Support Board v3.4.7 – Chat And Help Desk | Support & Chat
最后更新于:2022-03-29 01:24:12
Support Board is a WordPress plugin that helps you automate communication with your customers using artificial intelligence-driven bots and a chat system integrated with the most used platforms.
Save time and use software you already know and love. Communicate directly with your customers in Slack. Connect to Dialogflow and use rich messages quickly.

Features Chat – Support Board – WordPress Chat Plugin
Smart Chat powered by Dialogflow and Slack
Automate customer communication with AI-driven bots and chat systems integrated with the most used platforms. Save time and use software you already know and love.
Slack integration
Communicate directly with your customers in Slack. Slack is an instant messaging platform for businesses. Built to help teams communicate better, it’s free and available on Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS.
Great chat
Enjoy our beautifully designed chat for a better user experience. Light and fast, the Support Board is a high-performance chat solution for businesses of all sizes. Try it now!
Modern administration area
Clean and modern admin interface for simplicity and productivity. Manage chats, users, and settings from one place – and set up your desktop and mobile admin areas with PWA.
WordPress Chat Integration
Using the Support Panel with WordPress. Automatically sync your users and structured data. In just a few minutes, without a single line of code, WordPress Chat is ready to use.
变更日志 Chat – Support Board – WordPress Chat Plugin
09/03/2022 | Support Board | v3.4.7 BugFixed bug related to sounds and notifications on mobile. BugFixed bug related to WordPress custom user roles. BugFixed bug related to email piping and UTF-8 chars. BugFixed bug related to user notifications when queue is active. BugFixed bug related to design automations. BugFixed bug related to the close chat button on mobile devices. New featureAdded the following newsletter integrations: HubSpot, Moosend, GetResponse, ConvertKit, ActiveCampaign. New featureNew automation types to set default department and agent for new conversations. New featureOption to run email piping via URL. OptimizationAdded queue compatibility for conversation generated by messaging apps. OptimizationOptimization of the yellow banner that alert when another agent is replying. OptimizationDirect and mass messages are now compatible with messaging apps, the message will be sent to the messaging apps as well. ApiNew PHP API function 'sb_messaging_platforms_send_message()'. 28/02/2022 | Support Board | v3.4.6 SecurityFixed a security bug that allowed anyone to read the secret token of users and admins and take control of the Support Board admin area if Pusher was active. Check your admin and agents account and settings area and make sure everything is as expected. This bug only affects Support Board installations that use the Miscellaneous > Pusher setting. BugFixed bug related to the admin area translation option. BugFixed bug related to rich messages inside the welcome message. BugFixed bug related to email notifications for conversations generated by external sources. New featureOption to mark a conversation as unread. 16/02/2022 | Support Board | v3.4.5 BugFixed bug related to the rich message submit and message updates. BugFixed bug related to the red counter notifications. BugFixed bug related to text message and email notifications for conversations from messaging apps. New featureOption to close the chat for both users and agents. 14/02/2022 | Support Board | v3.4.4 BugFixed bug related to fixed phone number country code. BugFixed bugs related to the chat design. BugFixed bug related to registration error messages. BugFixed bug related to messages not visible in chat if sent at the same time of other messages. OptimizationFile attachments are not deleted on message delete, conversation delete, or user delete. ApiDialogflow send message function parameters are now optional. ApiThe datetime attribute of the following PHP functions now accept also an ID: sb_get_new_users(), sb_get_new_conversations(), sb_get_new_messages(), sb_get_new_user_conversations(). ApiThe datetime attribute of the following WEB and JS AJAX functions now accept also an ID: get-new-users, get-new-conversations, get-new-messages, get-new-user-conversations. 31/01/2022 | Support Board | v3.4.3 New featureOn Support Board login, the user is automatically logged in WordPress as well if the users system is set to WordPress. New featureOption to create and login a WordPress user on Support Board user registration. New featureOption to paste a screenshot from the clipboard and send it as message. OptimizationImproved conversations search. OptimizationText markup for rich message texts. 19/01/2022 | Support Board | v3.4.2 SecurityImproved MySQL injection attacks protection. BugFixed bug related to time in 12h format. New featureAdded agents dashboard menu. OptimizationMobile app switch conversations and users by touch move right and left. OptimizationMobile app back button optimization. OptimizationMobile app message time design. OptimizationAgents notifications are now sent when the user send the user details via rich messages. OptimizationFallback profile picture if the generated one from the user name is broken. ApiRemoved first paramenter 'recipient_id' and parameter 'department' from the PHP API function 'sb_send_agents_notifications()'. 