IThemes Security Pro v7.1.0 – Best WordPress Security Plugin
最后更新于:2022-03-28 10:52:15
The new version of the best WordPress security plugin available – iThemes Security Pro, will do everything for you to make your website more secure with an easy to enable or disable option.
WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems in the world and, without a doubt, one of the safest and most secure platforms in the Internet space.
However, even it requires additional protection after installation and new users can worry about hacker attacks. For these reasons, protection plugins are important, one of which we will look at today.
查看更多: WordPress comprehensive protection plugin – Wordfence Security Premium
Features of iThemes Security Pro Plugin

- WordPress Password Protection (Brute Force) Limit the number of login failures allowed for users by using WordPress brute force protection. If someone tries to guess your password, it will be blocked after a few failed attempts.
- File change detection If someone succeeds in accessing your site, they will most likely add, remove, or modify the site file. Get email notifications of recent file changes so you know if you’ve been hacked.
- Detect 404
- If the bot crawls your site for vulnerabilities, it will generate multiple 404 errors. iTheme Security will block this IP address after the limit you set (by default, 20 errors in 5 minutes).
- Strong Password Protection Indicates what level of users on your site (admins, editors, users, etc) should have strong passwords. Forcing a strong password is one of the best ways to protect WordPress.
- Block Bad Users Keep bad users away from your site if they have too many failed login attempts, if they generate too many 404 errors, or if they are blacklisted by bots.
- Standby No changes to your site 24 hours a day? The WordPress Harden feature makes the WordPress dashboard inaccessible for certain hours so that no one else can sneak in and try to make changes.
- “Hide Logins & Admins” Function Change the URL /wp-admin/login.php of your WordPress login credentials so that attackers don’t know where to find the entrance to your site. This feature is also good for helping customers remember their login link. Backup
- Databases Backup your databases and send them by email. Make full backups and send them to destinations for off-server storage.
- Email Notifications Receive email notifications when someone is blocked after too many failed login attempts or when a file on your site has been modified.
- Scan WordPress for Malware The iThemes Security plugin uses the Sucuri SiteCheck crawler to scan for malware in WordPress. Sucuri SiteCheck uses a 10-point check to scan your site for known malware, blacklist status, site errors, and outdated software. With iThemes Security Pro, you can enable daily malware scans and receive email notifications if problems are detected.
- WordPress Version Outdated software – whether it’s WordPress, themes, or plugins – compromises your websites because of security holes commonly known to cybercriminals. New version of iThemes Security Pro version control module can automatically update new versions of WordPress, themes and plugins, and take measures to increase security when website software fails time.
- WordPress Magic Links Module The Magic Links feature allows you to login when your username is blocked by Local Brute Force Protection. Once your username is blocked, you can request an email with a special login link. Using email will bypass username blocking, while attackers will still be blocked.
- Two-Factor Authentication Thanks to WordPress two-factor authentication from iThemes Security Pro, users need to enter a password and an additional code sent to a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet. To successfully log in to your user account, you need a password and a code. Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of WordPress security to ensure that you are actually logging in, and not someone accessing (or even guessing) your password.
