ax.plot(opt_date.index, opt_date[('Put', 'iv')], '-s')
ax.legend(['call', 'put'], loc=0)
ax.set_ylabel(r"Implied Volatility")

from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
# 做图展示某一天的隐含波动率结构
def plotSnapshotSmileVolatilitySurface():
# Uqer 计算期权的风险数据
date = Date.todaysDate()
opt = getOptSnapshotGreeksIV()
# 下面展示波动率结构
exp_dates = np.sort(opt.index.unique())
strikes = np.sort(opt[('Call-Put', 'strikePrice')].unique())
risk_mt = {'Call': pd.DataFrame(index=strikes),
'Put': pd.DataFrame(index=strikes) }
# 将数据整理成Call和Put分开来,分别的结构为:
# 行为行权价,列为剩余到期天数(以自然天数计算)
for epd in exp_dates:
exp_days = Date.parseISO(epd) - date
opt_date = opt[opt.index==epd].set_index(('Call-Put', 'strikePrice'))
opt_date.index.name = 'strikePrice'
for cp in risk_mt.keys():
risk_mt[cp][exp_days] = opt_date[(cp, 'iv')]
for cp in risk_mt.keys():
for strike in risk_mt[cp].index:
if np.sum(np.isnan(risk_mt[cp].ix[strike])) > 0:
risk_mt[cp] = risk_mt[cp].drop(strike)
# Call和Put分开显示,行index为行权价,列index为剩余到期天数
#print risk_mt
# 画图
for cp in ['Call', 'Put']:
opt = risk_mt[cp]
x = []
y = []
z = []
for xx in opt.index:
for yy in opt.columns:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
ax.plot_trisurf(x, y, z, cmap=cm.jet, linewidth=0.2)
return risk_mt
opt = plotSnapshotSmileVolatilitySurface()
opt # Call和Put分开显示,行index为行权价,列index为剩余到期天数
{'Call': 20 48 76 167
2.05 0.0000 0.1663 0.2027 0.2263
2.10 0.1998 0.2196 0.2283 0.2430
2.15 0.2392 0.2438 0.2446 0.2502
2.20 0.2510 0.2541 0.2570 0.2579
2.25 0.2615 0.2631 0.2646 0.2639
2.30 0.2780 0.2667 0.2763 0.2673,
'Put': 20 48 76 167
2.05 0.3535 0.3692 0.3965 0.3965
2.10 0.3391 0.3775 0.4002 0.4002
2.15 0.3287 0.3877 0.4116 0.4030
2.20 0.3297 0.3891 0.4185 0.4069
2.25 0.3483 0.3964 0.4228 0.4084
2.30 0.3612 0.4052 0.4287 0.4149}

+ 上图为Call,下图为Put,此处没有进行任何插值处理,略显粗糙
+ Put的隐含波动率明显大于Call
+ 期限结构来说,波动率呈现远高近低的特征
+ 切记:所有的隐含波动率为0代表着期权的时间价值为负,此时的风险数据实际上并无多大参考意义!!
【50ETF期权】 4. Greeks 和隐含波动率微笑
最后更新于:2022-04-01 21:58:52
# 【50ETF期权】 4. Greeks 和隐含波动率微笑
> 来源:https://uqer.io/community/share/560769faf9f06c597165ef75
from CAL.PyCAL import *
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
rc('mathtext', default='regular')
import seaborn as sns
import math
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy.stats import mstats
from pandas import Series, DataFrame, concat
import time
from matplotlib import dates
上海银行间同业拆借利率 SHIBOR,用来作为无风险利率参考
## 银行间质押式回购利率
def getHistDayInterestRateInterbankRepo(date):
cal = Calendar('China.SSE')
period = Period('-10B')
begin = cal.advanceDate(date, period)
begin_str = begin.toISO().replace('-', '')
date_str = date.toISO().replace('-', '')
# 以下的indicID分别对应的银行间质押式回购利率周期为:
# 1D, 7D, 14D, 21D, 1M, 3M, 4M, 6M, 9M, 1Y
indicID = [u"M120000067", u"M120000068", u"M120000069", u"M120000070", u"M120000071",
u"M120000072", u"M120000073", u"M120000074", u"M120000075", u"M120000076"]
period = np.asarray([1.0, 7.0, 14.0, 21.0, 30.0, 90.0, 120.0, 180.0, 270.0, 360.0]) / 360.0
period_matrix = pd.DataFrame(index=indicID, data=period, columns=['period'])
field = u"indicID,indicName,publishTime,periodDate,dataValue,unit"
interbank_repo = DataAPI.ChinaDataInterestRateInterbankRepoGet(indicID=indicID,beginDate=begin_str,endDate=date_str,field=field,pandas="1")
interbank_repo = interbank_repo.groupby('indicID').first()
interbank_repo = concat([interbank_repo, period_matrix], axis=1, join='inner').sort_index()
return interbank_repo
## 银行间同业拆借利率
def getHistDaySHIBOR(date):
cal = Calendar('China.SSE')
period = Period('-10B')
begin = cal.advanceDate(date, period)
begin_str = begin.toISO().replace('-', '')
date_str = date.toISO().replace('-', '')
# 以下的indicID分别对应的SHIBOR周期为:
# 1D, 7D, 14D, 1M, 3M, 6M, 9M, 1Y
indicID = [u"M120000057", u"M120000058", u"M120000059", u"M120000060",
u"M120000061", u"M120000062", u"M120000063", u"M120000064"]
period = np.asarray([1.0, 7.0, 14.0, 30.0, 90.0, 180.0, 270.0, 360.0]) / 360.0
period_matrix = pd.DataFrame(index=indicID, data=period, columns=['period'])
field = u"indicID,indicName,publishTime,periodDate,dataValue,unit"
interest_shibor = DataAPI.ChinaDataInterestRateSHIBORGet(indicID=indicID,beginDate=begin_str,endDate=date_str,field=field,pandas="1")
interest_shibor = interest_shibor.groupby('indicID').first()
interest_shibor = concat([interest_shibor, period_matrix], axis=1, join='inner').sort_index()
return interest_shibor
## 插值得到给定的周期的无风险利率
def periodsSplineRiskFreeInterestRate(date, periods):
# 此处使用SHIBOR来插值
init_shibor = getHistDaySHIBOR(date)
shibor = {}
min_period = min(init_shibor.period.values)
min_period = 10.0/360.0
max_period = max(init_shibor.period.values)
for p in periods.keys():
tmp = periods[p]
if periods[p] > max_period:
tmp = max_period * 0.99999
elif periods[p] < min_period:
tmp = min_period * 1.00001
sh = interpolate.spline(init_shibor.period.values, init_shibor.dataValue.values, [tmp], order=3)
shibor[p] = sh[0]/100.0
return shibor
1. Greeks 和 隐含波动率计算
+ `delta` 期权价格关于标的价格的一阶导数
+ `gamma` 期权价格关于标的价格的二阶导数
+ `rho` 期权价格关于无风险利率的一阶导数
+ `theta` 期权价格关于到期时间的一阶导数
+ `vega` 期权价格关于波动率的一阶导数
+ 计算隐含波动率,我们采用Black-Scholes-Merton模型,此模型在平台Python包CAL中已有实现
+ 无风险利率使用SHIBOR
+ 期权的时间价值为负时(此种情况在50ETF期权里时有发生),没法通过BSM模型计算隐含波动率,故此时将期权隐含波动率设为0.0,实际上,此时的隐含波动率和各风险指标并无实际参考价值
## 使用DataAPI.OptGet, DataAPI.MktOptdGet拿到计算所需数据
def getOptDayData(opt_var_sec, date):
date_str = date.toISO().replace('-', '')
info_fields = [u'optID', u'varSecID', u'varShortName', u'varTicker', u'varExchangeCD', u'varType',
u'contractType', u'strikePrice', u'contMultNum', u'contractStatus', u'listDate',
u'expYear', u'expMonth', u'expDate', u'lastTradeDate', u'exerDate', u'deliDate',
opt_info = DataAPI.OptGet(optID='', contractStatus=[u"DE",u"L"], field=info_fields, pandas="1")
mkt_fields = [u'ticker', u'optID', u'secShortName', u'exchangeCD', u'tradeDate', u'preSettlePrice',
u'preClosePrice', u'openPrice', u'highestPrice', u'lowestPrice', u'closePrice',
u'settlPrice', u'turnoverVol', u'turnoverValue', u'openInt']
opt_mkt = DataAPI.MktOptdGet(tradeDate=date_str, field=mkt_fields, pandas = "1")
opt_info = opt_info.set_index(u"optID")
opt_mkt = opt_mkt.set_index(u"optID")
opt = concat([opt_info, opt_mkt], axis=1, join='inner').sort_index()
return opt
## 分析历史某一日的期权收盘价信息,得到隐含波动率微笑和期权风险指标
def getOptDayAnalysis(opt_var_sec, date):
opt = getOptDayData(opt_var_sec, date)
date_str = date.toISO().replace('-', '')
opt_var_mkt = DataAPI.MktFunddGet(secID=opt_var_sec,tradeDate=date_str,beginDate=u"",endDate=u"",field=u"",pandas="1")
#opt_var_mkt = DataAPI.MktFunddAdjGet(secID=opt_var_sec,beginDate=date_str,endDate=date_str,field=u"",pandas="1")
# 计算shibor
exp_dates_str = opt.expDate.unique()
periods = {}
for date_str in exp_dates_str:
exp_date = Date.parseISO(date_str)
periods[exp_date] = (exp_date - date)/360.0
shibor = periodsSplineRiskFreeInterestRate(date, periods)
settle = opt.settlPrice.values # 期权 settle price
close = opt.closePrice.values # 期权 close price
strike = opt.strikePrice.values # 期权 strike price
option_type = opt.contractType.values # 期权类型
exp_date_str = opt.expDate.values # 期权行权日期
eval_date_str = opt.tradeDate.values # 期权交易日期
mat_dates = []
eval_dates = []
spot = []
for epd, evd in zip(exp_date_str, eval_date_str):
time_to_maturity = [float(mat - eva + 1.0)/365.0 for (mat, eva) in zip(mat_dates, eval_dates)]
risk_free = [] # 无风险利率
for s, mat, time in zip(spot, mat_dates, time_to_maturity):
#rf = math.log(forward_price[mat] / s) / time
rf = shibor[mat]
opt_types = [] # 期权类型
for t in option_type:
if t == 'CO':
# 使用通联CAL包中 BSMImpliedVolatity 计算隐含波动率
calculated_vol = BSMImpliedVolatity(opt_types, strike, spot, risk_free, 0.0, time_to_maturity, settle)
calculated_vol = calculated_vol.fillna(0.0)
# 使用通联CAL包中 BSMPrice 计算期权风险指标
greeks = BSMPrice(opt_types, strike, spot, risk_free, 0.0, calculated_vol.vol.values, time_to_maturity)
greeks.vega = greeks.vega #/ 100.0
greeks.rho = greeks.rho #/ 100.0
greeks.theta = greeks.theta #* 365.0 / 252.0 #/ 365.0
opt['strike'] = strike
opt['optType'] = option_type
opt['expDate'] = exp_date_str
opt['spotPrice'] = spot
opt['riskFree'] = risk_free
opt['timeToMaturity'] = np.around(time_to_maturity, decimals=4)
opt['settle'] = np.around(greeks.price.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
opt['iv'] = np.around(calculated_vol.vol.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
opt['delta'] = np.around(greeks.delta.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
opt['vega'] = np.around(greeks.vega.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
opt['gamma'] = np.around(greeks.gamma.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
opt['theta'] = np.around(greeks.theta.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
opt['rho'] = np.around(greeks.rho.values.astype(np.double), decimals=4)
fields = [u'ticker', u'contractType', u'strikePrice', u'expDate', u'tradeDate',
u'closePrice', u'settlPrice', 'spotPrice', u'iv',
u'delta', u'vega', u'gamma', u'theta', u'rho']
opt = opt[fields].reset_index().set_index('ticker').sort_index()
#opt['iv'] = opt.iv.replace(to_replace=0.0, value=np.nan)
return opt
尝试用 `getOptDayAnalysis` 计算 2015-09-24 这一天的风险指标
# Uqer 计算期权的风险数据
opt_var_sec = u"510050.XSHG" # 期权标的
date = Date(2015, 9, 24)
option_risk = getOptDayAnalysis(opt_var_sec, date)
| | optID | contractType | strikePrice | expDate | tradeDate | closePrice | settlPrice | spotPrice | iv | delta | vega | gamma | theta | rho |
| --- | --- |
| ticker | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 510050C1510M01850 | 10000405 | CO | 1.85 | 2015-10-28 | 2015-09-24 | 0.3268 | 0.3555 | 2.187 | 0.4317 | 0.9101 | 0.1099 | 0.5550 | -0.2992 | 0.1568 |
| 510050C1510M01900 | 10000406 | CO | 1.90 | 2015-10-28 | 2015-09-24 | 0.2791 | 0.3102 | 2.187 | 0.4161 | 0.8810 | 0.1347 | 0.7058 | -0.3435 | 0.1550 |
+ 上交所的数据需要自行下载,注意选择日期下载相应csv文件,http://www.sse.com.cn/assortment/derivatives/options/risk/
+ 下载完后,不做内容改动,请上传到UQER平台的 Data 中;文件名请相应修改,此处我设为了 `option_risk_sse_0924.csv`
+ 为了避免冗余,下面我们仅仅对比近月期权的各个风险指标
# 读取上交所数据
def readRiskDataSSE(file_str):
# 按照上交所下载到的risk数据排版格式,做以处理
opt = pd.read_csv(file_str, encoding='gb2312').reset_index()
opt.columns = [['tradeDate','optID','ticker','secShortName','delta','theta','gamma','vega','rho','margin']]
opt = opt[['tradeDate','optID','ticker','delta','theta','gamma','vega','rho']]
opt['ticker'] = [tic[1:-2] for tic in opt['ticker']]
opt['tradeDate'] = [td[0:-1] for td in opt['tradeDate']]
info_fields = [u'optID', u'varSecID', u'varShortName', u'varTicker', u'varExchangeCD', u'varType',
u'contractType', u'strikePrice', u'contMultNum', u'contractStatus', u'listDate',
u'expYear', u'expMonth', u'expDate', u'lastTradeDate', u'exerDate', u'deliDate',
opt_info = DataAPI.OptGet(optID='', contractStatus=[u"DE",u"L"], field=info_fields, pandas="1")
# 上交所的数据和期权基本信息合并,得到比较完整的期权数据
opt_info = opt_info.set_index(u"optID")
opt = opt.set_index(u"optID")
opt = concat([opt_info, opt], axis=1, join='inner').sort_index()
fields = [u'ticker', u'contractType', u'strikePrice', u'expDate', u'tradeDate',
u'delta', u'vega', u'gamma', u'theta', u'rho']
opt = opt[fields].reset_index().set_index('ticker').sort_index()
return opt
读取 2015-09-24 上交所数据
option_risk_sse = readRiskDataSSE('option_risk_sse_0924.csv')
| | optID | contractType | strikePrice | expDate | tradeDate | delta | vega | gamma | theta | rho |
| --- | --- |
| ticker | | | | | | | | | | |
| 510050C1510M01850 | 10000405 | CO | 1.85 | 2015-10-28 | 2015-09-24 | 0.910 | 0.109 | 0.555 | -0.303 | 0.154 |
| 510050C1510M01900 | 10000406 | CO | 1.90 | 2015-10-28 | 2015-09-24 | 0.881 | 0.134 | 0.706 | -0.349 | 0.153 |
`getOptDayAnalysis` 函数计算结果和上交所数据的对比
# 对比本文计算结果 option_risk 和上交所结果 option_risk_sse 中的近月期权风险指标
near_exp = np.sort(option_risk.expDate.unique())[0] # 近月期权行权日
opt_call_uqer = option_risk[option_risk.expDate==near_exp][option_risk.contractType=='CO'].set_index('strikePrice')
opt_call_sse = option_risk_sse[option_risk_sse.expDate==near_exp][option_risk_sse.contractType=='CO'].set_index('strikePrice')
opt_put_uqer = option_risk[option_risk.expDate==near_exp][option_risk.contractType=='PO'].set_index('strikePrice')
opt_put_sse = option_risk_sse[option_risk_sse.expDate==near_exp][option_risk_sse.contractType=='PO'].set_index('strikePrice')
## ----------------------------------------------
## 风险指标对比
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,12))
# ------ Delta ------
ax = fig.add_subplot(321)
ax.plot(opt_call_uqer.index, opt_call_uqer['delta'], '-')
ax.plot(opt_call_sse.index, opt_call_sse['delta'], 's')
ax.plot(opt_put_uqer.index, opt_put_uqer['delta'], '-')
ax.plot(opt_put_sse.index, opt_put_sse['delta'], 's')
ax.legend(['call-uqer', 'call-sse', 'put-uqer', 'put-sse'])
plt.title('Delta Comparison')
# ------ Theta ------
ax = fig.add_subplot(322)
ax.plot(opt_call_uqer.index, opt_call_uqer['theta'], '-')
ax.plot(opt_call_sse.index, opt_call_sse['theta'], 's')
ax.plot(opt_put_uqer.index, opt_put_uqer['theta'], '-')
ax.plot(opt_put_sse.index, opt_put_sse['theta'], 's')
ax.legend(['call-uqer', 'call-sse', 'put-uqer', 'put-sse'])
plt.title('Theta Comparison')
# ------ Gamma ------
ax = fig.add_subplot(323)
ax.plot(opt_call_uqer.index, opt_call_uqer['gamma'], '-')
ax.plot(opt_call_sse.index, opt_call_sse['gamma'], 's')
ax.plot(opt_put_uqer.index, opt_put_uqer['gamma'], '-')
ax.plot(opt_put_sse.index, opt_put_sse['gamma'], 's')
ax.legend(['call-uqer', 'call-sse', 'put-uqer', 'put-sse'], loc=0)
plt.title('Gamma Comparison')
# # ------ Vega ------
ax = fig.add_subplot(324)
ax.plot(opt_call_uqer.index, opt_call_uqer['vega'], '-')
ax.plot(opt_call_sse.index, opt_call_sse['vega'], 's')
ax.plot(opt_put_uqer.index, opt_put_uqer['vega'], '-')
ax.plot(opt_put_sse.index, opt_put_sse['vega'], 's')
ax.legend(['call-uqer', 'call-sse', 'put-uqer', 'put-sse'], loc=4)
plt.title('Vega Comparison')
# ------ Rho ------
ax = fig.add_subplot(325)
ax.plot(opt_call_uqer.index, opt_call_uqer['rho'], '-')
ax.plot(opt_call_sse.index, opt_call_sse['rho'], 's')
ax.plot(opt_put_uqer.index, opt_put_uqer['rho'], '-')
ax.plot(opt_put_sse.index, opt_put_sse['rho'], 's')
ax.legend(['call-uqer', 'call-sse', 'put-uqer', 'put-sse'], loc=3)
plt.title('Rho Comparison')

