TotalDesk v1.7.23 – Helpdesk, Live Chat, Knowledge Base & Ticket System

最后更新于:2022-03-29 00:52:15


TotalDesk is WordPress’s only all-in-one helpdesk solution. It includes all of the support capabilities you require, such as a ticket- and notification system, livechat, a knowledge base, reports, and an integration module. Get TotalDesk instead of individual helpdesk plugins!


Features: TotalDesk – Helpdesk, Live Chat, Knowledge Base & Ticket System

  • System of Ticketing
    • Three New Tickt Forms
    • Fetching from the Inbox
    • Agent and Reporter are the two roles.
    • My Ticket Sales Page
    • Configure the default settings for new tickets.
    • Set your own ticket status.
    • Create your own ticket types.
    • Create a custom ticket for Project / Systems.
    • Attachment Help
    • Notify Agents of Notifications
    • Comment Form in HTML WYSIWIG
    • Replies that were saved
    • System of logging and history
    • XLS file export
    • Email can be responded to by Reporters and Agents.
    • Overview of the Ticket (assigned to, status in colors)
      Archieve Inbox Folder
  • Notifications
    • Notifications through Email
    • Notifications on the Desktop
    • Notifications on Slack
    • Notify me when a ticket is generated.
    • Notify me when someone responds
    • Notify me when a status changes.
    • Notify me when an agent is appointed.
  • Livechat
    • Begin a fresh conversation with a new topic (new ticket)
    • Enter a conversation using the specified ticket ID.
    • When no agent is available, send a message (new ticket).
    • Every communication in the chat room will be kept.
  • Base of Knowledge
    • Make a FAQ out of a ticket.
    • Sort FAQs by subject.
    • Customize the Icons for Topics
    • Search for FAQs in real time.
    • Keep track of FAQ views.
    • 3 pre-installed widgets
    • Sort FAQs by Popularity / Views
    • 2 different layouts (boxed, list)
  • Reports
    • Tickets Sold by an Agent
    • Availability of Tickets
    • Types of Tickets
    • System Tickets
    • Yearly Tickets
    • Monthly Tickets
    • Ticket Prices by Year and Month
  • Integrations
    • WooCommerce
    • Envato
    • Slack
  • Well-documented

变更日志: TotalDesk – Helpdesk, Live Chat, Knowledge Base & Ticket System

- 新增: New field for dynamic FAQ posts widget
Dynamic Title
- 新增: Single ticket rating form
- 新增: When both Woo form options are disabled, it will
hide the first box select row
- 新增: Load saved reply in ticket backend
- FIX: Agents did not see own created tickets
- FIX: Flatsome fatal error by setting unset $_POST
- FIX: Added wpautop to new replies mail
- FIX: Comments closed even if option not enabled
- FIX: Security for feedback form

- 新增:    Default sort order for my tickets on ticket ID DESC
- FIX:    Improved Sorting by date and ticket ID in my tickets
- FIX:    Single FAQ Schema issue
- FIX:    Removed tags from data

