CSS3 Responsive WordPress Compare Pricing Tables v11.4
最后更新于:2022-03-27 01:44:27
CSS3 Responsive Web Pricing Tables Grids For WordPress is a pack of pure CSS3 Web Pricing Tables with 2 table styles and 20 predefined color versions that comes with tons of options like an extensive admin panel with live configuration, responsive mode configurator, plenty of options for table, columns, rows, and table cells, sliding columns feature, expandable rows feature, active (popped-up) columns, hover states, table cell tooltips, columns ribbons, tick / cross icons, and more.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/css3-responsive-wordpress-compare-pricing-tables/629172

Features: CSS3 Responsive WordPress Compare Pricing Tables
- Using only CSS and HTML,
- Admin Panel With Live Configuration Intuitive Admin Panel (Your Table Will Be Ready In 2-5 Minutes),
- There are two different table styles to choose from.
- Color Versions in 20 Different Colors,
- The ability to switch to responsive mode,
- Ability to Customize Your Responsive Steps/Dimensions
- For each responsive step, the ability to choose different column widths and font sizes is available.
- With Font Configurator, you may choose from a variety of font-face fonts.
- On the website, there is no restriction to the number of tables you may create.
- There are no limits to the number of columns and rows that can be created.
- Simple arrows are used to increase and decrease the number of columns and rows.
- From the Admin Panel, you can quickly disable or hide one or more columns.
- By Default, you can make one or more columns active (popped-up).
- Admin Panel Column Width Configuration,
- Column Width Can Be Set In Pixels Or Percentages
- From the Admin Panel, you may change the heights and paddings of the rows.
- Admin Panel Text Alignment Configuration for Columns,
- Sliding Columns are a type of column that slides back and forth.
- Expandable Rows is a feature that allows you to show or hide table rows by expanding or collapsing them.
- With the ability to disable hover states for columns,
- Tooltips / Hints for CSS3 are included.
- Sorting By Rows And Columns,
- There are 20 sample configurations that have been pre-programmed.
- There are 42 different tick / cross icons to choose from.
- There are 60 ribbons to choose from.
- The ability to import and export configuration settings as well as table data
- Simple Shortcode [css3 grid] for Implementation
- Compatible with WordPress Multi-Site (WordPress MU),
- Ribbons can be added to one or more columns.
- Only load plugin files if the option is selected.
- There is documentation included with the package.
变更日志: CSS3 Responsive WordPress Compare Pricing Tables
02.02.2021 – v11.4 Fix for icons color issue when ‘Hover type’ option is set to ‘Disabled’. table2/css3_grid_style.css 17.12.2020 – v11.3 Easing library update. css3_web_pricing_tables_grids.php --- new file --- js/jquery.easing.1.4.1.js --- removed file --- js/jquery.easing.1.3.js 17.08.2020 – v11.2 Compatibility with WordPress 5.5 added. Minor code fixes. js/css3_grid_admin.js table1/css3_grid_style.css table2/css3_grid_style.css 27.03.2020 – v11.1 Minor code updates. css3_web_pricing_tables_grids.php css3_web_pricing_tables_grids_export.txt live_preview_page.html table1/css3_grid_style.css table2/css3_grid_style.css 09.03.2019 – v11.0 Minor code improvements. css3_web_pricing_tables_grids.php languages/css3_grid-default.mo languages/css3_grid-default.po languages/css3_grid-pl_PL.mo languages/css3_grid-pl_PL.po 22.06.2017 – v10.9 Fix for pricing cycles dropdown for ‘Table 2’ type. table2/css3_grid_style.css 20.03.2017 – v10.8 Fix for not visible pricing table bug when using ‘Sliding columns’ for ‘Table 2’ type. table1/css3_grid_style.css table2/css3_grid_style.css 26.02.2017 – v10.7 Fix for Pricing Cycles columns bug on mobile devices. MediCenter style tables update. css3_web_pricing_tables_grids.php css3_web_pricing_tables_grids_export.txt js/css3_grid_admin.js js/main.js table1/css3_grid_style.css 22.09.2016 – v10.6 Title of pricing cycle is now included in the accordion header in the backend. Fix for bug occurring when both Pricing Cycles and Sliding features are active. css3_web_pricing_tables_grids.php js/css3_grid_admin.js js/main.js languages/css3_grid-default.mo languages/css3_grid-default.po languages/css3_grid-pl_PL.mo languages/css3_grid-pl_PL.po 18.05.2016 – v10.5 Update for shortcode load issue (regular expression pattern of shortcode id field bug). css3_web_pricing_tables_grids.php 21.04.2016 – v10.4 Fix for pricing cycles bug when using more than 4 columns. css3_web_pricing_tables_grids.php css3_web_pricing_tables_grids_export.txt js/css3_grid_admin.js js/main.js 26.02.2016 – v10.3 Fix for pricing cycle dropdown list issue on Windows Phone. Fix for ‘Invalid arguments passed’ warning. Fix for ‘syntax error’ for old php versions. css3_web_pricing_tables_grids.php 20.02.2016 – v10.2 Pricing Cycles functionality added. Visual Composer integration added. css3_web_pricing_tables_grids.php admin/style.css js/css3_grid_admin.js js/main.js languages/css3_grid-default.mo languages/css3_grid-default.po languages/css3_grid-pl_PL.mo languages/css3_grid-pl_PL.po table1/css3_grid_style.css table2/css3_grid_style.css --- new files --- img/pricing_tables.png 07.09.2015 – v10.1 Compatibility with WP 4.3.(not working shortcodes inside table issue fix) css3_web_pricing_tables_grids.php 02.07.2015 – v10.0 Fix for big tables saving issue. Translation support added. New retina ready icons. Tables won’t be restored to default on plugin activation/deactivation anymore. Fix for Google Fonts loading issue under Fonts Configuration panel. css3_web_pricing_tables_grids.php responsive.css admin/style.css js/css3_grid_admin.js table1/css3_grid_style.css table2/css3_grid_style.css --- new files --- font/icons.eot font/icons.svg font/icons.ttf font/icons.woff languages/css3_grid-default.mo languages/css3_grid-default.po languages/css3_grid-pl_PL.mo languages/css3_grid-pl_PL.po
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