Loginizer Security Pro v1.6.7

最后更新于:2022-03-27 00:36:59


Loginizer is a WordPress plugin that helps you combat bruteforce attacks by restricting login attempts for an IP after it reaches the maximum number of retries permitted. Loginizer allows you to filter or whitelist IP addresses for login. Other security features, like as Two Factor Authentication, reCAPTCHA, and PasswordLess Login, can be used to increase the security of your website.

More than 1000000 WordPress websites actively utilize Loginizer.

Our official documentation may be found at https://loginizer.com/docs. If you are a free user, we are also active in our community help forums on wordpress.org. https://loginizer.deskuss.com is our Premium Support Ticket System.

Features: Loginizer Security Pro

Features: Loginizer Security Pro

Free Features:

  • Protection from brute force. After three failed login attempts, IPs attempting to brute force your website will be blacklisted for 15 minutes. The IP address is restricted for 24 hours after numerous lockouts. This is the default setting, which can be adjusted in the WordPress admin panel’s Loginizer -> Brute Force page.
  • Logs of failed login attempts.
  • IPs on a blacklist
  • IPs on the whitelist
  • When a login attempt fails, you can create your own error messages.
  • Check for permissions on essential files and folders.

Pro Features:

  • MD5 Checksum of WordPress Core Files The administrator can also check and ignore files.
  • PasswordLess Login – When logging in, the username / email address will be requested, and an email with a temporary login link will be provided to that account’s email address.
  • Email-based two-factor authentication — An email will be sent to the account’s email address with a temporary 6 digit number to finish the login process.
  • Two-factor authentication through app — The user can set up the account using a 2FA app such as Google Authenticator or Authy.
  • Login Challenge Question – As an extra layer of security, the user can create a Challenge Question and Answer. After logging in, the user will be prompted to answer a question in order to complete the process.
  • reCAPTCHA — To avoid automated brute force assaults, Google’s reCAPTCHA v3/v2 can be configured for the Login page, Comments Section, Registration Form, and so on. Also works with WooCommerce.
  • Rename the Login Page — To prevent automated brute force attacks, the Admin can rename the login URL (slug) to something other than wp-login.php.
  • Rename the wp-admin URL — The wp-admin URL is used to access the WordPress admin section. You can alter it to anything you want with loginizer, such as site-admin.
  • If Rename Login with Secrecy is enabled, all Login URLs will still point to wp-login.php, and users will have to type the New Login Slug into the browser to access it.
  • Disable XML-RPC — In WordPress, you can simply disable XML-RPC. Most WordPress users don’t require XML-RPC, and it can be turned off to prevent automated brute force attacks.
  • Change XML-RPC — To prevent automated brute force attacks, the Admin can rename the XML-RPC to something other than xmlrpc.php.
  • Attackers commonly use usernames like admin, administrator, or variations of your domain name / business name. You can specify such a username here, and Loginizer will automatically blacklist any clients who try to use it (s).
  • New Registration Domain Blacklist – If you want to prevent new registrations for a specific domain, you can use this tool.
  • Change the Admin Username – The administrator can change the admin username to something more difficult to remember.
  • Auto Blacklist IPs – IP addresses will be automatically blacklisted if malicious bots or users utilize usernames saved by the Admin to log in.
  • Pingbacks Disabled – A simple technique to turn off pingbacks.

Loginizer has the following features:

  • After the maximum number of retries allowed, the IP address is blocked.
  • After the maximum number of lockouts allowed, the lockout is extended.
  • After the maximum number of lockouts, send an email to the administrator.
  • IP/IP range blacklist
  • IP/IP range whitelist
  • Examine the logs of failed attempts.
  • Make IP ranges.
  • IP ranges should be removed.
  • LGPLv2.1 is the license.
  • Secure & Safe

变更日志: Loginizer Security Pro

1) [Fix] After Interim Login due to session timeout, the popup for login was not closed. This is fixed now.
2) [Fix] reCAPTCHA was not working on registration page with BuddyPress plugin. This is fixed now.

[Task] Tested up to: WordPress 5.2.0

[Task] Tested up to: WordPress 5.0.2

[Feature] Made Loginizer BuddyPress compatible.
[Bug Fix] There is an XSS bug introduced in version 1.3.8. This is fixed. Please upgrade ASAP.

[Feature] Added an option to Enable / Disable Brute Force checks.
[Feature] Added the feature to log the URL of the page from which the brute force attempt is being made.

[Feature] Added an option to Delete the entire Blacklist / Whitelist IP Ranges.
[Feature] Custom IP Header added as an option for detecting the IP as per the Proxy settings of a server.
[Bug Fix] In WooCommerce the number of login retries left was not being shown. This is fixed.

[Bug Fix] Blacklist and Whitelist IPs were not being deleted. This is fixed.

[Feature] Pagination added to the Blacklist and Whitelist IPs
[Bug Fix] SQL Injection fix for X-Forwarded-For. This is fixed. Vulnerability was found by Jonas Lejon of WPScans.com
[Bug Fix] There was a missing referrer check in Blacklist and Whitelist IP Wizard. This is fixed.

[Feature] Added a wizard for admins to set their own language strings for Brute Force messages
[Bug Fix] Twitter box shown in Loginizer was not accessed over HTTPS.

[Bug Fix] Fixed the BigInteger Class for PHP 7 compatibility.

[Feature] IPv6 support has been added.
[Feature] The last attempted username will now be shown in the Login Logs.
[Bug Fix] The documentation in the plugin was pointing to a wrong link. This is now fixed.

[Feature] Added option to choose between REMOTE_ADDR, HTTP_CLIENT_IP and HTTP_X_FORWARDED for websites behind a proxy
[Task] The news.js will now be loaded from HTTPS servers

[Feature] The Login attempt logs will now be shown as per the last attempt TIME and in Descending Order
[Feature] Added an option to Reset the Login attempts for all or specific IPs

[Feature] Added pagination in the Brute Force Logs Wizard
[Bug Fix] Disabling and Re-Enabling Loginizer caused an SQL error

[Task] The brute force logs will now be sorted as per the time of failed login attemps
[Bug Fix] Dashboard showed wrong permissions if wp-content path had been changed
[Bug Fix] Added Directory path to include files which caused issues with some plugins

[Bug Fix] Added ABSPATH instead of get_home_path()

[Feature] New Dashboard
[Feature] System Information added in the new Dashboard
[Feature] File Permissions added in the new Dashboard
[Feature] New UI
[Bug Fix] Fixed bug to add IP Range from –
[Bug Fix] Removed /e from preg_replace causing warnings in PHP

Fixed Extended Lockout bug
Fixed Lockout bug
Handle login attempts via XML-RPC

Database structure changes to make the plugin work faster
Minor fixes

Blocks IP after maximum retries allowed
Extended Lockout after maximum lockouts allowed
Email notification to admin after max lockouts
Blacklist IP/IP range
Whitelist IP/IP range
Check logs of failed attempts
Create IP ranges
Delete IP ranges
Licensed under GNU GPL version 3
Safe & Secure

⭐Similar suggestion: Wordfence Security Premium – WordPress Security Plugin

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