UiPress (Formerly WP Admin 2020) v2.3.1.7 – Modern WordPress Dashboard Theme

最后更新于:2022-03-29 03:08:02


WP Admin 2020 powers your WordPress Dashboard. More than 18,228 websites have been charged with Admin 2020

A clean and modern WordPress admin extension with streamlined dashboard, Google Analytics and WooCommerce integration, powerful content library, dark mode, white label and more.

Demo: https://admintwentytwenty.com/

Welcome to a new way to manage your digital assets in WordPress

WP Admin 2020 comes with a brand new content library that is up to 50% faster than Classic WordPress Library. Gather all your posts, pages and custom post types into one screen with filters, advanced folders, previews and quick editing.

Fully modular

WP Admin 2020 v2 is designed in a completely modular way. That means any of its feature sets can be enabled or disabled for certain users, and each module is built to work independently of the other.

Content folder

With WP Admin 2020, you will have a powerful folder system where you can organize your media, posts, pages or snippets.

Content folder

Notification Center

WP Admin 2020 plugin notices are necessary in some cases, in others they are very annoying. So instead of blindly hiding them all, we moved them all away.

WP Admin 2020 announcements, updates, announcements, and more are now all in an off-canvas area, easily accessible from the top bell icon in the admin bar.

Notification Center

变更日志: UiPress (formerly WP Admin 2020) – Modern WordPress Dashboard Theme Nulled - 25/03/2022
Fix Fixed issue where ad blockers / brave browser could break the overview page - 24/03/2022
Fix Fixed the styling / overlap issues with groundhogg advanced email editor
Fix Fixed errors when importing layout on overview page
Fix Fixed issue with to-do overview card displaying default items before loading up actually list
Fix Fixed various formatting issues on the content page
Fix Fixed formatting issues with recent comments and recent posts cards on the overview
Fix Fixed yootheme builder compatibility for admin pages
Fix Fixed incorrectly placed welcome message on overview page
Change Updated Brazilian translations
Change Updated two strings in German translation

v2.3.1.5 – 15/03/2022
Fix Fixed issue with rank math not displaying on admin menu
Fix Fixed issue with admin pages not displaying on multisite subsites
Change Extended the period between which uipress checks licence keys

v2.3.1.4 – 12/03/2022
Fix Fixed a bug in multisite where network override settings were not applying

v2.3.1.3 – 11/03/2022
Fix Fixed issue with conversion rate card that could crash overview page
Fix Fixed various issues with woo commerce cards on the overview page
Fix Added better error handling on the overview page so one broken card doesn’t crash whole page
Fix Fixed issue causing admin bar not to load on admin pages unless load front admin bar was enabled
Fix Fixed issue that could cause corrupted uipress settings on multisite network when using reset settings
Fix Fixed some small bugs with using custom menus on multisite and php 8

v2.3.1.2 – 10/03/2022
Fix Fixed several style issues with ACF in dark mode
Fix Fixed potential issue on country visits cards when traffic is from an unknown source
Fix Fixed issue stopping updated scripts from loading without cache clear
Fix Fixed issues with Czech translations