- 新增:    Added support (rich snippet data) to FAQ Archives & Pages
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- FIX: get_sites function not available 1.7.20 - 新增: Added Gutenberg support for all Post types - 新增: Added 3 new parameters to faqs shortcode: accordion show_faq_icon faq_columns
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- FIX: Removed Databales CDN loading - FIX: Multisite register roles globally 1.7.19 - FIX: Comments not visible when ticket closed - FIX: Comments not showing in DIVI theme 1.7.18 - 新增: Close comments when a ticket is marked as solved / closed
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- 新增: Updated all translations - FIX: Updated font awesome in backend also - FIX: Data privacy checkbox not removed when deactivated - FIX: Removed the login URL filter as admins cant login when no page was set 1.7.17 - FIX: Font awesome updated to v5 1.7.16 - 新增: Dispaly Website URL in ticket frontend - FIX: product removed after single ticket backend saved 1.7.15 - 新增: WooCommerce Order & Product & Envato Item display in single ticket page
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- 新增: Set order subjects yourself
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- FIX: Huge performance increase when you used WooCommerce - FIX: Website URL for woo form fields disabled by default - FIX: Added wp_kses to message field in checkbox - FIX: Moved Data privacy checkbox below message field 1.7.14 - 新增: Data privacy checkbox for all new ticket forms (GDPR)
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- 新增: Updated translation files - FIX: PHP notices 1.7.13 - 新增: Dropped Redux Framework support and added our own framework Read more here: This ensure auto updates & removes all gutenberg stuff You can delete Redux (if not used somewhere else) afterwards
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1.7.12 - 新增: Advanced settings > disable font awesome loading - FIX: JS / CSS loading when not enabled services - FIX: From now on all shortcodes will be removed from new tickets 1.7.11 - FIX: User creation with empty mail / username - FIX: Had to drop Slack Integration due to the PHP package is now maintained Looking for another solution 1.7.10 - 新增: Send feedback message + satisfied to agent
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1.7.9 - 新增: Agents can close tickets in fronted - FIX: PHP notice in faq post type 1.7.8 - 新增: Added time caching for inbox + automatically close tickets - FIX: Custom fields not showing in single ticket - FIX: Wrong custom field validation for Envato or Woo 1.7.7 - 新增: Big Performance Release !! MAKE SURE YOU ARE ON LATEST VERSION OF REDUX FRAMEWORK !! - FIX: Translations updated 1.7.6 - FIX: Create ticket "not set" - FIX: My Tickets title too long did not break 1.7.5 - 新增: FAQ topics URL contains parent category in URL now - 新增: faqs shortcode now can contain multiple categories COMMA separated - FIX: INBOX PHP fatal error - FIX: Single FAQ back to did not show correct last FAQ topic - FIX: CSS issue in Flatsome with widget - FIX: Margin missing when using fab icon - FIX: CSS issue with not aligned items 1.7.4 - 新增: Custom separate fields for WooCommerce, Simpel & Envato ticket form - 新增: Show title in faq topics - 新增: 2 new Options to disable / enable show topic children or categories - 新增: Hide FAQs if subtopics exists - 新增: Better flatsome support - 新增: Multiple new Arguments for faqs shortcode: topic = '', show_topic_title = 'false', show_back_to_parent_topic = 'false', content = 'false', excerpt = 'true', link = 'true', max_faqs = '-1', show_children = 'false', hide_faqs_when_subcategories_exists = 'false', show_child_categories = 'true', columns = $this->get_option('FAQColumns'), order = 'ASC', orderby = 'menu_order', - FIX: Search icon fix in flatsome - FIX: Wrong CSS Class for before FAQs - FIX: Tickets in My Account of WooCommerce could not be submitted 1.7.3 - FIX: Mail fetching not working when custom required fields created 1.7.2 - FIX: Added array filter for required / optional new fields Ticket could not be created! not set! 1.7.1 - 新增: Agents can create tickets on behalf of customers in the new ticket page:
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- 新增: FAQ search also searches in comments: - 新增: Cleaned the plugin settings / moved fields - 新增: WooCommerce FAQ integration now can use excerpt + links. Also columns can be set now:
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- 新增: Custom fields will also be exported in Excel file - 新增: Topics widget can hide / show empty topics and display subcategories
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- 新增: Add / Create content before FAQs or Tickets
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- FIX: Live Search not working in sidebar when disabled in plugin settings - FIX: when new ticket got an error, previous filled out fields were gone - FIX: Live chat could not be started because of custom fields missing - FIX: Attachment lightbox hidden behind chat - FIX: Updated POT file 1.7.0 - 新增: Custom Ticket Input Fields You can now create custom text fields (required or optional) within plugin settings Example: - FIX: Added required attribute to input fields

⭐另请参考: Collection of Codecanyon plugin Premium updated daily

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