Filter Everything v1.6.1 – WordPress/WooCommerce Product Filter
最后更新于:2022-03-29 01:55:00
Filter Everything – WordPress/WooCommerce Product Filter is the most effective WooCommerce product filter plugin.
Create a high-performance filtering system. You may show your WooCommerce items (or any other post type) depending on any criteria with the Filter Everything plugin.
Filter Because everything is new, WordPress is quicker, smarter, has unique SEO features, and filters almost everything.

- 1 Features Filter Everything – WordPress/WooCommerce Product Filter
- 1.1 Any post type can be filtered.
- 1.2 Any parameter may be used to filter.
- 1.3 Filters for each individual
- 1.4 URL that is simple and attractive.
- 1.5 In URL order, an arbitrary filter
- 1.6 Filter pages for indexing are provided.
- 1.7 Individual SEO titles, H1 titles, and Meta descriptions are all available.
- 1.8 SEO Guidelines
- 1.9 Within the deadline, create dynamic retelling posts
- 1.10 Hiding empty sentences is an option.
- 1.11 Indicates that the provision is ineffective.
- 1.12 Filters can be collapsed and expanded.
- 1.13 Dashboard in the WordPress style
- 1.14 Design of a simple filter
- 1.15 Overrides and hooks in patterns
- 1.16 Any theme design is compatible.
- 1.17 Scrolling with intelligence
- 1.18 Filter the results of your search
- 1.19 Plugins for caching are supported.
- 2 变更日志: Filter Everything – WordPress/WooCommerce Product Filter
- 3 下载 Filter Everything v1.6.1 – WordPress & WooCommerce products Filter Nulled Free:
Features Filter Everything – WordPress/WooCommerce Product Filter
Any post type can be filtered.
WooCommerce items include products, articles, recipes, automobiles, and real estate assets, among others.
Any parameter may be used to filter.
- Any number value from the Custom Field (Sale Price, Sale Price, or any numeric value from the Custom Field).
- Product Evaluations
- Product taxonomy can take the form of product categories, tags, or any other bespoke taxonomy.
- Size, color, length, breadth, weight, and other product characteristics
- Discount, In Stock, 下载able, Pre-ordered, Featured, and Other Product Statuses
- Variable, Simple, Grouped, External product type
- Class of shipping
- Visibility of the product
- Brand names of products
- Author
- Any WordPress taxonomy that you create
- (exists / does not exist) Featured Image
- Views of the product/post
- Time to cook
- Calories
- …
- You may put anything in a Taxonomy or Custom Field that you can think of.
Filters for each individual

for certain archive pages – Categories, Tags, or whatever you choose to call them.
URL that is simple and attractive.

to narrow down the results pages This enables them to be indexed by search engines, shared, and bookmarked, among other things.
In URL order, an arbitrary filter
for example /color-red/size-small/ or /size-small/color-red/
Filter pages for indexing are provided.

With “medium” and “long tail” keywords, you can improve your search engine rankings and attract more users to your website.
Individual SEO titles, H1 titles, and Meta descriptions are all available.

to create a page filter
SEO Guidelines

allows you to select pages by automatically generating H1 titles, SEO titles, and Meta descriptions.
Within the deadline, create dynamic retelling posts
After picking a specific phrase or setting a numerical filter value, you always know how many goods you’ll view.
Hiding empty sentences is an option.
To eliminate useless searches, the whole filter contains no products.
Indicates that the provision is ineffective.
During the filtering process, it gets empty
Filters can be collapsed and expanded.
Dashboard in the WordPress style
any WordPress user will be familiar with
Design of a simple filter
Compatibility with any WordPress theme is guaranteed.
Overrides and hooks in patterns
allows you to adjust the functionality and appearance of the filter as needed for your site.
Any theme design is compatible.

Simply select the filter’s main color.
Scrolling with intelligence
If all of the goods identified are on one page, the page will automatically scroll to the top.
Filter the results of your search
With the Filter Everything plugin, you can fine-tune your WordPress search.
Plugins for caching are supported.