2.3.1 – 09/03/2022
Added Added option to change overview page default start and end date
Added Added new date picker allowing for custom comparison dates
Added Added option for menu search background colour
Added Added option for active menu item background colour
Added Added card module name to the card id for unique css targets on the overview page
Added Added option to add custom css classes columns on the overview page
Added Added option to add background colour to columns on the overview page
Added Added option to hide card and section titles on the overview page
Added Added ability to resize sections on the overview page
Added Added quote of the day and to do list card on the overview page
Added Added support for google analytics 4 on the overview page
Added Added over ten new google analytics cards
Change Design overhaul of overview editing experience
Change Updated default overview template
Change Updated all translation files and fixed various untranslatable strings
Change Added style fix for revolution slider
Change Added updated French translation
Change Added some style fixes for ACF in dark mode
Fix Fixed compatibility with loco translate
Fix Fixed issue when admin menu is collapsed, and you visit admin page it shows full without menu text
Fix Fixed layout issue with support board plugin
Fix Fixed errors with login redirect on login page on multisite running php8
Fix Fixed issue with WP Mail SMTP setup wizard
Fix Added fix for WooCommerce Multilingual setup wizard
Fix Fixed layout issue on classic editor text mode
Fix Fixed bug that could stop custom menus being loaded on subsites
Fix Fixed layout issue with late point plugin
Fix Fixed issue that could stop plugin logos showing in the menu
Fix Fixed issue causing custom classes not to load on separators when using custom menu
Fix Added fix for longer login forms on mobile displaying incorrect background colour at bottom
Fix Added layout fix for motion.pages builder
Fix Fixed issue displaying media items with no folder when elementor pro was active
Fix Fixed layout issue on block editor when uipress theme was disabled – 01/02/2022
Added Added option to stop admin pages being automatically added to the admin menu
Added Added option to allow custom slugs for admin pages
Added Added conditional role / user select for loading admin menu on frontend
Added Added option to change uipress icon
Added Added option to add admin favicon
Change Further refinement of settings page
Change Reworked the user / role selector and post type selector on the uipress settings page / menu creator etc
Fix Fixed layout of front end admin menu when used with default wp toolbar
Fix Fixed issue with menu front on mobile / smaller screens
Fix Added a fix for overview page where it could fail to load the default template
Fix Fixed issue that could cause blank admin menus
Fix Fixed issue with menu creator on multisite not showing all network users and incorrectly applying menu
Fix Fixed login redirect on multisite for directing to the overview page
Fix Fixed issue that could cause admin pages not to load on some setups
Fix Fixed checkbox issue on SEOpress meta boxes on posts / pages – 29/01/2022
Fix Fixed an issue that could cause posts types and templates not to appear on some multisite networks
Fix Fixed overflow issue on frontend that could cause admin bar to hide site header
Added Added Slovak translation

v2.3 – 28/01/2022
Added Added option to rename uipress plugin
Added Added option to hide uipress from the plugin table
Added Added admin pages feature – tested and working with block editor, elementor, divi, beaver builder, oxygen and bricks
Added Added option to allow admin menu to load on front end
Added Added routing for the uipress settings page so you load on the same tab on refresh
Added Added option to disable language selector introduced in wp 5.9
Added Added a fix for & symbols being incorrectly rendered and breaking some custom menu URLs
Added Added option to disable dark mode
Change Refined settings page ui
Change Further Improved loading speeds on subsites on WordPress multisite when using wp ultimo
Change Various performance enhancements and tweaks
Fix Various fixes to the media page layout when used with folders on mobile
Fix Fixed display issue with login page language selector introduced in wp 5.9
Fix Fixed issue causing no icons to be shown on shrunk menu when icons are hidden
Fix Fixed issue stopping the danger button from inheriting custom border radius

v2.2.9.1 – 10/01/2022
Change Various performance enhancements and tweaks
Change Added an overflow for the toolbar off canvas (notifications / updates etc)
Added Added a preview option to uipress styles to show items that are being changed
Added Added danger button (red button) style options to uipress styles
Added Added a swatch to the uipress styles options to show the color when a custom one isn’t set
Fix Fixed issue causing slow subsides on WordPress multisite when using wp ultimo
Fix Fixed bug causing all logins to redirect to admin url despite custom rules set
Fix Fixed login layout when using white label CMS plugin
Fix Fixed toolbar overlay issue on mainwp page
Fix Fixed issue stopping button styling applying to login page primary button
Fix Fixed vue.js conflict on overview and menu creator when using theme myListing
Fix Added layout fix for task scheduler in jetpack CRM plugin
Fix Fixed issue that could break the overview page if foreign characters were in usernames
Fix Added styling fix for wicked folders

