IThemes BackupBuddy WordPress Plugin v8.7.4.1
最后更新于:2022-03-29 01:44:15
IThemes BackupBuddy is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create a backup and restore a website while transferring to a new domain or server. A great variety of functions, as well as one-click backup and restore!
A good backup plan employing a dependable WordPress backup plugin like BackupBuddy is required for your WordPress site.
Because WordPress lacks built-in backups, the iThemes team designed BackupBuddy to address the demand for a dependable backup solution. If you get a server problem, you might not even be able to access your backup.
Hacks, malware, user mistakes, destroyed files, and failed command execution are all examples of WordPress security vulnerabilities. All of them have the potential to severely damage your WordPress site.
It is critical to have a current backup of your WordPress site in order to secure it. BackupBuddy was designed to be a strong tool.
⭐另请参考: Collection of WordPress plugins updated daily on FreeWP
Features BackupBuddy | WordPress Backup Plugin by iThemes

- Backup your whole WordPress site (database + all WP documents).
- Reestablish your WordPress site rapidly and effectively from backup.
- Customize backup content
- 下载able Backup Zip File
- BackupBuddy offers a programmed WordPress backup plan (hourly, twice every day, day by day, day by day, fortnightly, week by week, month to month and then some).
- Automatically send your backup documents to a few distant WordPress backup stockpiling areas including BackupBuddy Stash, Amazon S3, Google Drive, Dropbox…
- Know instantly when BackupBuddy closes so you can generally be certain you have a current and helpful backup of your site
- BackupBuddy includes an instrument called ImportBuddy to reestablish your WordPress site to a past backup if something turns out badly.
变更日志 IThemes BackupBuddy WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
v8.7.4.1 - 2022-03-11 Bug Fix: Fixing TLS version for Dropbox v3 from 1.0 to 1.2 min, required by Dropbox v8.7.4.0 - 2021-07-21 Bug Fix: Dropbox v3 authentication SDK fix v8.7.3.0 - 2021-06-24 Bug Fix: PHP 8 Compat fix for import buddy = v8.7.2.0 - 2020-12-22 = Bug Fix: Actually reverted Composer dependency updates due to PHP compatibility. v8.7.1.0 - 2020-12-22 Bug Fix: Reverted Composer dependency updates due to PHP compatibility. v8.7.0.0 - 2020-12-22 Enhancement: Added PHP 8 Support. Enhancement: Added WordPress 5.6 Support. Enhancement: Updated package dependencies. Bug Fix: Various minor fixes to Stash2 and S3v3 Destinations. = v8.6.2.0 = - Bug Fix: Improvements to Restore including a bug fix that resolves looping over the same step. - Bug Fix: Added Restore support for db_1.sql where database backup is stored in a single file. - Bug Fix: Dropbox CURL Backwards compatibility fix. - Bug Fix: Fix issue where dat file fails to send on S3 destinations, thus triggering failure email. v8.6.1.0 - 2020-08-12 Enhancement: Updated Updater - Includes Support for WordPress Automatic Updates. v8.6.0.0 - 2020-07-15 Bug Fix: Resolved issues with Dropbox sends where later versions of cURL being used. Bug Fix: Resolved .dat file sends for multipart transfers. Bug Fix: Resolved error when incorrect offset is returned by Dropbox. Bug Fix: Better handling of getMetadata in Dropbox SDK for file_exists checks. Enhancement: Display cURL version information in Diagnostics > Server. Enhancement: Adjusted "Deleted X file(s)" text to be easier to read. v8.5.9.0 - 2020-07-06 Bug Fix: Resolved issue of incorrect path to JS file. v8.5.8.0 - 2020-07-06 Enhancement: In Dashboard Restore Support for Microsoft OneDrive Destination. Enhancement: Browse/Select sFTP Remote Path. Enhancement: Better UI for Destinations/Remote File Listings (no more 4000px high iframe). Enhancement: Automatically exclude restore folders from backups. Enhancement: Notification and auto-cleanup of unused .dat files in remote destinations. Enhancement: Provide basic "Remote" status for remote backups in Backup Details dialog. Enhancement: Quick Setup Wizard now defaults to BackupBuddy Stash (v3). Enhancement: Utilizing BackupBuddy internal Modal library for some Alerts, Prompts and Javascript Confirms. Bug Fix: Resolved Dropbox v3 chunking issue. Bug Fix: Updated BackupBuddy logo to use SVG instead of Text/Font. Bug Fix: Resolved issue when deleting a destination, a "0" is displayed. Bug Fix: Better handling of Restore aborts to be more reliable. Bug Fix: Database string/replace fix when traversing objects. Bug Fix: Resolved conflicts when using Google Drive v1/v2 Destinations side-by-side. Bug Fix: Resolved issue where local backup archive limits were not being honored. Bug Fix: Prevent .dat files from being sent to remote destinations unless backup .zip file is sent successfully. Bug Fix: Better handling of .dat file deletion to keep remote destinations clean and happy. v8.5.7.0 - 2020-04-24 Bug Fix: Resolved issue with Dropbox (v2) Pruning. Bug Fix: Corrected typo in error message so it's clearer. v8.5.6.0 - 2020-04-22 Enhancement: New Google Drive (v2) Destination, supports latest API, OAuth2 and Restore functionality. Bug Fix: Added better restore reliability for instances where it never starts. Bug Fix: Backup .dat files now move with the Backups Directory setting change. Bug Fix: Date only backups no longer display incorrect time (12:00a). Bug Fix: Resolved issue where zip extraction throws zipbuddy related error. Bug Fix: Various fixes to Dropbox (v3) archive limits. Bug Fix: Resolved issue where sometimes Deployment Pull throws errors. Bug Fix: Resolved fatal error on Diagnostics > Cron when arguments contain object as a parameter. Bug Fix: Resolved issue with sFTP Destination and Pear/Blowfish library. Bug Fix: Resolved issue where Destination ID "0" was not loading backups on Restore tab. v8.5.5.0 - 2020-03-19 Enhancement: New Dropbox (v3) Destination, supports latest API endpoints, OAuth2 and Restore functionality. Enhancement: Updated sFTP Destination to include Restore support. Enhancement: Updated FTP Destination to include Restore support. Enhancement: Various improvements to Restore functionality. Bug Fix: Resolved issue where OneDrive sometimes results in 503 Error when sending files. Bug Fix: PHP 7.4 Compatibility fixes. v8.5.4.0 - 2020-03-09 Bug Fix: Fixed incorrect service URLs for S3 Bucket Regions. Bug Fix: Resolved issue where BackupBuddy pages lock up related to admin notices.
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