上述五张图中,对于近月期权,我们分别对比了五个Greeks风险指标:`Delta`, `Theta`, `Gamma`, `Vega`, `Rho`:
+ 每张图中,`Call` 和 `Put` 分开比较,横轴为行权价
+ 可以看出,本文中的计算结果和上交所的参考数值符合的比较好
+ 在接下来的50ETF期权分析中,我们将使用本文中的计算方法来计算期权隐含波动率和Greeks风险指标
# 每日期权分析数据整理
def getOptDayGreeksIV(date):
# Uqer 计算期权的风险数据
opt_var_sec = u"510050.XSHG" # 期权标的
opt = getOptDayAnalysis(opt_var_sec, date)
# 整理数据部分
opt.index = [index[-10:] for index in opt.index]
opt = opt[['contractType','strikePrice','expDate','closePrice','iv','delta','theta','gamma','vega','rho']]
opt_call = opt[opt.contractType=='CO']
opt_put = opt[opt.contractType=='PO']
opt_call.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([('Call', c) for c in opt_call.columns])
opt_call[('Call-Put', 'strikePrice')] = opt_call[('Call', 'strikePrice')]
opt_put.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([('Put', c) for c in opt_put.columns])
opt = concat([opt_call, opt_put], axis=1, join='inner').sort_index()
opt = opt.set_index(('Call','expDate')).sort_index()
opt = opt.drop([('Call','contractType'), ('Call','strikePrice')], axis=1)
opt = opt.drop([('Put','expDate'), ('Put','contractType'), ('Put','strikePrice')], axis=1)
opt.index.name = 'expDate'
## 以上得到完整的历史某日数据,格式简洁明了
return opt
date = Date(2015, 9, 24)
option_risk = getOptDayGreeksIV(date)
| | Call | Call-Put | Put |
| --- | --- |
| closePrice | iv | delta | theta | gamma | vega | rho | strikePrice | closePrice | iv | delta | theta | gamma | vega | rho |
| expDate | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.3268 | 0.4317 | 0.9101 | -0.2992 | 0.5550 | 0.1099 | 0.1568 | 1.85 | 0.0129 | 0.4319 | -0.0900 | -0.2410 | 0.5551 | 0.1100 | -0.0201 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.2791 | 0.4161 | 0.8810 | -0.3435 | 0.7058 | 0.1347 | 0.1550 | 1.90 | 0.0176 | 0.4174 | -0.1197 | -0.2854 | 0.7063 | 0.1352 | -0.0268 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.2360 | 0.3990 | 0.8449 | -0.3862 | 0.8823 | 0.1615 | 0.1517 | 1.95 | 0.0232 | 0.3992 | -0.1552 | -0.3247 | 0.8822 | 0.1615 | -0.0348 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.1955 | 0.1811 | 0.9532 | -0.1225 | 0.7980 | 0.0663 | 0.1811 | 2.00 | 0.0345 | 0.4020 | -0.2105 | -0.3940 | 1.0601 | 0.1954 | -0.0474 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.1599 | 0.2453 | 0.8237 | -0.2764 | 1.5588 | 0.1754 | 0.1574 | 2.05 | 0.0474 | 0.3975 | -0.2703 | -0.4441 | 1.2290 | 0.2241 | -0.0612 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.1275 | 0.2698 | 0.7137 | -0.3696 | 1.8625 | 0.2304 | 0.1374 | 2.10 | 0.0643 | 0.3952 | -0.3381 | -0.4847 | 1.3660 | 0.2476 | -0.0771 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.0990 | 0.2814 | 0.6081 | -0.4208 | 2.0162 | 0.2602 | 0.1180 | 2.15 | 0.0869 | 0.4013 | -0.4114 | -0.5200 | 1.4317 | 0.2635 | -0.0946 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.0768 | 0.2955 | 0.5057 | -0.4489 | 1.9934 | 0.2701 | 0.0987 | 2.20 | 0.1146 | 0.4121 | -0.4836 | -0.5428 | 1.4284 | 0.2699 | -0.1124 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.0584 | 0.3068 | 0.4132 | -0.4487 | 1.8746 | 0.2637 | 0.0810 | 2.25 | 0.1450 | 0.4200 | -0.5517 | -0.5438 | 1.3908 | 0.2679 | -0.1296 |
| 2015-10-28 | 0.0470 | 0.3264 | 0.3381 | -0.4434 | 1.6538 | 0.2476 | 0.0664 | 2.30 | 0.1826 | 0.4426 | -0.6091 | -0.5520 | 1.2809 | 0.2600 | -0.1452 |
## 2. 隐含波动率微笑
# 做图展示某一天的隐含波动率微笑
def plotSmileVolatility(date):
# Uqer 计算期权的风险数据
opt = getOptDayGreeksIV(date)
# 下面展示波动率微笑
exp_dates = np.sort(opt.index.unique())
## ----------------------------------------------
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
for i in range(exp_dates.shape[0]):
date = exp_dates[i]
ax = fig.add_subplot(2,2,i+1)
opt_date = opt[opt.index==date].set_index(('Call-Put', 'strikePrice'))
opt_date.index.name = 'strikePrice'
ax.plot(opt_date.index, opt_date[('Call', 'iv')], '-o')
ax.plot(opt_date.index, opt_date[('Put', 'iv')], '-s')
ax.legend(['call', 'put'], loc=0)
ax.set_ylabel(r"Implied Volatility")

from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
# 做图展示某一天的隐含波动率结构
def plotSmileVolatilitySurface(date):
# Uqer 计算期权的风险数据
opt = getOptDayGreeksIV(date)
# 下面展示波动率结构
exp_dates = np.sort(opt.index.unique())
strikes = np.sort(opt[('Call-Put', 'strikePrice')].unique())
risk_mt = {'Call': pd.DataFrame(index=strikes),
'Put': pd.DataFrame(index=strikes) }
# 将数据整理成Call和Put分开来,分别的结构为:
# 行为行权价,列为剩余到期天数(以自然天数计算)
for epd in exp_dates:
exp_days = Date.parseISO(epd) - date
opt_date = opt[opt.index==epd].set_index(('Call-Put', 'strikePrice'))
opt_date.index.name = 'strikePrice'
for cp in risk_mt.keys():
risk_mt[cp][exp_days] = opt_date[(cp, 'iv')]
for cp in risk_mt.keys():
for strike in risk_mt[cp].index:
if np.sum(np.isnan(risk_mt[cp].ix[strike])) > 0:
risk_mt[cp] = risk_mt[cp].drop(strike)
# Call和Put分开显示,行index为行权价,列index为剩余到期天数
#print risk_mt
# 画图
for cp in ['Call', 'Put']:
opt = risk_mt[cp]
x = []
y = []
z = []
for xx in opt.index:
for yy in opt.columns:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
ax.plot_trisurf(x, y, z, cmap=cm.jet, linewidth=0.2)
return risk_mt
opt = plotSmileVolatilitySurface(Date(2015,9,24))
opt # Call和Put分开显示,行index为行权价,列index为剩余到期天数
{'Call': 34 62 90 181
2.10 0.2698 0.2817 0.2823 0.3042
2.15 0.2814 0.2888 0.2916 0.3063
2.20 0.2955 0.3008 0.2922 0.3237
2.25 0.3068 0.3067 0.3093 0.3157
2.30 0.3264 0.3155 0.3128 0.3172,
'Put': 34 62 90 181
2.10 0.3952 0.4403 0.4740 0.4449
2.15 0.4013 0.4442 0.4794 0.4632
2.20 0.4121 0.4498 0.4802 0.4451
2.25 0.4200 0.4581 0.4863 0.4547
2.30 0.4426 0.4673 0.4893 0.4691}

