Table Rate Shipping for WooCommerce v4.3.1
最后更新于:2022-03-28 22:32:15
This WooCommerce table rate method allows you to apply various rates for a single customer based on a range of conditions provided by the admin. Shipping destination, cart subtotal, item shipping class, price, weight, and a variety of other factors can all be considered.

Features: Table Rate Shipping for WooCommerce
- Based on the following conditions and prices for groupings of products:
- Order
- Individual Products
- Cart Line Items
- Shipping Class
- WooCommerce Shipping Zones are supported.
- In each zone, many instances are permitted.
- A long list of conditions can be found here:
- Subtotal
- Quantity
- Weight
- Height
- Width
- Length
- Surface Area
- Volume
- Shipping Class
- Product
- Category
- Date Range
- Day of Week
- Each table row might have several conditions.
- Various cost choices are available:
- Price is fixed.
- Subtotal Percentage
- Weight, length, width, height, surface area, and volume amount are multiplied.
- For every x number of currencies, weights, measurements, and items,
- Multiple costs are allowed in each row, allowing for combinations like:
- Fees are based on a flat cost plus a portion of the fuel surcharge.
- Additional weight increments are added to the base charge.
- To alter the priority of the conditions and costs, drag and drop table rows.
- Per instance, turn off shipping taxes.
- Table Rate methods are limited dependent on the user’s job.
- Calculations of dimensional weight (volume multiplied or divided by a given number)
- Taxes are included in the base subtotal conditions.
- Conditions for the base subtotal, including coupons
- Weight should be rounded up to the next entire number.
- When the Free Shipping method is active, you can choose to hide this method.
- To give more additional information, add description text underneath the title and price of the delivery option.
- Select the method that will be used by default.
- When the consumer qualifies for the specified method, hide the other possibilities in the same method.
变更日志: Table Rate Shipping for WooCommerce
v4.3.1 - 2022-02-18 - Fixed: Fixed PHP parsing issue experienced on certain server configurations - Enhanced: Updated styling for Dokan dashboard shipping section (frontend) 4.2.1 - 2020-04-18 - Fixed: Change 'equal to' comparison to proper float point math - Fixed: Outdated .po file for translation - Fixed: Dokan Vendor condition limited to 10 vendor options - Enhanced: Increased required WooCommerce version to 3.2 - Enhanced: Increased Plugin and Server compatible tags 4.2 - 2019-08-18 - Added: Method Conditions section to limit options at the method level - Added: Ability to skip weight comparison in volumetric weight calculations - Added: Option to combine shipping descriptions instead of overriding (Per Item & Per Class calculations) - Added: New Condition to select Dokan Vendors (when using the multivendor plugin) - Added: Buttons that Expand/Collapse all settings sections - Added: WPML title translation by ID or Title - Added: Plugin details overrided with CodeCanyon data to separate from API - Fixed: Product fields not saving after removing row from table - Fixed: Time condition not taking timezone settings into account - Fixed: Change Surface Area from Height x Width to Length x Width for better compatibility with other plugins - Fixed: Comparison error with float numbers and equal to operator - Fixed: Shipping class data issue in Per Item & Per Line Item setups - Enhanced: Changed exporter feature to be more compatible across servers and languages - Developer: Added filters to calculated cart data - Developer: Moved conditional variables and functions to a more accessible class
⭐另请参考: Collection of Codecanyon plugin Premium updated daily
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