Dynamic Content For Elementor v2.4.5 – Widget For Elementor

最后更新于:2022-03-29 02:43:11


Dynamic Content for Elementor – improve your website’s potential with add-ons, extending Elementor’s functionality.

Automate control of your various components with Elementor templates. Your content will continue to be driven by its own WordPress interface, and the layout will be generated by site-wide Elementor templates.

The widgets display metadata generated by the ACF – Advanced Custom Fields® plugin.

演示:  https://www.dynamic.ooo/

Features Dynamic Content for Elementor – Most Advanced Widgets for Elementor

Features Dynamic Content for Elementor – Most Advanced Widgets for Elementor
  • Dynamic Posts
  • Dynamic Users
  • Content
  • Post
  • ACF
  • Pods
  • Listing
  • Dev
  • Creative
  • SVG
  • WebGL
  • Elementor Pro FORM
  • CopyPaste Cross-site
  • Dynamic Visibility
  • Page Scroll
  • Loop Animations
  • Scroll reveals
  • Transforms
  • Rellax Parallax
  • Enchanted Editor
  • Dynamic Tag Token

变更日志 Dynamic Content for Elementor Nulled Free

v2.4.5 - 23/03/2022
* Tweak: compatibility tag for Elementor 3.6.0
* Fix: Elementor Panel not loading on Elementor v3.6.0
* Minor fixes

v2.4.3 - 17/03/2022
* Tweak: added a fallback image for Featured Image on Dynamic Posts, Dynamic Products, Dynamic Products On Sale, Products in the Cart, Product Upsells, Product Cross-Sells, Favorites, Woo Wishlist, Sticky Posts, Search Results, My Posts widgets
* Tweak: on Dynamic Google Maps, added minimum and maximum Zoom level
* Tweak: JS Field for Elementor Pro Form, added the updateSelf function, it allows updating the field from asynchronous code
* Tweak: JS Field for Elementor Pro Form, if the user callback does not return, the field value is not changed. Before it was set to undefined
* Fix: error when saving Elementor Page as user without administrator capability in some situations
* Fix: visual bug when using a custom arrow with custom size on skin Carousel
* Fix: on Dynamic Posts, remove Sticky Posts didn't work on Specific Posts Query
* Fix: JetEngine token didn't work on some cases on Text Editor with Tokens
* Fix: Remove Masking on Carousel Skin didn't work on v2.4.2
* Fix: Product Cross-Sells, Product Upsells, and Products in the Cart widgets didn't retrieve the order and order by
* Minor fixes

v2.4.2 - 10/03/2022
* Tweak: Tooltip, added settings for border radius and typography
* Fix: PDF Generator for Elementor Form would generate a blank PDF in some situations
* Minor fixes

v2.4.0 - 03/03/2022
* New: Text Editor with Tokens and Dynamic Tag Token support JetEngine Fields. The new token is [jet:field-name]
* New: Dynamic Posts now supports JetEngine Fields
* New: Range Field for Elementor Pro Form
* New: HTML Converter for PDF Button widget
* Tweak: all features based on ACF now accept JSON and PHP local fields
* Tweak: Tokens can now be used inside PayPal descriptions
* Fix: PayPal amount and name, when taken from other fields, are not stuck to the value they had after PayPal button first click
* Fix: some additional form style options provided by the Message Generator extension didn't work
* Fix: Content Widget didn't work inside a Search Result page
* Fix: PDF Button, JS Converter would fail under certain situations
* Notice: versions released after June 30th, 2022, will require PHP v7.1 or greater
* Minor fixes

v2.3.5 - 24/02/2022
* New: Conditional MailerLite for Elementor Pro Form
* Tweak: on Modals other elements of the page can activate the modal
* Tweak: Dynamic Posts, Skin 3D, option to release scrolling behaviour when all posts have been checked
* Tweak: Views: Enable [PERMALINK] token in the Group by Heading Text.
* Minor fixes

v2.3.4 - 17/02/2022
* Tweak: Added an option for sending parameters in the Remote Content widget
* Tweak: Dynamic Visibility, Events trigger now supports touchstart and touchmove
* Fix: Fatal Error while uninstalling the plugin

v2.3.3 - 14/02/2022
* Fix: OpenStreetMap visual artifacts
* Minor fixes

v2.3.2 - 10/02/2022
* Fix: Visual bug in Dynamic Posts, when image ratio is set
* Fix: Reveal didn't work correctly
* Minor fixes

v2.3.1 - 08/02/2022
* Tweak: Amount for Elementor Pro Form supports Format number
* Tweak: Confirm Dialog for Elementor Pro Form supports Custom text and colors for Submit and Cancel buttons
* Tweak: on Dynamic Posts - Specific Posts Query you can remove Sticky Posts from the loop
* Tweak: Remote Content supports POST method and headers
* Fix: the template setting on Dynamic Posts wasn't visible in some situations
* Fix: DomPDF fatal errors on submit in some situations
* Minor fixes

