最后更新于:2022-04-02 04:23:17
## 算术指令集
* 最多3个操作数
* 再说一遍,在这里,操作数只能是寄存器,绝对不允许出现地址
* 所有指令统一是32位 = 4 \* 8 bit = 4bytes = 1 word
add $t0,$t1,$t2 # $t0 = $t1 + $t2; add as signed (2's complement) integers
sub $t2,$t3,$t4 # $t2 = $t3 Ð $t4
addi $t2,$t3, 5 # $t2 = $t3 + 5; "add immediate" (no sub immediate)
addu $t1,$t6,$t7 # $t1 = $t6 + $t7; add as unsigned integers
subu $t1,$t6,$t7 # $t1 = $t6 + $t7; subtract as unsigned integers
mult $t3,$t4 # multiply 32-bit quantities in $t3 and $t4, and store 64-bit
# result in special registers Lo and Hi: (Hi,Lo) = $t3 * $t4
# 运算结果存储在hi,lo(hi高位数据, lo地位数据)
div $t5,$t6 # Lo = $t5 / $t6 (integer quotient)
# Hi = $t5 mod $t6 (remainder)
# 商数存放在 lo, 余数存放在 hi
mfhi $t0 # move quantity in special register Hi to $t0: $t0 = Hi
# 不能直接获取 hi 或 lo中的值, 需要mfhi, mflo指令传值给寄存器
mflo $t1 # move quantity in special register Lo to $t1: $t1 = Lo
# used to get at result of product or quotient
move $t2,$t3 # $t2 = $t3