变更日志 IThemes Security Pro Plugin Nulled Free
v7.1.0 - 2022-01-31 Important: iThemes Security now requires WordPress 5.8 or later. New Feature: Introduce a new Import Export feature that allows for greater customization and flexibility. Bug Fix: Scroll to top of window when navigating. Bug Fix: Allow searching for Password Requirements. Bug Fix: Login page would be blank when Passwordless Login was configured to use the "Username First" flow. Bug Fix: Don't load WordPress and System Tweaks modules when the `ITSEC_DISABLE_MODULES` constant is enabled. Bug Fix: Prevent incidentally loading the Two-Factor module when it is unregistered. Bug Fix: Conditionally display the NGINX File Path setting. Bug Fix: Allow saving Notifications when "default recipients must contain at least 1 item" error is present. 7.0.3 - 2021-08-10 Enhancement: Reintroduce Feature Flags management UI. Tweak: Reposition "Advanced" and "Tools" menu items to be more readable on lengthy screens. Bug Fix: Sites that did not support HTTPS, but had the SSL module active, but not configured, on upgrade would get redirected to the HTTPS version of the site. Bug Fix: When the Change Admin User tool is run, update any User Groups referencing the old user id. Bug Fix: Unregister the iThemes Security Two-Factor module when the Two-Factor Feature Plugin is enabled. Bug Fix: Add missing and correct erroneous textdomains. Bug Fix: WordPress footer would appear in the middle of the logs page. v7.0.2 - 2021-07-17 Tweak: Move "Have I Been Pwned" integration to the Core plugin. Tweak: Reduce filename length and complexity for built CSS and JS files. Bug Fix: Disable XML-RPC rules in server config files. Previously, XML-RPC was being disabled using the XML-RPC enabled filter. Bug Fix: Fatal error on logs page when User Logging and Two-Factor are enabled and a user logs in using Two-Factor. Bug Fix: Add missing constants to the debug page. Bug Fix: Fatal error when sending the "Inactive Users" notification. Bug Fix: Remove deleted recipients when saving notifications. Bug Fix: Allow using reserved words as prefixes for the Hide Backend Login Slug. Bug Fix: Enforce SSL would not redirect users from HTTP to HTTPS on the front-end of the website. Bug Fix: Correct Site Scan statuses for scans with no issues. v7.0.1 - 2021-06-24 Bug Fix: Prevent Password Requirements being re-enabled if they were disabled before upgrading to iThemes Security 7.0, but had a group selected for them. Bug Fix: Arguments to the implode function were reversed, causing a Fatal Error on PHP 8. Bug Fix: Allow installing on WordPress 5.7.0, not just 5.7.1+. Bug Fix: Ensure values passed to the TextareaListControl is an array. Bug Fix: Don't run the dashboard migration if unneeded. Bug Fix: Labels for Disable PHP Execution in Plugins and Themes were reversed. Bug Fix: Activate the Geolocation module if Trusted Devices provided Geolocation API keys. v7.0.0 - 2021-06-23 Important: iThemes Security now requires WordPress 5.7 and PHP 7.0 or later. New: iThemes Security gets a redesigned interface focused on making it easier to configure and find what you're looking for. Read More: New: Instantly search over everything in iThemes Security with a new instant search feature. New: Security Tools have been grouped into their own page. "Identify Server IPs" and "Security Check Pro" can be run manually without using Debug Mode. New: Relevant content from the Help Center, iThemes Blog, and iThemes YouTube channel is surfaced in a new Help area based on the current page. Click the "Help" button in the toolbar or the "Info" icon next to the page title to access it. New: The settings UI is now fully responsive and works great across mobile, tablet, and desktop devices. Enhancement: Improved keyboard and screen reader support. Enhancement: The User Security Profile Card now supports searching for specific users and filtering by User Role. Enhancement: The User Security Profile Card can now be used to Force password changes, force a user to lockout, and send a Two-Factor setup reminder. Enhancement: The Banned Users Card can add multiple bans at once. Tweak: Add a new Global setting to control "Automatically Temporarily Authorize Hosts". Tweak: When the Global setting "Hide Security Menu in Admin Bar" is enabled, notices will no longer be printed on non-iThemes Security pages. Instead, you can access the Message Center from the Settings or Dashbaord toolbars. Tweak: The Security Dashboard has moved back to the Security menu and is now the default page. Tweak: Your first security dashboard will be created automatically when you visit the dashboard for the first time. Create your own by clicking the dashboard's title, then select "Create New Dashboard". Tweak: The Database Backups module is no longer available if you