Ninja Popups v4.7.5 – Popup Plugin for WordPress

最后更新于:2022-03-27 00:52:18


Ninja Popups for Wordpress combines a professionally designed popups to convert visitors on your site into taking an action, whether it’s subscribing to your newsletter, offering a discount or coupon for leaving customers, or locking content until they share, you’ll increase your subscriber count and social signal, which is exactly what Google and other search engines want.

Ninja Popups for WordPress — works with all major email marketing platforms, including MailChimp, GetResponse, InfusionSoft, JetPack, ConvertKit, and many others. By using API, you can gain full compatibility across popup plugins and mailing systems.
This powerful popup plugin solution generates high-quality leads and increases the number of people that sign up for your mailing list.


Features: Ninja Popups – Popup Plugin for WordPress

  • Popup with Exit Intent!
  • When the user has scrolled down to XX percent of the page, show a popup!
  • After X seconds of inactivity (no mouse or keyboard operations), open the popup!
  • Integration with Google Analytics Event Tracking
  • Popups/Bars/Sliders A/B Testing
  • Popups from the Traffic Bouncer
  • Popup Configuration Made Simple (No Coding Required!)
  • Excellent Popups Design (many color, many layouts, drag n drop editor)
  • Customizable to the max!
  • Ready for translation!
  • Integration with mailing services via API
  • Updates to the Popup Plugin are available for free.
  • You can make as many popups as you want.
  • When the page loads, a popup appears.
  • When you close or exit a page, a popup appears.
  • Targeting at the page level (different popups for each post/page, toggle popups on/off for all pages or just a few)
  • Close button (yes/no, custom close button wording, and auto-close popup)
  • Popup for Social Network Locker (you can lock page)
  • Popup for the Newsletter Locker (you can lock page)
  • The popup’s statistics (views, conversion)
  • Time Display Preferences (start date, end date, hour, minutes)
  • Open Delay is a term that refers to a (open popup delay in seconds)
  • MailChimp Support
  • MyMail Support
  • Wysija Support
  • AWeber Support
  • GetResponse Support
  • Campaign Monitor Support
  • iContact Support
  • Constant Contact Support
  • Direct Mail for OS X Support
  • Store Opt-ins in CSV file or Send by Email
  • Submit Opt-in Form to Custom URL
  • Facebook Support
  • Facebook Likebox in Your Popup
  • Twitter Support
  • Google+ Support
  • LinkedIn Support
  • Pinterest Support
  • Excellent Customer Support!
  • Powered by jQuery

变更日志: Ninja Popups – Popup Plugin for WordPress

4.7.5 (26.03.2021)
- Minor bug fixes
- Display GetResponse custom fields ID's in mailing list manager settings

4.7.4 (24.02.2021)
- Fixed GetResponse integration

4.7.3 (18.02.2021)
- Temporarly disable Zoho CRM Integration
- Added integration with Salesforce Web-To-Lead
- Added integration with Salesforce Web-To-Case

4.7.2 (06.12.2020)
- Minor bug fixes
- Fix for AWeber API (ip address)
- Fix Sendinblue errors when official Sendinblue plugin was installed

4.7.1 (16.11.2020)
- Minor bug fixes

4.7.0 (20.10.2020)
- Added option to save subscribers data in CSV AND in choosen Mailing List Manager
- Added option to disable closing pop-up when ESC key is pressed
- Minor bug fixes

4.6.9 (10.09.2020)
- Mobile popup open on the click - update
- Minor bug fixes

4.6.8 (05.09.2020)
- ConstantContact API update

4.6.7 (21.08.2020)
- Minor bug fixes

4.6.6 (13.08.2020)
- JS bug fix

4.6.5 (21.05.2020)
- Security fix,
- Minor bug fixes,
- Open mobile popup on the click (button/link).

- Added option to redirect user to new url after leaving viewport
- Fixed integration with Sendy
- Fixed WooCommerce support
- GeoIP Welcome/Exit pop-up's now have option to display pop-up's based on country, city, zip code (city and zip code works only with
- Before user is subscribed to mailchimp, we are checking if e-mail exists in list that pop-up is connecte to. If it is
then, error is returned
- Fixed log gathering for mailing list managers that uses list id that is longer than 32 chars
- Added option to display pop-up only in specific domains
- Minor bug fixes

- Fixed file upload input
- Fixed recaptcha errors in wp-admin
- Fixed tagging mailchimp contacts
- Added option to use
- Added integration with
- Added option to show/hide pop-up by city/zip code (works only with
- Added option to place page title and url on pop-up and send them to mailing list manager
- Minor bug fixes

- Minor bug fixes

- Fixed SSL (https) issue
- Minor bug fixes

- Fixed sending e-mails with WPML e-mail plugin
- Fixed problem with scrolling on mobile
- Added option to set alt attribute on images
- Added integration with ZOHO CRM
- Added integration with Zapier Webhook
- Log gathering is enabled by default
- Added logging wp_mail calls - new option under ninja pop-up's menu
- Updated animate styles
- Closing pop-ups by escape key
- Better compatibility with WooCommerce
- Updated Mobile_Detect library
- Fixed false-positive WordFence malware alert
- Fixed problem with importing of library elements

⭐Similar sugguestion: Popup Maker – WordPress Popup Plugin + Addons

下载 Ninja Popups v4.7.5 Nulled – Popup Plugin for WordPress

注意: 也许你需要在安装插件之前解压。 如果任何主题/插件包含病毒,我们不提供任何保证。在本地主机上使用,请先查杀病毒。