+ 上图为Call,下图为Put,此处没有进行任何插值处理,所以略显粗糙
+ Put的隐含波动率明显大于Call
+ 期限结构来说,波动率呈现远高近低的特征
【50ETF期权】 3. 中国波指 iVIX
最后更新于:2022-04-01 21:58:50
# 【50ETF期权】 3. 中国波指 iVIX
> 来源:https://uqer.io/community/share/560493f7f9f06c590c65ef21
在本文中,我们将通过量化实验室提供的数据,计算基于50ETF期权的中国波指 iVIX
波动率VIX指数是跟踪市场波动性的指数,一般通过标的期权的隐含波动率计算得来。当VIX越高,表示市场参与者预期后市波动程度会更加激烈,同时也反映其不安的心理状态;相反,VIX越低时,则反映市场参与者预期后市波动程度会趋于缓和。因此,VIX又被称为投资人恐慌指标(The Investor Fear Gauge)。
中国波指由上交所发布,用于衡量上证50ETF未来30日的预期波动。按照上交所网页描述:该指数是根据方差互换的原理,结合50ETF期权的实际运作特点,并通过对上证所交易的50ETF期权价格的计算编制而得。网址为: http://www.sse.com.cn/assortment/derivatives/options/volatility/ , 该网页中发布历史 iVIX 和当日日内 iVIX 数据
from CAL.PyCAL import *
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
rc('mathtext', default='regular')
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib import dates
from pandas import Series, DataFrame, concat
from scipy import interpolate
import math
import time
# 华夏上证50ETF
secID = '510050.XSHG'
begin = Date(2015, 2, 9)
end = Date.todaysDate()
fields = ['tradeDate', 'closePrice']
etf = DataAPI.MktFunddGet(secID, beginDate=begin.toISO().replace('-', ''), endDate=end.toISO().replace('-', ''), field=fields)
etf['tradeDate'] = pd.to_datetime(etf['tradeDate'])
etf = etf.set_index('tradeDate')
| | closePrice |
| --- | --- |
| tradeDate | |
| 2015-09-23 | 2.180 |
| 2015-09-24 | 2.187 |
上海银行间同业拆借利率 SHIBOR,用来作为无风险利率参考
## 银行间质押式回购利率
def getHistDayInterestRateInterbankRepo(date):
cal = Calendar('China.SSE')
period = Period('-10B')
begin = cal.advanceDate(date, period)
begin_str = begin.toISO().replace('-', '')
date_str = date.toISO().replace('-', '')
# 以下的indicID分别对应的银行间质押式回购利率周期为:
# 1D, 7D, 14D, 21D, 1M, 3M, 4M, 6M, 9M, 1Y
indicID = [u"M120000067", u"M120000068", u"M120000069", u"M120000070", u"M120000071",
u"M120000072", u"M120000073", u"M120000074", u"M120000075", u"M120000076"]
period = np.asarray([1.0, 7.0, 14.0, 21.0, 30.0, 90.0, 120.0, 180.0, 270.0, 360.0]) / 360.0
period_matrix = pd.DataFrame(index=indicID, data=period, columns=['period'])
field = u"indicID,indicName,publishTime,periodDate,dataValue,unit"
interbank_repo = DataAPI.ChinaDataInterestRateInterbankRepoGet(indicID=indicID,beginDate=begin_str,endDate=date_str,field=field,pandas="1")
interbank_repo = interbank_repo.groupby('indicID').first()
interbank_repo = concat([interbank_repo, period_matrix], axis=1, join='inner').sort_index()
return interbank_repo
## 银行间同业拆借利率
def getHistDaySHIBOR(date):
date_str = date.toISO().replace('-', '')
# 以下的indicID分别对应的SHIBOR周期为:
# 1D, 7D, 14D, 1M, 3M, 6M, 9M, 1Y
indicID = [u"M120000057", u"M120000058", u"M120000059", u"M120000060",
u"M120000061", u"M120000062", u"M120000063", u"M120000064"]
period = np.asarray([1.0, 7.0, 14.0, 30.0, 90.0, 180.0, 270.0, 360.0]) / 360.0
period_matrix = pd.DataFrame(index=indicID, data=period, columns=['period'])
field = u"indicID,indicName,publishTime,periodDate,dataValue,unit"
interest_shibor = DataAPI.ChinaDataInterestRateSHIBORGet(indicID=indicID,beginDate=date_str,endDate=date_str,field=field,pandas="1")
interest_shibor = interest_shibor.set_index('indicID')
interest_shibor = concat([interest_shibor, period_matrix], axis=1, join='inner').sort_index()
return interest_shibor
## 插值得到给定的周期的无风险利率
def periodsSplineRiskFreeInterestRate(date, periods):
# 此处使用SHIBOR来插值
init_shibor = getHistDaySHIBOR(date)
shibor = {}
min_period = min(init_shibor.period.values)
max_period = max(init_shibor.period.values)
for p in periods.keys():
tmp = periods[p]
if periods[p] > max_period:
tmp = max_period * 0.99999
elif periods[p] < min_period:
tmp = min_period * 1.00001
sh = interpolate.spline(init_shibor.period.values, init_shibor.dataValue.values, [tmp], order=3)
shibor[p] = sh[0]/100.0
return shibor
## 计算一段时间标的的历史波动率,返回值包括以下不同周期的波动率:
# 一周,半月,一个月,两个月,三个月,四个月,五个月,半年,九个月,一年,两年
def getHistVolatilityEWMA(secID, beginDate, endDate):
cal = Calendar('China.SSE')
spotBeginDate = cal.advanceDate(beginDate,'-520B',BizDayConvention.Preceding)
spotBeginDate = Date(2006, 1, 1)
begin = spotBeginDate.toISO().replace('-', '')
end = endDate.toISO().replace('-', '')
fields = ['tradeDate', 'preClosePrice', 'closePrice', 'settlePrice', 'preSettlePrice']
security = DataAPI.MktFunddGet(secID, beginDate=begin, endDate=end, field=fields)
security['dailyReturn'] = security['closePrice']/security['preClosePrice'] # 日回报率
security['u2'] = (np.log(security['dailyReturn']))**2 # u2为复利形式的日回报率平方
# security['u2'] = (security['dailyReturn'] - 1.0)**2 # u2为日价格变化百分比的平方
security['tradeDate'] = pd.to_datetime(security['tradeDate'])
periods = {'hv1W': 5, 'hv2W': 10, 'hv1M': 21, 'hv2M': 41, 'hv3M': 62, 'hv4M': 83,
'hv5M': 104, 'hv6M': 124, 'hv9M': 186, 'hv1Y': 249, 'hv2Y': 497}
# 利用pandas中的ewma模型计算波动率
for prd in periods.keys():
# 此处的span实际上就是上面计算波动率公式中lambda表达式中的N
security[prd] = np.round(np.sqrt(pd.ewma(security['u2'], span=periods[prd], adjust=False)), 5)*math.sqrt(252.0)
security = security[security.tradeDate >= beginDate.toISO()]
security = security.set_index('tradeDate')
return security
## 1. 计算历史每日 iVIX
# 计算历史某一天的iVIX
def calDayVIX(date, opt_info):
var_sec = u"510050.XSHG"
# 使用DataAPI.MktOptdGet,拿到历史上某一天的期权行情信息
date_str = date.toISO().replace('-', '')
fields_mkt = [u"optID", "tradeDate", "closePrice", 'settlPrice']
opt_mkt = DataAPI.MktOptdGet(tradeDate=date_str, field=fields_mkt, pandas="1")
opt_mkt = opt_mkt.set_index(u"optID")
opt_mkt[u"price"] = opt_mkt['closePrice']
# concat某一日行情和期权基本信息,得到所需数据
opt = concat([opt_info, opt_mkt], axis=1, join='inner').sort_index()
opt = opt[opt.varSecID==var_sec]
exp_dates = map(Date.parseISO, np.sort(opt.expDate.unique()))
trade_date = date
exp_periods = {}
for epd in exp_dates:
exp_periods[epd] = (epd - date)*1.0/365.0
risk_free = periodsSplineRiskFreeInterestRate(trade_date, exp_periods)
sigma_square = {}
for date in exp_dates:
# 计算某一日的vix
opt_date = opt[opt.expDate==date.toISO()]
rf = risk_free[date]
#rf = 0.05
opt_call = opt_date[opt_date.contractType == 'CO'].set_index('strikePrice')
opt_put = opt_date[opt_date.contractType == 'PO'].set_index('strikePrice')
opt_call_price = opt_call[[u'price']].sort_index()
opt_put_price = opt_put[[u'price']].sort_index()
opt_call_price.columns = [u'callPrice']
opt_put_price.columns = [u'putPrice']
opt_call_put_price = concat([opt_call_price, opt_put_price], axis=1, join='inner').sort_index()
opt_call_put_price['diffCallPut'] = opt_call_put_price.callPrice - opt_call_put_price.putPrice
strike = abs(opt_call_put_price['diffCallPut']).idxmin()
price_diff = opt_call_put_price['diffCallPut'][strike]
ttm = exp_periods[date]
fw = strike + np.exp(ttm*rf) * price_diff
strikes = np.sort(opt_call_put_price.index.values)
delta_K_tmp = np.concatenate((strikes, strikes[-1:], strikes[-1:]))
delta_K_tmp = delta_K_tmp - np.concatenate((strikes[0:1], strikes[0:1], strikes))
delta_K = np.concatenate((delta_K_tmp[1:2], delta_K_tmp[2:-2]/2, delta_K_tmp[-2:-1]))
delta_K = pd.DataFrame(delta_K, index=strikes, columns=['deltaStrike'])
# opt_otm = opt_out_of_money
opt_otm = concat([opt_call[opt_call.index>fw], opt_put[opt_put.index 0:
strike_ref = max([k for k in strikes[strikes < fw]])
opt_otm['price'][strike_ref] = (opt_call['price'][strike_ref] + opt_call['price'][strike_ref])/2.0
exp_rt = np.exp(rf*ttm)
opt_otm['sigmaTerm'] = opt_otm.deltaStrike*opt_otm.price/(opt_otm.index)**2
sigma = opt_otm.sigmaTerm.sum()
sigma = (sigma*2.0*exp_rt - (fw*1.0/strike_ref - 1.0)**2)/ttm
sigma_square[date] = sigma
# d_one, d_two 将被用来计算VIX(30):
if exp_periods[exp_dates[0]] >= 1.0/365.0:
d_one = exp_dates[0]
d_two = exp_dates[1]
d_one = exp_dates[1]
d_two = exp_dates[2]
w = (exp_periods[d_two] - 30.0/365.0)/(exp_periods[d_two] - exp_periods[d_one])
vix30 = exp_periods[d_one]*w*sigma_square[d_one] + exp_periods[d_two]*(1 - w)*sigma_square[d_two]
vix30 = 100*np.sqrt(vix30*365.0/30.0)
# d_one, d_two 将被用来计算VIX(60):
d_one = exp_dates[1]
d_two = exp_dates[2]
w = (exp_periods[d_two] - 60.0/365.0)/(exp_periods[d_two] - exp_periods[d_one])
vix60 = exp_periods[d_one]*w*sigma_square[d_one] + exp_periods[d_two]*(1 - w)*sigma_square[d_two]
vix60 = 100*np.sqrt(vix60*365.0/60.0)
return vix30, vix60
def getHistDailyVIX(beginDate, endDate):
# 计算历史一段时间内的VIX指数并返回
optionVarSecID = u"510050.XSHG"
# 使用DataAPI.OptGet,一次拿取所有存在过的期权信息,以备后用
fields_info = ["optID", u"varSecID", u'contractType', u'strikePrice', u'expDate']
opt_info = DataAPI.OptGet(optID='', contractStatus=[u"DE", u"L"], field=fields_info, pandas="1")
opt_info = opt_info.set_index(u"optID")
cal = Calendar('China.SSE')
dates = cal.bizDatesList(beginDate, endDate)
histVIX = pd.DataFrame(0.0, index=map(Date.toDateTime, dates), columns=['VIX30','VIX60'])
histVIX.index.name = 'tradeDate'
for date in histVIX.index:
vix30, vix60 = calDayVIX(Date.fromDateTime(date), opt_info)
histVIX = histVIX.drop(date)
histVIX['VIX30'][date] = vix30
histVIX['VIX60'][date] = vix60
return histVIX
def getHistOneDayVIX(date):
# 计算历史某天的VIX指数并返回
optionVarSecID = u"510050.XSHG"
# 使用DataAPI.OptGet,一次拿取所有存在过的期权信息,以备后用
fields_info = ["optID", u"varSecID", u'contractType', u'strikePrice', u'expDate']
opt_info = DataAPI.OptGet(optID='', contractStatus=[u"DE", u"L"], field=fields_info, pandas="1")
opt_info = opt_info.set_index(u"optID")
cal = Calendar('China.SSE')
if cal.isBizDay(date):
vix30, vix60 = 0.0, 0.0
vix30, vix60 = calDayVIX(date, opt_info)
return vix30, vix60
print date, "不是工作日"
历史每日iVIX 数据
begin = Date(2015, 2, 9) # 起始日
end = Date.todaysDate() # 截至今天
hist_VIX = getHistDailyVIX(begin, end)
| | VIX30 | VIX60 |
| --- | --- |
| tradeDate | | |
| 2015-09-18 | 38.057648 | 39.074643 |
| 2015-09-21 | 37.610259 | 38.559095 |
| 2015-09-22 | 34.507456 | 36.788384 |
| 2015-09-23 | 36.413426 | 37.837454 |
| 2015-09-24 | 37.114348 | 24.346747 |
start = Date(2007, 1, 1)
end = Date.todaysDate()
secID = '510050.XSHG'
hist_HV = getHistVolatilityEWMA(secID, start, end)
## ----- 50ETF VIX指数和历史波动率比较 -----
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
hist_HV_plot = hist_HV[hist_HV.index >= Date(2015,2,9).toISO()]
etf_plot = etf[etf.index >= Date(2015,2,9).toISO()]
lns1 = ax.plot(hist_HV_plot.index, hist_HV_plot.hv1M, '-', label = u'HV(30)')
lns2 = ax.plot(hist_VIX.index, hist_VIX.VIX30/100.0, '-r', label = u'VIX(30)')
#lns3 = ax.plot(hist_VIX.index, hist_VIX.VIX60/100.0, '-g', label = u'VIX(60)')
ax2 = ax.twinx()
lns4 = ax2.plot(etf_plot.index, etf_plot.closePrice, 'grey', label = '50ETF closePrice')
lns = lns1+lns2+lns4
labs = [l.get_label() for l in lns]
ax.legend(lns, labs, loc=2)
#ax.set_ylim(0, 0.80)
ax2.set_ylim(1.5, 4)
plt.title('50ETF VIX')

