JoomUnited WP Speed of Light Addon v2.6.7

最后更新于:2022-03-27 00:30:31


WP Speed of Light is a powerful WordPress Speed Booster that everyone can use. WP Speed of Light features a resource minification tool, a database cleanup system, an htaccess optimization tool, and an automatic cache cleaner, as well as a cache and Gzip compression system. Cache preloading, font optimization, DNS prefetching, database automated cleanup, top-notch support, picture compression, and more are all features of the PRO ADDON plugin.


Features: WP Speed of Light

Features: WP Speed of Light

WP Speed of Light for WordPress includes a number of optimization technologies, including a cache system that generates more static material (HTML) and so reduces the number of database queries needed to load the page. Additionally, you have the option of storing the majority of the page’s heavy resources (such as photos) in the browser cache. You can also clean it whenever you want! List of all optimizations:

  • System for caching static files
  • Data compression with Gzip
  • Caching in the browser
  • CSS, JS, Local fonts, and Google Fonts are the files in this category.
  • HTML, CSS, and JS minification are all examples of resource minification.
  • Each gadget has its own mobile cache.
  • Delete the query string
  • External scripts should be cached.
  • Disable WordPress features such as the REST API, RSS feeds, Gravatar, and Emojis.
  • Automatic cache cleaning: on save, at intervals, by user group


Version 3.0.0
Add [breaking changes] Rewriting code base to follow PSR4

Version 2.6.7
Fix Lazy loading: resize loaded image

Version 2.6.6
Add Defer option into file grouping and file minification

Version 2.6.5
Fix Remove webpagetest api key
Fix Save post error when using lazy loading

Version 2.6.4
Fix JoomUnited Updater compatible with WordPress 5.5

Version 2.6.3
Fix Clearing Cloudflare cache does not work correctly on API

Version 2.6.2
Fix Add notify by email script

Version 2.6.1
Fix lazyloading errors after completing ajax

Version 2.6.0
Add WooCommerce Speedup: Disable Cart Fragments
Add WooCommerce Speedup: disable styles for non WooCommerce pages
Add WooCommerce Speedup: disable JS scripts for non WooCommerce pages
Add WooCommerce Speedup: clear customer cart and sessions
Add Automatic customer cart and sessions cleanup after a delay
Add Control the Heartbeat API by defining the execution frequency
Fix Lazy load not working correctly in safari & opera browser
Fix Conflict with DIVI theme builder

Version 2.5.3
Fix Purge the varnish cache not working with multi object

Version 2.5.2
Add Possibility to exclude image width & height from lazy loading
Add Possibility to exclude one screen height from lazy loading
Fix Lazy loading compatible with IE11

Version 2.5.1
Fix Solve memory leaks on image lazy loading

Version 2.5.0
Add Implement new lazy loading feature
Fix Check version requirements

Version 2.4.2
Add Implement lazyloading exclusion by id or class selector
Fix Incorrect Plugin URI

Version 2.4.1
Fix conflict lazyloading with gutenberg

Version 2.4.0
Add Rewrite code from “Simple Cache” and “Autoptimize”
Add  After a cache cleanup, auto-reload the page
Add Cleanup cache on Gutenberg save content
Fix Remove direct CURL calls (security fix)
Fix Admin responsive configuration & Speed optimization

Version 2.3.0
Add New UX for Speed Otimization and Speed Testing
Add Possibility to search in plugin menus and settings
Add New plugin installer with quick configuration
Add Environment checker on install (PHP Version, PHP Extensions, Apache Modules)
Add System Check menu to notify of server configuration problems after install
Add Server testing before plugin activation to avoid all fatal errors

Version 2.2.0
Add Import/Export plugin configuration
Add Exclude URLs from the lazy loading

Version 2.1.1
Add Enhance code readability and performance with phpcs

Version 2.1.0
Add Implement image Lazy Loading
Add Implement option to disable WordPress Emoji
Add Implement option to disable WordPress Gravatar
Add Exclude inline JS scripts from minification
Add Possibility to defer script loading in page footer

⭐Similar suggestion: WP Rocket – WordPress Cache Plugin

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