27/12/2021 | Support Board | v3.4.1 BugFixed bug related to rich messages placeholders design. BugFixed bug related to WordPress languages. BugFixed bug related to conversations started by agents. New featureAdded Grammarly support. New featureOption to select what webhooks to activate. New featureAdded Icelandic language. New featureOption to set a link for articles button. OptimizationSearch articles by pressing ENTER keyboard button. OptimizationMinor chat design optimization. ApiNew parameter 'agent' for the PHP API function 'sb_get_user_conversations()' and JS API AJAX function 'get-user-conversations'. 20/12/2021 | Support Board | v3.4.0 BugFixed bug related to reports date filter. BugFixed bug related to rating. BugFixed bug related to online status and email notifications when agent is online. BugFixed bug related to email piping. BugFixed bug related to WordPress loggout for admins. BugFixed bug related to text formatting in shortcode's messages. BugFixed bug related to agent notifications on conversation transfer to another agent. BugFixed bug related to article rating for new users. BugFixed bug related to queue. BugFixed breakline bug on pop up message. New featureOnline users notification and sound. New featureOption to force a single phone country code. New featureOption to disable manual email piping cron job. New featureAdd new merge fields: {agent_name} and {agent_email}. OptimizationMerge fields optimization. OptimizationConversations and users opening by URL for unauthorized agents is now blocked. OptimizationRemoved default mndatory email and phone follow-up message on conversations from messaging apps. New shortcode parameter 'required-messaging-apps' to force them. OptimizationSupport Board WordPress version now have an option to logout Support Board agents if they are not logged in WordPress. OptimizationImproved translations. OptimizationMerge field {user_name} is now compatible with follow up and subscribe messages. ApiNew PHP API function 'sb_get_last_message()'. ApiNew parameter 'user_id' for the PHP API function 'sb_push_notification()' and JS API AJAX function 'push-notificaiton'. 15/11/2021 | Support Board | v3.3.9 SecurityFix bug that was allowing a user to grant admin privileges via API. BugFixed bug related to human takeover on messaging apps. OptimizationFollow-up success message do longer appends the user email, use {user_email} instead. OptimizationWordPress multisite users of all websites are now synchronized with Support Board. 12/11/2021 | Support Board | v3.3.8 BugFixed bug related to conversation events and message breaklines. BugFixed bug related to rich messages. BugFixed bug related to scrolling on mobile devices. BugFixed design bug related to the queue message. New featureOption to open an article from an external link. OptimizationOptimizations for mobile devices. 08/11/2021 | Support Board | v3.3.7 BugFixed bug related to offline message title. BugFixed bug related to translations with HTML chars. BugFixed bug related to Push notifications. BugFixed bug related to office hours and offline message. BugFixed bug that allow a user to use an agent or admin email to register if the option 'allow duplicated emails' is active. New featureCloud version. New featureSaaS version for resellers. New featureOption to change PWA icon and name, browser favicon, and admin area top-left icon. New featureOption to set default user details for a new user via JavaScript variable SB_DEFAULT_USER. New featureOption to allow agents to delete conversations and empty the trash. New featureOption to send the transcript via email. New featureOption to send the transcript via email when the conversation is archived via close message. New featureDouble-way text messages communication. New featureSupport for text message attachments. OptimizationImproved performance for translations. OptimizationAllow duplicate emails option now allow alos duplicated phone numbers. OptimizationAdmin area language now matches agents and admins language user detail. OptimizationPush and desktop notifications optimization. OptimizationOn mobile, if the chat is open and the user clicks the 'back' browser button, the chat close, and the current page remains active. ApiNew PHP API function 'sb_get_admin_language()'. ApiNew argument 'attachments' for the PHP API function 'sb_send_sms()' and the JS and API functions 'send-sms'. 10/10/2021 | Support Board | v3.3.6 BugFixed bug related to admin email and sms notifications confirmation message. New featureArticles parent category. You need to assign again all categories to all articles. New featureSingle article now supports up to 3 categories. New featureOption to display Agents & Admins tab also for agents. New featureOnline status indicator in the Agents & Admins list. New featureOption to enable the agents and admin tab for agents. OptimizationImproved performance. OptimizationAutomatic collapse of the dashboard conversations list. 05/10/2021 | Support Board | v3.3.5 SecurityImproved security related to SQL Injection and XSS attacks. BugFixed bug related to users pagination. BugFixed bug related to online user status on the admin area when Pusher is active. BugFixed bug related to message with attachments. New featureOption to display additional columns in the user table. New featureArticles page with WordPress shortcode. New featureOption to open the links of card and slider rich messages in a new window. New featureOption to disable reports. OptimizationImproved 'Another agent is replying to this conversation' message. OptimizationMinor UI optimizations. OptimizationVarious minior