UpdraftPlus Premium v2.22.11.25 – Premium WordPress Backup Plugin

最后更新于:2022-03-29 01:47:01


UpdraftPlus Premium is the most trusted WordPress backup plugin in the world. Your website is vulnerable to things like hacks, server issues, faulty updates, and user errors.

That’s why you should use UpdraftPlus, a highly rated and most popular WordPress backup plugin.

演示: https://updraftplus.com/shop/updraftplus-premium/

Features UpdraftPlus Premium – WordPress Backup Plugin

  • The highest rated backup and restore plugin at wordpress.org (4.8 stars out of 5.0) and ranked in the top 30 (out of 50,000) WordPress plugins in terms of popularity.
  • Designed to run anywhere WordPress runs
  • Multi-site compatible (i.e. WPMU/WordPress Network).
  • Proven to backup 100GB websites; file size limited only by web server.
  • Unlimited backup of non-WordPress files and external databases.
  • Support WP-CLI
  • Cumulative backups can be set to an hourly schedule of your choice
  • Backup and Restore WordPress Plugin
Features UpdraftPlus Premium

变更日志 UpdraftPlus – Premium WordPress Backup Plugin nulled free

= v1.22.11 - 15/Mar/2022 =
* FIX: Internal S3 library did not correctly construct canonical query string with v4 signatures if there were multiple parameters, leading to wrong signatures and failed authorisation
* FIX: Fix a recent regression that caused DNS hostnames to not be preferred when using Amazon S3
* TWEAK: Prevent deprecation notice on PHP 8.1 if opening a zero-size zip file
* TWEAK: Introduce filter updraftplus_dropbox_fetch_curl_options for easier debugging/experimentation

= v1.22.10 - 11/Mar/2022 =
* FIX: Fix a regression in the 1.22.9 adjustment to the internal S3 library's evaluation of when to use a Host: header
* FIX: Fix a long-standing issue whereby if S3-related credentials were being tested via the front-end UI, and multiple back-end instances were present, then the wrong settings could be used in making decisions on Host: headers

v1.22.9 - 10/Mar/2022
SECURITY: Fixed a failure to sanitise printed URLs properly, leading to a targetted XSS opportunity (if an attacker persuades a logged-in admin to follow a link personally crafted for their site, he may be able to run JavaScript inside the browser - but on our testing, this ability is limited due to the sanitisation that was there - we have not been able to confirm that a payload causing damage is possible). Reported by Taurus Omar - https://taurusomar.com.
TWEAK: Adjust internal S3 library's evaluation of when to use a Host: header (improves compatibility with buckets with minimal access rules)
TWEAK: Adjust algorithm concerning likelihood of switching S3 libraries to accelerate deployment
TWEAK: Prevent PHP notice when using S3 with particular bucket naming and SSL

= v1.22.8 - 03/Mar/2022 =
* FIX: Do not attempt to use S3 DNS-style bucket naming in alternative library if SSL validation will fail due to AWS certificate wildcard policies or other bucket naming-related reasons
* TWEAK: Add version number to alternative S3 library requests

= v1.22.7 - 01/Mar/2022 =
* FIX: Internal S3 library was missing a method for using session tokens together with Vault
* FIX: Various UI issues with the S3 IAM Wizard
* TWEAK: Use AWS SDK/Guzzle for S3 operations if Curl is not available
* TWEAK: Prevent coding deprecation notice during S3 upload on PHP 8.1

= v1.22.6 - 26/Feb/2022 =
* FIX: Internal S3 library had regressed in its ability to detect bucket location on AWS when using v4 signatures
* TWEAK: When using S3 APIs, log the class used for easier debugging
* TWEAK: Change S3 SDK selection algorithm

= v1.22.5 - 24/Feb/2022 =
* FIX: An issue that prevented being able to browse the contents of an already downloaded backup zip file
* FIX: Add previously unbundled AWS SDK file for IAM service description which prevented S3 wizard in the Premium version working correctly
* FIX: Prevent a fatal error when handling some S3 errors, caused by a format change
* TWEAK: When loading AWS SDK at upload time, apply some work-arounds for plugins with buggy or old versions of related libraries
* TWEAK: Update to latest AWS SDK toolkit, fixing an error with error-reporting in some situations in the previous version
* TWEAK: Remove vendor/aws/aws-crt-php/run_tests.bat from build (apparently one user's hosting does not allow .bat files), plus other unnecessary files from that package
* TWEAK: Enable PHP 8.1 in UpdraftClone (N.B. not yet officially supported by WordPress, so, made available for testing/development purposes)
* TWEAK: Prevent error emitted on the browser console when 'Images' filter is selected on UpdraftCentral's media module

