WeePie Cookie Allow v3.4.1 – Complete GDPR Cookie Consent Solution for WordPress

最后更新于:2022-03-28 10:35:02


Since 2015, the first automatic cookie blocker plugin for WordPress has been available, and it is EU GDPR and CCPA compliant.

An easy, thorough, and adaptable cookie legislation implementation plugin for WordPress that allows you to completely comply with the GDPR and CCPA when it comes to cookies on your website.

Completely cooperate on your own terms!

With the WeePie Cookie Allow Plugin for WordPress, you can simply comply with your country’s cookie regulation in your own unique way:

Proof of GDPR and AVG cookies

  • Cookie information bar/box with the option to include:
    • Please include a link to your cookie policy page.
    • To open the cookie settings pop-up, click the icon.
    • Button to Accept Cookies
    • a button to turn off cookies
  • Change your cookie preferences
  • Before giving consent, block privacy-sensitive /3rd-party cookies.
  • Logging of consent
  • Cookie permission is only available to EU visitors (non-EU visitors will see a cookie consent bar/box).

For California website visitors only, our plugin provides the ability to comply with the following CCPA cookie requirements:

  • Show a bar/box with a Collection Notice.
  • Within your Notice of Collection statement, provide a link to your Do Not Sell My Personal Information (DNSMPI) website.
  • Opt out of the potential of third-party cookies being placed on your computer.
  • Proof of the CCPA (cookie): For California website visitors, display a bar/box with a Notice at Collection and an opt-out option.
  • Switch buttons in the cookie category settings box
  • Change the name and description of the cookie category.
  • To launch a Cookie Category settings window, click the Cookie Category settings icon.
  • In the Cookie Category settings box, turn off all cookie categories by default.
[v3.4.1] 25-01-2022 
fixed: revert last change in the regex pattern for inline JavaScript
fixed: changelog URL not correct in the admin settings notice

[v3.4] 23-01-2022
新增: possibility to show the closing (X) inside the bar/box
新增: possibility to show the cookie settings pop-up trigger as hyperlink
新增: possibility to show a configurable reconsider icon
新增: configurable title attribute for the settings icon in the bar/box
fixed: CCPA logic not working with caching (bar/box/pop-up HTML now loaded client-side)
fixed: typo in consent log settings page
fixed: button CSS for the cookie category settings box
fixed: remove not working with caching warnings
fixed: name space ajax context for consent logging
fixed: inline JavaScript with HTML tags inside are not blocked
fixed: PHP warning Invalid argument supplied for foreach
fixed: saving cookie categories fails while consent has been given already
fixed: settings icon style field not being hided
added: JavaScript frontend custom event wpca.popup:show
added: JavaScript frontend custom event wpca.popup:hide

[v3.3] 16-11-2021
新增: possibility to export logged consents
新增: possibility to delete logged consent by a website visitor
fixed: missing alt attributes for settings and closing icons
fixed: make sure the wpcaData script is not blocked
fixed: iFrame blocking logic caused window.history duplicate entries
fixed: HTML processed when cookies before consent is 3rd parties
fixed: settings popup not rendered when automatic cookie blocking disabled
fixed: Microsoft Edge browser shows unsafe content
fixed: regex pattern for iFrames not working with iFrame URL’s with a q
fixed: blocking logic optimizations
fixed: improve settings page text
fixed: typo in the default text for the bar/box content
fixed: removed corrupt code in frontend JavaScript
fixed: revert code which disables consent logs for logged in users
fixed: Avada theme placing the bar/box HTML in a hidden <div>
fixed: placeholder data attribute encoding caused not loading of Google Maps
fixed: invalid new line placholders are replaced
fixed: bar/box not visible when disabling automatic cookie blocking
fixed: compatibility list not updated after plugin upgrade
fixed: template variable escaping
Added: jQuery functions to handle the processing button states

[v3.2.15] 22-03-2021
新增: possibility to switch the position of decline button (left or right to the accept button)
新增: compatibility with the WP Google Map Plugin
fixed: Fusion (avada) Google Maps compatibility
fixed: Fusion (avada) Google Maps not showing placeholder
fixed: Divi Google Maps not showing placeholder
fixed: JavaScript compatibility callback check not working with prefixed function names
fixed: Google Tag Manager gtag analytical 3rd party not working with tracking ID’s starting with “G-”
fixed: accepting a single cookie category from placeholder accepts all
improved: blocking logic by having the option to add a depency window object
improved: blocking logic by adding the possible to prefix/suffix HTML element attribute matching patterns

[v3.2.14] 01-02-2021
fixed: Microsoft Edge browser shows unsafe content
fixed: auto updating throws an error while extracting the geo database
fixed: automate blocking HTML element property “fp” not available after update
fixed: jQuery migrate warnings
fixed: replace placeholder {CC} with cookie category display name
fixed: reload scripts logic fails when having multiple indentical sources
fixed: uppgrade file not replacing for WPML

[v3.2.13] 03-01-2021
新增: (WeePie Framework): exporting and importing of settings
新增: compatibility (hookable) system
新增: 3rd party: Google gtag.js (analytical)
新增: 3rd party: Google gtag.js (advertising)
新增: 3rd party: Paypal marketing solutions
新增: GTM optimization: custom variable and event pushes to the dataLayer
新增: replace the “href” attribute value for blocked hyperlinks
fixed: Divi and Avada Live builder issues
fixed: anonymize ip now also works for gtag
fixed: Google maps not loaded for Divi and Avada (Fusion) builder
fixed: the settings popup doesn’t scroll with some smaller screen heights
fixed: CCPA shortcode is rendered as plain text
fixed: PHP error call to a member function get() on bool
fixed: centered box animation not working from hide to show
fixed: MariaDB MySQL version not correct in consent-log module
fixed: the alphabetical order of the 3rd party list
fixed: image “srcset” attrribute is not supported in blocking logic
fixed: add bar/box/post/page to the DNSMPI shortcode description
fixed: a typo in the JavaScript paramater “block”
fixed: WP Rocket’s lazyloading of images conflicts with the settings icon markup
fixed: button css margin and float may be overwritten by themes or plugins
fixed: iFrame regex pattern didn’t match single quotes inside the “src” attribute
fixed: reset query argument stays in the url after a reset by url
fixed: removed an unused css class “group” in the bar and box template
fixed: a typo in the cookie category settings options template
fixed: zendesk web widget code not blocked
fixed: remove unused code in modules
fixed: accepting a cookie category from the placeholder not handling required cookie categories
fixed: including the wf check triggers a fatal error with multiple instances
improved: placeholder logic
updated: Maxmind databases to latest version
updated: the button text “Default cookie settings” to “Accept all cookies”
updated: the plugin header description

[v3.2.12] 17-02-2020
fixed: (WeePie Framework) allowed staging environments can’t use the plugin

⭐另请参考: Collection of Codecanyon plugin Premium updated daily

注意: 也许你需要在安装插件之前解压。 如果任何主题/插件包含病毒,我们不提供任何保证。在本地主机上使用,请先查杀病毒。