v2.3.0 - 02/02/2022 
* New: Counter Field for Elementor Pro Form
* New: Max Submissions for Elementor Pro Form
* New: Conditional Mailchimp for Elementor Pro Form
* New: Conditional Active Campaign for Elementor Pro Form
* New: Conditional Webhook for Elementor Pro Form
* New: Dynamic Tag - Favorites
* New: Dynamic Tag - Woo Wishlist
* Tweak: rollback versions are now provided by our servers
* Tweak: speed up Conditional Fields evaluation in the browser
* Tweak: now it's possible to deactivate the license from your dashboard on shop.dynamic.ooo
* Tweak: recoded WYSIWYG Field for Elementor Pro Form, and now it's a field that permits insert safe HTML. Before it completely removed HTML
* Tweak: setting a constant DCE_REMOVE_ALL_DATA, you can remove all data on uninstall
* Tweak: on Dynamic Posts, add an Automatic Excerpt option in the Content Item
* Tweak: Amount for Elementor Pro Form, add option to update the amount on either input or change
* Fix: in the Views Widget, the Exposed Form with a filter of type Checkbox didn't work
* Minor fixes

v2.2.11 - 14/01/2022 - 
* Fix: Nested ACF Repeaters caused the page to crash
* Fix: Add to Calendar with ICS or Outlook.com links didn't work correctly in some cases
* Minor fixes

v2.2.10 - 11/01/2022
* Notice: from this version Add to Calendar widget requires PHP 7.2 or greater
* Notice: from this version Conditional Fields v2 is called Conditional Fields
* Fix: Add to Calendar with Google or Yahoo Link didn't work correctly in some cases
* Fix: in the Tooltip extension it was not possible to set the background colour for the arrow
* Minor fixes

v2.2.9 - 29/12/2021
* Fix: Carousels didn't work correctly for users using a version of Elementor higher than 3.5.0 with the Improved Asset Loading experiment enabled
* Minor fixes

v2.2.8 - 23/12/2021
* Fix: the choice of templates on widgets did not work correctly in some situations
* Minor fixes

v2.2.5 - 20/12/2021
* New: Dynamic Products On Sale widget
* Tweak: Add to Calendar supports Yahoo and Outlook.com calendars
* Tweak: InfoWindow on Dynamic Google Maps supports Elementor Templates
* Tweak: Dynamic Google Maps supports linking single marker to an URL
* Tweak: Dynamic Visibility can check WooCommerce Product Type
* Minor fixes

v2.2.4 - 16/12/2021
* New: Unique ID for Elementor Pro Form
* Tweak: Signature for Elementor Pro Form now saves the image on the server so you can use the signature directly on the email
* Tweak: Amount for Elementor Pro Form now supports decimal places and rounded numbers
* Minor fixes

v2.2.3 - 13/12/2021
* New: Cryptocoin Badge widget
* Fix: removed various PHP warnings
* Minor fixes

v2.2.2 - 9/12/2021
* Fix: Pods Relationship on Dynamic Posts showed all posts when empty
* Minor fixes

v2.1.2 - 29/11/2021
* Tweak: you an choose how many images to show in ACF Gallery
* Fix: Some instance were new Elementor Custom Breakpoints where not yet supported.
* Fix: error affecting those who are still on a version older than 1.14.0 trying to upgrade to a recent one. Please notice that extension activation status might be reset.
* Fix: error reported on submit in PDF Generator for Elementor Pro Form - HTML Converter
* Fix: on Tokens error when filter argument was a zero character without quotes
* Minor fixes

v2.1.1 - 25/11/2021
* Tweak: in the Features page it's now possible to deactivate entire groups of features
* Tweak: Stripe Field for Elementor Pro Form now supports all currencies supported by Stripe
* Fix: ACF Gallery didn't work correctly with Lightbox
* Fix: layout issues in Dynamic Posts - Grid Filters Skin with some templates
* Fix: JS Error on PDF Button Widget - Browser Converter
* Minor fixes

v2.1.0 - 22/11/2021
* Tweak: we added a configuration option to avoid enabling new features on updates. More details on https://dnmc.ooo/nofeatures
* Tweak: Animated Off-Canvas Menu Widget works correctly with menu item without a link
* Tweak: on Animated Off-Canvas Menu Widget now you can set a template before the menu
* Fix: PDF Generator - HTML Converter: fix some errors related to fonts
* Fix: ACF Gallery - Single Image skin didn't work correctly
* Minor fixes

v2.0.9 - 12/11/2021
- Fix: Dynamic Visibility - Trigger Events didn't work correctly when applied to sections
- Fix: Conditional Fields Regression Bug with last fix

v2.0.8 - 10/11/2021
* Tweak: Dynamic Google Maps now supports infoWindow on all data type (address, latitude and longitude, ACF Google Map Fields)
* Fix: solved a problem with breakpoints on Page Scroll, Tracker Header and Cursor Tracker
* Fix: issue on marker for Dynamic Google Maps
* Fix: conditions on a hidden Amount Field could cause the field to be displayed
* Fix: Breadcrumb Typography and Color on current item
* Fix: style issue on Amount Field for Elementor Pro Form
* Fix: Dynamic Posts and Dynamic Google Maps now works correctly when Search and Filter Pro is used with WPML
* Minor fixes

