Bookly PRO v4.6 (+Addons) – Appointment Booking And Scheduling Software Systems

最后更新于:2022-03-28 18:41:45


Bookly PRO automatic online booking and scheduling for WordPress: fully customizable booking form with online payments, notifications and Google Calendar sync.

The Bookly Pro addons enable advanced features of the Bookly online appointment scheduling plugin. With Bookly Pro, you can remove all limitations of the free version of the Bookly WordPress plugin.


Features Bookly PRO – Appointment Booking and Scheduling Software System

Features Bookly PRO
  • Fast online booking with intuitive management forms.
  • Easy to customize booking form, no programming experience required. You don’t have to be a developer to customize the form so it can match the look and feel of your website.
  • Unlimited number of booking forms on your website.
  • Comprehensive admin area with an intuitive interface. Managed to design a complex solution that is easy to use and trusted by more than 24000 customers worldwide.
  • View free monthly/weekly/daily online booking schedules for service providers.
  • Manage your customer list with options to sort and search.
  • Duration varies for each service. Bookly can be adjusted for services for any period starting from 5 minutes to seven days.
  • Services are grouped into categories.
  • Multiple settings for SMS and email notifications.
  • WPML integration for multi-language support
Features Bookly PRO

变更日志 Bookly PRO – Appointment Booking and Scheduling Software Systems

Added support for Bookly 20.6
Added ability to show QR code with appointment information in a booking form
Added new setting ‘Create a WooCommerce order if the cost of the service is zero’ in Settings > WooCommerce
Added ability to enable Bookly Cart together with WooCommerce
Added a warning message when connecting two or more employees to the same Google Calendar
Added ability to use {service_duration} code in Google Calendar/Outlook Calendar > Template for event description
Fixed minor issue with filter in Appointments
Fixed an issue when changes to the tax amount were not saved in payment details
Fixed an issue when changes were not saved for payment systems after editing texts in Appearance
Fixed an issue when price correction was applied to local payment option

Added support for Bookly 20.5
Added Jitsi integration for scheduling online meetings
Added ability for the client to leave a tip during the booking process
Added ability to use {category_name} code in Google Calendar event title
Speed up the work of Bookly with high number of staff members, services and locations
Fixed an issue when [bookly-calendar] shortcode was not working under certain conditions
Fixed an issue when service name in existing appointments disappeared after updating service provider
Fixed an issue in WooCommerce orders after deleting a service
Fixed an issue when special day created on day off was not displayed as working day in staff calendar
Fixed an issue when {cancel_all_combined_appointments} and {cancel_all_combined_appointments_url} codes were not working in notifications
Fixed an incorrect work of the ‘One booking per time slot’ option with WooCommerce integration

Added support for Bookly 20.4
Added ability to select payment method for staff member
Added ability to display front-end calendar for viewing the availability of the selected staff
Added ICalendar feed URL that can be used in other calendars for displaying staff member appointments
Fixed an issue when service capacity was not taken into account when adding several time slots to WC cart
Fixed an issue with incorrect order of payment methods on front end
Fixed an issue when capacity value was not taken into account with First value for newly created appointments via backend setting enabled

Added support for Bookly 20.2
Added ability to enable Email logs in Email Notifications. This option allows you to see the list of all email notifications that were sent.
Added ability to export Internal note column in Appointments section
Added ability to use {appointment_end_date} and {appointment_end_time} codes in WooCommerce cart description
Added ability to use {cancel_appointment} and {cancel_appointment_url} codes in Google Calendar/Outlook Calendar > Template for event description
Now ‘Cancel appointment action’ setting is located in Settings > Appointments

Added support for Bookly 20.1
Added new setting: Displayed time slots (Settings > Appointments). This setting allows to select what time slots will be shown when creating a new appointment via backend.
Added Customer address and Customer birthday columns to the Appointments section
Added ability to set what value should be selected first (staff or service) when creating a new appointment via backend
Added ability to set Minimum time requirement prior to booking/canceling for each service separately
Added ability to include cancellation reason input box in the [bookly-cancellation-confirmation] shortcode
Fixed an issue with validation errors when editing service
Fixed an issue when Customer Information fields were deleted after re-booking
Fixed an issue when custom fields were not displayed in the [bookly-appointments-list] shortcode in Gutenberg editor
Fixed an issue when combined email notification was not sent if payment attached to appointment

Added support for Bookly 20.0
Added ability to assign a WooCommerce product for each service separately
Added ability to create WordPress user accounts for new staff members
Added new setting: Time delimiter (Settings > Appointments). This setting allows to set the delimiter for appointments created via backend
Improved the work of frontend with different timezones of staff members

= 3.9 =
Added support for Bookly 19.9
Added ability to use new code {client_birthday} in email and sms notifications
Added ability to use {client_birthday} & {number_of_persons} codes in Bookly Calendar record template (Settings > Calendar)
Added ability to use {appointment_notes} code in Bookly Calendar record template (Settings > Calendar)
Added ability to enter multiple custom email addresses in Recipients for Customer birthday greeting & New booking combined notification templates
Added {participant.client_birthday} & {number_of_persons} codes to Google Calendar/Outlook Calendar > Template for event description
Fixed an issue with missing appointments without customer and custom service in Bookly Calendar
Fixed an issue when min capacity value was not taken into account on front-end
Fixed an issue with incorrect display of WP users when editing appointment