## 2. 基于iVIX的择时策略
+ 计算 VIX 三日均线
+ 前一日 VIX 向上穿过三日均线一定比例,则卖出
+ 前一日 VIX 向下穿过三日均线一定比例,则买入
+ 只买卖50ETF
start = datetime(2015, 2, 9) # 回测起始时间
end = datetime(2015, 9, 24) # 回测结束时间
hist_VIX = getHistDailyVIX(start, end)
| | VIX30 | VIX60 |
| --- | --- |
| tradeDate | | |
| 2015-09-23 | 36.413426 | 37.837454 |
| 2015-09-24 | 37.114348 | 24.346747 |
start = datetime(2015, 2, 9) # 回测起始时间
end = datetime(2015, 9, 24) # 回测结束时间
benchmark = '510050.XSHG' # 策略参考标准
universe = ['510050.XSHG'] # 股票池
capital_base = 100000 # 起始资金
commission = Commission(0.0,0.0)
window_short = 1
window_long = 3
SD = 0.1
hist_VIX['short_window'] = pd.rolling_mean(hist_VIX['VIX30'], window=window_short)
hist_VIX['long_window'] = pd.rolling_mean(hist_VIX['VIX30'], window=window_long)
def initialize(account): # 初始化虚拟账户状态
account.fund = universe[0]
def handle_data(account): # 每个交易日的买入卖出指令
fund = account.fund
# 获取回测当日的前一天日期
dt = Date.fromDateTime(account.current_date)
cal = Calendar('China.IB')
last_day = cal.advanceDate(dt,'-1B',BizDayConvention.Preceding) #计算出倒数第一个交易日
last_last_day = cal.advanceDate(last_day,'-1B',BizDayConvention.Preceding) #计算出倒数第二个交易日
last_day_str = last_day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
last_last_day_str = last_last_day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
# 计算买入卖出信号
short_mean = hist_VIX['short_window'].loc[last_day_str] # 短均线值
long_mean = hist_VIX['long_window'].loc[last_day_str] # 长均线值
long_flag = True if (short_mean - long_mean) < - SD * long_mean else False
short_flag = True if (short_mean - long_mean) > SD * long_mean else False
long_flag = True
short_flag = True
if long_flag:
approximationAmount = int(account.cash / account.referencePrice[fund] / 100.0) * 100
order(fund, approximationAmount)
elif short_flag:
# 卖出时,全仓清空
order_to(fund, 0)

## 3. 日内跟踪计算 iVIX
def calSnapshotVIX(date, opt_info):
var_sec = u"510050.XSHG"
# 使用DataAPI.MktOptdGet,拿到历史上某一天的期权行情信息
date_str = date.toISO().replace('-', '')
fields_mkt = [u'optionId', u'dataDate', u'highPrice', u'lastPrice', u'lowPrice', u'openPrice', u'preSettlePrice', u'bidBook_price1', u'bidBook_volume1', u'askBook_price1', u'askBook_volume1']
# opt_mkt = DataAPI.MktOptdGet(tradeDate=date_str, field=fields_mkt, pandas="1")
opt_mkt = DataAPI.MktOptionTickRTSnapshotGet(optionId=u"", field='', pandas="1")
opt_mkt = opt_mkt[opt_mkt.dataDate == date.toISO()]
opt_mkt['optID'] = map(int, opt_mkt['optionId'])
opt_mkt = opt_mkt.set_index(u"optID")
opt_mkt[u"price"] = (opt_mkt['bidBook_price1'] + opt_mkt['askBook_price1'])/2.0
# concat某一日行情和期权基本信息,得到所需数据
opt = concat([opt_info, opt_mkt], axis=1, join='inner').sort_index()
#opt = opt[opt.varSecID==var_sec]
exp_dates = map(Date.parseISO, np.sort(opt.expDate.unique()))
trade_date = date
exp_periods = {}
for epd in exp_dates:
exp_periods[epd] = (epd - date)*1.0/365.0
risk_free = periodsSplineRiskFreeInterestRate(trade_date, exp_periods)
sigma_square = {}
for date in exp_dates:
# 计算某一日的vix
opt_date = opt[opt.expDate==date.toISO()]
rf = risk_free[date]
#rf = 0.05
opt_call = opt_date[opt_date.contractType == 'CO'].set_index('strikePrice')
opt_put = opt_date[opt_date.contractType == 'PO'].set_index('strikePrice')
opt_call_price = opt_call[[u'price']].sort_index()
opt_put_price = opt_put[[u'price']].sort_index()
opt_call_price.columns = [u'callPrice']
opt_put_price.columns = [u'putPrice']
opt_call_put_price = concat([opt_call_price, opt_put_price], axis=1, join='inner').sort_index()
opt_call_put_price['diffCallPut'] = opt_call_put_price.callPrice - opt_call_put_price.putPrice
strike = abs(opt_call_put_price['diffCallPut']).idxmin()
price_diff = opt_call_put_price['diffCallPut'][strike]
ttm = exp_periods[date]
fw = strike + np.exp(ttm*rf) * price_diff
strikes = np.sort(opt_call_put_price.index.values)
delta_K_tmp = np.concatenate((strikes, strikes[-1:], strikes[-1:]))
delta_K_tmp = delta_K_tmp - np.concatenate((strikes[0:1], strikes[0:1], strikes))
delta_K = np.concatenate((delta_K_tmp[1:2], delta_K_tmp[2:-2]/2, delta_K_tmp[-2:-1]))
delta_K = pd.DataFrame(delta_K, index=strikes, columns=['deltaStrike'])
# opt_otm = opt_out_of_money
opt_otm = concat([opt_call[opt_call.index>fw], opt_put[opt_put.index 0:
strike_ref = max([k for k in strikes[strikes < fw]])
opt_otm['price'][strike_ref] = (opt_call['price'][strike_ref] + opt_call['price'][strike_ref])/2.0
exp_rt = np.exp(rf*ttm)
opt_otm['sigmaTerm'] = opt_otm.deltaStrike*opt_otm.price/(opt_otm.index)**2
sigma = opt_otm.sigmaTerm.sum()
sigma = (sigma*2.0*exp_rt - (fw*1.0/strike_ref - 1.0)**2)/ttm
sigma_square[date] = sigma
# d_one, d_two 将被用来计算VIX(30):
if exp_periods[exp_dates[0]] >= 1.0/365.0:
d_one = exp_dates[0]
d_two = exp_dates[1]
d_one = exp_dates[1]
d_two = exp_dates[2]
w = (exp_periods[d_two] - 30.0/365.0)/(exp_periods[d_two] - exp_periods[d_one])
vix30 = exp_periods[d_one]*w*sigma_square[d_one] + exp_periods[d_two]*(1 - w)*sigma_square[d_two]
vix30 = 100*np.sqrt(vix30*365.0/30.0)
# d_one, d_two 将被用来计算VIX(60):
d_one = exp_dates[1]
d_two = exp_dates[2]
w = (exp_periods[d_two] - 60.0/365.0)/(exp_periods[d_two] - exp_periods[d_one])
vix60 = exp_periods[d_one]*w*sigma_square[d_one] + exp_periods[d_two]*(1 - w)*sigma_square[d_two]
vix60 = 100*np.sqrt(vix60*365.0/60.0)
return vix30, vix60
def getTodaySnapshotVIX():
# 计算历史某天的VIX指数并返回
optionVarSecID = u"510050.XSHG"
date = Date.todaysDate()
# 使用DataAPI.OptGet,一次拿取所有存在过的期权信息,以备后用
fields_info = ["optID", u"varSecID", u'contractType', u'strikePrice', u'expDate']
opt_info = DataAPI.OptGet(optID='', contractStatus=[u"DE", u"L"], field=fields_info, pandas="1")
opt_info = opt_info.set_index(u"optID")
cal = Calendar('China.SSE')
if cal.isBizDay(date):
now_long = datetime.now()
now = now_long.time().isoformat()
if (now > '09:25:00' and now < '11:30:00') or (now > '13:00:00' and now < '15:00:00'):
vix30, vix60 = calSnapshotVIX(date, opt_info)
vix = pd.DataFrame([[date, vix30, vix60]], index=[now_long], columns=['dataDate', 'VIX30', 'VIX60'])
vix.index.name = 'time'
vix = pd.DataFrame(0.0, index=[], columns=['dataDate', 'VIX30', 'VIX60'])
vix.index.name = 'time'
return vix
print "今天: ", date, " 不是工作日"
| | dataDate | VIX30 | VIX60 |
| --- | --- |
| time | | | |
跟踪计算当日日内 VIX 走势
## 此函数跟踪计算并记录当日日内VIX走势,数据记录在:
# 文件 'VIX_intraday_' + Date.todaysDate().toISO() + '.csv' 中
# 该文件保存在登录uqer账号的 Data 空间中
# seconds 为跟踪计算间隔秒数
def trackTodayIntradayVIX(seconds):
vix_file_str = 'VIX_intraday_' + Date.todaysDate().toISO() + '.csv'
vix = pd.DataFrame(0.0, index=[], columns=['dataDate', 'VIX30', 'VIX60'])
vix.index.name = 'time'
now = datetime.now().time()
while now.isoformat() < '15:00:00':
vix = pd.read_csv(vix_file_str).set_index('time')
vix_now = getTodaySnapshotVIX()
if vix_now.shape[0] > 0:
vix = vix.append(vix_now)
# print vix_now.index[0], '\t', vix_now.VIX30[0], '\t', vix_now.VIX60[0]
now = datetime.now().time()
`trackTodayIntradayVIX` 函数一经运行,便持续到当日收盘时,除非手动终止运行
# 追踪当前iVIX走势,每隔60秒计算一次即时iVIX
time_interval = 60
KeyboardInterrupt Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
1 # 追踪当前iVIX走势,每隔60秒计算一次即时iVIX
2 time_interval = 60
----> 3 trackTodayIntradayVIX(time_interval)
in trackTodayIntradayVIX(seconds)
17 vix.to_csv(vix_file_str)
18 # print vix_now.index[0], '\t', vix_now.VIX30[0], '\t', vix_now.VIX60[0]
---> 19 time.sleep(seconds)
20 now = datetime.now().time()
将当日追踪到的iVIX日内走势作图,注意读取数据文件名和 trackTodayIntradayVIX 函数中的存储文件名一致
vix_file_str = 'VIX_intraday_2015-09-23-backup.csv'
vix = pd.read_csv(vix_file_str)
vix['time'] = [x[11:19] for x in vix.time]
vix = vix.set_index('time')
ax = vix.plot(figsize=(10,5))
ax.set_ylim(35, 39)
(35, 39)

【50ETF期权】 2. 历史波动率
最后更新于:2022-04-01 21:58:47
# 【50ETF期权】 2. 历史波动率
> 来源:https://uqer.io/community/share/560493a4f9f06c597565ef03
from CAL.PyCAL import *
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
rc('mathtext', default='regular')
import seaborn as sns
import math
from scipy.stats import mstats
# 华夏上证50ETF
secID = '510050.XSHG'
begin = Date(2015, 2, 9)
end = Date.todaysDate()
fields = ['tradeDate', 'closePrice']
etf = DataAPI.MktFunddGet(secID, beginDate=begin.toISO().replace('-', ''), endDate=end.toISO().replace('-', ''), field=fields)
etf['tradeDate'] = pd.to_datetime(etf['tradeDate'])
etf = etf.set_index('tradeDate')
| | closePrice |
| --- | --- |
| tradeDate | |
| 2015-09-22 | 2.237 |
| 2015-09-23 | 2.180 |
| 2015-09-24 | 2.187 |
## 1. EWMA模型计算历史波动率
EWMA(Exponentially Weighted Moving Average)指数加权移动平均计算历史波动率:


上式中的 `Si` 为 `i` 天的收盘价,`λ` 为介于0和1之间的常数。也就是说,在第 `n−1` 天估算的第 `n` 天的波动率估计值 `σn` 由第 `n−1` 天的波动率估计值 `σn−1` 和收盘价在最近一天的变化百分比 `un−1` 决定。
计算周期为 `N` 天的波动率时, `λ` 可以取为:

def getHistVolatilityEWMA(secID, beginDate, endDate):
cal = Calendar('China.SSE')
spotBeginDate = cal.advanceDate(beginDate,'-520B',BizDayConvention.Preceding)
spotBeginDate = Date(2006, 1, 1)
begin = spotBeginDate.toISO().replace('-', '')
end = endDate.toISO().replace('-', '')
fields = ['tradeDate', 'preClosePrice', 'closePrice', 'settlePrice', 'preSettlePrice']
security = DataAPI.MktFunddGet(secID, beginDate=begin, endDate=end, field=fields)
security['dailyReturn'] = security['closePrice']/security['preClosePrice'] # 日回报率
security['u2'] = (np.log(security['dailyReturn']))**2 # u2为复利形式的日回报率平方
# security['u2'] = (security['dailyReturn'] - 1.0)**2 # u2为日价格变化百分比的平方
security['tradeDate'] = pd.to_datetime(security['tradeDate'])
periods = {'hv1W': 5, 'hv2W': 10, 'hv1M': 21, 'hv2M': 41, 'hv3M': 62, 'hv4M': 83,
'hv5M': 104, 'hv6M': 124, 'hv9M': 186, 'hv1Y': 249, 'hv2Y': 497}
# 利用pandas中的ewma模型计算波动率
for prd in periods.keys():
# 此处的span实际上就是上面计算波动率公式中lambda表达式中的N
security[prd] = np.round(np.sqrt(pd.ewma(security['u2'], span=periods[prd], adjust=False)), 5)*math.sqrt(252.0)
security = security[security.tradeDate >= beginDate.toISO()]
security = security.set_index('tradeDate')
return security
secID = '510050.XSHG'
start = Date(2015, 2, 9)
end = Date.todaysDate()
hist_HV = getHistVolatilityEWMA(secID, start, end)
| | preClosePrice | closePrice | dailyReturn | u2 | hv2M | hv1W | hv1Y | hv3M | hv4M | hv5M | hv2Y | hv1M | hv2W | hv6M | hv9M |
| --- | --- |
| tradeDate | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 2015-09-23 | 2.237 | 2.180 | 0.974519 | 0.000666 | 0.511318 | 0.304791 | 0.446550 | 0.523224 | 0.519890 | 0.511635 | 0.379718 | 0.449090 | 0.344477 | 0.502269 | 0.472743 |
| 2015-09-24 | 2.180 | 2.187 | 1.003211 | 0.000010 | 0.499095 | 0.250658 | 0.444804 | 0.514969 | 0.513699 | 0.506714 | 0.378925 | 0.428453 | 0.312410 | 0.498142 | 0.470203 |
secID = '510050.XSHG'
start = Date(2007, 1, 1)
end = Date.todaysDate()
hist_HV = getHistVolatilityEWMA(secID, start, end)
## ----- 50ETF历史波动率 -----
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,12))
ax = fig.add_subplot(211)
hist_plot = hist_HV[hist_HV.index >= Date(2015,2,9).toISO()]
etf_plot = etf[etf.index >= Date(2015,2,9).toISO()]
lns1 = ax.plot(hist_plot.index, hist_plot.hv1M, '-', label = u'HV(1M)')
lns2 = ax.plot(hist_plot.index, hist_plot.hv2M, '-', label = u'HV(2M)')
ax2 = ax.twinx()
lns3 = ax2.plot(etf_plot.index, etf_plot.closePrice, '-r', label = '50ETF closePrice')
lns = lns1+lns2+lns3
labs = [l.get_label() for l in lns]
ax.legend(lns, labs, loc=2)
ax.set_ylabel(r"Historical Volatility")
ax.set_ylim(0, 0.9)
ax2.set_ylim(1.5, 4)
plt.title('50ETF Historical EWMA Volatility')
## -----------------------------------
## ----- 50ETF历史波动率统计数据 -----
# 注意: 该统计数据基于07年以来将近九年的历史波动率得出
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(212)
hist_plot = hist_HV[[u'hv2W', u'hv1M', u'hv2M', u'hv3M', u'hv4M', u'hv5M', u'hv6M', u'hv9M', u'hv1Y']]
# Calculate the quantiles column wise
quantiles = mstats.mquantiles(hist_plot, prob=[0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0], axis=0)
labels = ['Minimum', '1st quartile', 'Median', '3rd quartile', 'Maximum']
for i, q in enumerate(quantiles):
ax3.plot(q, label=labels[i])
# 在统计图中标出某一天的波动率
date = Date(2015,8,27)
last_day_HV = hist_plot.ix[date.toDateTime()].T
ax3.plot(last_day_HV.values, 'dr', label=date.toISO())
# 在统计图中标出最近一天的波动率
last_day_HV = hist_plot.tail(1).T
ax3.plot(last_day_HV.values, 'sb', label=Date.fromDateTime(last_day_HV.columns[0]).toISO())

+ 显然,短周期波动率对于近期的波动更敏感
+ 收盘价的下跌往往伴随着波动率的上升,两者的负相关性质明显
+ 8月底时,各个周期历史波动率均处于历史高位
+ 目前,短周期波动率已经有所回落
## 2. Close to Close 模型计算历史波动率
m 天周期的Close to Close波动率:


也就是说,在第 `n−1` 天估算的第 `n` 天的波动率估计值 `σn` 由前面 `m `天的每日收盘价变化百分比 `ui` 的标准差决定。
## 计算一段时间标的的历史波动率,返回值包括以下不同周期的波动率:
# 一周,半月,一个月,两个月,三个月,四个月,五个月,半年,九个月,一年,两年
def getHistVolatilityC2C(secID, beginDate, endDate):
cal = Calendar('China.SSE')
spotBeginDate = cal.advanceDate(beginDate,'-520B',BizDayConvention.Preceding)
spotBeginDate = Date(2006, 1, 1)
begin = spotBeginDate.toISO().replace('-', '')
end = endDate.toISO().replace('-', '')
fields = ['tradeDate', 'preClosePrice', 'closePrice', 'settlePrice', 'preSettlePrice']
security = DataAPI.MktFunddGet(secID, beginDate=begin, endDate=end, field=fields)
security['dailyReturn'] = security['closePrice']/security['preClosePrice'] # 日回报率
security['u'] = np.log(security['dailyReturn']) # u2为复利形式的日回报率
security['tradeDate'] = pd.to_datetime(security['tradeDate'])
periods = {'hv1W': 5, 'hv2W': 10, 'hv1M': 21, 'hv2M': 41, 'hv3M': 62, 'hv4M': 83,
'hv5M': 104, 'hv6M': 124, 'hv9M': 186, 'hv1Y': 249, 'hv2Y': 497}
# 利用方差模型计算波动率
for prd in periods.keys():
security[prd] = np.round(pd.rolling_std(security['u'], window=periods[prd]), 5)*math.sqrt(252.0)
security = security[security.tradeDate >= beginDate.toISO()]
security = security.set_index('tradeDate')
return security
secID = '510050.XSHG'
start = Date(2007, 1, 1)
end = Date.todaysDate()
hist_HV = getHistVolatilityC2C(secID, start, end)
## ----- 50ETF历史波动率 -----
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,12))
ax = fig.add_subplot(211)
hist_plot = hist_HV[hist_HV.index >= Date(2015,2,9).toISO()]
etf_plot = etf[etf.index >= Date(2015,2,9).toISO()]
lns1 = ax.plot(hist_plot.index, hist_plot.hv1M, '-', label = u'HV(1M)')
lns2 = ax.plot(hist_plot.index, hist_plot.hv2M, '-', label = u'HV(2M)')
ax2 = ax.twinx()
lns3 = ax2.plot(etf_plot.index, etf_plot.closePrice, '-r', label = '50ETF closePrice')
lns = lns1+lns2+lns3
labs = [l.get_label() for l in lns]
ax.legend(lns, labs, loc=2)
ax.set_ylabel(r"Historical Volatility")
ax.set_ylim(0, 0.9)
ax2.set_ylim(1.5, 4)
plt.title('50ETF Historical Close-to-Close Volatility')
## -----------------------------------
## ----- 50ETF历史波动率统计数据 -----
# 注意: 该统计数据基于07年以来将近九年的历史波动率得出
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(212)
hist_plot = hist_HV[[u'hv2W', u'hv1M', u'hv2M', u'hv3M', u'hv4M', u'hv5M', u'hv6M', u'hv9M', u'hv1Y']]
# Calculate the quantiles column wise
quantiles = mstats.mquantiles(hist_plot, prob=[0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0], axis=0)
labels = ['Minimum', '1st quartile', 'Median', '3rd quartile', 'Maximum']
for i, q in enumerate(quantiles):
ax3.plot(q, label=labels[i])
# 在统计图中标出某一天的波动率
date = Date(2015,8,27)
last_day_HV = hist_plot.ix[date.toDateTime()].T
ax3.plot(last_day_HV.values, 'dr', label=date.toISO())
# 在统计图中标出最近一天的波动率
last_day_HV = hist_plot.tail(1).T
ax3.plot(last_day_HV.values, 'sb', label=Date.fromDateTime(last_day_HV.columns[0]).toISO())