v2.0.7 - 5/11/2021
* Notice: The HTML Converter example for inserting a page header was not correct. The new version now shows the correct way.
* Fix: Solved a Fatal Error in Dynamic Google Maps when used without ACF
* Fix: Featured Image in Dynamic Posts didn't work correcty in some cases
* Fix: Favorites widget showed inconsistent results when the user had not favorites
* Fix: JS error in Editor Mode
* Fix: CSS error in Field Description for Elementor Pro Form
* Minor fixes

v2.0.6 - 29/10/2021
* Fix: Skins on Favorite widget didn't work correctly
* Fix: Advanced Video Controls extensions didn't work correctly with YouTube videos
* Minor fixes

v2.0.5 - 25/10/2021
* Tweak: on Conditional Fields v2 for Elementor Pro Form added a warning for JS Errors caused by optimizers
* Tweak: Added 'dce/jsconvpdf/after' trigger to call a JS after the rendering of PDF Button - JS Converter
* Tweak: on Stripe for Elementor Pro Form add admin notification if one of the customer reference fields cannot be found
* Tweak: solved conflicts between PDF Generator - HTML Converter and other plugins
* Tweak: on PDF Button - JS Converter don't display page when printing template
* Tweak: on Views widget added a control to optimize the query when order by fields are present
* Tweak: Live HTML Field for Elementor Pro Form now supports uploaded images
* Tweak: optimize asset loading for Confirm Dialog for Elementor Pro Form
* Fix: Thumbnails were not clickable in Dual Carousel Skin
* Fix: on Dynamic Email for Elementor Pro Form missing upload attachments when PDF is attached
* Fix: On Dynamic Google Maps the title wasn't correcty escaped
* Minor fixes

v2.0.4 - 15/10/2021
* Tweak: now you can use Conditional Fields v2 to check if PayPal payment is made
* Fix: Dynamic Google Maps costantly set zooming
* Fix: DomPDF Converter warning in PHP8
* Fix: Some items didn't work on Dynamic Products
* Fix: Dynamic Tag PHP didn't work on Color fields
* Minor fixes

v2.0.3 - 14/10/2021
* Tweak: compatibility between JS Field for Elementor Pro Form and JS optimizers from other plugins
* Fix: Rollback to a previous versions didn't available
* Fix: legacy features automatically deactivated on v2.0.0
* Fix: thumbnails not clickable on Skin Dual Carousel
* Minor fixes

v2.0.1 - 12/10/2021
* Fix: display issue on Skin Grid with Filters in Dynamic Posts

v2.0.0 - 12/10/2021
Details on https://www.dynamic.ooo/changelog/v2-0-0/
* Notice: Dynamic Posts (was Dynamic Posts v2) now is called Dynamic Posts
* New: HTML Converter on PDF Generator for Elementor Pro Form
* New: section on the dashboard to create HTML Templates
* New: widget Dynamic Products
* New: widget Products in the Cart
* New: widget Product Upsells
* New: widget Product Cross-Sells
* New: widget My Posts
* New: widget Sticky Posts
* New: widget Search Results
* New: widget Favorites
* New: extension Confirm Dialog for Elementor Pro Form
* New: Dynamic Tag PHP
* New: widget PDF Viewer
* New: widget iFrame
* New: widget Google Document Preview
* New: Query Type - Custom Query on Dynamic Posts
* Tweak: Stripe for Elementor Pro Form supports subscriptions
* Tweak: speed optimization for Dynamic Visibility on editor mode
* Tweak: speed optimization for FileBrowser on editor mode
* Tweak: on Dynamic Posts added new items (Add to Cart, Product Price, Product SKU)
* Tweak: on Dynamic Posts you can set a custom arrow for Carousel Skin
* Tweak: on Dynamic Posts you can choose the pagination position between top, bottom and both
* Tweak: on Dynamic Posts we moved the Custom Meta Fields tab in the Items tab
* Tweak: you can choose the size on Icons for Elementor Pro Form
* Tweak: Icons for Elementor Pro Form works on Select fields
* Tweak: on Dynamic Visibility added the condition "Cart is empty"
* Tweak: 360 Slider Navigation works correctly on all background colors
* Tweak: on Save for Elementor Pro Form added all custom post statuses
* Tweak: on Parent Child Menu added ordering settings
* Tweak: Add to Favorites can work with posts in different languages with WPML
* Fix: Pods Relationship didn't work correctly on same cases in Dynamic Posts
* Fix: Amount Field didn't work correctly with multiple choice fields
* Fix: Match Height in Dynamic Posts didn't work for multiple inner sections on a template
* Fix: Video didn't stop after closing Modals
* Fix: Dynamic Posts controls were not updating in editor mode
* Fix: the Dynamic Visibility icon in the Navigator was not positioned correctly for RTL sites
* Minor fixes

v1.16.9 - 14/09/2021
* Fix: Amount Field for Elementor Pro Form expressions worked with tokens field definitions but not with tags

v1.16.8 - 14/09/2021
* Fix: Dynamic Google Maps - ACF didn't work correctly without ACF Pro

⭐另请参考: Summary of Elementor Addons updated daily

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