Easy Forms v1.15.2 – Advanced Form Builder and Manager
最后更新于:2022-03-27 00:57:56
Easy Forms is a full-featured, simple-to-use online form builder tool that allows you to focus on the rest of your job rather than worrying about coding.
Without any programming skills, you can start developing web forms in minutes!

Features: Easy Forms
- Builder of Online Forms
- Create online forms for free and with no restrictions.
- Create contact forms, order forms, registration forms, online surveys, quizzes, and survey funnels with ease. Contact Forms for WhatsApp and more.
- Drag and drop your form pieces to rearrange them. There is no need to know how to code.
- Drag and Drop in a Touch-Friendly Environment
- HTML5 Fields that are W3C Valid
- Field for Electronic Signatures
- Adding, duplicating, editing, updating, and deleting fields is a breeze.
- You can add form components with a single click.
- Control Columns by Dragging and Dropping
- Support for smart phones, tablets, and other mobile devices is built-in.
- Forms with Multiple Steps
- One-Page Link to a Multi-Page Form
- Make your forms easy to fill out by include helpful hints and placeholders.
- For specific fields, you can set a default value. They will be submitted if the visitor does not make any changes.
- Users should be able to upload multiple files.
- Any file type is acceptable.
- If you want to, you can limit the number, size, or type of files you get.
- Validate advanced fields.
- Using regular expressions, create your own field validation criteria.
- With our Spacer Field, you may define a specified distance between your fields.
- With our HTML Snippet Field, you may use a sophisticated wysiwyg editor.
- Images, videos, and maps can all be embedded.
- HTML5 input fields for a Matrix Table Field (Likert Scale).
- Include reCAPTCHA v2 or v3 from Google in your forms.
- There are a variety of reCAPTCHA theme alternatives.
- Choose between an invisible reCAPTCHA and a “I’m not a robot” checkbox.
- reCAPTCHA is clever. Save a user’s accurate response. As a result, he won’t have to refill it.
- CSS Support for Bootstrap
- Set the order in which your field labels appear across your form.
- Images or icons can be used in checkboxes and radio buttons.
- CSS styles can be used to create custom checkboxes and radio buttons.
- Remove any javascript code from the HTML created by the Form Builder.
- Set an Alias for each Form Field to help you remember what it’s for, or export it with a custom parameter.
- Set custom characteristics to your fields to make them more accessible.
- Datepicker, International Telephone Input, Star Rating, and Other UI Widgets
- Designer of the theme
- Without writing a single line of CSS code, you can change the form’s appearance.
- Make gorgeous, branded web forms quickly and effortlessly.
- You can copy and paste your design from one form to another with just a few clicks.
- Integration with the Form Builder is flawless.
- Selector for Google Fonts
- Toss up some stock photos to your form (Unsplash Integration)
- Editor for Web Gradients
- Toptal has a lovely collection of Subtle Patterns.
- Transparent color picker with a lot of power
- Suggestions from the Field
- Preview in Real-Time
- With a single click, you can revert to the previous design.
- And there’s more!
- Management System for Forms
- Forms for Individuals (Internal Forms)
- RTL (right-to-left) forms
- Forms that are duplicates (Including Form Fields, Form Settings, Notifications, Conditional Rules, Theme)
- Multiple sites’ forms can be imported and exported.
- To simply share/link a full-page form, use a unique URL.
- Share easy-to-understand links to your forms.
- You may quickly embed your form on your website, blog, or business – wherever you want! There is no need for further programming; simply copy and paste our code.
- There are a variety of embedding choices and formats available.
- Add a custom confirmation message or redirect to another website.
- Add Field Variables and Confirmation Messages to the URL to be redirected.
- After a few seconds, provide a confirmation message and redirect to another website.
- Redirect your users to various pages based on their responses with conditional redirection.
- Allow your users to confirm their email addresses using double opt-in.
- Load a javascript file from a remote location.
- Anti-Spam Filtering (HoneyPot Technique)
- Obtain a Submission Number
- Maximum number of submissions per time period
- Limit submissions based on IP address and/or browser fingerprint.
- Date-based deactivation
- Set the submissions’ time zone and date format.
- Save the form and come back to it later
- Forms Protected by a Password
- Assign different users to your forms.
- Only allow authorized websites to embed your Forms.
- To display your Form, use a PopUp or Modal Window.
- You can make changes to a form submission on your own website.
- Time and/or conditional rules can be used to define when a form submission can be edited.
