LearnDash v4.0.2 (+Addons) – LMS WordPress Plugin

最后更新于:2022-03-29 02:42:52


LearnDash – the most popular LMS (Learning Management System) plugin for WordPress: Multi-Level Courses, Sell Courses, Certificates and Scores, Advanced Surveys, Task Management, Dynamic Forums, Class Timer, Prerequisites, User Profile

LearnDash comes with multiple levels that make it easy to create courses, topics, quizzes, and categories. The LearnDash Academy plugin has progressive playback, so you can program the course content for the duration of the entire course.

You can assign users and then approve or comment on them. It also comes with a quiz and test management tool with a few questions. You can easily define the prerequisites so that each student can move on to the next grade.

There are several payment gateways available to accept payments using PayPal, 2Checkout, etc. It also fits nicely with bbPress.

⭐另请参考: Summary of free premium WordPress plugins, daily updates

演示: https://demo.learndash.com/

Features WordPress LMS Plugin by LearnDash

Features WordPress LMS Plugin by LearnDash
  • Sell ​​your course
  • Automatically deliver content on a predefined schedule.
  • Provide certificates, points, and badges to encourage learners.
  • Interact with learners based on the actions they take in your courses.
  • Set course prices, make them free, private or members only
  • Team students and assign a Team Leader to manage their progress.
  • Set learning paths, mark tasks as complete, and review submissions.
  • Send course specific messages and automated email notifications.
  • One-time sales, subscriptions, memberships, packages, and more.
  • PayPal, Stripe, 2Checkout and 300+ other portals with WooCommerce.
  • Automatic renewal notice. No innovation? Select to remove access.
  • Scheduled content to lower your return rate and increase revenue.

变更日志 LearnDash LMS WordPress Plugin Nulled Free

Update: 4.0.2​
Updated removed border around links for course content and materials
Fixed focus mode sidebar on mobile displaying incorrectly on load
Fixed issue with viewing quiz statistics
Fixed error on purchase when admin hasn't defined a payment method
Fixed course infobar shortcode not working in the shortcode wizard
Fixed TypeError array_keys()
Fixed lesson timer not displaying when not using focus mode
Fixed [course_content] shortcode not outputting correctly
Fixed [student] shortcode not working
Fixed user profile block show header options not working
Fixed [usermeta] block not supporting a default field param
Fixed [quizinfo] not supporting a default field
Fixed [ldcourseresume] not showing course_id as required
Fixed Mark Complete button not showing
Fixed student and visitor blocks showing incorrect warning message
Fixed [ld_infobar] should not show bubble for visitor users

Update: v4.0.1
Fixed Uncaught Argument Count error
Fixed Focus Mode lesson content not displaying including mark complete buttons and next lesson buttons when using Yoast
Fixed lesson infobar showing the incorrect progress label and percentage
Fixed javascript error in the LearnDash overview page in the wp-admin

Update: 4.0.0 
Added new getting started wizard
Added learning paths (challenge exams)
Added Stripe Connect integration
Added course infobar Gutenberg block
Added post status selectors to columns for post listing
Added pagination for quizzes for ld_profile block and shortcode
Added ability to use payment button shortcode for groups
Added sample label in course builder for sample lessons
Updated compatibility for widget preview for blocks with full site editing in WP 5.9 (FSE)
Updated select2 library logic
Updated REST API V2 Route v2/user/courses/ to include all course fields and certificates
Fixed emails not sending as plain text
Fixed error when switching to legacy theme
Fixed new user email HTML content being received as an attachment
Fixed purchasing access to a group sends the course purchase success email
Fixed conflict with all in one SEO (AISEO)
Fixed PHP notices
Fixed placeholder text on Select2 instances

Updated licensing logic to change the request from POST to GET
Updated license checks to improve performance including checking license validation every hour

Updated include admins when using the course filters in the WP admin users screen
Fixed how the fill in the blank question type calculates spaces
Fixed when continuing the quiz the first question shows at the top of the page
Fixed questions marked for "review" are not saved on quiz saving
Fixed registration success not working with free access mode courses
Fixed some quizzes being incorrectly marked as complete even if the quiz hasn't been accessed
Fixed quiz repeat logic is different between a quiz starting and a quiz processing
Fixed quiz click to continue redirecting to the parent lesson rather than the correct course step
Fixed group leader custom label empty on add user selector

Fixed error with enrollment with PayPal and LearnDash groups
Fixed login modal redirecting to the wp-login.php page if the credentials were entered incorrectly
Fixed expired courses not listing in course info list by default
Fixed order overview showing $ sign when purchase was free
Fixed PayPal not creating the user account when being used from the LearnDash registration pages
Fixed LearnDash permalink changes not saving

