Uncanny Automator Pro WordPress Plugin v3.8.0.1

最后更新于:2022-03-29 01:34:41


Automate everything in WordPress

Every WordPress site owner understands the frustration of having too many plugins and applications that don’t communicate with one another. Use your current plugins, sites, and applications to create sophisticated workflows that handle everything automatically with Uncanny Automator. Control exactly what occurs when a form is submitted, a user registers, a product is purchased, and so on. In only 5 minutes, you can set up your first automation!

Demo: https://automatorplugin.com/

When something unexpected occurs…

Choose what triggers your automations. It might be something as simple as a page view, a course completion, a new form submission, or even receiving webhook data from another site.

Make things happen in various ways!

Change their function, contribute data to Google Sheets, and more by adding people to a membership level. You make the call! You may also transfer data to other applications and delay activities.

Allow Automator to perform the heavy lifting.

Automations operate on their own, saving you time and allowing you to create no-code connections for everything! Say goodbye to plugin development and add-ons.

Integrations that are widely used

Over 400 triggers and actions may be used to connect over 70 of the most popular WordPress plugins and third-party apps. Connect to hundreds of more non-WordPress apps using our Zapier, Integromat, and webhook support. It’s simple to generate billions of workflow combinations without writing a single line of code.

Features: Uncanny Automator Pro WordPress Plugin

  • Plugins and applications can be connected.
  • Routine chores can be automated.
  • Easy-to-use builder that doesn’t require any coding
  • Get rid of development.
  • Replace high-priced equipment.
  • Time and money are saved.

变更日志: Uncanny Automator Pro WordPress Plugin [2022-03-11]​
Action conditions/filters ignored on some sites #880

3.8 [2022-03-10]​
New Integration:
MemberPress Courses
Amelia - New tokens to support Employee information #843
Webhooks - New tokens WEBHOOK_BODY and WEBHOOK_SAMPLE #799
New Triggers:
GiveWP - A donation is made via a form for an amount greater than, less than, or equal to an amount #821
New Actions:
MemberPress Courses - Reset the user's progress in a course #806
Autologin link token no longer generated for Administrator and Editor users #866
GoTo Training/GoTo Webinar - Moved to Automator free plugin #862
Tutor LMS - Improved compatibility with Tutor LMS 2.0+ #814
Scheduled/conditional actions - PHP error on PHP 8+ #861
Actions inside a condition block without conditions are now executed as expected
BuddyBoss - "Send a message to all members of a group" now works for hidden and private groups #872
FluentCRM - Removed WP filter causing duplicate tokens #864
LifterLMS - "Remove the user from a membership" - Removed "Any membership" #848
MemberPress - "Remove the user from a membership" - All memberships now appear in dropdown #855
WordPress Core - "Update the user's details" - Now requires user details #845

v3.7 [2022-02-24]
New Integrations:
New Triggers:
Amelia - An appointment is booked for a specific service #761
Amelia - A user books an appointment for a specific service #760
Webhooks - Receive data from a webhook (Moved from Automator Core) #782
WooCommerce Subscriptions - A user's subscription to a specific variation of a variable subscription expires #795
WooCommerce Subscriptions - A user renews a subscription to a specific variation of a variable subscription #794
WooCommerce Subscriptions - A user's trial period to a specific variation of a variable subscription expires #793
WooCommerce Subscriptions - A user's subscription to a specific variation of a variable subscription is set to a status #791
New Actions:
WordPress Core - Set the featured image of a post #801
WordPress Core - Move a post to the trash #721
GamiPress - "Revoke an achievement from the user" now reliably removes the selected/all achievements #777
Tutor LMS – Improved compatibility with Tutor LMS 2.0+
WooCommerce - Added Order summary token #763
WordPress Core - A user's specific type of post is updated - Updated token labels #510
Removed Twilio integration (moved to Uncanny Automator (free) 3.7 plugin) #310
BuddyBoss - "Create a group" - The "Additional users to add to the group" field now adds additional users to the group as expected #788
Formidable Forms - All triggers - Added Form ID token #435
GamiPress - "Revoke points from the user" now revokes the points consistently #805
LearnDash - "Add the user to a group" - Now throws an error if Group doesn't exist or is not published #484
LearnDash - "A user is removed from a group" - Updated hook to fire when user removed from edit user screen #785
MailPoet - Remove the user from a list - PHP error #812
WordPress Core - Multiple triggers now fire reliably when an admin performs a related action in /wp-admin #738
WordPress Core - "Delete a user" - Now deletes the user as expected #781
WooCommerce - ShipStation - No longer displays duplicate tokens #433
WooCommerce Subscriptions - "A user's subscription to a product is set to a status" now fires reliably #765
Actions no longer fire twice in Everyone recipes when the user selector does not select a user #762
Token parsing - '0' and '1' values no longer parse as true or false instead of '0' and '1' #705

