
最后更新于:2022-04-01 21:53:42

# CMO策略模仿练习2 > 来源: ```py import numpy as np start='2010-01-01' end='2015-06-20' benchmark='SH50' universe=set_universe('SH50') capital_base=1000000 window=35 # 参数,CMO指标计算周期 def initialize(account): pass def handle_data(account): clp=account.get_attribute_history("closePrice",window) prc=account.get_attribute_history("preClosePrice",window) p=account.referencePrice # 计算CMO CMO= {} for s in account.universe: diff=clp[s]-prc[s] u=sum(n for n in diff if n>0) d=sum(-n for n in diff if n<0) if u+d==0: continue CMO[s]=(u-d)/(u+d)*100 # 根据CMO卖出目前持有股票 for s,a in account.valid_secpos.items(): if CMO.get(s,0)<0 and s in account.universe: order_to(s,0) v+=a*p[s] # 根据CMO确定买入列表 buylist= [] for s in account.universe: if CMO.get(s,0)<0 and not np.isnan(p[s]) and s not in account.valid_secpos: buylist.append(s) if v > account.referencePortfolioValue * 0.33: # 为了避免调仓过于频繁,仅当可用现金超过账户市值1/3时买入 for s in buylist: order(s, v/len(buylist)/ p[s]) ``` ![](