v2.2.9 – 06/12/2021​
Added Added option to styles page to change the logo height
Change Further refinements to the admin menu loader, should be quicker and more stable
Fix Added toolbar layout fix for autonami
Fix Fixed issue with ultimo version 2> that could cause slow subsites
Fix Fixed quick view display issue in content page on mobile
Fix Fixed positioning of toolbar on classic editor when in text mode
Fix Fixed bug causing all roles to be locked out of content page / overview page when conditional disable for roles were added
Fix Fixed overflow issue on the content page that could hide item dropdowns
Fix Fixed issue stopping custom menu item classes being loaded up on admin menu
Fix Fixed issue with large icons on autnami pages
Fix Fixed checkbox on b2b king dynamic rules page

v2.2.8 – 29/11/2021
Change Allowed predefined date ranges on overview page to be translated
Change Added updated arabic translations
Fix Fixed issue with admin cache that could sometimes load up default menu before showing custom menu
Fix Fixed issue on multisite when subsite has domain mapped and certain scripts won’t load because of cross domain policy
Fix Fixed issue stopping custom icons from admin menu editor plugin from displaying
Fix Fixed issue that broke menu creator when wp ultimo v2> was installed
Fix Fixed issue that stopped you from actually viewing post when clicking view post button in search results

v2.2.6 – 22/11/2021
Added Emphasised the headers on the styles page and allowed for sections to be collapsed
Added Added option to allow view website links to open in new tab (default remains same window)
Added Added some style and layout fixes for lifter LMS
Added Added fix for page action buttons being oversized on code-snippets plugin
Added Added toolbar link hover colour to styles page
Added Added a dropdown for left toolbar links / options on mobile
Change Changed positioning of background image on login page
Change Smoothed out admin menu loader
Fix Fixed issue with menu creator showing unavailable icons and causing display issues
Fix Cleaned up some css around custom button colours / text colours
Fix Fixed issue with custom css converting symbols to html entities
Fix Fixed menu creator no items available when admin menu module is disabled
Fix Fixed issue that breaks layout on mobile when custom menu width is set
Fix Fixed custom text colours on toolbar dropdown for links on left
Fix Fixed licence activation count for multisite networks
Fix Fixed issue with page action buttons on rank math 404 page
Fix Fixed menu options dropdown location on mobile
Fix Fixed layout issue with groundhog
Fix Added fix for wordfence page actions

v2.2.5 – 18/11/2021​
Added Added style options for various buttons to the styles page
Added Added updated Portuguese translation files
Added Added pagination to icon selector in menu creator and added a few other improvements
Added Added custom scrollbars to help blend in when in dark mode
Added Added a more detailed color picker for the styles page
Change Stopped custom menus loading on network admin level
Change Allowed custom admin menus to still be applied on a subsite level
Fix Fixed issue on mobile menu when submenu hover was enabled
Fix Fixed a mobile layout error on default dashboard
Fix Fixed a couple display issues on mobile for analytics cards on the overview page
Fix Fixed the dreaded issue that could cause uipress settings to load blank
Fix Fixed issues with ‘&’ symbols being converted incorrectly in custom URLs
Fix Fixed issue causing menu items to become active on click in sub menu hover mode
Fix Fixed issue with conditionally displaying updates / notifications for certain users / roles
Fix Fixed RTL layout issues on login page
Fix Fixed custom menu name separators when menu is collapsed

v2.2.4 – 16/11/2021
Fix Fixed an issue causing items with no submenu to sometimes show empty dropdown
Fix Fixed issue stopping custom menu items opening in new tab
Fix Fixed issue that could cause blank pages for WooCommerce status / home pages
Change Smoothed page load of content and menu creator pages
Added Added primary wash colour to the styles page
Added Added overflow to menu creator preview so long menus don’t require page scroll – 13/09/2021
Added: Added Arabic translations
Fix: Fixed issue with uipressdocs global search not searching custom post types properly
Fix: Fixed issue with notifications and updates not hiding correctly for specific users