v3.4 [2021-11-11]
New integration:
Uncanny Toolkit #407
New Triggers:
Uncanny Toolkit – A Group Leader is imported to a LearnDash group #1043
Uncanny Toolkit – A user is imported to a LearnDash course #1042
Uncanny Toolkit – A user is imported to a LearnDash group #1041
Uncanny Toolkit – A user is imported by the Import Users module #1038
HubSpot – Added option to update existing contacts #1076
WordPress Core – “A user submits a comment on a post” – Added Comment token #1036
Popup Maker – Action now fires more consistently across varying site configurations #1034
WPForms – Added Form title, ID and URL tokens #795
WordPress Core – Create a post – Added “Featured image” field #463
WP Job Manager – CV token no longer outputs HTML link #1054
Tools > Status – Automator Debug Log line now hidden when Automator Debug mode is not enabled #1096
Tools > Status – Action Scheduler line now hidden when Uncanny Automator Pro is not active #1093
Improved error messaging when a recipe creation error occurs #730
Reduced calls to calls to the API on the Dashboard page #947
Code quality improved following WPCS #879 #878
Improved placeholder contrast #1098
Usage tracking data tweaks #1052
Automator Core – Receive data from a webhook – Unrelated recipes no longer show “In Progress” on some sites #1022
HubSpot – Looping issue causing excessive API usage #1095
GiveWP – Method: get_input_fields() – Give Form Field Manager – Fix# 1078
GiveWP – A donation is made via a form no longer triggers on failed donations #1033
WP Job Manager – “A user applies for a job” trigger now requires resume add-on #1058
WP Job Manager – PHP error in some tokens when Resume Manager add-on not active #1059
WordPress Core – “A post in a specific taxonomy with a specific taxonomy term” Post featured image URL now outputs a URL more consistently #1025

v3.3 [2021-10-28]
New integration:
Advanced Custom Fields
New Triggers:
Advanced Custom Fields: A field is updated on a post #134
MemberPress - A user's membership to a specific product expires #506
WooCommerce - A product is purchased in an order #544
New Actions:
bbPress - Subscribe the user to a forum #458
BuddyBoss - Subscribe the user to a forum #458
BuddyBoss - Follow a user #528
BuddyBoss - Stop following a user #529
BuddyBoss - End friendship with a user #532
BuddyBoss - Send a friendship request to a user #531
BuddyPress - End friendship with a user #532
BuddyPress - Send a friendship request to a user #531
LearnDash - Reset the user's progress in a course - Added option to delete associated Tin Canny data #398
Miscellaneous sentence and token updates for capitalization, grammar and style consistency #505, #503, #502, #501, #500, #455
MEC - A user's booking of an event is confirmed - Added featured image and featured image url tokens #504
GamiPress - PHP error on some sites #521
Wishlist Member - PHP notices on PHP 8+ #515

v3.2 [2021-10-01]
PHP 8 compatibility updates
New logged-in recipe triggers:
WooCommerce Subscriptions - A user purchases a variable subscription with a variation selected #395
WordPress Core - A user is created with a specific role #470
New everyone recipe triggers:
Automator Core - A magic button is clicked #337
Automator Core - A magic link is clicked #337
FluentCRM - A tag is removed from a contact #337
FluentCRM - A contact is removed from a list #337
Groundhogg - A tag is added to a contact #337
Groundhogg - A tag is removed from a contact #337
WooCommerce - A guest completes, pays for, lands on a thank you page for an order with a product in a category #351
Reduced minimum required PHP version to 5.6 #473
Automator Core - Call a custom function/method and Run a WordPress hook no longer require a user when used in an Everyone recipe #434
BuddyBoss/BuddyPress - Added "Activity URL" and "Activity stream URL" tokens to relevant triggers #444
LearnPress - "Enroll the user in a course" updated for compatibility with LearnPress 4.0+ #481
WooCommerce Subscriptions - "A user purchases a subscription variation" is now "A user purchases a variable subscription" #447
WooCommerce Subscriptions - "A user purchases a variable subscription" Tokens updated for improved consistency #316
WooCommerce - HTML added by WooCommerce now removed from some tokens #443
Zoom - Removed integration files from pro (now in free version) #309
Auto-prune activity logs setting now works reliably #439
BuddyBoss - "A user updates their profile with a specific value in a specific field" now fires reliably when multiple checkboxes are checked #31929 #465
BuddyPress - "A user updates their profile with a specific value in a specific field" now fires reliably when multiple checkboxes are checked #31929 #466
FluentCRM - Tokens now render more reliably #486
LearnDash - "Send an email to the user's group leader(s)" now bypasses LearnDash transients #450
WooCommerce - Variable products and subscriptions now populate in trigger dropdowns more consistently #402
WooCommerce Memberships - "A user's access to a membership plan is cancelled" no longer fires in some unexpected situations #366

v3.1.2 [2021-08-31]
Triggers Added:
Gravity Forms - A user is registered #369
WooCommerce - A user completes, pays for, lands on a thank you page for an order with a quantity greater than, less than or equal to a quantity of a product #364
LearnDash - Send a certificate - Recipe no longer shows "in progress" #30874 #392
"Everyone" recipes no longer show "Completed - do nothing" when the actions are executed #380
WP Fusion - A tag is added to a user - Now fires more reliably #357
Automator Pro changes the title of the triggers metabox in an "everyone" recipe to "Anonymous trigger" on page load #349

