FiboSearch v1.14.1 – AJAX Search for WooCommerce (Pro)

最后更新于:2022-03-27 01:30:43


The most well known WooCommerce item search plugin. It gives your clients a very much planned progressed AJAX search bar with live hunt ideas.

Naturally, WooCommerce gives an exceptionally basic inquiry arrangement, without live item search or even SKU search. FiboSearch (Ajax Search for WooCommerce) gives progressed search live ideas.


Features FiboSearch – AJAX Search for WooCommerce Pro

  • Ultra-fast search engine based on the inverted index – works very fast, even with 100,000+ products
  • Fuzzy search – works even with minor typos
  • Search in custom fields with dedicated support for ACF
  • Search in attributes
  • Search in categories. Supports category thumbnails.
  • Search in tags
  • Search in brands (We support WooCommerce Brands, Perfect Brands for WooCommerce, Brands for WooCommerce, YITH WooCommerce Brands). Supports brand thumbnails.
  • Search by variation product SKU – also shows variable products in live search after typing in the exact matching SKU
  • Search for posts – also shows matching posts in live search
  • Search for pages – also shows matching posts in live search
  • Synonyms
  • Conditional exclusion of products
  • TranslatePress compatible
  • Professional and fast help with embedding or replacing the search bar in your theme
  • and more…

变更日志 FiboSearch – AJAX Search for WooCommerce Pro

v1.14.1 Release Date - October 25, 2021
FIX: Unable to search in other languages than the default one (TranslatePress, qTranslate-XT, sometimes WPML)

v1.14.0 Release Date - October 17, 2021
ADD: Integration with “GeneratePress” theme
ADD: Possibility to set a delay for initialization of mobile overlay
ADD: New filter to manipulate the results score
ADD: New debugging tools for an indexer
ADD: Details Panel - support for responsive images including retina images (2x), sizes, and srcset
ADD: Possibility to insert custom HTML in 5 places in the search suggestion
ADD: New filter and action hooks
ADD: Searching in custom taxonomies
ADD: Allow to easier change the order of the search results by simple code snippets
FIX: Prevent hiding search results on click an Enter key when submit is disabled via a filter
FIX: No results on search page when WPML is active with “Language name added as a parameter” option
FIX: Support for version v1.3.1 of Open Shop theme
FIX: Integrating with Divi theme - delay in starting JS scripts
FIX: Integrating with Divi theme - force search overlay for mobile devices
FIX: Unnecessary HTML tags in the search input after selecting a suggestion
FIX: Hide mobile overlay after submitting a form or clicking a result. Fixes screen after clicking iPhone back arrow
FIX: [Troubleshooting] Fixed false negative in “OutOfStockRelationships test”. An order of arrays was taken into account for the diff function. It was replaced by full diff
FIX: Unnecessary hiding all products in Woocommerce Memberships plugin (version < 1.22)
FIX: Prevent an PDO error with the message “There is no active transaction”
FIX: Prevent an fatal error with the message “Call to undefined function admin_url()” during search
FIX: Unable to search products with very long SKU (more than 100 chars)
FIX: No search results if B2BKing is active and hiding products is disabled
FIX: Prevent errors while searching phrases that contain only spaces
FIX: Unclosed tag <a/>
FIX: Typo on Troubleshooting tab
FIX: Clear “alt” attribute in the product thumbnail
FIX: Disabling search cache when its tables do not exist
REFACTOR: Direct passing items set to searchable indexer instead using DB
REFACTOR: Escape search terms the way WordPress core does
REFACTOR: Replacing image with thumbnails in "DgoraWcas\Post" class to keep a consistent style compared with "DgoraWcas\Product"

v1.13.0 - Release Date - July 27, 2021
ADD: Integration with "eStore" theme
ADD: Allow to open search result in new tab with Ctrl+left mouse key
ADD: Integration with "Custom Product Tabs for WooCommerce" plugin
ADD: Ability to search in the content generated by the specified shortcodes
ADD: Integration with WooCommerce Memberships plugin
ADD: New filter to manipulating products score
ADD: Integration with "Premmerce Brands for WooCommerce" plugin
ADD: New test for the troubleshooting module - add test if MySQL server has support to InnoDB engine
FIX: Disappearing suggestions and details panel on click when there were more search bars
FIX: Improved integration with "Avada" theme
FIX: Improved mobile search in new version of "Rehub" theme
FIX: Unable to use context menu and middle mouse button on search results
FIX: "Eletro" theme - Support cases when the search overlay is disabled
FIX: Identifying error "MySQL server has gone away"
FIX: Brand related filters can now be used in a theme
FIX: Change empty DB_HOST for IPv4 address
FIX: PHP Warning in the indexer logs (rare case): array_values() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given
FIX: TranslatePress - randomly untranslated URLs of objects as they were added to the index
REFACTOR: Clean up composer files