= v1.22.4 - 17/Feb/2022 =
* TWEAK: Prevent a couple of possible fatal errors when printing autobackup options on PHP 8
* TWEAK: Work around a bug in the JetPack autoloader that was triggered when projects using that also used Guzzle in a different namespace

= v1.22.3 - 15/Feb/2022 =
* FIX: Unexpected 'Backup History' array structure during the rescanning of the new backup sets that changed the type of the database associative keys from string to array format
* FIX: Failure in excluding and wiping out jobdata during backup and restore causing the same backup to repeat under certain circumstances
* REFACTOR: Upgrade AWS SDK from version 2.8 to 3
* TWEAK: Improve how log file and backup file attachments are handled through mail-related functions, so they don't get omitted by some 3rd party SMTP plugins
* TWEAK: Overcome PHP 8 'Only the first byte will be assigned to the string offset' warning when rescanning local folder and/or remote storage for new backup sets
* TWEAK: On Windows, when mysqldump.exe binary is in use for backing up database, it failed to exclude updraft_jobdata_* entries due to 'escapeshellarg' function that replaces % char to white space
* TWEAK: Switch to official jstree release now that our patch is included
* TWEAK: Update updater library in paid version to current release
* TWEAK: In the multisite add-on, store the last log message separately to perform better with binary logging together with large backups
* TWEAK: Add Google branding to the Google Drive authentication link
* TWEAK: Change complex formatting string to avoid translator errors resulting in PHP errors

= v1.22.1 - 14/Jan/2022 =
* TWEAK: New versionning scheme; the second part of the version number was previously not used very meaningfully/systematically; together with the third, it now indicates the year of release and number within that year
* TWEAK: Adjust run-time performance check, removing one test that was no longer appropriate
* TWEAK: In the multisite add-on, store the last log message separately to perform better with binary logging together with large backups
* TWEAK: Adjust next resumption display message if there isn't one
* TWEAK: Cache the UpdraftVault quota to reduce the amount of network calls made during long backups

= v1.16.67 - 27/Dec/2021 =
* FIX: A bug that prevented a final resumption from attempting to split the zip to make progress
* FIX: Handle LOCK TABLES statements produced by some mysqldump versions properly in case of atomic restores
* SECURITY: Fix a non-persistent XSS error allowing an attacker to once run JavaScript in your web browser if you clicked on a link crafted personally for you whilst logged into your site (very similar to that fixed in 1.16.65/6)
* TWEAK: Search and replace ABSPATH if it's changed, non-trivial and stored in the DB by a bad plugin/theme
* TWEAK: Make whole label for "UpdraftPlus temporary clone user login settings" clickable
* TWEAK: Change wording for an advanced tool for clarity
* TWEAK: Include UD in user agent for S3 calls when using the AWS SDKs
* TWEAK: Make sure WP_Error is passed up during specific plugin update failure case

v1.16.66 - 29/Nov/2021
SECURITY: The fix made in 1.16.65 was faulty; this release corrects it.

= v1.16.65 - 25/Nov/2021 =
* SECURITY: Fix a non-persistent XSS error allowing an attacker to once run JavaScript in your web browser if you clicked on a link crafted personally for your site whilst logged into it. Discovered by Cryptotipit.
* TWEAK: Premium - add review link at bottom of admin

v1.16.64 - 24/Nov/2021
FIX: Do not create a zip manifest file if the zip is still potentially incomplete
TWEAK: Improve Dropbox downloading performance by reducing round-trips, by eliminating unnecessary chunking
TWEAK: Update certificate store to current list
TWEAK: Increase precision of previous check-in record in log

