Relevanssi Premium v2.17.1 – The WordPress Search Plugin You Need
最后更新于:2022-03-29 03:01:12
Relevanssi is a superior search engine that replaces the default WordPress search with a lot of features and adjustable parameters. You’ll receive better results and better results presentation, and your users will appreciate it.

Features: Relevanssi Premium – A Better Search
- Search results are arranged by relevance rather than date.
- If whole words don’t match, use fuzzy matching to match incomplete words.
- Find documents that match only one search keyword (OR query) or all words must present (AND query).
- Look for terms in quotes, such as “search phrase.”
- Create unique extracts that emphasize the search phrases and indicate where the hit occurred.
- When the user clicks through the search results, search terms are highlighted in the documents.
- Comments, tags, categories, and custom fields may all be searched.
- Multi-site compatibility.
- Support for bbPress.
- Gutenberg-compatible
- Titles, tags, and comments can all be given different weightings.
- Show the most popular searches and recent queries with no hits in the query log.
- Using a hidden variable or plugin settings, limit searches to categories and tags.
- Custom post types and taxonomies are indexed.
- Shortcodes’ contents are indexed.
- “Did you mean?” suggestions a la Google, based on successful user queries.
- WPML and Polylang multi-language plugins are supported.
- Support for the s2member membership plugin, as well as other membership plugins like as Members, Groups, Simple Membership, and others.
- Advanced filters to let you manipulate the search results to your liking.
- Throttling of search results to increase performance on huge databases.
- With a simple filter hook, you may disable indexing of post content and titles.
- Attachment content indexing (PDF, Office, Open Office).
- Spelling correction in “Did you mean?” recommendations has been improved.
- In a multisite installation, searching across different sites is possible.
- User profiles may be searched and indexed.
- Taxonomic word pages may be searched and indexed (categories, tags, custom taxonomies).
- In the wp posts MySQL table, you may search and index any column.
- Any post types and taxonomies can be given weights.
- New posts should be given more weight.
- Allow the user to select between AND and OR searches, and make use of the + and – operators (AND and NOT).
- Settings for export and import.
- WP CLI is a command line interface for WordPress.
- Posts that are related.
- For searches, there are redirects.
变更日志: Relevanssi Premium – The WordPress Search Plugin You Need
v2.17.1 Premium. New feature: New filter hook relevanssi_update_translations lets you disable the translation updates from TranslationsPress. If you only use WordPress in English, you can disable the translation updates with add_filter( 'relevanssi_update_translations', '__return_false' );. Changed behaviour: Relevanssi now ignores WordPress metadata custom fields that aren’t interesting for Relevanssi indexing. Changed behaviour: Both relevanssi_get_permalink() and relevanssi_the_permalink() now can take post ID or a post object as a parameter and can thus be used outside the Loop. Changed behaviour: The relevanssi_hits_filter hook now gets the WP_Query object as the second parameter. Premium. Minor fix: The “Disable outside connections” option did not apply to the TranslationsPress translation updates. Now it does: those are also disabled when this option is enabled. Premium. Minor fix: The mysqlcolumn_detail feature was completely missing. Nobody has ever asked about it, which suggests nobody actually uses it, but now it works. Premium. Minor fix: The ‘Ignore post content’ checkbox did not show up correctly. Now it works. Free. Minor fix: Avoid error messages for missing mysqlcolumn_matches array key. v2.16.8 There was a single comma that made Relevanssi Premium 2.16.7 incompatible with PHP versions 7.2 or earlier. Relevanssi is supposed to be compatible with PHP 7+, so this version restores PHP 7 compatibility. (That said, do move on to PHP 8. The affected PHP versions are no longer officially supported and are not safe to use in the long run.) = v2.15.1 = * New feature: New action hooks `relevanssi_disable_stemmer` and `relevanssi_enable_stemmer`. Relevanssi-compatible stemmers should implement these action hooks: the first should disable the stemmer and the second should enable it. * New feature: Adds compatibility for WP-Members plugin, preventing blocked posts from showing up in the search results. * New feature: New function `relevanssi_get_attachment_suffix()` can be used to return the attachment file suffix based on a post object or a post ID. * Major fix: Fixes the broken Relevanssi controls on block editor post edit pages. * Minor fix: Improved the Missing terms feature when used with stemming. This fix requires updating Snowball Stemmer to version 1.3. * Minor fix: Improves the Oxygen compatibility. Now also the [oxygen] shortcode tags are removed. = v2.8.1 = * New feature: New filter hook `relevanssi_post_content_after_shortcodes` filters the post content after shortcodes have been processed but before the HTML tags are stripped. * Minor fix: Adds more backwards compatibility for the `relevanssi_indexing_restriction` change. = v2.2.5 = EXISTS and NOT EXISTS didn't work for taxonomy terms in searches. WPML post type handling has been improved. If post type allows fallback for default language, Relevanssi will support that. Relevanssi now reminds you to set up automatic trimming for the logs. It's a really good idea, otherwise the logs will become bloated, which will hurt search performance. New filter: relevanssi_user_indexing_args lets you adjust the arguments for the user indexing query, making easy for example to adjust which user roles are indexed. API keys are handled better in single installations on multisites. The pinning query is significantly faster. In some cases, the related posts feature could show wrong number of posts. That's now fixed. The Groups posts filter is only applied to public posts to avoid drafts being shown to people who shouldn't see them. The posts_per_page query variable didn't work; it's now added to the introduced query variables so that it works. Relevanssi won't log empty queries anymore. WP CLI searches were disabled when Relevanssi is active; it should work now. New filter: relevanssi_pdf_for_parent_query lets you adjust the MySQL query for fetching PDFs to index with the parent post. New filter: relevanssi_pdf_for_parent_insert_data lets you manipulate the INSERT data for PDFs indexed with the parent post. The default tax query relation was switched from OR to AND to match the WP_Query default behaviour. Gutenberg can cause duplicated postmeta fields for pinning and unpinning. Relevanssi will now remove the duplicate post meta when the post is saved. When used with WP 5.1, Relevanssi will now use wp_insert_site instead of the now-deprecated wpmu_new_blog. Multisite blog creation is handled better in WP 5.1+. Relevanssi now supports Restrict Content Pro permissions. The Relevanssi metabox is now only shown for indexed post types. = v2.4.3 = Major fix: Disabling update_post_metadata_cache seemed like a good optimization move for related posts, but it turns out it disables related posts thumbnails. We'll take weaker performance with working images. Major fix: Importing options caused WordPress to crash, because related posts and redirect settings were handled incorrectly in the import. Minor fix: The Polylang compatibility filter didn't return correct post objects if fields was set to ids or id=>parent. Now the filter function returns correct type of result. Minor fix: Enabling the related posts checkbox did not activate the number of months setting.
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