Piotnet Addons For Elementor (PAFE) v6.5.3 – Addons For Elementor

最后更新于:2022-03-29 03:10:32


Piotnet for Elementor Pro addon are plugins that extend Elementor page builder functionality and add many new features.

List of functions: absolute positioning, built-in block display, gradient button, text gradient, section link, max-width, adaptive border-width, adaptive background image, background position, degree column widths, background parallax for each element, several background images, carousels, several custom URLs and much more.

演示: https://pafe.piotnet.com/

Features Addon Piotnet for Elementor Pro

Features Addon Piotnet for Elementor Pro
  • Responsive Column Order
  • Absolute Positioning
  • Display Inline Block
  • Gradient Text
  • Gradient Button
  • Section Link
  • Column Link
  • Max Width
  • Responsive Border Width
  • Responsive Background Image, Color
  • Responsive Background Position
  • Responsive Background Custom Size
  • Column Width ( Pixel, %, calc )
  • Parallax Background For Every Element
  • Multiple Background Images
  • Image Carousel Multiple Custom Urls

变更日志 Piotnet Addons For Elementor Pro Nulled Free

[PRO] 6.5.3 (2022/03/25)
Elementor tested up to: 3.6.1
Elementor Pro tested up to: 3.6.4
Fix: The license gets an incorrect expired date with old PHP versions

[PRO] 6.5.2 (2022/03/19)
Fix: The Signature field doesn’t work with conditional logic.
Fix: An issue when checking the license.

[PRO] v6.5.1 (2022/03/08)
New: Add image preview for the image field.
Tweak: Update preview label option for Select, Checkbox, and Radio field.
Tweak: Update post_author for Submit Post when using with Register.
Fix: Check update new version plugin.
Fix: The date field not working when using Flatpickr custom option in the repeater.
Fix: Mollie payment doesn’t work when using Google reCAPTCHA.

[PRO] 6.5.0 (2022/03/07)
The new license dashboard is out now. Now you can manage your activated websites at here.

[PRO] v6.4.25 (2022/02/19)
Add shorcode [post_url] for Remote Request.
Add Content HTML option for Multi-step form PDF.
Fix an issue of Register and Update User Profile with Metabox and Toolset Integration.
Fix notification doesn’t show when duplicate Email or Username.

[PRO] 6.4.24 (2022/02/09)
New Feature: Integrate the MetaBox Group with the Submit post and the Edit post.
Add new action hook to process Remote Request data:
do_action(‘pafe/form_builder/remote_request_response’, $form_submission, $remote_request_response, $webhook_response);
Add new filter hook to custom response message of Submit button:
apply_filters(‘pafe/form_builder/custom_message’, false, $form_submission, $remote_request_response, $webhook_response);
Add new filter hook to decide send email or not
apply_filters(‘pafe/form_builder/not_send_email’, false, $form_submission, $remote_request_response, $webhook_response);
Fix Address Autocomplete Map display broken image.

[PRO] 6.4.23 (2022/01/28)
Fix Paypal button doesn’t display in Editor mode.

[PRO] 6.4.22 (2022/01/11)
New integration: Constant Contact.
Fix an issue of File Upload field in Repeater.

[PRO] v6.4.21 (2021/12/25)
Add min files validation for the image upload field.
Integration Toolset Field to Register Form Builder and Update User Profile.
Add press enter option to submit the form.
Fix Slider builder conflict with Elementor 3.5.
Fix conditional logic when opening Popup.

[PRO] v6.4.20 (2021/12/20)
Optimize conditional logic.

[PRO] v6.4.19 (2021/12/18)
Add option to save form data to PDF file after submit.
Add mollie payment status shortcode to email 2.
Fix a Repeater Field issue with Conditional logic.

[PRO] v6.4.18 (2021/12/11)
Fix an issue of Calculated field.

[PRO] 6.4.17 (2021/12/08)
Add custom required message for Textarea field.
Optimize auto generate field id.
Fix the label of “Automatically move to the next step after selecting – Multi Step Form” control doesn’t break.
Fix calculate incorrectly when removing repeater items.
Fix conditional logic for checkbox field.
Fix conditional logic for number type.