have BackupBuddy installed. If this behavior isn't desired, enable the "ITSEC_ENABLE_BACKUPS" constant. Tweak: Activating the Magic Links module now enables the feature. The extraneous "Enable Lockout Bypass" setting has been removed. Tweak: The Geolocation API configuration used by Trusted Devices has been moved into it's own dedicated "Geolocation" module. Removed: The following modules have been removed: 404 Detection, Away Mode, Change Content Directory, and Multisite Tweaks. Removed: The following WordPress and System Tweaks have been removed: Remove Windows Live Writer Header, EditURI Header, Comment Spam, Mitigate Attachment File Traversal Attack, Protect Against Tabnapping, Filter Long URL Strings, Filter Non-English Characters, Filter Request Methods, Remove File Writing Permissions. Removed: The "Backup Full Database" setting has been removed from the Backups module. Removed: The "Require SSL", "Front End SSL Mode", and "SSL for Dashboard" settings have been removed from the SSL module. Removed: The "Strengthen when Outdated" setting has been removed from the Version Management module. Bug Fix: Fix fatal errors when using PHP 8. Bug Fix: Fix infinite loop when restricting who can use App Passwords on multisite installs. Bug Fix: Ensure the ITSEC_Setup class does not exist before trying to load it. Display schema errors on multisite in the Network Admin. Dev Note: Modules are now based on a module.json configuration file. If you are registering custom iThemes Security module, you should update it to include a module.json file that adheres to the core/module-schema.json JSON Schema. Dev Note: Add a WP CLI command for running tools. See "wp help itsec tool" for more information. Dev Note: Split the Two-Factor and Dashboard module into a Core module and a Pro module. Settings for these modules are still stored in the base module. Dev Note: The Network Brute Force module had it's folder updated to "network-brute-force" from "ipcheck". Dev Note: New Object Oriented API for creating Password Requirements. Dev Note: New Settings and Modules REST API endpoints. Dev Note: New RPC REST API namespace. There is no backward compatibility promise for these API endpoints. v6.8.5 - 2021-06-17 Tweak: Add notice for the upcoming major 7.0 release. = v6.8.4 - 2021-04-13 = Security: Fix Hide Backend Bypass, thanks to Julio Potier for reporting the issue. Tweak: Add filters to short-circuit lock APIs. Bug Fix: Prevent wp_no_robots deprecation warning on WordPress 5.7. = v6.8.3 - 2020-12-16 = Tweak: Remove non-SSL fallbacks for Security Check Pro and Version Management. Bug Fix: Tweak checkbox styles. Security Improvement: To improve server compatibility, requests to the iThemes updater servers would automatically downgrade from https to http when https connections failed. This update removes the automatic downgrade. If your server cannot make outbound https connections, you can re-enable the downgrade capability by adding the following define in your site's wp-config.php file: define( 'ITHEMES_ALLOW_HTTP_FALLBACK', true ); = v6.8.2 - 2020-12-07 = - Bug Fix: Version Management compatibility with further changes in WordPress 5.6. = v6.8.1 = - Bug Fix: Improved compatibility with WP Engine. - Bug Fix: Version Management compatibility with WordPress 5.6. - Bug Fix: Follow Core UI patterns for Application Passwords. - Bug Fix: Pass the `WP_Error` object to the `wp_login_failed` hook. - New Feature: iThemes Security now supports Passwordless Login and reCAPTCHA v3 for Restrict Content Pro ( version 6.4.3 and later ). - Enhancement: Overwrite Restrict Content Pro's detected IP address with the IP detected by iThemes Security. - Tweak: Application Passwords compatibility with WordPress 5.6. - Bug Fix: Two Factor and Passwords Requirements compatibility with Restrict Content Pro. - Bug Fix: PHP warnings that may occur when initializing default user groups on a new installation. - Enhancement: Add WP CLI command to run the Change Admin User tool. - Tweak: Disable SSL verification when performing the Security Check Loopback test. Some hosts can't properly verify loopback requests. This verification is unnecessary in this circumstance, and disabling SSL verification aligns iThemes Security with default WordPress loopback behavior. - Tweak: Override WordPress' built in auto update notices at a higher priority. This fixes issues with iThemes Security's settings being overwritten by other systems. - Bug Fix: Some users would be force to choose a strong password twice in a row. - Bug Fix: Warning when saving the Ban Users module outside of the Settings Page without passing the legacy host_list setting. - Bug Fix: Fix issues with initializing a site scan from a non-licensed domain name.
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