TranslatePress Pro v2.2.3 (+Addons) – WordPress Translation Plugin
最后更新于:2022-03-29 02:30:33
TranslatePress Pro is a WordPress translation plugin that anyone can use
A better way to translate your WordPress site directly from the front end, with full support for WooCommerce, complex themes and website builders. An easy-to-use WordPress translation plugin that changes things up.
It’s simple to get started, no additional installation required, and no compatibility issues with other plugins or themes.
After installing TranslatePress Pro, choose your secondary language and start translating your entire website in an intuitive, accurate way in a custom interface.
Enable automatic translation and your website is completely translated in no time. Then you can easily tweak the manual translations.
TranslatePress Pro easily modifies any text with the most intuitive translation interface, including WooCommerce & page builder, SEO friendly, ensuring your content will rank in multiple languages, your full ownership own your translation.
⭐Similar Suggestions: WPML Multilingual CMS – Multilingual WordPress Plugin
Features TranslatePress Pro – WordPress Translation Plugin

- Full Page Translation: Translate what you see. The interface allows you to translate an entire page at once, including output from shortcodes, forms, and page builder.
- _e(“Hello $%s”);: Supports dynamic strings (gettext) added by WordPress, plugins, and themes.
- Translation Blocks: Allows you to translate larger html blocks with one translation, by concatenating multiple translation strings into one translation block.
- Image Translation: Translate images directly from the translation interface when you need to display different images for each language of your website.
- Automatic Translation: Integrated with Google Translate and DeepL, you can quickly translate your content and correct only what’s not perfect.
- Customizable Language Switcher: The extensive language switcher includes a floating user-per-page drop-down list, a shortcode, and menu items you can add to any WordPress menu.
- WooCommerce Support: Works well with WooCommerce, custom post types, complex themes, and website builders.
- Browse As: View your site as the current user (login) or as the logged out user. This makes it easy for you to translate all of your website’s content, even dynamic pages like custom login pages.
- Support that everything is solved!: Never worry about being stuck with your project.
- SEO Pack: SEO support for page slug, page title, description and information social graph facebook and twitter. The HTML lang attribute is set correctly. Multilingual Sitemap support for all popular SEO plugins (Yoast SEO, Rank Math, AIOSEO, SEOPress)
- Multilingual: Add as many languages as you need to make your project go global.
- Only publish your language when all your translations are done. looking for more information
- User language auto-detection: First time visitors will be redirected to their preferred language based on browser settings or IP address
- DeepL Automatic Translation: Automatically translate your website using the DeepL API.
- Translator Accounts: Create translator accounts that can translate websites without having to work with WordPress, website builders, or metaboxes.
- Browse by user roles: Navigate your site just like a specific user role would. Really useful for dynamic or hidden content appearing to specific users. looking for more information
- Language-based navigation: Configure different menu items for different languages. looking for more information
变更日志 TranslatePress Pro – WordPress Translation Plugin Nulled Free
= v2.2.3 = * Fixed XSS security vulnerability * Fixed sitemap containing urls with language slugs linking to paths excluded from translation * Fixed issue affecting translation of some particular JSON requests * Fixed edge case error regarding MO objects * Moved Automatic translate slugs option to Automatic Translation tab = 2.2.2 = * Fixed issue in WP 5.9 causing Invalid Data SQL Error reports * Improved page load time for WooCommerce websites on translated languages * Improved admin notices regarding database optimization = v2.2.1 = * Added Advanced option to adjust hreflang to hide region independent language tags or country locale tags * Added missing flags for Tamil (Sri Lanka), Spanish (Ecuador), Spanish (Dominican Republic), Amharic * Improved Automatic Translation tab checking for translation API key validity * Improved Plugins interface action buttons for TP by taking into account free/pro status * Fixed error management interface displaying raw HTML instead of formatted HTML * Fixed notice in admin for an edge case * Fixed notice in Test API Page when test request resulted in WP Error = v2.1.9 = * Improved database optimization tool by adding option to remove CDATA and untranslated links from TP custom tables * Fixed database optimization tool not starting in some cases * Fixed edge case error unknown format specifier on php 8 related to automatic translation of gettext strings * Added noindex tag to Translation Editor pages to prevent duplicate indexing = v2.1.8 = * Added language formality setting to be used in Automatic Translation * Added Advanced option for enabling clickable shortcode language switcher * Improved tool for database optimization from Advanced tab * Fixed translation blocks ignoring target blank on links = v2.1.7 = * Added form in settings to sign up for TranslatePress email course * Fixed issue when logging in that redirected to "page not found" when languages are reordered * Fixed hyphenation issue on default language when using WP-typography plugin * Fixed notices regarding is_file call = v2.1.6 = * Show sanitized translation when editing gettext strings in Translation Editor * Fixed showing translation language instead of default language in some cases in Elementor, Divi and WPBakery editors * Fixed breadcrumbs issue with All in One SEO plugin on translation language * Fixed Beaver Builder Editor loading loop when Automatic User Language Detection is active * Fixed issue with excluding path from translation = v2.1.5 = * Show sanitized translation after saving changes in Translation Editor * Improved query for getting existing translations * Fixed issue with using wildcard in Translate only certain paths feature * Fixed php warning on settings page about DeepL = v2.1.4 = * Optimized automatic translation usage by improved recognition of cdata, js scripts and encoded html * Fixed conflict with Ultimate Dashboard = v2.1.3 = * Added