[PRO] 6.4.16 (2021/12/04)
Add a required option for minimum files for the Image upload field.
Add Text align CSS for Field widget.
Update Mollie payment status for shortcode.
Fix a header issue of Remote request.
Fix a custom font size issue of PDF.
Fix live preview of repeater items.

[PRO] 6.4.15 (2021/11/23)
Add Pot file.
Fix Can’t display Date field of ACF Repeater form with Submit post.
Integrate MetaBox Field to Register Form Builder and Update User Profile.
Do re-calculate for number field when updating min or max value.
Fix an issue of Calculated field.

[PRO] 6.4.14 (2021/11/08)
Add Iban field.
Add Mollie payment status shortcode to email.
Add dynamic tag for Email tab in Submit button
Fix Signature field on Safari iOS 15.
Fix an issue of ConvertKit.
Fix an issue of Woocommerce checkout redirect.
Fix an issue of Google Sheet.

[PRO] v6.4.13 (2021/10/22)
Inline label for form field.
Add new filter hooks to change the path of the Upload File: pafe/form_builder/upload_dir and pafe/form_builder/upload_dir/file_name
Fix the Grid Carousel conflict with Conditional Logic.

[PRO] v6.4.12 (2021/10/13)
Improvement security issues.

[PRO] 6.4.11 (2021/10/08)
Fix repeater return raw shortcode when using Remove Empty Field.

[PRO] 6.4.10 (2021/10/02)
Add new action hook for Form Abandonment: pafe_action_form_abandonment
Add option to remove option value for number field.
Auto generated field id with alphabet only.
Support create Stripe invoice payment.
Fix an issue of Live Preview Field Value: Do not receive the value of Checkbox, Radio field.

[PRO] 6.4.9 (2021/09/22)
New feature: ConvertKit integration.
Change icons to compatible with Elementor v3.4.4.
Change ActiveCampaign API to v3.
Fix Form Abandonment does not save the value of Address Autocomplete Field.

[PRO] 6.4.8 (2021/09/15)
Add Link target for Lost Password
Fix PHP syntax error.
Fix can’t display Date field of ACF Repeater form with Submit post.

[PRO] 6.4.7 (2021/09/10)
Add ACF options to user register in the Multi-step widget.
Optimize code for display Date field of Edit Post and Update User Profile.
Fix Update User Profile can’t display the value of the Checkbox field.
Fix the arrow on the Select field that does not display on the Front-end.
Fix Mobile responsive conflict with Elememtor.
Fix Image align doesn’t work in Image Select with small size image.
Fix a bug of condition in the repeater.
Fix the amount of Mollie payment for the calculation field.

[PRO] 6.4.6 (2021/09/06)
Add Justify Content for Multi-step form.
Fix an issue of the Form Submission widget.
Fix a Webhook issue of Form Abandonment.

[PRO] 6.4.5 (2021/08/30)
Add a custom message for minimal selection.
Add Item Spacing CSS option for the Radio field and the Check box field.
Add new options for Hubspot: Get group list and Get property list.
Fix a bug of the Form Entries widget on the Editor page.
Fix Style control for the “Select Autocomplete” field is not working.
Fix Redirect URL for Mollie payment.

[PRO] 6.4.3 (2021/08/23)
Add Webhook for Form Abandonment.
Add “Input Height” style for the TinyMCE field.
Add align image select field.
Get the list of form id and field label automatically.
Change Alignment icons to compatible with Elementor v3.4.2.
Fix doesn’t show invalid fields when clicking the Paypal button in Firefox.

[PRO] 6.4.1 (2021/08/07)
Fix a bug of New widget to display the form data.
Fix a bug on the Editor page.

[PRO] v6.3.79 (2021/07/27)
Add Tab Name option in Google Sheets for Elementor Form.
Add MailChimp tags for Subscribers.
Add custom style for Stripe field.
Add Typography control for placeholder of input field.
Add SendGrid integration and Slack webhook integration into Multistep Form.
Add “Item Vertical Spacing” style for Checkbox field.
Add the Acceptance field for Hubspot Integration.
Fix a repeater issue in the Form Database.
Fix Date Field and Time Field display duplicate in Repeater on mobile.