+ 显然,短周期波动率对于近期的波动更敏感
+ 收盘价的下跌往往伴随着波动率的上升,两者的负相关性质明显
+ 8月底时,各个周期历史波动率均处于历史高位
+ 目前,短周期波动率已经有所回落
明显地,相对于EWMA计算的历史波动率,Close to Close波动率对于最近价格波动反应比较迟钝
[ 50ETF 期权] 1. 历史成交持仓和 PCR 数据
最后更新于:2022-04-01 21:58:45
# [ 50ETF 期权] 1. 历史成交持仓和 PCR 数据
> 来源:https://uqer.io/community/share/5604937ff9f06c597665ef34
from CAL.PyCAL import *
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
rc('mathtext', default='regular')
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib import dates
## 1. 期权数据接口
+ `DataAPI.OptGet`: 可以获取已退市和上市的所有期权的基本信息
+ `DataAPI.MktOptdGet`: 拿到历史上某一天或某段时间的期权成交行情信息
+ `DataAPI.MktTickRTSnapshotGet`: 此为高频数据,获取期权最新市场信息快照
# 使用DataAPI.OptGet,拿到已退市和上市的所有期权的基本信息
opt_info = DataAPI.OptGet(optID='', contractStatus=[u"DE", u"L"], field='', pandas="1")
| | secID | optID | secShortName | tickerSymbol | exchangeCD | currencyCD | varSecID | varShortName | varTicker | varExchangeCD | ... | contMultNum | contractStatus | listDate | expYear | expMonth | expDate | lastTradeDate | exerDate | deliDate | delistDate |
| --- | --- |
| 0 | 510050C1503M02200.XSHG | 10000001 | 50ETF购3月2200 | 510050C1503M02200 | XSHG | CNY | 510050.XSHG | 华夏上证50ETF | 510050 | XSHG | ... | 10000 | DE | 2015-02-09 | 2015 | 3 | 2015-03-25 | 2015-03-25 | 2015-03-25 | 2015-03-26 | 2015-03-25 |
| 1 | 510050C1503M02250.XSHG | 10000002 | 50ETF购3月2250 | 510050C1503M02250 | XSHG | CNY | 510050.XSHG | 华夏上证50ETF | 510050 | XSHG | ... | 10000 | DE | 2015-02-09 | 2015 | 3 | 2015-03-25 | 2015-03-25 | 2015-03-25 | 2015-03-26 | 2015-03-25 |
| 2 | 510050C1503M02300.XSHG | 10000003 | 50ETF购3月2300 | 510050C1503M02300 | XSHG | CNY | 510050.XSHG | 华夏上证50ETF | 510050 | XSHG | ... | 10000 | DE | 2015-02-09 | 2015 | 3 | 2015-03-25 | 2015-03-25 | 2015-03-25 | 2015-03-26 | 2015-03-25 |
3 rows × 23 columns
opt_mkt = DataAPI.MktOptdGet(tradeDate='20150921', field='', pandas="1")
| | secID | optID | ticker | secShortName | exchangeCD | tradeDate | preSettlePrice | preClosePrice | openPrice | highestPrice | lowestPrice | closePrice | settlPrice | turnoverVol | turnoverValue | openInt |
| --- | --- |
| 0 | 510050C1512M02100.XSHG | 10000368 | 510050C1512M02100 | 50ETF购12月2100 | XSHG | 2015-09-21 | 0.2069 | 0.1994 | 0.1955 | 0.2087 | 0.1955 | 0.2062 | 0.2062 | 21 | 43115 | 457 |
| 1 | 510050P1512M01950.XSHG | 10000369 | 510050P1512M01950 | 50ETF沽12月1950 | XSHG | 2015-09-21 | 0.1037 | 0.0999 | 0.1000 | 0.1073 | 0.0905 | 0.0905 | 0.0927 | 272 | 261112 | 868 |
# 获取期权最新市场信息快照
opt_mkt_snapshot = DataAPI.MktOptionTickRTSnapshotGet(optionId=u"",field=u"",pandas="1")
| | optionId | timestamp | auctionPrice | auctionQty | dataDate | dataTime | highPrice | instrumentID | lastPrice | lowPrice | ... | askBook_price1 | askBook_volume1 | askBook_price2 | askBook_volume2 | askBook_price3 | askBook_volume3 | askBook_price4 | askBook_volume4 | askBook_price5 | askBook_volume5 |
| --- | --- |
0 rows × 37 columns
## 2. 期权历史成交持仓数据图
# 华夏上证50ETF收盘价数据
secID = '510050.XSHG'
begin = Date(2015, 2, 9)
end = Date.todaysDate()
fields = ['tradeDate', 'closePrice']
etf = DataAPI.MktFunddGet(secID, beginDate=begin.toISO().replace('-', ''), endDate=end.toISO().replace('-', ''), field=fields)
etf['tradeDate'] = pd.to_datetime(etf['tradeDate'])
etf = etf.set_index('tradeDate')
| | closePrice |
| --- | --- |
| tradeDate | |
| 2015-09-23 | 2.180 |
| 2015-09-24 | 2.187 |
# 计算历史一段时间内的50ETF期权持仓量交易量数据
def getOptHistVol(beginDate, endDate):
optionVarSecID = u"510050.XSHG"
cal = Calendar('China.SSE')
dates = cal.bizDatesList(beginDate, endDate)
dates = map(Date.toDateTime, dates)
columns = ['callVol', 'putVol', 'callValue',
'putValue', 'callOpenInt', 'putOpenInt',
'nearCallVol', 'nearPutVol', 'nearCallValue',
'nearPutValue', 'nearCallOpenInt', 'nearPutOpenInt',
'netVol', 'netValue', 'netOpenInt',
'volPCR', 'valuePCR', 'openIntPCR',
'nearVolPCR', 'nearValuePCR', 'nearOpenIntPCR']
hist_opt = pd.DataFrame(0.0, index=dates, columns=columns)
hist_opt.index.name = 'date'
# 每一个交易日数据单独计算
for date in hist_opt.index:
date_str = Date.fromDateTime(date).toISO().replace('-', '')
opt_data = DataAPI.MktOptdGet(secID=u"", tradeDate=date_str, field=u"", pandas="1")
hist_opt = hist_opt.drop(date)
opt_type = []
exp_date = []
for ticker in opt_data.secID.values:
opt_data['optType'] = opt_type
opt_data['expDate'] = exp_date
near_exp = np.sort(opt_data.expDate.unique())[0]
data = opt_data.groupby('optType')
# 计算所有上市期权:看涨看跌交易量、看涨看跌交易额、看涨看跌持仓量
hist_opt['callVol'][date] = data.turnoverVol.sum()['C']
hist_opt['putVol'][date] = data.turnoverVol.sum()['P']
hist_opt['callValue'][date] = data.turnoverValue.sum()['C']
hist_opt['putValue'][date] = data.turnoverValue.sum()['P']
hist_opt['callOpenInt'][date] = data.openInt.sum()['C']
hist_opt['putOpenInt'][date] = data.openInt.sum()['P']
near_data = opt_data[opt_data.expDate == near_exp]
near_data = near_data.groupby('optType')
# 计算近月期权(主力合约): 看涨看跌交易量、看涨看跌交易额、看涨看跌持仓量
hist_opt['nearCallVol'][date] = near_data.turnoverVol.sum()['C']
hist_opt['nearPutVol'][date] = near_data.turnoverVol.sum()['P']
hist_opt['nearCallValue'][date] = near_data.turnoverValue.sum()['C']
hist_opt['nearPutValue'][date] = near_data.turnoverValue.sum()['P']
hist_opt['nearCallOpenInt'][date] = near_data.openInt.sum()['C']
hist_opt['nearPutOpenInt'][date] = near_data.openInt.sum()['P']
# 计算所有上市期权: 总交易量、总交易额、总持仓量
hist_opt['netVol'][date] = hist_opt['callVol'][date] + hist_opt['putVol'][date]
hist_opt['netValue'][date] = hist_opt['callValue'][date] + hist_opt['putValue'][date]
hist_opt['netOpenInt'][date] = hist_opt['callOpenInt'][date] + hist_opt['putOpenInt'][date]
# 计算期权看跌看涨期权交易量(持仓量)的比率:
# 交易量看跌看涨比率,交易额看跌看涨比率, 持仓量看跌看涨比率
# 近月期权交易量看跌看涨比率,近月期权交易额看跌看涨比率, 近月期权持仓量看跌看涨比率
# PCR = Put Call Ratio
hist_opt['volPCR'][date] = round(hist_opt['putVol'][date]*1.0/hist_opt['callVol'][date], 4)
hist_opt['valuePCR'][date] = round(hist_opt['putValue'][date]*1.0/hist_opt['callValue'][date], 4)
hist_opt['openIntPCR'][date] = round(hist_opt['putOpenInt'][date]*1.0/hist_opt['callOpenInt'][date], 4)
hist_opt['nearVolPCR'][date] = round(hist_opt['nearPutVol'][date]*1.0/hist_opt['nearCallVol'][date], 4)
hist_opt['nearValuePCR'][date] = round(hist_opt['nearPutValue'][date]*1.0/hist_opt['nearCallValue'][date], 4)
hist_opt['nearOpenIntPCR'][date] = round(hist_opt['nearPutOpenInt'][date]*1.0/hist_opt['nearCallOpenInt'][date], 4)
return hist_opt
begin = Date(2015, 2, 9)
end = Date.todaysDate()
opt_hist = getOptHistVol(begin, end)
| | callVol | putVol | callValue | putValue | callOpenInt | putOpenInt | nearCallVol | nearPutVol | nearCallValue | nearPutValue | ... | nearPutOpenInt | netVol | netValue | netOpenInt | volPCR | valuePCR | openIntPCR | nearVolPCR | nearValuePCR | nearOpenIntPCR |
| --- | --- |
| date | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 2015-09-23 | 50093 | 42910 | 37809117 | 41517121 | 269395 | 144256 | 16603 | 11494 | 6217923 | 10409963 | ... | 50576 | 93003 | 79326238 | 413651 | 0.8566 | 1.0981 | 0.5355 | 0.6923 | 1.6742 | 0.3738 |
| 2015-09-24 | 29352 | 23474 | 21696859 | 22161955 | 146224 | 98350 | 19785 | 19339 | 15693989 | 14549046 | ... | 55217 | 52826 | 43858814 | 244574 | 0.7997 | 1.0214 | 0.6726 | 0.9775 | 0.9270 | 0.8012 |
2 rows × 21 columns
## ----- 50ETF期权成交持仓数据图 -----
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
lns1 = ax.plot(opt_hist.index, opt_hist.netOpenInt, 'grey', label = u'OpenInt')
lns2 = ax.plot(opt_hist.index, opt_hist.netVol, '-r', label = 'TurnoverVolume')
ax2 = ax.twinx()
lns3 = ax2.plot(etf.index, etf.closePrice, '-', label = 'ETF closePrice')
lns = lns1+lns2+lns3
labs = [l.get_label() for l in lns]
ax.legend(lns, labs, loc=2)
ax.set_ylabel(r"TurnoverVolume / OpenInt")
ax2.set_ylabel(r"ETF closePrice")
plt.title('50ETF Option TurnoverVolume / OpenInt')

+ 期权的交易量基本上是50ETF的反向指标
+ 五月之前的疯牛中,期权日交易量处于低位
+ 六月中下旬之后的暴跌时间段,期权日交易量高位运行,是不是创个新高
+ 8月17日开始的这一周中,大盘风雨飘摇,50ETF探底时,期权交易量创了新高
+ 目前来看,期权交易仍然活跃,但是交易量较之前数据有所回落,应该是大盘企稳的节奏
## 3. 期权的PCR比例
+ PCR = Put Call Ratio
+ PCR可以是关于成交量的PCR,可以是持仓量的PCR,也可以是成交额的PCR
begin = Date(2015, 2, 9)
end = Date.todaysDate()
opt_hist = getOptHistVol(begin, end)
| | callVol | putVol | callValue | putValue | callOpenInt | putOpenInt | nearCallVol | nearPutVol | nearCallValue | nearPutValue | ... | nearPutOpenInt | netVol | netValue | netOpenInt | volPCR | valuePCR | openIntPCR | nearVolPCR | nearValuePCR | nearOpenIntPCR |
| --- | --- |
| date | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 2015-09-23 | 50093 | 42910 | 37809117 | 41517121 | 269395 | 144256 | 16603 | 11494 | 6217923 | 10409963 | ... | 50576 | 93003 | 79326238 | 413651 | 0.8566 | 1.0981 | 0.5355 | 0.6923 | 1.6742 | 0.3738 |
| 2015-09-24 | 29352 | 23474 | 21696859 | 22161955 | 146224 | 98350 | 19785 | 19339 | 15693989 | 14549046 | ... | 55217 | 52826 | 43858814 | 244574 | 0.7997 | 1.0214 | 0.6726 | 0.9775 | 0.9270 | 0.8012 |
2 rows × 21 columns
## ----------------------------------------------
## 50ETF期权PC比例数据图
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
# ------ 成交量PC比例 ------
ax = fig.add_subplot(211)
lns1 = ax.plot(opt_hist.index, opt_hist.volPCR, color='r', label = u'volPCR')
ax2 = ax.twinx()
lns2 = ax2.plot(etf.index, etf.closePrice, '-', label = 'closePrice')
lns = lns1+lns2
labs = [l.get_label() for l in lns]
ax.legend(lns, labs, loc=3)
ax.set_ylim(0, 2)
hfmt = dates.DateFormatter('%m')
ax2.set_ylabel(r"ETF ClosePrice")
plt.title('Volume PCR')
# ------ 近月主力期权成交量PC比例 ------
ax = fig.add_subplot(212)
lns1 = ax.plot(opt_hist.index, opt_hist.nearVolPCR, color='r', label = u'nearVolPCR')
ax2 = ax.twinx()
lns2 = ax2.plot(etf.index, etf.closePrice, '-', label = 'closePrice')
lns = lns1+lns2
labs = [l.get_label() for l in lns]
ax.legend(lns, labs, loc=3)
ax.set_ylim(0, 2)
hfmt = dates.DateFormatter('%m')
ax2.set_ylabel(r"ETF ClosePrice")
plt.title('Dominant Contract Volume PCR')

+ 上下两图中,PCR的曲线走势基本相似,因为期权交易中,近月期权最为活跃
+ ETF价格走势,和PCR走势有比较明显的负相关性
## ----------------------------------------------
## 50ETF期权PC比例数据图
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
# ------ 持仓量PC比例 ------
ax = fig.add_subplot(211)
lns1 = ax.plot(opt_hist.index, opt_hist.openIntPCR, color='r', label = u'volPCR')
ax2 = ax.twinx()
lns2 = ax2.plot(etf.index, etf.closePrice, '-', label = 'closePrice')
lns = lns1+lns2
labs = [l.get_label() for l in lns]
ax.legend(lns, labs, loc=3)
ax.set_ylim(0, 2)
hfmt = dates.DateFormatter('%m')
ax2.set_ylabel(r"ETF ClosePrice")
plt.title('OpenInt PCR')
# ------ 近月主力期权持仓量PC比例 ------
ax = fig.add_subplot(212)
lns1 = ax.plot(opt_hist.index, opt_hist.nearOpenIntPCR, color='r', label = u'nearVolPCR')
ax2 = ax.twinx()
lns2 = ax2.plot(etf.index, etf.closePrice, '-', label = 'closePrice')
lns = lns1+lns2
labs = [l.get_label() for l in lns]
ax.legend(lns, labs, loc=3)
ax.set_ylim(0, 2)
hfmt = dates.DateFormatter('%m')
ax2.set_ylabel(r"ETF ClosePrice")
plt.title('Dominant Contract OpenInt PCR')

+ 上下两图中,PCR的曲线走势基本相似,因为期权交易中,近月期权最为活跃
+ 实际上,近月期权十分活跃,使得近月期权的PCR系数变动往往比整体期权PCR变化更剧烈
+ ETF价格走势,和PCR走势并无明显的负相关性
+ 相反,ETF价格的低点,往往PCR也处于低点,这其实说明:股价大跌之后大家会选择平仓看跌期权
## ----------------------------------------------
## 50ETF期权PC比例数据图
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
# ------ 成交额PC比例 ------
ax = fig.add_subplot(211)
lns1 = ax.plot(opt_hist.index, opt_hist.valuePCR, color='r', label = u'turnoverValuePCR')
ax2 = ax.twinx()
lns2 = ax2.plot(etf.index, etf.closePrice, '-', label = 'closePrice')
lns = lns1+lns2
labs = [l.get_label() for l in lns]
ax.legend(lns, labs, loc=3)
#ax.set_ylim(0, 2)
hfmt = dates.DateFormatter('%m')
ax2.set_ylabel(r"ETF ClosePrice")
plt.title('Turnover Value PCR')
# ------ 近月主力期权成交额PC比例 ------
ax = fig.add_subplot(212)
lns1 = ax.plot(opt_hist.index, opt_hist.nearValuePCR, color='r', label = u'turnoverValuePCR')
ax2 = ax.twinx()
lns2 = ax2.plot(etf.index, etf.closePrice, '-', label = 'closePrice')
lns = lns1+lns2
labs = [l.get_label() for l in lns]
ax.legend(lns, labs, loc=3)
#ax.set_ylim(0, 2)
hfmt = dates.DateFormatter('%m')
ax2.set_ylabel(r"ETF ClosePrice")
plt.title('Dominant Contract Turnover Value PCR')