optimizations. OptimizationOnline/offline status switcher is now available in the mobile app. OptimizationImproved flash notifications for the admin area. ApiNew arguments 'extra' and 'user_ids' for the PHP API function 'sb_get_users()' and the AJAX and WEB API function 'get-users'. ApiRemoved argument 'exclude_id' from the PHP API function 'sb_get_online_users()' and WEB and JS API functions 'get-online-users'. ApiRemoved argument 'routing' from the PHP API function 'sb_new_conversation()' and WEB and JS API functions 'new-conversation'. ApiNew argument 'category' for the JS API function 'SBChat.getArticles()'. ApiNew PHP API function 'sb_execute_bot_message()'. ApiThe default returned values of the PHP API function 'sb_get_online_users()' and WEB and JS API functions 'get-online-users' now exclude agents and admins. ApiFixed bug related to the WEB API function 'email-piping'. InfoA valid purchase code is now required to enter the admin area. 02/09/2021 | Support Board | v3.3.4 SecurityImproved security related to SQL Injection and XSS attacks. SecurityFixed security bug that was allowing agents and admins to read data from the database. BugFixed bug related to routing. BugFixed bug related agent and department conversation assignment notifications. OptimizationImproved RTL admin UI and WordPress UI. OptimizationOn mobile, chat is never opened automatically on page load. New featureOption to disable email field from the registration form. ApiPHP API function 'sb_get_online_user_ids()' renamed to 'sb_get_online_user_ids()'. 04/08/2021 | Support Board | v3.3.3 BugFixed bug related to corrupted chars in email piping messages. BugFixed bug related to routing when Pusher is active. BugFixed bug related to admin login for WordPress. New featureNew performance option: minify JS. New featureNew options for routing and conversations assigned to a single agent. New featureWordPress options to show the Support Board admin area to custom WordPress users roles. ApiNew PHP API function 'sb_get_last_agent_in_conversation()'. 12/07/2021 | Support Board | v3.3.1 BugFixed bug related to admin translations. BugFixed bug related attachments drag and drop. BugFixed bug related to MailChimp subscription. BugFixed bug related to SMS sender number, please check it on the settings area and make sure it works. BugFixed bug related to WordPress conversations synchronization with the logged in user. New featureAttachments support for email piping. New featureZapier support. New featureOption to show the offline message as header text or info message. New featureManual agent assignment from the admin area when routing is active. New featureOption to disable the checking of offline agents for the offline message and display it only when out-of-office hours. OptimizationImprovements for Push notifications, SMS notifications and email notifications. OptimizationConversation department assignement now alert validated agents also via SMS and Push Notifications. OptimizationImprovements for the email piping feature. OptimizationRemoved requirement for email and password when editing a user profile. OptimizationCross-site function to simplify the cross-site implementation. OptimizationMinor automations optimizations. OptimizationNotifications permission request is now showed to users only when a message is sent. ApiNew PHP API functions 'sb_send_agents_notifications()', 'get_user_by()'. ApiNew WEB and JS AJAX API function 'update-conversation-agent'. ApiNew JS API functions 'SBChat.offlineMessage()', 'SBConversation.getUserMessages()'. ApiNew argument 'agent' for the JS API function 'SBConversation.getLastUserMessage()'. ApiNew argument 'send_to_active_user' for the JS API function 'SBChat.sendEmail()'. 04/06/2021 | Support Board | V 3.3.0 BugFixed bug related to PNG fallback icons for cross-domain. BugFixed bug related to HTML code into articles, custom rich messages and email contents. BugFixed bug related to wrong text to emoji conversion for some world. 03/06/2021 | Support Board | v3.2.9 SecurityFixed security bug that was allowing a user to become a Support Board admin or agent. Please check Users > Admin & Agents to verify that there are no unauthorized agents or admins. This bug does not allow an attacker to insert any malicious software into your server or create any damage to your server. BugFixed bug related to Dialogflow human takeover double email notification. BugFixed bug related to conversations status when Dialogflow human takeover request is active. BugFixed bug related to email piping encoding. BugFixed bug related to articles deletion. BugFixed bug related to WordPress users synchronization. New featureOption to open the WordPress edit user page of an user from the right panel. New featureAutomations option to send a message instead of the pop-up if the chat is open. New featureSupport for WordPress user avatars. New featureOption to adjust the chat button position. OptimizationProfile edit box now includes custom user details. OptimizationAdded close button in the chat conversation panel on mobile devices. InfoRemoved red label for new messages in admin area. ApiNew argument for the JS API function 'SBF.cookie()', . ApiNew JS API function 'SBF.UTC()'. 24/05/2021 | Support Board | v3.2.8 BugFixed bug related to PNG fallback icons for cross-domain. BugFixed bug related to users and conversations count in the admin area. BugFixed bug related sound notifications. BugFixed bug related to articles categories. BugAdded missing translations.
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