FacetWP v3.9.6 (+Addons) – Advanced Filtering And Faceted Search Plugin For WordPress

最后更新于:2022-03-29 00:02:09


FacetWP is a high-quality WordPress tool that allows you to add personalized searches to your e-commerce sites, resource galleries, and more. It comes with settings that only show custom values.

The FacetWP WordPress plugin comes with 11 predefined search types, including dropdowns, date ranges, checkboxes, sliders, and even near geolocation.

演示: https://facetwp.com/

Features FacetWP – Advanced Filtering and Faceted Search Plugin for WordPress

  • Smart Filtering: Users find what they’re looking for faster because only relevant filtering choices are displayed. This leads to feeling better customers and increased sales.
  • Using your existing data: Aspects using your site’s existing post types, custom fields, and taxonomies. FacetWP also automatically works on your existing archive pages.
  • Lightning fast: FacetWP is ajax-based, so filtering is quick and no page refresh is required. The plugin also uses the index table for added speed.
  • Works with most themes: Add facets anywhere on your page using shortcodes or PHP. Other built-in features (paging, sorting, user selection) are also just shortcodes.
  • Lots of facet types: FacetWP includes multiple facet types, including checkboxes, dropdowns, date ranges, sliders, and even proximity (geolocation).
  • Developer Friendly: Developers can take advantage of the plugin’s many hooks for a high degree of customization.

变更日志 FacetWP – Advanced Filtering Plugin For WordPress Nulled Free

v3.9.6 - Feb 15, 2022
ImprovedValue modifiers setting - automatically handle encoded characters (e.g. "&")
ImprovedFSelect - cleaned up styling, removed troublesome "!important" CSS properties
FixedWooCommerce - translation support for static strings (On Sale, In Stock, etc)
FixedAuto-ignore the "GDPR Cookie Consent" plugin's post type

v3.9.5 - Feb 1, 2022
FixedIgnore WP 5.9 internal post types (wp_global_styles, etc)
FixedDropdown - only indent choices when "Hierarchical" setting is enabled
FixedUser selections - choices for inherited UI types not displaying correctly

v3.9.4 - Jan 12, 2021
Fixed FSelect counts duplicating during paging

v3.9.2 - Dec 2, 2021
NewAdded `facetwp_facet_autocomplete_limit` hook to control max results
NewAdded "Comment count" as a sort option (layout builder and sort facets)
ImprovedMoved some layout builder CSS into `front.css` for easier overriding
ImprovedBetter instruction text for the query builder's "value" box
ImprovedCheckbox facets - show the "Soft limit" setting only when "Hierarchial" is off
FixedProximity facet "Source other" setting (props Jenny)

v3.9.1 - Nov 2, 2021
FixedPHP "null coalescing operator" error for sites running PHP 5
FixedPHP "undefined index" warning for the sort facet

v3.9 - Oct 19, 2021
Newsort facets! Create your own sort boxes from within the admin UI
Newinheritable facets! Facet types can now inherit the UI from other facet types. Range List is the first add-on to incorporate this feature, letting you choose whether to display a dropdown, checkboxes, radio, etc.
Newfacet field registration (more info coming in 4.0)
Improvedsmarter "re-index" notifier, now ignores non-indexable facets (search, pager, etc)
Improvedsimplified the internal `get_svg` method
Improvedremoved unnecessary Vue dependencies, updated libs
Improvedtweaked admin UI font sizes, other styles
Improvedupdated admin labels and tooltips for more clarity
Improvedhide the data source "ACF" header if no ACF fields exist
Improvedsearch facet - set autocomplete = "off"
FixedfUtil - return empty results when the selector is an empty string (jQuery parity)

v3.8.12 - Sept 17, 2021
SearchWP - faster speed by loading only necessary data (props Remco)
SearchWP - support additional args passed into SWP_Query (post_type, post_status, meta_query, etc)
A11y - added ARIA support for fSelect facets
Layout builder - add row count class (r1, r2, etc) to the `.fwpl-result` element
fUtil - `.prev`, `.next`, `.find` and `closest` methods now support multiple selectors
the above fUtil change fixes previously-broken Conditional Logic actions

August 30, 2021
smarter slider range (now dynamically adjusts even with selected values)
slider pageload quirks (more info)

v3.8.10 - August 20, 2021
Fixed WooCommerce - some choices weren't showing for variation-based facets in "OR" mode

v3.8.9 - August 9, 2021
Improved use wp_date() instead of DateTime->format() for i18n
Improved 3 new pager "Result counts" tags: [page], [per_page] and [total_pages]
Improved prevent pager / per page / sort values from getting stored in FWP.facets JS object

v3.8.8 - July 9, 2021
Important 3.8 is a MAJOR REWRITE. Please test first on a staging site!
Fixed move indexing to init:1000 to allow sufficient time for post type / taxonomy registration
Fixed radio facets - force in "OR" mode (props Kari S.)
Fixed date picker - edge case offset issue (props Lucas T.)
Fixed MS Edge requires JS catch(err) instead of catch (props George H.)
Updated Norwegian translations (props Johan F.)

v3.8.7 - June 29, 2021
Important 3.8 is a MAJOR REWRITE. Please test first on a staging site!
Improved removed need for float: right CSS on Star Rating facets
Improved indexer - ensure that post_author user exists
Improved fetch API - include term_id in the response

v3.8.6 - May 25, 2021
Important 3.8 is a MAJOR REWRITE. Please test first on a staging site!
Fixed issue caused from 3.8.5 script versioning change