+ 上下两图中,PCR的曲线走势基本相似,因为期权交易中,近月期权最为活跃
+ 实际上,近月期权PCR指数十分活跃,使得近月期权的PCR系数变动往往比整体期权PCR变化更剧烈
+ 相对于成交量和持仓量PCR指标,此处的成交额PCR指标峰值往往很高,上图中近月期权的成交额PCR最大值甚至接近30,这是由于市场恐慌时候,看跌期权成交量本身就大,而交易量大往往将看跌期权的价格大幅抬高
+ ETF价格走势,和PCR走势具有明显的负相关性
4. 基于期权成交额PCR的择时策略
+ PCR下降时,市场情绪趋稳定,全仓买入50ETF
+ PCR上升时,恐慌情绪蔓延,清仓观望
start = datetime(2015, 2, 9) # 回测起始时间
end = datetime(2015, 9, 21) # 回测结束时间
hist_pcr = getOptHistVol(start, end)
start = datetime(2015, 2, 9) # 回测起始时间
end = datetime(2015, 9, 21) # 回测结束时间
benchmark = '510050.XSHG' # 策略参考标准
universe = ['510050.XSHG'] # 股票池
capital_base = 100000 # 起始资金
commission = Commission(0.0,0.0)
refresh_rate = 1
def initialize(account): # 初始化虚拟账户状态
account.fund = universe[0]
def handle_data(account): # 每个交易日的买入卖出指令
fund = account.fund
# 获取回测当日的前一天日期
dt = Date.fromDateTime(account.current_date)
cal = Calendar('China.IB')
last_day = cal.advanceDate(dt,'-1B',BizDayConvention.Preceding) #计算出倒数第一个交易日
last_last_day = cal.advanceDate(last_day,'-1B',BizDayConvention.Preceding) #计算出倒数第二个交易日
last_day_str = last_day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
last_last_day_str = last_last_day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
# 计算买入卖出信号
# 拿取PCR数据
pcr_last = hist_pcr['valuePCR'].loc[last_day_str]
pcr_last_last = hist_pcr['valuePCR'].loc[last_last_day_str]
long_flag = True if (pcr_last - pcr_last_last) < 0 else False
long_flag = True
if long_flag:
approximationAmount = int(account.cash / account.referencePrice[fund] / 100.0) * 100
order(fund, approximationAmount)
# 卖出时,全仓清空
order_to(fund, 0)

+ 期权挂牌时间较短,回测时间短,加上期权市场参与人数少,故而回测结果可能然并卵
+ 但是严格根据PCR走势买卖50ETF,还是可以比较好的避开市场大跌的风险
+ 不管怎样,PCR可以作为一个择时指标来讨论
+ 除了成交额PCR,还可以通过成交量、持仓量、近月成交额等等PCR建立择时策略
二 期权系列
最后更新于:2022-04-01 21:58:43
# 二 期权系列
最后更新于:2022-04-01 21:58:40
# 期权高频数据准备
> 来源:https://uqer.io/community/share/55027e68f9f06c7a9ae9a53b
本notebook根据指定的时间区间整理并保存`option_data.csv` 文件,请与 期权市场一周纵览 notebook配合使用。
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,>.4f}'.format
calendar = Calendar('China.SSE')
class _format_checker:
def __init__(self, calendar):
self.calendar = calendar
def _format_check(self, instrumentID):
contractType = instrumentID[6] + 'O'
contractYear = int(instrumentID[7:9]) + 2000
contractMonth = int(instrumentID[9:11])
contractExp = Date.NthWeekDay(4, Wednesday, contractMonth, contractYear)
contractExp = self.calendar.adjustDate(contractExp, BizDayConvention.Following)
contractStrike = float(instrumentID[-4:]) / 1000.0
return contractType, contractExp, contractStrike
checker = _format_checker(calendar)
tradingDays = calendar.bizDatesList(Date(2015,3,5), Date(2015,3,12))
names, instrumentIDs = (OptionsDataSnapShot().optionId.unique(), OptionsDataSnapShot().instrumentID.unique())
data = pd.DataFrame(names, columns = ['optionId'])
instrumentIDs = pd.Series(instrumentIDs)
data = data.join(pd.DataFrame(list(instrumentIDs.apply(checker._format_check)), columns= ['contractType', 'expDate', 'strikePrice']))
| | optionId | contractType | expDate | strikePrice |
| --- | --- |
| 0 | 10000001 | CO | March 25th, 2015 | 2.2000 |
| 1 | 10000002 | CO | March 25th, 2015 | 2.2500 |
| 2 | 10000003 | CO | March 25th, 2015 | 2.3000 |
| 3 | 10000004 | CO | March 25th, 2015 | 2.3500 |
| 4 | 10000005 | CO | March 25th, 2015 | 2.4000 |
tradingDaysStr = [''.join(date.toISO().split('-')) for date in tradingDays]
['20150305', '20150306', '20150309', '20150310', '20150311']
res = pd.DataFrame()
spotData = []
for day in tradingDaysStr:
tmp = spotData
spotData = DataAPI.MktTicksHistOneDayGet('510050.XSHG', date = day, field = ['dataDate', 'datasTime', 'secOffset', 'lastPrice'])
spotData = spotData.drop(0)
except Exception, e:
print e
spotData = tmp
for opt in names:
sample = DataAPI.MktOptionTicksHistOneDayGet(optionId = opt,date = day)#field = ['optionId', 'dataDate', 'dataTime' 'secOffset', 'lastPrice'])
sample = sample.drop_duplicates(['secOffset'])
spotPrice = np.zeros((len(sample),))
j = 0
index = spotData.index
for i, secOffset in enumerate(sample.secOffset):
currentSpotSecOffset = spotData.loc[index[j], 'secOffset']*1000
while currentSpotSecOffset < secOffset and j < len(index)-1:
j = j + 1
currentSpotSecOffset = spotData.loc[index[j], 'secOffset']*1000
if j>=1:
spotPrice[i] = spotData.loc[index[j-1], 'lastPrice']
spotPrice[i] = spotData.loc[index[j], 'lastPrice']
sample['spotPrice'] = spotPrice
res = res.append(sample)
except Exception, e:
print e
print day + ' finished!'
20150305 finished!
-1:No Data Returned for request: /market/getOptionTicksHistOneDay.csv?field=&optionId=10000030&date=20150306&startSecOffset=&endSecOffset=
-1:No Data Returned for request: /market/getOptionTicksHistOneDay.csv?field=&optionId=10000032&date=20150306&startSecOffset=&endSecOffset=
-1:No Data Returned for request: /market/getOptionTicksHistOneDay.csv?field=&optionId=10000033&date=20150306&startSecOffset=&endSecOffset=
-1:No Data Returned for request: /market/getOptionTicksHistOneDay.csv?field=&optionId=10000035&date=20150306&startSecOffset=&endSecOffset=
-1:No Data Returned for request: /market/getOptionTicksHistOneDay.csv?field=&optionId=10000054&date=20150306&startSecOffset=&endSecOffset=
-1:No Data Returned for request: /market/getOptionTicksHistOneDay.csv?field=&optionId=10000056&date=20150306&startSecOffset=&endSecOffset=
20150306 finished!
20150309 finished!
-1:No Data Returned for request: /market/getOptionTicksHistOneDay.csv?field=&optionId=10000039&date=20150310&startSecOffset=&endSecOffset=
-1:No Data Returned for request: /market/getOptionTicksHistOneDay.csv?field=&optionId=10000056&date=20150310&startSecOffset=&endSecOffset=
-1:No Data Returned for request: /market/getOptionTicksHistOneDay.csv?field=&optionId=10000064&date=20150310&startSecOffset=&endSecOffset=
20150310 finished!
-1:No Data Returned for request: /market/getOptionTicksHistOneDay.csv?field=&optionId=10000039&date=20150311&startSecOffset=&endSecOffset=
-1:No Data Returned for request: /market/getOptionTicksHistOneDay.csv?field=&optionId=10000064&date=20150311&startSecOffset=&endSecOffset=
20150311 finished!
res.optionId = res.optionId.astype('str')
res = res.merge(data, how = 'left', on = 'optionId')
dateData, idData, volumeData = res.dataDate, res.optionId, res['volume']
previous = [dateData[0], idData[0], 0]
newVolume = np.zeros((len(dateData),))
count = 0
for date, ids, volume in zip(dateData, idData, volumeData ):
if date == previous[0] and ids == previous[1]:
newVolume[count] = volume - previous[2]
newVolume[count] = volume
previous[0] = date
previous[1] = ids
previous[2] = volume
count = count + 1
res.volume = newVolume
res['pdDateTime'] = res.expDate.apply(lambda x: x.toDateTime())
optData = pd.DataFrame()
optData['contractType'] = res['contractType']
optData['valuationDate'] = res['dataDate']
optData['expDate'] = res['expDate']
optData['strikePrice'] = res['strikePrice']
optData['lastPrice'] = res['lastPrice']
optData['optionId'] = res['optionId'].astype('str')
optData['Type'] = Option.Call
optData['spotPrice'] = res.spotPrice
optData.loc[optData['contractType'] == 'PO','Type'] = Option.Put
optData['valuationDate'] = [Date(int(date.split('-')[0]),int(date.split('-')[1]),int(date.split('-')[2])) for date in optData['valuationDate']]
dc = DayCounter('Actual/365 (Fixed)')
optData['ttm'] = [dc.yearFraction(date1, date2) for date1, date2 in zip(optData['valuationDate'], optData['expDate'])]
optData['lastPrice(vol)'] = BSMImpliedVolatity(optData['Type'], optData['strikePrice'], optData['spotPrice'], 0.0, 0.0, optData['ttm'], optData['lastPrice'])
optData['bid1(vol)'] = BSMImpliedVolatity(optData['Type'], optData['strikePrice'], optData['spotPrice'], 0.0, 0.0, optData['ttm'], res.bidPrice1)
optData['ask1(vol)'] = BSMImpliedVolatity(optData['Type'], optData['strikePrice'], optData['spotPrice'], 0.0, 0.0, optData['ttm'], res.askPrice1)
res1 = res.merge(optData[[u'spotPrice', u'ttm', u'lastPrice(vol)', u'bid1(vol)', u'ask1(vol)']], left_index=True, right_index=True)
res1 = res1.dropna(how = 'any')
res1['bidAskSpread(bps)'] = (res1.askPrice1 - res1.bidPrice1) * 10000
res1['bidAskSpread(vol bps)'] = (res1['ask1(vol)'] - res1['bid1(vol)']) * 10000
最后更新于:2022-04-01 21:58:38
# 如何获取期权市场数据快照
> 来源:https://uqer.io/community/share/550274e4f9f06c7a9ae9a535
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pylab
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,>.4f}'.format
## 1. 获取市场数据
在本节中,我们使用数据API获取数据,并进行一些必要的数据转换。这里我们获取的是实时报价,是本 notebook 运行时的市场快照。
+ `dataDate` 交易日
+ `dataTime` 快照时间戳
+ `optionId` 期权代码
+ `instrumentID` 期权交易代码
+ `contractType` 期权类型,CO为看着,PO为看跌
+ `strikePrice` 行权价
+ `expDate` 到期日
+ `lastPrice` 最新价
optionSnapShot = OptionsDataSnapShot()
optionSnapShot[optionSnapShot.expDate == Date(2015,9,23)]
| | dataDate | dataTime | optionId | instrumentID | contractType | strikePrice | expDate | lastPrice |
| --- | --- |
| 30 | 2015-03-13 | 13:24:12 | 10000031 | 510050C1509M02200 | CO | 2.2000 | September 23rd, 2015 | 0.3388 |
| 31 | 2015-03-13 | 13:24:17 | 10000032 | 510050C1509M02250 | CO | 2.2500 | September 23rd, 2015 | 0.3019 |
| 32 | 2015-03-13 | 13:24:22 | 10000033 | 510050C1509M02300 | CO | 2.3000 | September 23rd, 2015 | 0.2816 |
| 33 | 2015-03-13 | 13:24:27 | 10000034 | 510050C1509M02350 | CO | 2.3500 | September 23rd, 2015 | 0.2484 |
| 34 | 2015-03-13 | 13:24:32 | 10000035 | 510050C1509M02400 | CO | 2.4000 | September 23rd, 2015 | 0.2070 |
| 35 | 2015-03-13 | 13:24:36 | 10000036 | 510050P1509M02200 | PO | 2.2000 | September 23rd, 2015 | 0.0690 |
| 36 | 2015-03-13 | 13:24:41 | 10000037 | 510050P1509M02250 | PO | 2.2500 | September 23rd, 2015 | 0.0804 |
| 37 | 2015-03-13 | 13:24:47 | 10000038 | 510050P1509M02300 | PO | 2.3000 | September 23rd, 2015 | 0.0955 |
| 38 | 2015-03-13 | 13:24:52 | 10000039 | 510050P1509M02350 | PO | 2.3500 | September 23rd, 2015 | 0.1194 |
| 39 | 2015-03-13 | 13:24:58 | 10000040 | 510050P1509M02400 | PO | 2.4000 | September 23rd, 2015 | 0.1322 |
| 46 | 2015-03-13 | 13:24:52 | 10000047 | 510050C1509M02450 | CO | 2.4500 | September 23rd, 2015 | 0.1889 |
| 47 | 2015-03-13 | 13:24:58 | 10000048 | 510050P1509M02450 | PO | 2.4500 | September 23rd, 2015 | 0.1555 |
| 54 | 2015-03-13 | 13:24:32 | 10000055 | 510050C1509M02500 | CO | 2.5000 | September 23rd, 2015 | 0.1629 |
| 55 | 2015-03-13 | 13:24:36 | 10000056 | 510050P1509M02500 | PO | 2.5000 | September 23rd, 2015 | 0.1900 |
| 62 | 2015-03-13 | 13:24:32 | 10000063 | 510050C1509M02550 | CO | 2.5500 | September 23rd, 2015 | 0.1443 |
| 63 | 2015-03-13 | 13:24:36 | 10000064 | 510050P1509M02550 | PO | 2.5500 | September 23rd, 2015 | 0.2169 |
## 2. 计算隐含波动率以及相关Greeks
接着我们可以方便的使用内置函数 BSMImpliedVolatity 计算期权的隐含波动率。
+ `price` 市场报价或者模型价格
+ `delta` 期权价格关于标的价格的一阶导数
+ `gamma` 期权价格关于标的价格的二阶导数
+ `rho` 期权价格关于无风险利率的一阶导数
+ `theta` 期权价格关于到期时间的一阶导数(每日)
+ `vega` 期权价格关于波动率的一阶导数
analyticResult = OptionsAnalyticResult()
analyticResult.loc[:10, ['optionId', 'contractType', 'strikePrice', 'expDate', 'lastPrice', 'vol', 'delta', 'gamma', 'rho', 'theta', 'vega']]
| | optionId | contractType | strikePrice | expDate | lastPrice | vol | delta | gamma | rho | theta | vega |
| --- | --- |
| 1 | 10000002 | CO | 2.2500 | March 25th, 2015 | 0.2184 | 0.2259 | 0.9886 | 0.2947 | 0.0730 | -0.0458 | 0.0133 |
| 2 | 10000003 | CO | 2.3000 | March 25th, 2015 | 0.1730 | 0.2867 | 0.9165 | 1.1965 | 0.0687 | -0.2996 | 0.0687 |
| 3 | 10000004 | CO | 2.3500 | March 25th, 2015 | 0.1229 | 0.2177 | 0.8963 | 1.8495 | 0.0687 | -0.2670 | 0.0806 |
| 4 | 10000005 | CO | 2.4000 | March 25th, 2015 | 0.0814 | 0.2166 | 0.7676 | 3.1504 | 0.0596 | -0.4503 | 0.1367 |
| 8 | 10000009 | PO | 2.3500 | March 25th, 2015 | 0.0076 | 0.2482 | -0.1332 | 1.9373 | -0.0111 | -0.3633 | 0.0963 |
| 9 | 10000010 | PO | 2.4000 | March 25th, 2015 | 0.0159 | 0.2346 | -0.2488 | 3.0197 | -0.0207 | -0.5061 | 0.1419 |
| 10 | 10000011 | CO | 2.2000 | April 22nd, 2015 | 0.2778 | 0.2703 | 0.9081 | 0.7466 | 0.2152 | -0.1661 | 0.1347 |
## 3. 构造波动率曲面
但是对于市场参与者而言,像刚才这样仅仅观察的线的结构不够。他们需要看到整个市场以到期时间,行权价为轴的波动率曲面(Volatility Surface)。除此之外,他们更想知道,波动率曲面上,那些并不是市场报价点的值,至少是个估计。这样的波动率曲面构造,往往需要依赖某种模型,或者某种插值方法。在这一节中,我们将介绍使用 CAL 中的波动率曲面构造函数。
以下的例子基于 CAL 函数: `VolatilitySurfaceSnapShot`
### 3.1 基于SABR模型的波动率曲面
volInterpolatorSABR = VolatilitySurfaceSnapShot(optionType = 'CALL', interpType = 'SABR')
volInterpolatorSABR.plotSurface(startStrike = 2.2,endStrike = 2.6)
volInterpolatorSABR.volalitltyProfileFromPeriods([2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6], ['1M', '2M', '3M', '6M', '9M'])
| | 1M | 2M | 3M | 6M | 9M |
| --- | --- |
| 2.2000 | 0.2720 | 0.2406 | 0.2327 | 0.2531 | 0.2545 |
| 2.3000 | 0.2048 | 0.2207 | 0.2345 | 0.2546 | 0.2557 |
| 2.4000 | 0.2245 | 0.2341 | 0.2389 | 0.2525 | 0.2533 |
| 2.5000 | 0.2241 | 0.2328 | 0.2381 | 0.2479 | 0.2484 |
| 2.6000 | 0.2311 | 0.2356 | 0.2362 | 0.2425 | 0.2429 |