Update: 3.6.0
Added trial period and billing period options to subscriptions
Added registration page and new registration flow/logic
Added per course redirects post purchase for buy now and recurring access type courses
Added advanced tab that new houses data upgrades, custom labels and the REST API
Added payments tab that houses PayPal and Stripe payment gateways
Added customizable post purchase and registration emails
Added from email settings to change sender name and address rather than using the default of WordPress
Fixed REST API using 12 hours instead of 24 hours in some places
Fixed quiz filter not showing on some associated quizzes
Fixed leaderboard showing results as 0

Fixed issue with section headings being removed after the previous update resulting in display issues

Added LD version and unique key to quiz attemp user meta data
Fixed matrix sorting validation not working since version 3.5.1
Fixed fill in the blank type questions only awarding 1 point even when the points to be awarded is set to a higher value
Fixed logged out users cannot access a quiz in a course that is set to the open access mode
Fixed mark complete button not showing on sample lessons for logged-in users
Fixed being unable to remove the first section heading
Fixed not being able to progress through a course when the last question in a quiz is an essay
Fixed an error with "browser cookie answer protection" setting

Update: 3.5.1
Fixed support tab showing upgrade notice
Fixed Assessment questions not grading correctly
Fixed warnings/notices
Fixed umlauts not working in section headings
Fixed quiz score delete
Fixed error when accessing a deleted step of a course
Fixed quiz Assessment question radio input can select multiple

Fixed ldcourselist not linking to courses when groups aren't set to public

Update: 3.4.2
Added display alert when group CPT is not public
Added [user_groups] shortcode section to shortcode inserter
Added compatibility for WordPress 5.8
Fixed PHP warning illegal string "offset" warning
Fixed private lessons not displaying in the lesson selector
Fixed quiz statistics not loading when user search for a course a LD30 profile
Fixed focus mode sub-steps list being collapsed by default on active step
Fixed PHP notice in CSV reports
Fixed question display setting not displaying questions in pagination format when selected

Fixed learndashprocessmark_complete() function

Update: 3.4.1
Added show step post_status in course builder
Added loader icon when course grid pagination is used
Updated deprecate getlearndashpaynow_courses()
Updated restricted allowed URL parameters for certificates
Updated deprecate learndashgetopen_courses()
Updated course builder to handle scheduled steps
Updated creating a quiz with REST API V2
Updated multiple plural form support for translations
Updated reporting speed improvement with large number of users
Fixed video embedding in question hints not working
Fixed header display overlapping Gutenberg toolbar
Fixed V2 REST API missing steps when retrieving course steps
Fixed rearranging and adding new quizzes to topics in the course builder
Fixed REST API essay unknown functions
Fixed manual mark complete logic from WP profile
Fixed quiz icon not showing in the assocation sidebar
Fixed learndashgetpaynow being called in users > all users list
Fixed course step ordering note that if you have a incorrectly ordered course you will need to reorder and save it
Fixed PHP warnings and notices
Fixed steps_completed not being updated in report
Fixed parse error in REST API v2
Fixed quiz results message not displaying
Fixed inaccurate data reported in ProPanel reporting widget
Fixed lesson filter not working for quizzes
Fixed group leader can't edit comments of assignments

= Update: =
Fixed course steps not showing in the course builder
Fixed activity table records not getting updated when manually marking content as completed

= Update: =
Fixed recurring payment duration resetting to 1 day
Fixed quizzes not showing on course builder
Fixed sprint() too few arguments warnings
Fixed warning illegal offset percentage

= Update: =
Fixed Course Grid pagination resetting after going to the next page on a filtered grid
Fixed issue with course progression where some users were unable to progress to the next step when taking a quiz multiple times
Fixed learndashgetglobalquizlist() causing infinite loop in Legacy Mode templates

= Update: =
Fixed lesson progress bar showing in focus mode
Fixed issue where course grid was still showing in progress even when it should show completed
Fixed lesson/topic content not showing if the course builder is disabled
Fixed Error Call to undefined function learndashgetcustomlowerlabel()

= Update: =
Updated use php timestamp for quiz completion times rather than a JS based value
Fixed modifying course progress from the backend user profile in the wp-admin resets all incomplete courses
Fixed sprintf warning too few arguments

= Update: v3.4.0.2 =
Added associated lesson/topic/quiz course selectors

Fixed span html tag never closes
Fixed lesson list not visible to those without a user role
Fixed users list inaccessible if the admin user also has the group leader role
Fixed group leader can't edit assignments

= Update: v3.4.0.1 =
Fixed problem where videos weren't showing
Fixed the label missing from drip lessons