变更日志: Filter Everything – WordPress/WooCommerce Product Filter
= v1.6.1 = * Dev - Added support for the Polylang plugin * Dev - Added "no order" option for the 'Sort terms by' filter field * Tweak - Added hooks to display content in Filters widget * Tweak - Moved bottom controls into separate template to allow users override it * Fix - Fixed small bug with filter prefixes * Fix - Fixed validation for URL prefixes * Fix - Fixed disappeared Pop-up widget on mobile when Apply button + redirect configured = v1.6.0 = *Release Date - 08 February 2022* * Dev - Added Include/Exclude options to a terms list * Dev - Added ability to specify Parent filter to the current that provides step filtering * Tweak - Returned back the term matches to the current WP Queried object. * Tweak - Added support of brand images for Perfect Brands for WooCommerce plugin * Tweak - Improved situation with WPML when Filter Set is not translatable post type * Tweak - Added SQL comment to mark filtered SQL query * Tweak - Added before and after Filters widget actions * Tweak - Improved some option names and translations * Fix - Fixed problem with hidden Range slider filter when terms are 0-0 * Fix - Fixed problem with 'isMetaValueSerialized' method * Fix - Fixed problem with 0 count of parent tax term if it do not contain posts * Fix - Fixed bug with "Hide empty Filters" option when "Empty Terms" has 'inital' value * Fix - Fixed bug with Select2 undefined on some admin pages * Fix - CSS issue with invisible Pop-up mobile widget when Filters widget was added as shortcode * Fix - Fixed bug with port number in form URL for range filter = 1.5.1 = *Release Date - 31 December 2021* * Dev - Serious speed improvements for stores with a lot of variations * Fix - Fixed bug 'uncaught TypeError: floor()' in PostMetaNumEntity.php = 1.5.0 = *Release Date - 28 December 2021* * Dev - Added "Apply button" mode to filtering * Dev - Added ability to redirect filtering results to a page from any page * Tweak - Replaced filter order numbers with "move" icons = 1.4.9 = *Release Date - 24 December 2021* * Fix - Fixed bug when new filters could not be added with WPML activated = 1.4.5 = *Release Date - 15 November 2021* * Fix - Fixed Select2 version compatibility problem on Filter Set and Filter Settings pages = 1.4.1 = *Release Date - 01 November 2021* * Dev - Improved performance by adding SQL queries caches * Dev - Added support filtering values on any language (Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew and so on) * Fix - Fixed bug with Custom Field Num filter for non-product posts * Fix - Fixed bug with AND logic for filters by hierarchical taxonomies * Fix - Meta key Dropdown field was replaced with Input without suggestions due to performance issues * Fix - Fixed Sorting Dropdown field for AJAX filtering * Fix - Fixed bug with paginate links for comments * Fix - Improved compatibility with the WP Query that already contains this term. "Term already in Query" check. * Tweak - Improved "Hide empty Terms" by adding new option "Hide in the initial Filter only" * Tweak - Added Russian translations = 1.4.0 = *Release Date - 22 October 2021* * Dev - Added search field to a filter * Dev - Improved Pop-up filters widget design and behavior * Dev - Added compatibility checkbox for Pop-up filters widget on mobile * Dev - Added support of brand images for WooCommerce brand attributes * Dev - Improved Custom Field Num filtering for product variations * Dev - Improved Chips integration * Dev - Improved filtering by variations. Added checkbox "Use for variations" to Custom Fields * Fix - Fixed small issue with Polylang * Fix - Fixed bug with paginate links in * Fix - Fixed bug with range slider values on filtering pages * Fix - Removed 'user_trailingslashit' for 'get_post_type_archive_link' in 'getCommonLocationTerms' method * Tweak - Improved chips design to make them more lightweight * Tweak - Added ability to translate stock status terms * Tweak - Improved behavior of the "Hide empty terms" feature - now it always hide empty terms * Tweak - Added pjax compatibility = v1.3.0 = Release Date - 01 October 2021 * Dev - Added Sorting widget with unlimited sorting options. Elementor compatible. * Dev - Added Sorting shortcode * Dev - Added option 'Used for variations' to filter more accurately by Product Attributes and variations * Dev - Added 'any' to search results query when post type are not specified * Dev - Improved uninstall hook to avoid deleting data when both PRO and Free versions installed * Dev - Made [fe_widget] shortcode available in Free version also * Bug - Added suppress_filters=true to querySets to avoid conflict with Avada Builder product ordering * Fix - Fixed JS error with reading of undefined 'wpcHandler' * Fix - Removed 'flrt_fix_elementor_query_args' fix * Fix - Fixed compatibility issue with Divi theme * Tweak - Added hook 'post_type_archive_title' to replace H1 titles * Tweak - Added option to hide Woocommerce dropdown in Experimental options * Tweak - Reduced Select2 dropdowns height on desktops * Tweak - Added preview link to the location field = 1.2.3 = *Release Date - 18 August 2021* * Fix - Hotfix for filtering by ACF fields * Dev - Added variable products for filtering support * Fix - Resolved problem with 'include_children' query param * Dev - Added debugging messages to the Filters widget to make it configuring more clear. * Fix - Fixed problem with Select2 dropdowns width after resizing window * Fix - Added wrappers for filter