= v1.12.35 - 03/Mar/2017 =
* FIX: Fix an issue causing corruption of interrupted Dropbox backups. All Dropbox users are recommended to update asap.
* TWEAK: Fix a regression that prevented information about a faulty WP scheduler from being shown in recent releases (incomplete fix in 1.12.34)
* TWEAK: submit_button() needs to be available (possible UpdraftCentral fatal when requesting filesystem creds)
* TWEAK: Remove an ES5 JavaScript construct (incompatible with some old browsers)
* TWEAK: Fix incorrect variable name in routine that triggered WP automatic update check
* TWEAK: Fix a logic error whereby if Google Drive and Google Cloud were both in use and partially set up, a notice about completing the setup of Cloud could fail to show

= v1.16.62 - 30/Sep/2021 =
* FIX: Fix UpdraftCentral error when installing plugin or theme on a slow connection
* TWEAK: Support wildcard (asterisk char) exclusions not just for the first/top-level directory but also for the 2nd level directories and below
* TWEAK: Fix deprecation warning on UpdraftCentral's comment settings
* TWEAK: Algorithm improvement with small tables with individually large rows not triggering the existing over-sized rows algorithm, to reduce fetch size quicker
* TWEAK: Implement the newly abstracted host plugin usage/process within the UpdraftCentral client code
* TWEAK: Improve backtrace logging
* TWEAK: Add admin and log warning messages regarding the planned shutdown of Microsoft Azure and OneDrive Germany
* TWEAK: Output UpdraftVault quota recount link if needed
* TWEAK: Introduce constant: UPDRAFTPLUS_LOG_BACKUP_SELECTS: Defining this to true will cause the SQL SELECT commands used when fetching data for a database table backup to be logged in the UpdraftPlus backup log
* TWEAK: Don't change SQL modes if a null value is returned
* TWEAK: Existing backups paging logic to avoid a confusing rescan user experience

v2.16.61.25 - 28/Aug/2021
FIX: If MySQL performance was very fast on large tables, and if fallback fetch mode was being used (which should not occur on any WordPress core table, but can be triggered on recent Oracle MySQL 8.0 versions), then when increasing rows fetched on large tables, some rows could be unintentionally skipped.
TWEAK: Oracle MySQL 8.0 from somewhere after 8.0.17 has removed the display width from the response to SHOW CREATE TABLE, resulting in failure (prior to this tweak) to detect a primary key type that can be used with faster fetching
TWEAK: Use 'wp_mail_failed' action hook to improve logging of email delivery failures caused by a PHPMailer exception
TWEAK: Add additional log information to themes and plugins modules

= v2.16.60.25 - 23/Aug/2021 =
* TWEAK: Add method to check whether an image editor is available for UpdraftCentral's image media editing feature.
* TWEAK: In the reporting add-on accept URLs, if the address is a URL then instead of emailing it, POST it to that URL using the format used by Slack
* TWEAK: Add a link to the create clone UI to explain the various clone package sizes
* TWEAK: Record ABSPATH in the summary
* TWEAK: Prevent a couple of unwanted logging notices on PHP 8
* FIX: An issue that prevented the more files restore UI appearing if it was part of an incremental backup
* FIX: Add an extra check to prevent incremental backups from being run after a migration, if incremental backups are not enabled.