= v3.8 =
Added support for Bookly 19.8
Added ability to create WordPress user accounts for new clients when booking via backend
Added ability to create separate final pages (Thank You page) for specific services
Added new section in Bookly Settings > User Permissions
Added {participant.amount_due} and {participant.amount_paid} to Google Calendar > Template for event description
Added ability to use {appointment.service_info} inside the each block in Appearance
Added ‘Select all’ option in the export modal window
Fixed an issue when custom fields were not viewable in booking details
Fixed an issue when custom time slot length of service was not taken into account in backend
Fixed an issue when customer was duplicated in calendar popover
Fixed an issue when {client_names} code was not working in Google Calendar event title
Fixed an issue with incorrect value in ‘Number of persons’ field
Fixed an issue when customer was placed on waiting list despite of service capacity
Fixed an issue with incorrect time of appointment in Google Calendar
Fixed an issue when cancelled appointment was taken into account in service capacity

= v3.7 =
Added support for Bookly 19.7
Now selected values in filters in Analytics section are stored
Fixed an issue when some codes were not working in GC event
Fixed an issue with inability to create custom appointment

= v3.6 =
Added support for Bookly 19.6
Added ability to customize content in Settings > Google Calendar > Template for event description by using if and each blocks
Added support for Zoom OAuth 2.0 authorization

= v3.5 =
Added support for Bookly 19.5
Added ability to include online meeting URL to [bookly-appointments-list]
Fixed an issue when blank page was added during appointments list print
Fixed an issue when ICS file was not attached to email notification

= v3.4 =
Added support for Bookly 19.3
Added ability to customize content in ‘New booking combined notification’ by using the each block
Added ability to customize content in Settings > Calendar by using if and each blocks
Added ability to customize content in Settings > Customers > Customer address by using the if block
Added ability to customize content in Settings > WooCommerce > Cart item data by using the if block
Fixed an issue when user with admin rights couldn’t complete the payment in WooCommerce
Staff timezone setting has been moved to Advanced tab in Edit staff window

= v3.3 =
Added support for Bookly 19.2
Added support for Bookly Discounts (Add-on)
Fixed an issue with {login_form} shortcode on Details step

= v3.2 =
- Added support for Bookly 19.0
- Added ability to set up personal Zoom account for staff member
- Added ability to customize content displayed in booking form for multiple bookings – new codes in Appearance
- Fixed an issue when Next day reminder and Agenda notifications were not sent if the date/time of the appointment was updated

***Bookly PRO Addon v3.1
- Added support for Bookly 18.9
- Added ability to set timezone for staff member
- Added support for Bookly 18.7
- Now the list of staff members in calendar can be scrolled
- Fixed an issue with missing autocomplete in State field at WooCommerce checkout page
- Fixed an issue when combined notification was sent after appointment cancellation
- Fixed an issue when new appointment was created instead of placing in waiting list
- Fixed an issue when appointment without time wasn’t removed from calendar without page refresh
- Fixed an issue with analytics in Bookly Dashboard

⭐另请参考: Totally Free Premium WordPress Plugin Repository on Codecanyon

List of Addons Bookly PRO

  1. Bookly Collaborative Services (Add-on) v2.5
  2. Bookly Special Hours (Add-on) v2.8
  3. Bookly Waiting List (Add-on) v2.3
  4. Bookly Cart (Add-on) v2.7
  5. Bookly Compound Services (Add-on) v3.1
  6. Bookly Custom Duration (Add-on) v2.3
  7. Bookly Invoices (Add-on) v3.1
  8. Bookly Customer Information (Add-on) v2.3
  9. Bookly Advanced Google Calendar (Add-on) v2.3
  10. Bookly Special Days (Add-on) v4.4
  11. Bookly Staff Cabinet (Add-on) v4.1
  12. Bookly Stripe (Add-on) v3.4
  13. Bookly Chain Appointments Addon v2.3
  14. Bookly Coupons (Add-on) v3.3
  15. GDPR Solution Bookly Customer Cabinet (Add-on) v4.3
  16. Bookly Custom Fields (Add-on) v2.9
  17. Bookly Files (Add-ons) v2.9
  18. Bookly Google Maps Address (Add-on) v1.5
  19. Bookly Group Booking (Add-on) v2.5
  20. Bookly Locations (Add-on) v4.5
  21. Bookly Multiply Appointments (Add-on) v2.5
  22. Bookly Multisite (Add-on) v2.9
  23. Bookly Packages (Add-on) v4.6
  24. Bookly Ratings (Add-on) v2.0
  25. Bookly Recurring Appointments (Add-on) v4.5
  26. Bookly Service Extras (Add-on) v4.2
  27. Bookly Service Schedule (Add-on) v2.9
  28. Bookly Custom Statuses (Add-on) v2.0
  29. Bookly Deposit Payments (Add-on) 2.8
  30. Bookly PayPal Checkout (Add-on) v1.7
  31. Bookly Discounts (Add-on) v1.3

下载 Bookly Pro v4.6 Nulled (+Add-on) – Appointment Booking and Scheduling Software System:

License key is for v4.2 is hardcoded.

For add-ons, use any unique random hex key with pattern 8-4-4-4-12

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