- Uploaded Files that are password-protected (compatible with RBAC)
- Turn off IP tracking.
- Automatically compress the Forms’ Uploaded Images
- Forms can be shared between registered users.
- The QR code for your forms can be downloaded and shared.
- Manage Add-ons for Forms
- Designer of PopUp Forms
- Without writing a single line of code, place the form inside a popup.
- When it first appears, the emphasis will be limited to elements within the popup.
- To convert website visitors into subscribers, use our popup form.
- Select from a variety of colors, backgrounds, sizes, animations, and effects.
- Set the margins, padding, width, border with, and border radius for the PopUp.
- Set the animation effect as well as the duration of the animation.
- Change the color of the button and the text on it.
- Inline or at the edge of the Browser Window, place the Button.
- With just one click, you may see a preview and obtain the created code.
- Multiple pop-up forms can be embedded on the same page.
- Endpoints of Forms / HTML 下载
- Designers and developers can use Form as a backend platform.
- 下载 the complete form files or simply the HTML and CSS files.
- Forms on your website and/or mobile app can be customized.
- There are no embeds or iFrames. There will be no overrides! There are no scripts!
- Use the Form Endpoint as an API or use ordinary HTML forms!
- When you submit a standard form, it will take you back to your website. Our app is almost undetectable.
- In your external form, use custom field names.
- Collect an unlimited number of file attachments every form submit.
- For your external forms, we have a sophisticated server-side field validation system.
- reCAPTCHA and spam filtering
- Ajax Forms: Ajax Form requests are also accepted by our endpoints.
- Only allow form submissions from Authorized URLs using CORS validation.
- Your replies will be in JSON, XML, or plain HTML.
- Collect information and redirect the browser to a third-party website
- Capture POST requests using an associative array from third-party programs.
- Form submissions can be edited.
- Templates & Themes
- Customize the look and feel of your forms.
- Managers of themes and templates
- Form Live Preview in an Advanced CSS Editor
- Forms integration is simple.
- Promotional Templates & Categories
- There are a total of +10 pro-level themes included.
- Event registration, contact forms, consumer surveys, trivia, RSVPs, and other templates are available.
- Themes & Templates can be assigned to other users by administrators.
- Themes & Templates can be shared with other users.
- Notifications
- Content that changes over time (Template Language)
- Send Notifications Right Away
- Receive email notifications whenever a form is submitted or the end-user confirms his email address (double opt-in).
- Confirmations should be sent (Email Auto-Responder)
- Upon form submission, send your customer a fully customisable email. You can also include whatever information they provided in the message.
- To send email confirmations, select various email fields.
- Create a list of recipients.
- Multiple emails acquired by the same Email field will be notified.
- Email in HTML or Plain Text
- To edit email messages, use the Wysiwyg Editor.
- To incorporate collected data in your email messages, use the Auto-Suggestion tool.
- Add tables and graphics to your email messages.
- If your form has file upload fields, select File Attachment.
- For auto-response messages, enter a custom “From” address.
- Use the mail() function in PHP.
- PHP SMTP Authentication is supported. (If you have your own SMTP mail server, use it.)
- Send a Practice Email
- After the double opt-in, redirect your visitor to a specific URL.
- Submit your work to a different application or script.
- After submission, show a personalized greeting to your visitors or customers.
- Empty fields in email notifications and confirmations should be hidden.
- Builder of Rules
- No coding experience is necessary to create conditional logic.
- Interface that is easy to use
- There are several rules, circumstances, and actions.
- Each conditional rule should be named and described.
- In one click, duplicate complex conditional rules.
- Using a drag-and-drop interface, reorder conditional logic.
- Fields can be shown or hidden.
- Fields can be enabled or disabled.
- Values can be copied from one field to another.
- HTML material should be copied from one HTML element to another.
- According to your conditional logic, set or copy static values.
- Carry out simple math operations
- Analyze advanced mathematical expressions (formulas)
- Calculating Dates and Times Using Conditional Logic
- Numbers can be formatted to look like currency, percentages, or times… easily
- To merge field values and place them in another field, format a text string.
- Multi-Step Forms allow you to skip steps.
- Use Conditional Logic to Submit and Reset Forms
- Activate / Deactivate Actions that are mutually exclusive
- To leverage acquired data in rule actions, an auto-suggest tool is available.
- Conditional Validation: Only if the Field is displayed, validation is required.