### 3.2 基于SVI模型的波动率曲面
volInterpolatorSVI = VolatilitySurfaceSnapShot(optionType = 'CALL', interpType = 'SVI')
volInterpolatorSVI.plotSurface(startStrike = 2.2,endStrike = 2.6)
volInterpolatorSVI.volalitltyProfileFromPeriods([2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6], ['1M', '2M', '3M', '6M', '9M'])
| | 1M | 2M | 3M | 6M | 9M |
| --- | --- |
| 2.2000 | 0.2769 | 0.2476 | 0.2369 | 0.2566 | 0.2580 |
| 2.3000 | 0.2121 | 0.2223 | 0.2340 | 0.2535 | 0.2545 |
| 2.4000 | 0.2170 | 0.2292 | 0.2365 | 0.2504 | 0.2512 |
| 2.5000 | 0.2290 | 0.2357 | 0.2389 | 0.2474 | 0.2479 |
| 2.6000 | 0.2401 | 0.2417 | 0.2413 | 0.2508 | 0.2514 |

### 3.3 基于Balck波动率插值的波动率曲面
volInterpolatorVariance = VolatilitySurfaceSnapShot(optionType = 'CALL', interpType = 'BlackVariance')
volInterpolatorVariance.plotSurface(startStrike = 2.2,endStrike = 2.6)
volInterpolatorVariance.volalitltyProfileFromPeriods([2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6], ['1M', '2M', '3M', '6M', '9M'])
| | 1M | 2M | 3M | 6M | 9M |
| --- | --- |
| 2.2000 | 0.2676 | 0.2380 | 0.2202 | 0.2516 | 0.2537 |
| 2.3000 | 0.2082 | 0.2270 | 0.2441 | 0.2660 | 0.2672 |
| 2.4000 | 0.2277 | 0.2325 | 0.2341 | 0.2404 | 0.2408 |
| 2.5000 | 0.2278 | 0.2363 | 0.2408 | 0.2463 | 0.2466 |
| 2.6000 | 0.2252 | 0.2324 | 0.2365 | 0.2517 | 0.2526 |

## 4. 组合计算
| 期权代码 | 数量 | 行权价(¥) | 到期时间 |
| --- | --- |
| 10000004 | -7000 | 2.35 | 2015-03-25 |
| 10000011 | 2000 | 2.20 | 2015-04-22 |
| 10000027 | 5000 | 2.25 | 2015-06-24 |
| 10000047 | 3000 | 2.45 | 2015-09-23 |
然后我们构造 `OptionBook`:
optionIDs = ['10000011', '10000027', '10000004', '10000047']
amounts = [2000, 5000, -7000, 3000]
optBook = OptionBook(optionIDs, amounts)
print u'期权头寸:'
| | dataDate | dataTime | optionId | instrumentID | contractType | strikePrice | expDate | lastPrice | amount |
| --- | --- |
| 0 | 2015-03-13 | 13:24:58 | 10000004 | 510050C1503M02350 | CO | 2.3500 | March 25th, 2015 | 0.1229 | -7000 |
| 1 | 2015-03-13 | 13:24:32 | 10000011 | 510050C1504M02200 | CO | 2.2000 | April 22nd, 2015 | 0.2778 | 2000 |
| 2 | 2015-03-13 | 13:24:52 | 10000027 | 510050P1506M02250 | PO | 2.2500 | June 24th, 2015 | 0.0450 | 5000 |
| 3 | 2015-03-13 | 13:24:52 | 10000047 | 510050C1509M02450 | CO | 2.4500 | September 23rd, 2015 | 0.1889 | 3000 |
### 4.1 使用Black插值模型计算组合风险
| | optionId | vol | price | delta | gamma | rho | theta | vega |
| --- | --- |
| 0 | 10000004 | 0.2060 | -860.3000 | -6370.8417 | -12316.8687 | -488.8540 | 1592.3418 | -508.3851 |
| 1 | 10000011 | 0.2634 | 555.6000 | 1828.2807 | 1456.7054 | 433.8000 | -307.9681 | 256.2961 |
| 2 | 10000027 | 0.2484 | 220.5000 | -1103.5286 | 4552.0335 | -831.0864 | -856.2742 | 1945.3136 |
| 3 | 10000047 | 0.2509 | 566.7000 | 1659.5347 | 2626.2983 | 1876.5865 | -503.9843 | 2135.1356 |
| portfolio | NaN | nan | 482.5000 | -3986.5549 | -3681.8315 | 990.4461 | -75.8848 | 3828.3602 |
### 4.2 使用SABR模型组合风险
| | optionId | vol | price | delta | gamma | rho | theta | vega |
| --- | --- |
| 0 | 10000004 | 0.2157 | -865.4365 | -6301.5462 | -12703.7735 | -483.0602 | 1800.8937 | -549.0791 |
| 1 | 10000011 | 0.2523 | 552.8686 | 1845.2432 | 1405.9255 | 438.6890 | -272.7679 | 236.9632 |
| 2 | 10000027 | 0.2347 | 194.1368 | -1048.6009 | 4677.9921 | -785.3771 | -785.2668 | 1888.5079 |
| 3 | 10000047 | 0.2511 | 566.9933 | 1659.5667 | 2624.8517 | 1876.4726 | -504.2584 | 2135.1279 |
| portfolio | NaN | nan | 448.5622 | -3845.3372 | -3995.0043 | 1046.7243 | 238.6007 | 3711.5199 |
### 4.3 使用SVI模型组合风险
| | optionId | vol | price | delta | gamma | rho | theta | vega |
| --- | --- |
| 0 | 10000004 | 0.2126 | -863.7639 | -6323.4081 | -12591.1718 | -484.8898 | 1734.2876 | -536.4362 |
| 1 | 10000011 | 0.2634 | 555.6000 | 1828.2807 | 1456.7054 | 433.8000 | -307.9681 | 256.2961 |
| 2 | 10000027 | 0.2355 | 195.6318 | -1051.9049 | 4670.9045 | -788.1010 | -789.3710 | 1892.0017 |
| 3 | 10000047 | 0.2495 | 563.6855 | 1659.2077 | 2641.2567 | 1877.7596 | -501.1669 | 2135.2142 |
| portfolio | NaN | nan | 451.1534 | -3887.8246 | -3822.3052 | 1038.5689 | 135.7815 | 3747.0758 |
## 5 比较不同模型的拟合市场数据的能力
这里我们比较不同的模型,对于市场数据的拟合能力。这里我们可以观察到单论你和能力 `BlackVarianceSurface > SviCalibratedVolSruface > SABRCalibratedVolSruface `。这里我们并不想下这样的结论:这些模型的优劣也有相同的排序。
from matplotlib import pylab
strikes = sorted(analyticResult['strikePrice'].unique())
expiries = [Date(2015,3,25),Date(2015,4,25),Date(2015,6,25),Date(2015,9,25)]
maturity = [(date - EvaluationDate())/ 365.0 for date in expiries]
volSurfaces = [volInterpolatorSABR, volInterpolatorSVI]
def plotModelFitting(index, volSurfaces, legends = ['Market Quote', 'SABR', 'SVI']):
# Using Black variance surface to extrace the rar wolatility
data = volInterpolatorVariance.volatility(strikes, maturity[index], True)
pylab.plot(strikes, data, 'r+-.', markersize = 8)
for s in volSurfaces:
data = s.volatility(strikes, maturity[index], True)
pylab.plot(strikes, data)
pylab.legend(legends, loc = 'best', fontsize = 12)
pylab.title(u'行权结算日: ' + str(expiries[index]), fontproperties = font, fontsize = 20)
pylab.subplots(2,2, figsize = (16,14))
for i in range(1,5):
pylab.subplot('22' + str(i))
plotModelFitting(i-1, volSurfaces)