[PRO] 6.3.78 (2021/07/14)
Add “minuteIncrement” option of Flatpickr for Time field.
Add Google Calendar and Hubspot into Multistep form.
Change default time format value of Time field to ‘h:i K’.
Integrate ACF plugin with Register.
Fix an issue of Field when enable “Remove empty field”.
Fix can’t Set value for Image Field when Submit Post/Edit Post with ACF Repeater.
Fix metadata for Webhook doesn’t work.
Fix Email content include raw Shortcode when using Remove empty field.
Fix Field value is duplicated in Form Database.
Fix Calculated Fields calculate an incorrect value for floating numbers.

[PRO] 6.3.77 (2021/07/03)
Support dynamic custom file name PDF by shortcode.
Fix bug of number field type when set Min-Max value, it could not fill value from the keyboard.
Fix Range Slider doesn’t not working with Elementor Form on Popup.
Fix bug the conditional logic use repeater multi-levels together in the Edit Post page.
Fix Invalid Message display incorrect when Submit form using Stripe Payment.
Fix can’t submit Stripe form when Checkbox field is required and hidden by Conditional Logic.
Fix an issue of Date Time format.

[PRO] v6.3.75 (2021/06/23)
Fix Calculated Fields format incorrect for floating-point number.
Fix Coupon Code Fields doesn’t work when don’t have any Coupon data.

[PRO] v6.3.74 (2021/06/19)
Add types of fields for Zoho CRM: Checkbox, Boolean, Multi-select, date type.
Fix a Sendinblue issue when adding a contact to the list.
Fix the bug of Advanced Nav Menu Styling.
Add custom modules for Zoho CRM.
Fix an issue about Woocommerce Sales Funnels.
Fix Image and Gallery field in Edit Post.

[PRO] 6.3.73 (2021/06/08)
Fix an issue when setup authorization for Zoho CRM.
Fix display incorrect in the Setting page.

Piotnet [PRO] 6.3.72 (2021/06/04)
Clean code and remove redundant files.

[PRO] 6.3.71 (2021/06/01)
Integrate the JetEngine Repeater with the Submit post and the Edit post.
Image select field: Add minimum selected images requirement.
Rearrange the features table in the Admin page.
Remove redundant files.
Fix an issue about Woocommerce Checkout in Multi-Step form.
Fix an issue about Google Sheet when using Conditional Logic.
Fix an issue about Woocommerce Sales Funnels.

[PRO] v6.3.68 (2021/05/24)
New: Sendgrid integration. Check out the document here.
New Filter Hook before submit: apply_filters( ‘pafe/form_builder/form_settings’, $settings);
Fix calculate incorrect for repeater items.
Fix the required checkbox that doesn’t work when enabling Stripe.
Fix an issue when using the upload file in the repeater.
Fix an issue about the condition of the Paypal button.
Fix an issue about the Woocommerce Checkout.

= [PRO] 6.3.66 (2021/05/11) =
Integrate with ACF Relationship Field for Submit Post Feature.

= [PRO] v6.3.65 (2021/05/10) =
New: Hubspot integration.
New conditional visibility: Visibility by Date and Time.
Add delete post shortcode into submit button and multi-step form.
Fix incompatible with Elementor beta v3.3.

= [PRO] v6.3.64 (2021/05/07) =
Change requires Elementor minimum version to 2.8.0.
Remove deprecated references of Elementor.
Remove PAFE form builder post type from Yoast Seo plugin.
Change the description of the password field.
Bug Fixing: ACF Repeater value in Multi-Step Forms do not displayed when using Edit Post feature.
Bug Fixing: Checkbox values in a repeater are incorrect in email content when enabling Stripe payment.

= [PRO] 6.3.63 (2021/04/20)​ =
New option: Hidden field for Form Database.
Fix an issue display incorrect the price in the booking form.
Fix an issue that calculated fields don’t show separator characters when enable “Always show decimal places”.
Fix an issue that date fields require incorrect on mobile.

= [PRO] 6.3.62 (2021/04/12)​ =
Fix a comparing password issue.
Fix a Sendfox setting issue.

= [PRO] 6.3.61 (2021/04/03) =
Fix can’t update email in User Profile.
Fix a radio field shortcode issue.

= [PRO] 6.3.60 (2021/04/01) =
Add custom top icon CSS when showing password field.
Fix an Email2 issue.
Fix a PDF issue.
Fix a Stripe issue.
Fix box-shadow CSS for the field.

⭐ 另请参考: The Elementor Addons daily update archive here!

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