- System for Managing Submissions
- Grid for Advanced Submissions
- Field Values Sorted Form Submissions
- New contributions will be notified.
- Details on the submission can be found here.
- Each field’s label and alias should be used to identify it.
- Personalized Submission Number
- Empty Fields in Submission Details might be shown or hidden.
- Mark all items as read or unread in bulk.
- System of Remarks (Leave a comment about the form submission)
- View the sender’s details (with Leaflet Map and Google Map support)
- Keep track of each form entry’s landing page and referral URL.
- Each submission can be edited and deleted.
- Submittals can be exported as MS Excel or CSV files.
- Filter submissions based on a date range.
- To export more granular entries, select a date range.
- Submissions of printed forms (PDF compatible)
- File Administration
- Email notices and confirmations should be sent again.
- Builder of Reports
- Create reports based on form submissions.
- Use graphs such as row, bar, donut, and pie.
- Any Chart can be moved and resized.
- With only one click, you may interact with your charts.
- Date Range Filtering
- Save the Submissions Report as a PDF using the print function of your browser.
- Analytical Forms
- Get a quick snapshot of form statistics, including conversion rates.
- Check the number of individuals who have looked at your form.
- Before your users send the form, figure out how many visits they’ve made.
- Increase the conversion rate by improving the form.
- Report on Form Performance
- Report on Submissions Analysis
- Keep track of how many individuals have begun to fill out your form.
- In a single glance, see the total number of submissions for each form!
- On-the-fly disable form tracking
- RBAC solution for user management
- User Registration: Your users can construct their own forms after registering.
- Require confirmation by email.
- Only allow particular IP addresses access to the user login page.
- Two-factor authentication is required to log in.
- Captcha should be used in your registration forms.
- When a new user is created, set the default user role.
- RBAC system that is both robust and flexible
- Admin and User are two out-of-the-bex user roles.
- The “Admin” has full access to the application.
- The “User” has complete control over the creation and management of his own forms and themes.
- Make your own roles and permissions.
- Define unique roles with a set of permissions that can be customized.
- Assign users to one or more roles.
- Assign user roles with one or more permissions.
- Assign users roles and/or permissions.
- Give your users access to the add-ons by giving them permissions.
- It is possible to block all users.
- Profiles
- Preferences of Users
- Change Your Password Without Your Consent
- Require user confirmation through email
- 2FA with Google Authenticator is used for login security.
- Session Timeout: Session Security
- Login with your email address or a username and password.
- Password recovery and/or reset
- Password Age Limit
- Integrations and add-ons
- Module for REST API
- Google Analytics: Use Google Analytics to keep track of your visitors (Compatible with GA4)
- Send submissions to another server with specific parameters using WebHooks.
- To send all transactional emails, you’ll need to use Amazon SES and Sendinblue.
- Geolocation in the Browser (Google Maps Geocoding integration)
- Multilingualism
- Languages spoken include English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Chinese, Thai, Turkish, Indonesian, and Dutch.
- All of the applications can be readily translated into other languages.
- You can select a different language for each form.
- For his user account, the user can alter and select the default language.
- The Date and Time Format for the entire application can be changed by administrators.
- Other
- Responsive Website Design
- Make use of your own logo.
- Based on the most recent versions of Bootstrap 3 and Yii 2.