v3.1.1 [2021-08-17]
Added link to install Uncanny Automator in message displayed when Uncanny Automator Pro is activated before Uncanny Automator
GiveWP - Pro triggers now support tokens for custom fields #343
Action scheduler library not loading on some sites #341
Conflict with WooCommerce PayPal Checkout Gateway preventing recipes from loading #330
Improve compatibility with PHP 7.2 #326
Grammar fix #281

v3.1 [2021-08-09]
New Triggers:
Easy Digital 下载s - A product is purchased with a specific discount code #245
LearnDash - A user is removed from a group #289
Modern Events Calendar - A user's booking of an event is confirmed #193
WordPress Core - A user's specific type of post is moved to the trash #233
WordPress Core - A user's specific type of post is updated #232
WordPress Core - A user's specific type of post is set to a status #197
WordPress Core - A user's comment on a specific type of post receives a reply #188
WooCommerce - A user purchases a subscription variation #259
New Actions:
Newsletter - Add a subscriber to a list #181
WordPress Core - Call a custom function/method #131
WordPress Core, Modern Events Calendar and MasterStudy LMS - Featured image tokens in triggers #312
WordPress Core - A post is updated - Now displays all post types including where public = false #230
WooCommerce Subscriptions - Next payment date token in triggers #270
BuddyBoss - Create a group - Added support for specifying a parent group and group type (when enabled in BuddyBoss) #261
BadgeOS and GamiPress - A user earns an achievement - Added "Any achievement" option #220
Improved compatibility with PHP 8+ #229 #283 #287
WordPress Core - Renamed a number of triggers for clarity #238 #156
WordPress Core - A user's post is set to a specific status - Add post type dropdown #142
Events Manager - A user registers for an event with a specific ticket - Updated sentence structure #282
Removed code for triggers and actions that are now in Uncanny Automator (free) #252 #253 #254 #280 #303 #325
Improved Automator Pro license page #284
WooCommerce - Sentence change: A user {{completes, pays for, lands on a thank you page for}} an order with a total {{greater than, less than or equal to}} {{a specific amount}} #269
BuddyBoss - Post a reply to a topic in a forum now properly loads the list of forums #170
WP Fusion - Multiple recipes no longer fire when unrelated tags are applied to the user on some sites #239
MemberPress - Tokens now work as expected in action fields #236
Forminator - A user submits a form with specific value in a checkbox field now works as expected #271
LearnDash - Send an email to the user's group leader(s) now sends properly formatted emails #265
Automator Core - Receive data from a webhook no longer includes a line break character when copying the URL #200
Automator Core - Could not find Magic LINK ID #318
WooCommerce - A user completes, pays for, lands on a thank you page for an order paid for with a specific method" keeps turning to draft on editing #313
Various PHP notices and warnings #234

3.0.2 [2021-06-03]​
Send a private message to the user now displays error messages when the action fails
Triggers that don't explicitly return a logged-in user now fire more reliably
Zoom Meetings/Webinars, GoToWebinar/Training: Use a custom value field now displays token selector
A user's role changed from a specific role to a specific role now fires consistently
BuddyBoss: Updated sentence Send {a private message} to the user for grammatical consistency
Groundhogg: A tag is added to a user now fires when users are tagged in a funnel
WP Job Manager: Added tokens for Job category and Resume category

3.0.1 [2021-05-27]​
BuddyBoss: Post a reply to a topic in a forum now correctly retrieves the list of available forums
Modern Events Calendar: Combined helper files
FluentCRM: PHP Notice: Undefined offset in fcrm-tokens.php
FluentCRM: Sentence updated to fix grammatical issue

v3.0 [2021-05-20]
New Integrations:
Modern Events Calendar
Triggers added:
GamiPress - An achievement is revoked from the user
Modern Events Calendar - A user's booking of an event is pending
Modern Events Calendar - A user's booking of an event is cancelled
WooCommerce - A user adds a product to their cart
WordPress Core - A post in a specific status is updated
WordPress Core - A post not in a specific status is updated
Actions added:
Modern Events Calendar - Register a user for an event
Ultimate Member - Add a role to the user's roles
Automator Core - Run a WordPress hook
Added Automator 3.0 compatibility
MailPoet - Added checkbox to skip confirmation email when adding users to lists
GoToWebinar - Added the ability to specify webinar using tokens
Popup Maker - Added compatibility with newer versions of Popup Maker
MyCred: Actions now support custom description (where supported)
Support links for all triggers and actions
BuddyBoss - Set the user's member type to a specific type now works consistently
Ultimate Member - A user registers with a specific value in a specific field trigger now works with checkbox and role fields
Elementor - Popups now fire more consistently
Fluent Forms - Tokens now work reliably when fields are arranged in columns
Fluent Forms - A specific value in a specific field now works with multi-select and checkbox fields
Ultimate Member - A specific value in a specific field now works with checkbox and role fields
Slack - PHP notices when request on load fails
Slack - PHP Notices when API call fails

⭐另请参考: Collection of WordPress plugins updated daily on FreeWP

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