= Update: Version =
Fixed WordPress 5.5 compatibility issue

= Update: Version =
### Bugfix
Fixed E_PARSE error causing Error message: syntax error, unexpected "?"" In REST API v2 for PHP versions below 7.3
Fixed an issue where when loading the REST API endpoints metaboxinitfilter caused problems with third-party plugins and groups
Fixed users can’t upload assignments
Fixed custom course label not applying to LD user status widget
Fixed unsupported operand types
Fixed deprecation warnings when using PHP 8

= Update: Version 3.3.0 =
### Feature
- Added LearnDash REST API v2 (beta)
- Added course export performance improvements
- Added quiz messages for the question answered state
### Update
- Updated quiz retry logic
- Updated packages used in the builder
- Updated coding standards
### Bugfix
- Fixed quiz answer spacing
- Fixed translations not updating
- Fixed header distorted in focus mode
- Fixed marking a course complete via the profile page in the wp-admin
- Fixed course list in ld_profile shortcode not showing
- Fixed missing latest quiz statistic
- Fixed mark complete button cut off in focus mode
- Fixed lesson title not changing when using the_title filter
- Fixed group leaders not being able to filter assingments/essays
- Fixed LearnDash blocks throwing a warning
- Fixed RTL breadcrumbs being the wrong direction
- Fixed PayPal recurring payments not enrolling users

LearnDash Addons – WordPress LMS Plugin

  1. Learndash Dashboard v4.4
  2. Learndash Essentials Add-Ons Pack various
    • Instructor Role v4.0.1
    • LearnDash Content Cloner v1.3.0
    • LearnDash Group Registration v4.3.0
    • Quiz Reporting Extension for LearnDash v3.1.0
    • LearnDash Ratings, Reviews, and Feedback v2.1.1
  3. LearnDash LMS – Elementor v1.0.3
  4. LearnDash Certificate Builder v1.0.3
  5. LearnDash LMS Achievements v1.1.0
  6. LearnDash Classroom v2.7.0.3
  7. LearnDash Quiz Customizer v1.4
  8. LearnPress Instructor Commission v3.0.5
  9. 2Checkout for LearnDash v1.0.4
  10. LearnDash & bbPress Integration v2.1.1
  11. LearnDash Course Access Manager v1.0
  12. LearnDash ConvertKit v1.2.0
  13. LearnDash Course Grid v2.0.4
  14. LearnPress – myCRED Integration v3.0.3
  15. LearnDash EDD Integration Plugin v1.3.0
  16. LearnDash LMS – Event Espresso v1.1.0
  17. LearnDash LMS – iThemes Exchange v1.1
  18. LearnDash GrassBlade – xAPI Companion v1.0
  19. LearnDash Gradebook v3.0.2
  20. LearnDash GravityForms Addon v2.0.1
  21. LearnDash JigoShop Integration v1.1
  22. LearnDash MemberPress Integration v2.2.1
  23. LearnDash MailChimp v1.1.4
  24. LearnDash Notes v1.6.12
  25. LearnDash LMS – Notifications v1.5.3
  26. LearnDash Paid Memberships Pro v1.3.1
  27. LearnDash Private Sessions v1.3.8.2
  28. LearnDash ProPanel v2.1.4.1
  29. LearnDash Multilingual Integration 1.0
  30. LearnDash Slack v1.3.1
  31. LearnDash LMS – Samcart Integration v1.0
  32. LearnDash LMS – Stripe Integration v1.9.1
  33. LearnDash Visual Customizer v2.3.12
  34. LearnDash LMS – Restrict Content Pro v1.1.0
  35. LearnDash WooCommerce Integration v1.9.3.3
  36. LearnDash Zapier v2.3.0
  37. WPPluginsForYou – Excel to LearnDash v4.0
  38. Uncanny LearnDash Toolkit Pro v3.7.10
  39. Uncanny Continuing Education Credits v3.3
  40. Uncanny LearnDash Groups v4.2
  41. Uncanny LearnDash Enrollment Codes v4.0.2
  42. Uncanny Automator Pro v3.1.2
  43. Tin Canny LearnDash Reporting v4.0.7.2
  44. Design Upgrade Pro for LearnDash v2.17.3
  45. LearnDash Quiz Import/Export v3.7.2
  46. Divi Learndash Kit v1.2.6

⭐Suggestion: Collection of LMS Plugin for Simple Learning Management for WordPress

下载 LearnDash v4.0.2 Nulled – LMS WordPress Plugin

下载 LearnDash Addons:

***For Learndash Essentials Add-Ons Pack various do the following steps:

  1. Please install LearnDash Group Registration first and register using bc8e2b24-3f8c-4b21-8b4b-90d57a38e3c7
  2. Then ALL plugins will be registered!

注意: 也许你需要在安装插件之前解压。 如果任何主题/插件包含病毒,我们不提供任何保证。在本地主机上使用,请先查杀病毒。