query and hidden queries fields to avoid problems with the jQuery find method. * Fix - Fixed problem with SEO plugins in Multisite mode * Fix - Add correct comparison of decimal values for PostMetaNum Filter. * Tweak - Added Filter label to a chip title. * Tweak - Added explanation message to the AJAX option checkbox * Tweak - Added widget titles for widget in Elementor = 1.2.1 = *Release Date - 28 June 2021* * Fix - Fixed critical error with Hierarchical view for Taxonomy filters * Tweak - Reduced Filters widget terms height * Fix - Fixed CSS problem with selected terms for Filters with enabled folding * Fix - Added checking of existing function 'wc_get_default_products_per_row' = 1.2.0 = *Release Date - 22 June 2021* * Fix - Replaced $_POST param name 'link' with 'flrt_ajax_link' to avoid conflicts * Fix - Replaced JS cookie function names with 'wpc' prefix to avoid conflicts * Fix - Removed annoying message "An error occurred while searching for the WP Queries..." and improved appropriate functionality. * Dev - Changed format for the Location field to avoid problems with disabled 'sanitize_title' hook. * Dev - Added Chips widget * Dev - Added tooltip feature * Dev - Added sorting terms by Menu order for WooCommerce attributes * Fix - Fixed bug with permalinks settings for situation when the first Filter is created = 1.1.23 = *Release Date - 14 June 2021* * Dev - Added support of SEO Rules for singular pages. * Fix - Fixed problem with SEO Rules query to avoid potential conflicts with other queries. * Bug - Fixed bug with missing container for SEO text on a page. = 1.1.22 = *Release Date - 11 June 2021* * Fix - Fixed problem with WP_Query, that may interfere with other queries on some WP sites * Fix - Fixed problem with 3d party sanitize_title hooks before receive a Filter Set from DB. * Fix - Returned normal Select2 script handle due to fixed WooCommerce bug in 5.4.0 * Fix - Resolved problem with AJAX queries and WPML plugin with specific language settings. * Tweak - Added alphabetical sorting for the Location terms dropdown. = 1.1.21 = *Release Date - 10 June 2021* * Fix - Hotfix for Post meta filters = 1.1.2 = *Release Date - 09 June 2021* * Dev - Implemented compatibility with WPML plugin and ability to translate Filter Sets, SEO Rules in different languages. * Dev - Improved URL prefix characters sanitizing, validation, description * Bug - Fixed problem with new WooCommerce 5.4.0 and Select2 dropdowns * Bug - Fixed problem with loading WP Queries and disappearing its dropdown * Tweak - Improved the excluding unused Post types * Tweak - Improved translation strings = 1.1.1 = *Release Date - 03 June 2021* * Bug - Meta tag "robots" disappeared on filtering pages. * Dev - Added compatibility with Yoast SEO, All in One SEO, Rank Math SEO, The SEO Framework, SEOPress and Squirrly SEO plugins * Fix - CSS issue with padding-right for labels * Fix - Initiated Select2 dropdowns after collapsed filter opened. * Dev - Improved Popular Meta Keys list design = 1.1.0 = *Release Date - 01 June 2021* * Dev - Redesigned functionality of the Location filter field. Now filters can be added to almost any WordPress page including single pages. * Dev - Added the ability to select the WP Query to be filtered. This way you can now filter any posts grid on any page created with any Page builders (Tested with Elementor, Divi builder, Themify builder). * Dev - Added support for multiple Filter Sets on one page and the ability to filter different post types on one page simultaneously. * Dev - Added shortcodes to display filter widget, selected filters (chips) and widget open button: [fe_widget], [fe_chips], [fe_open_button] * Dev - Added the experimental option to turn off the automatic display of widget opening buttons for the ability to place their shortcodes in the needed places. * Fix - Resolved conflicts with popular SEO plugins on filtering pages. * Fix - Fixed the bug with incorrect display of the Pop-up filter widget on some WordPress themes. * Fix - Fixed minor bugs. = 1.0.91 = *Release Date - 24 May 2021* * Fix - Bug with the search field of Select2 dropdown on Android devices. Temporary hide the search field. * Fix - Changed logic to hide Custom Field Num filter if it has no posts with specified custom field. = 1.0.9 = *Release Date - 21 May 2021* * Fix - Replaced '.widget_wpc_filters_widget' with '.wpc-filters-widget-main-wrapper' in CSS to avoid problems with widgets in Elementor * Fix - Removed 'esc_textarea()' before saving the SEO Rule Description to avoid problems with HTML. * Tweak - Added 'the_content' filters to the SEO Rule Description to format it like post text * Dev - Changed 'SeoFrontend::archiveDescription()' method and wrapped seoText with its container * Dev - Handled situation, when the seoText container is outside from the posts container * Dev - Removed hooks for wp_footer and wp_header * Fix - Added checking if unserialized meta value is not array * Fix - Added ability to hide empty filter for Custom Meta Num filter = 1.0.8 = *Release Date - 05 May 2021* * Bug - Fixed bug with undefined function 'wpc_print_filters_for' * Tweak - Added condition to check if page is 'allowed_filter_page' to include frontend JS and CSS * Bug - Replaced 'wpc_force_non_unique_slug' with 'flrt_force_non_unique_slug' * Tweak - Replaced '×' symbol with its HTML code to avoid annoying problem, when it disappears.
⭐另请参考: Collection of Codecanyon plugin Premium updated daily
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