= v3.8.4 - May 6, 2021 =
Important 3.8 is a MAJOR REWRITE. Please test first on a staging site!
Improved $params['place_details'] is now available when indexing ACF Google Map fields
Improved A11y - support Hierarchy fields
Improved Slider facet - the "Compare type" UI setting is now always available
Fixed Autocomplete facet - timing issues with some CSS-based templates
Fixed Gutenberg (10.5.0) - ignore the wp_template post type

= v3.8.3 - April 22, 2021 =
Important 3.8 is a MAJOR REWRITE. Please test first on a staging site!
Improved more tooltip info for the slider facet's "Format" setting
Fixed fully reset the indexer when purging the index table
Fixed Dropdown - restore support for jQuery-based enhancement libs (select2, chosen, etc)
Fixed PHP notice caused by the "load_jquery" setting
Fixed updated vue-select.js to resolve scrolling issues

= v3.8.2 - April 6, 2021 =
Important 3.8 is a MAJOR REWRITE. Please test first on a staging site!
Improved fUtil.js - enable event bubbling by default
Improved fComplete.js - automatically close after selection
Improved API - fetch method accepts "application/json" (docs updated)
Improved use jQuery if available for document.ready, sort, and per-page boxes (back compat)
Improved cache FWP_Helper->get_term_depths()
Improved fSelect.js - trigger native JS "change" event
Fixed fSelect.js - preserve existing class names
Fixed fSelect.js - restore "fs-open" class when open
Fixed restored "Go" button for autocomplete facets
Fixed JS error for "user selections" when no results
Fixed JS error within accessibility.js
Updated package.json

= v3.8.1 =
March 19, 2021
Important 3.8 is a MAJOR REWRITE. Please test first on a staging site!
Fixed better JSON error handling (due to 3rd party output buffering issues)
Fixed better support for 3rd party caching and script deferring (i.e. Autoptimize)
Fixed restored the facetwp/ajax_settings JS hook

= 3.8.0.x =
March 17, 2021
Fixed changed init hook priority from 10 to 20, some post types (i.e. Pods) were not indexing
Fixed load more button
Fixed hierarchical checkbox "expand" buttons

= v3.7.4 - February 18, 2021 =
Fixed date picker issue with soft refresh
Fixed fSelect remained open unnecessarily in some cases
Fixed SearchWP - get_search_query() wasn't showing the keywords in some cases
Fixed tweaked logic for detecting the currently active facet

= v3.7.3 =
February 2, 2021
Fixed date picker - date selection was 1 day off (for certain timezones)
Fixed fSelect - keyboard issue when making an initial selection

= v3.7.2 =
January 26, 2021
Fixed date picker - console error due to invalid selector (some browsers)
Fixed date picker - the initial month didn't take min/max ranges into account

= v3.7.1 - January 18, 2021 =
New brand new JS date picker! (custom built)
New preparing codebase for the eventual decoupling from jQuery (phase 1 of 3)
Improved code cleanup, removed lots of duplicate filtering code
Improved "per page" box - omit the dropdown placeholder if the "Default label" setting is empty
Improved fSelect - use strict mode when checking for matches
Improved rewrote nummy.js helper lib
Fixed SearchWP - handle the rare case when get( 's' ) is boolean FALSE
Fixed user selections box - ignore pager facets
Updated noUiSlider

= v3.7 - December 22, 2020 =
Important If using SearchWP, updating to v4 is strongly recommended
New facetwp_preload_force_query hook to force FacetWP to modify archive queries
Improved rewrite of SearchWP integration (supports highlighting, excerpts, custom sorting, etc)
Improved smarter date range facets (the available range is content-dependent)
Improved code cleanup
Fixed issue indexing WooCommerce variation attributes
Fixed set the correct "Per page" value on pageload
Fixed when a selected facet choice is filtered out, remove its "User selections" value
Updated translations

= v3.6.10 - December 8, 2020 =
- removed duplicate indexer hook to prevent PHP notices

= v3.6.9 - December 2, 2020 =
indexer improperly doing full re-index on post save

= v3.6.8 - December 2, 2020 =
WP-CLI integration!
added "acf-field" and "acf-field-group" to the query detection blacklist
fSelect - keep dropdown open when using multiselect
FacetWP sort when used on WooCommerce archive pages
trim slugs over 50 characters (instead of automatically hashing)

= v3.6.7 =
support multiple copies of a facet on a page
simplified indexing of WooCommerce variation attributes
set lang => '' on get_terms() for better multilangual support
close active PHP sessions during indexing to prevent progress bar stalling
the "No results found" string should be in the "fwp-front" textdomain
ignore all EDD hidden fields from the "Data source" dropdown

⭐另请参考: Collection of WordPress plugins updated daily on FreeWP

List of FacetWP Addons – Advanced Filtering Plugin For WordPress

  1. FacetWP – Recipes integration v0.4.2
  2. FacetWP – Elementor v1.6.6
  3. FacetWP – Flyout menu 0.7
  4. FacetWP – Alpha v1.3.5
  5. FacetWP – Beaver Builder v1.4
  6. FacetWP – Cache v1.6.1
  7. FacetWP – Color v1.5.3
  8. FacetWP – Conditional Logic v1.4.1
  9. FacetWP – Flatsome integration v0.4.5
  10. FacetWP – Hierarchy Select v0.4.3
  11. FacetWP – Multilingual support v1.0.0
  12. FacetWP – Map Facet v0.9.3
  13. FacetWP – Pods integration v1.2.2
  14. FacetWP – Range List v0.7
  15. FacetWP – Relevanssi integration 0.7.2
  16. FacetWP – Time Since v1.6.5

下载 FacetWP v3.9.6 + Addons – Advanced Filtering Plugin For WordPress:

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