v2.16.59.25 - 16/Jul/2021
FIX: Each time the 'Upload Backup' dialog is opened, '(already uploaded)' text is appended one more time for the same remote storage resulting in it being nearly impossible to have the two buttons shown at the bottom
FEATURE: (Paid versions) New WP-CLI command (connect) to connect plugin with the user's associated account/licence on updraftplus.com
TWEAK: Enhanced over-sized row-detection to include any table with a primary key and a LONGTEXT
TWEAK: Log file now includes max packet size
TWEAK: Properly handle port numbers included in DB_HOST when using mysqldump
TWEAK: Handle UNIX socket paths included in DB_HOST when using mysqldump
TWEAK: Increase default mysqldump maximum packet size
TWEAK: Change WebDAV request library to HTTP_Request2
TWEAK: Add custom category sorting on post module using uasort due to deprecation warning emitted on UpdraftCentral
TWEAK: Added an icon within the top-right of the log widget allowing user to toggle that part between its current size and full-screen of the restoration log section
TWEAK: Prevent an error in the phpinfo advanced tool when handling non-string constants
TWEAK: Escape remote storage IDs in output templates
TWEAK: Suppress unwanted error logging related to Gravity Forms
TWEAK: Clear Elementor cache at the end of restoration process (if possible) giving an opportunity for Elementor to regenerate CSS files on the next page load request
TWEAK: Clear Avada/Fusion-related CSS cache at the end of restoration process (if relevant)
TWEAK: Catch and recover from errors and exceptions when clearing third-party caches
TWEAK: Prevent a PHP logging notice when an SCP server is scanned for files
TWEAK: Remove unused CloudFront methods from S3 library
TWEAK: Added missing anonymisation.png graphic and detail of Anonymisation addon in the addons list table
TWEAK: Added Update URI header field to avoid accidentally being overwritten with an update of a plugin of a similar name from the WordPress.org Plugin Directory.
TWEAK: Improvements in finding a working mysqldump binary during a backup operation
TWEAK: Start on larger chunk sizes when fetching *meta table contents, and scale up chunk sizes on all tables dynamically (less SQL queries; but testing shows it makes little difference to overall speed)
TWEAK: Adjust Google Drive to retry once after a UDP_Google_IO_Exception, as was done in Google Cloud - intended to help with intermittently buggy Curl versions
TWEAK: Show a notice when attempting to download a backup from email remote storage explaining nothing can be downloaded

v2.16.58 - 27/May/2021
FIX: UpdraftVault storage settings saving issue on multisite
FIX: Translation undefined index issue while running updates on UpdraftCentral
FIX: Do not retain SFTP/SCP connection object between upload and prune stages, fixing a multi-instance bug that could cause deleting of obsolete archives to be skipped when backing up the same backup to multiple SCP servers
TWEAK: When a link points to an unreadable file, include information in the log about the original reference
TWEAK: Do not compress and recompress intermediate table files when stitching together the final database dump (increases speed and reduces resource usage)

= v2.16.57 - 08/May/2021 =
FIX: Backblaze infinite loop when listing on buckets with huge numbers of objects
TWEAK: Minor improvements to the organisation of the S3-provider classes (abstract per-backend logic more cleanly)
TWEAK: Add --no-tablespaces switch to mysqldump invocation (required on MySQL 8.0+)

= v2.16.56 - 29/Apr/2021 =
FIX: Revert changing of Amazon S3 authentication error handling in 1.16.55, which broke support of S3-compatible providers

= v2.16.55 - 28/Apr/2021 =
FIX: Wrong prefix being used on non WP tables during an atomic restore
FIX: Issue that prevented generic (non-UpdraftPlus) SQL databases being restored
TWEAK: JSTree file selector: list folders first, and list entities in alphabetical order
TWEAK: Increase efficiency when listing Backblaze files during multi-delete operation
TWEAK: Integrate UpdraftVault storage with the scheduled destination backups feature
TWEAK: Added bucket access style field to S3-Compatible (Generic) to allow user to choose preferred access style (Path or Virtual-host)
TWEAK: Improve handling of Amazon S3 authentication error messages to avoid misunderstanding concerning "wrong bucket region" that occurs after trying further methods
TWEAK: Make modal dialogs resizable
TWEAK: During the Database scan if the amount of tables found exceeds the PHP max input vars limit then truncate the list, to prevent restore options being lost
TWEAK: Update seasonal notices
TWEAK: Track the amount of restore options being sent and warn the user if this exceeds the PHP max_input_vars limit

= v2.16.53.0 - 03/Apr/2021 =
FIX: Incorrect final table name being used during an atomic restore when restoring using a different table prefix
FIX: Fix variable re-use issue in Backblaze multi-delete code which halted deletion
TWEAK: Prevent unnecessary logging when testing data for serialization on PHP 8.0 during migration
TWEAK: Update jsTree library to version 3.3.12-rc0 to work around deprecated jQuery functions
TWEAK: Add an extra check for whether it looks reasonable to reduce the resumption time, increasing efficiency
TWEAK: On the posts table, detect over-sized rows in advance, and fetch them one at a time.

= v2.16.50.25 - 16/Mar/2021 =
TWEAK: Reduce and log memory usage in Google upload methods
TWEAK: Catch Dropbox HTTP 401 errors and refresh the access token
FIX: An issue with refreshing Dropbox access tokens

⭐另请参考: Collection of WordPress plugins updated daily on FreeWP

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