Opposite Language menu item when using 2 languages * Added support for opposite language in floating language switcher * Fixed DeepL API key check showing green icon with incorrect keys * Fixed some cases of increased automatic translation usage = v2.1.2 = * Added Advanced option to show opposite language in shortcode language switcher * Added CSS class current-language-menu-item to menu language switcher to allow customization * Fixed notice in PHP 8 related to custom-languages * Corrected Swahili flag = v2.1.1 = * Improved Custom Languages feature * Added possibility to easily edit existing language name or flag through Custom Language * Added vertical scroll on floating and shortcode language switchers when having many languages = v2.1.0 = * Fixed some cases of missing spaces between words in different html tags on translated pages * Fixed conflict with Scriptless Social Sharing plugin = v2.0.9 = * Security improvements * Added option to translate content restricted by language in Elementor * Added filter to disable independent region hreflang tags * Improved notices in TP Settings = v2.0.8 = * Corrected plugin name = v2.0.7 = * Security improvements * Added support for WooCommerce /shop/%product_cat% product permalink structure * Fixed URL issues with post category when using encoded characters * Fixed an issue with Woocommerce product links not being translated when loaded with ajax * Fixed notices when using WP Bakery * Fixed excerpt character limit in Chinese language * Fixed some cases of trimming custom language name in language switcher * Fixed adding current-menu-item class on empty menu links * Compatibility with Brizy to load correct assets on other languages = v2.0.6 = * Added support for translating form reset button * Fixed custom flags getting resized * Fixed bug on Add-ons tab 2.0.5 All Premium Add-ons have been repackaged in new archives downloadable from account. All the old plugin Add-ons will no longer receive updates. Reconfigured add-ons to be activated from TP Settings Add-ons tab Added compatibility with WP Typography Fixed bug on Automatic Translation Settings page regarding API key = v2.0.4 = * Added support for translating aria-label attribute * Added possibility to exclude entire gettext domain from translation * Improved determining http/https when building links * Fixed automatic translation for custom languages * Added missing Swahili flag * Fixed flag for Tagalog language * Fixed some PHP notices and warnings = v2.0.3 = * Added compatibility with PHP 8 * Added compatibility with Profile Builder Content Restriction redirect URL * Added compatibility with Paid Member Subscription Content Restriction redirect URL * Added filter to skip admin check on add_language_to_home_url * Fixed some cases of PHP errors = v2.0.2 = * Fixed WooCommerce permalink issues * Fixed notice about language switcher in Menus * Fixed missing translation text box for some strings in Translation Editor = v2.0.1 = * Added Advanced option to allow only manual translation for strings under specified selectors * Added support for using data-no-auto-translation attribute on html node to skip only automatic translation, not manual * Fixed date output for Dokan plugin * Fixed encoding of slugs with special characters in String translation interface = v1.9.9 = * Forcing a slash at the end of home url is now an optional Advanced setting * Better handling of WPEngine long query limiting * Fixed some cases of adding language slugs to file paths * Fixed unprefixed DOM library constant * Fixed a notice coming from the Do not translate paths option = v1.9.8 = * Added compatibility with Google Site Kit plugin * Added compatibility with Ivory Search plugin and possibly others * Added visual feedback for inserting correct Automatic Translation API key * Added hooks when saving translations in Editor * Fixed notice in trp-ajax file = v1.9.7 = * Compatibility with Woocommerce Product Search plugin * Fixed some cases where JSON was broken in translated pages * Fixed issue with links containing translated taxonomy due to special characters * Fixed SQL errors in Slug Translation interface. * Fixed some cases with links on translated pages incorrectly pointing to the current page * Add filter for is_admin_link so plugins that hide the admin can work * Minor improvements to Slug Translation UI. = v1.9.6 = * Adding missing Uruguay flag * Improved security for dynamic translations * Disable automatic language redirect when editing a page with Oxygen or Beaver Builder * Fixed cases of missing table sql errors * Fixed sql error for some MariaDB setups due to deprecated syntax * Fixed some issues with Exclude certain paths functionality. = v1.9.5 = * Added setting that allows you to translate only certain paths or exclude certain paths from being translated. * Fixed some cases where GET parameters were lost from links in translated languages * WP Bakery integration that allow to include/exclude blocks for languages * Added a compatibility for the MyListing theme. * Load unsupported languages section only if an API key is saved. * Add support for AIO SEO sitemap detection = v1.9.4 = * Updated DOM parser to version 1.9.1, this should fix a bunch of broken HTML issues * Fixed a case in Woocommerce where slugs weren't translated from the seo-pack addon * Fixed share link in Elementor blockquote Tweet button * Fixed a possible issue with the search parameter being un-slashed = v1.9.3 = * Compatibility with WooCommerce Min/Max Quantities plugin that added an attribute data-quantity two times on a link * Added compatibility with Business Directory Plugin that was throwing 404 * Fixed some cases of unnecessary calls to automatic translation API-s = v1.9.2 = * Fixed Norwegian language not working with Google Automatic Translation * Fixed loading localization text-domain in different language than expected. * Fixed gettext strings in incorrect language. * Fixed WooCommerce country and states translations.
List of TranslatePress Pro Addons – WordPress Translation Plugin
- TranslatePress – Extra Languages Add-on
- TranslatePress – Automatic User Language Detection Add-on
- TranslatePress – Browse as other role Add-on
- TranslatePress – DeepL Automatic Translation Add-on
- TranslatePress – Language by GET parameter Add-on
- TranslatePress – Navigation Based on Language Add-on
- TranslatePress – Translator Accounts Add-on
- TranslatePress – SEO Pack Add-on
⭐另请参考: Collection of WordPress plugins updated daily on FreeWP
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