v1.12.0 - Release Date - June 22, 2021
ADD: Integration with Electro theme
ADD: New test for the troubleshooting module - test language codes
ADD: New test for the troubleshooting module - check if the Elementor Pro has defined correct template for search results
ADD: Support for “ACF” fields in the “Search in custom fields” list
ADD: Support for “ACF Table” field in the “Search in custom fields” list
ADD: New test for the troubleshooting module - test if the index was built by the current plugin version
ADD: New test for the troubleshooting module - test "Out of stock" relationships
ADD: Compatibility with “Permalink Manager for WooCommerce” plugin
ADD: Support for qTranslate-XT
FIX: “WOOF – Products Filter for WooCommerce” - disappearing filters if “Dynamic recount” and “Hide empty terms” was enabled and other issues
FIX: TranslatePress v1.9.8 and higher - results on the search page were different from the results in the autocomplete
FIX: Remove unnecessary AJAX request on select “See all products ... (X)”
FIX: The search form is now generated without random ID, to be compatible with the LiteSpeed Cache
FIX: Order terms by total_products if there is the same score
FIX: Better index rebuild enforcement when the plugin version changes
FIX: PHP WARNING json_decode() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given
FIX: Not using the getmypid() function when it has been disabled
FIX: Do not index term if isn't associated with any object
FIX: The "Search in description" option now also applies to variations of products
FIX: Reindex related products after edit/delete term. Applies to category, tag, brand and attribute
FIX: Add another alternative location of wp-load.php file: wordpress/wp-load.php
REFACTOR: Change .dgwt-wcas-suggestion element from <div> to <a> to allow open a suggestion in a new tab

v1.11.0 - Release Date - May 24, 2021
ADD: Integration with Goya theme
ADD: Integration with Top and Top Store Pro theme
ADD: Keep the state of a details panel in memory instead of replacing it every time using jQuery.html() method. Doesn't clear quantity and "add to cart" states
ADD: Prevent submit empty form
ADD: Possibility to index only products belonging to the indicated categories, tags or groups of attributes
ADD: Show category thumbnails in autocomplete suggestions
ADD: Show brand thumbnails in autocomplete suggestions
FIX: W3 validator warning: The type attribute for the style element is not needed and should be omitted
FIX: Search terms with apostrophes
FIX: Synchronization with the native WooCommerce option "Out of stock visibility"
FIX: Hiding an unnecessary line in the product details when there is no description
FIX: Adding polyfill for supporting “includes” in Internet Explorer 11
FIX: Better elements positioning on the "Starting" tab on the plugin settings page
FIX: Support for custom Google Analytics object name
FIX: Better handling “plus” and “minus” buttons for a quantity field
FIX: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_review_count() on null
FIX: Displaying the search box off screen on mobile devices
FIX: Correct way for rebuilding autocomplete feature on an input by manually recalling dgwtWcasAutocomplete(). Remove more events on dispose method
FIX: Highlight single chars in autocomplete results
FIX: Add trim on query value
FIX: Clear search title and phrase from escape characters
FIX: Indexer errors when only one language is active in WPML
FIX: Rebuilding index when WPML active languages change
FIX: Composer - allow to use PHP 7.0.x
FIX: Variations are also excluded when the “Exclude 'out of stock' products” option is active
FIX: AJAX endpoint search.php now send a proper empty response if language is invalid
FIX: Identifying an indexer error related to a database connection limit
FIX: Indexing variations when updating a single product
FIX: Logging indexer timeout warning and show solution for it when indexer stuck
FIX: Exclude terms in search result matched by “Exclude/include products” option
FIX: “WOOF – Products Filter for WooCommerce” - correct results after using filter or pagination and counters next to the filters
FIX: InnoDB engine forcing in index tables
REFACTOR: Standardize filters name and define indexer set items count in one place
CHANGE: Decrease searchable indexer set items count from 100 to 50

v1.10.0 - Release Date - April 22, 2021
ADD: Possibility to disable select event on suggestions (click and hit the Enter key)
ADD: Possibility to disable submit a search form via a filter
ADD: New tool for debugging a indexer
ADD: Notifying user (via icon) of an indexer error or index build delay
ADD: Improving a search index build in the background
ADD: New light method for building a search index - synchronously mode
FIX: Not working click event on suggestions after using “back arrow” on a Safari browser
FIX: Allow to recognize Chinese lang codes such as zh-hant and zh-hans
FIX: Error on PHP 8. Wrong format for printf function
FIX: When searching for something and then clicking “back arrow”, the “✕” for closing remained
FIX: Wrong path in restoration theme
FIX: Better checking of nonces
FIX: Handle efficiently long queries by limiting characters and tokens when searching
FIX: Correct handling of terms in which characters can be written differently eg. “läßt” and “lässt”
FIX: Sort search results by popularity - “desc” instead “asc”
FIX: Better detection when the indexer is stuck
FIX: Skip collecting irrelevant MySQL errors by Query Monitor
FIX: Troubleshooting - improvement of checking database connection by PDO
FIX: Duplicate attributes in the variant title
FIX: Indexer errors when only one language is active in TranslatePress
FIX: Integration with WooCommerce Product Filter by WooBeWoo - no products with AJAX filtering
FIX: Unnecessary sorting when fetching products with search results
FIX: Allow to delete product from an index after making order
FIX: Limit the search scope for multiple keywords as single letters
REFACTOR: Troubleshooting - improved detection of problems with WP-Cron
REFACTOR: Better indexer error handling
REFACTOR: Build an index for variants in a separate background process
REFACTOR: Build an index for taxonomies in a separate background process
REMOVE: Excessive scheduler actions fixer was removed

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