2.1.6 – 06/09/2021
Added: Added the option to add custom classes to menu items in the menu creator
Added: Added the option to add link targets (open in new tab) to menu items in the menu creator
Added: Added Cezch translation
Added: Allowed iframes and embeds in the custom html blocks of the overview page
Change: Improved light mode contrast between white and light grey
Change: Custom fonts now load in the front end admin bar
Change: The overview page is now available on the network admin page so you can set the dash of all subsites
Change: Rebuilt the admin bar module to handle notifications and updates better and huge performance improvements
Fix: Fixed view dashboard button on the front end admin bar, the link now respects login redirection
Fix: Fixed bug with recent orders card showing incorrect order name
Fix: Fixed layout issue with SEOpress on multisite
Fix: Fixed issue with woo commerce orders page on mobile where the search bar was incorrectly placed
Fix: Fixed theme install button style issue
Fix: Fixed issue with certain licences causing duplicate activations
Fix: Fixed issue causing date range on overview not to show when clicking date icon or chevron
Fix: Fixed a couple of woo commerce and analytics bugs on the overview page that could throw php warnings

2.1.5 – 20/08/2021
Fix: Fixed dark mode issue on the login page create account section and reset password section
Fix: Fixed name of overview page name displayed in browser tabs
Fix: Fixed several issues in the menu creator in dark mode
Fix: Fixed issues with theme option descriptions in the uipress settings
Fix: Fixed issue with overview cards where when translated, adding them back to the overview could break the layout
Fix: Fixd layout of ws forms editor
Added: Added Persian translation
Added: Added fix for happy files plugin overfleow on sidebar in media modals
Added: Added compatibility for slider revolution – 11/08/2021
Fix: Fixed bug on some setups where UIP can’t read the default overview json template file and resulted in blank screen
Fix: Fixed issue with redirect to overview page directing to old overview page

2.1.4 – 11/08/2021
Added: Added new Overview page
Added: Added the ability to hide notifications centre by user / role as well as updates
Added: Added the ability to hide notifications centre by user / role as well as updates
Added: Added an option to hide the edit profile button
Added: Added the option to enqueue scripts to the admin pages
Added: Added option to allow adding custom html to the admin head
Change: Increased contrast of checkbox in dark mode
Fix: Fixed activation notices in dark mode
Fix: Fixed menu favourites buttons in dark mode
Fix: Fixed issue causing custom fonts not to effect left admin bar links
Fix: Fixed submenu border colours in dark mode on left admin bar links
Fix: Fixed styles of select2 dropdowns (woocomerce settings pages) in dark mode
Fix: Fixed dark mode woo commerce get started list
Fix: Various other woo commerce dark mode fixes
Fix: Fixed elemenor header on admin pages
Fix: Fixed issue causing custom admin menu to show in the main menu
Fix: Fixed an issue with menu creator when adding top level items as sub items it would add extra margin at the bottom of the item
Fix: Fixed issue with learn dash course builder
Fix: Added fix for older version of safari that would not display icons properly and would break layouts
Fix: Fixed issue stopping certain notifications from being hidden
Fix: Fixed issue causing modules not to save on multisite environments
Fix: Fixed mail poet icons size in the editor
Fix: Fixed issue with woocommerce items being hidden from menu (only happening when jetpack was activated)
Fix: Commerce currencies on the overview page now respect currency icon placements – 22/07/2021
Fix: Fixed issue with menu creator custom post type showing in admin menu

2.1.3 – 21/07/2021
Fix: Fixed issue with admin bar and menu custom colours
Fix: Fixed issue with settings panel of the admin menu was translucent
Fix: Fixed styling issue with cart flows, fluent crm
Fix: Fixed an issue causing some backslashes to be added to quotations in the custom css
Added: Added the menu creator
Fix: Fixed issues that could cause the admin bar to fail / be blank

2.1.2 – 15/07/2021
Fix: Fixed login modal styles when session expires
Fix: Fixed asset cleanup plugin overflow issue
Fix: Fixed issue with schedule press
Fix: Fixed issue with wp optimise header display
Fix: Fixed an issue causing some analytics charts not to show
Fix: Fixed font colours on menu when custom dark color is chosen for light mode
Added: Added custom welcome message option for Overview Page

⭐Similar Suggestions: WP Frontend Admin Premium – Create Frontend Dashboard For WordPress

下载 UiPress v2.3.1.7 Nulled – Modern WordPress Dashboard Theme Free:

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