- Glyphicons PRO 1.9.2
变更日志: Easy Forms – Advanced Form Builder and Manager
14.09.2021 - ver 1.15.2 - Fixed: Show / Hide Fields in Multi-Step Forms 09.09.2021 - ver 1.15.1 - Fixed: Submission Management. Hide / Show Columns Tool. 08.09.2021 - ver 1.15 - Added: UI Widget. Display HTML5 fields as Javascript Widgets with no code - Added: JS interaction with Conditional Rules when a field has been Shown or Hidden - Added: Theming - Added: Dynamic Content: Signature filter - Added: In-App Analytics. Update reports manually - Added: Calculate difference of hours, minutes, seconds or milliseconds - Added: Date Calculations with parseDate and formatDate() formula - Added: Submission Manager shows Serial Number column - Added: Form Builder. Stock Images by Unsplash - Added: Directionality and HR buttons in Wysiwyg editor - Added: Submission Manager. Save "Empty Fields" status as User Preference - Improved: Report Builder with more than 32 charts - Improved: Dashboard. Conversions Overview - Improved: Confirmation Settings. Display Double Opt-in configuration - Improved: Adds “number” class to demo file: jquery.mask.js - Improved: Adds Sender Name to No-Reply email address in Email Notifications - Improved: Date Range Picker in Submission Manager - Improved: Dynamic Content. Filters with Labels in token replacement - Fixed: Export Submissions. File Name (Date format) - Fixed: Webhooks Add-On Gridview with large urls - Fixed: Dynamic Content: Submission Table shows Textarea Text with line breaks - Fixed: Form Builder: Capture Radio Button/Checkbox with weird characters - Fixed: Form Widget: Edit Date fields with different date formats - Fixed: Submission Manager: Mark entry as read - Fixed: Edit entry with Date fields using different date formats - Fixed: Edit data collected by Radio Buttons/Checkboxes in a Matrix Field - Fixed: Incompatibility between DB Migration Script and last jQuery version - Fixed: Unique fields incompatibility with Field Encryption Add-On - Fixed: Rule Builder with Radio Button without Label - Fixed: Dashboard error when we delete all the entries in a form - Fixed: Optgroup can generate issues when the Select List is copied - Fixed: Display Form Widget when Form is disabled - Fixed: Form Widget is not displayed correctly in PopUp Forms - Fixed: Site Settings. Removes black border in Upload Logo field - Updated vendors 21.07.2021 - ver 1.14.2 - Added: Form Widget: Display specific pages in Multi-Step Forms by passing a "p" query string or "page" option - Added: Form Builder: Adds <optgroup> tag to Select List fields by using double brackets, eg. [[Group Label]] - Added: Google Analytics Add-On: v1.3. Compatibility with Google Analytics 4. - Added: Rule Engine: Uses Form Language setting to Format Number with its respective locale format - Added: Rule Builder: Implements feature to copy a value to a field - Improved: Form Widget: Display it when Form's dom document is ready to get better performance - Improved: Translate the default Thank You message based in Form language - Improved: Rule Builder: Performance improvement - Improved: Country Helper: Countries in EU - Improved: French translation - Improved: Updates jQuery to v3.6.0 including compatibility changes - Fixed: Form Widget: Edit entries with "unique" fields in multi-step forms - Fixed: Rule Builder: Display Radio Button labels and Checkbox labels with "<" character 13-06-2021 - ver 1.14.1 - Added: Form Builder: Copy, paste and reset form design of other forms - Added: RBAC: Copy user role - Added: Change format of Date Fields via Site Settings - Added: RBAC Cache - Improved: Form Builder: Displays popover arrow in vertical mid - Improved: Form Builder: Tel input type accepts any format (HTML5 compatibility) - Improved: Updates script file to show Star Rating fields - Improved: Vendor & Libraries - Fixed: Value of 0 (Zero) is not displayed in notification messages 24.05.2021 - ver 1.14 - Added: PHP 8.0 support - Added: Form Builder: Drag-and-Drop Column Control - Added: Form Builder: Custom Attributes - Added: Form Builder: "View Form" and "Save & View Form" buttons - Added: Form Settings: Implements Time Zone and Date Format for Submissions - Added: Submission Manager: Sort Form Submissions by Field Values - Added: Form Endpoints: Capture associative array POST requests - Added: Form Manager: Manage Add-ons by Form - Added: Form Builder: Changes submit button text when a form is saved - Added: Send notification to multiple emails collected by the same Email field - Improved: Centralizes all i18n messages within the core application - Improved: Adds Form Builder version to Templates - Improved: Amazon SES: Removes unnecessary quotes in From Name - Improved: Auto-Suggest Tool with additional variables like Form Name or Submission ID - Improved: Email Notification > "Includes a Submission Copy" - Improved: Button to remove "install.php" and "easy_forms.sql" and go to "Log in" page - Improved: Addon Manager: Verify that an add-on exists before trigger its events - Improved: Migration files with collation: utf8_unicode_ci, instead of utf8_general_ci - Fixed: "Close" button when the Pop-up Form code is generated - Fixed: Matrix field with empty label - Fixed: Editing multiple signature fields - Fixed: 下载 the HTML when we generate the logo image url - Fixed: Confirmation Settings > Conditional Logic (Rule without message) - Fixed: Incompatibility between Hash IDs and Password Protected Forms - Fixed: Check permissions when a user wants to display a template with the Form Builder - Removed: "Easy Forms" html comment in Form page
⭐Similar suggestion: WP Fluent Forms Pro Add-On – WordPress Form Plugin
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