All In One Addons For WPBakery Page Builder v3.6.3 – Visual Composer
最后更新于:2022-03-26 22:54:32
All In One Addons for WPBakery Page Builder (once in the past Visual Composer) has a straightforward plan and expands WPBakery Page Builder with greater usefulness. This bundle functions admirably with WPBakery Page Builder installed as a plugin or in a subject.
Note: requires WPBakery Page Builder to be installed and actuated on your site. Some CSS3 3D changes are just accessible in current programs like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera or IE10+. The HotSpot component needs to empower the UI proofreader to haul in request to refresh the situation of the symbol.
You can drag the hotspot icon to update its position in the UI editor, click on the image to see a Youtube video demo:
- 1 Features All In One Addons for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer)
- 1.1 YouTube or Vimeo Video Gallery
- 1.2 Compare Cards
- 1.3 Parallax Slider
- 1.4 Timeline card
- 1.5 Material Slider
- 1.6 Skew Box
- 1.7 Shadow Cards
- 1.8 Extend Grid
- 1.9 iHover
- 1.10 Picture Hotspot with Tooltip, lightbox support
- 1.11 Flip Box
- 1.12 Gradient Box
- 1.13 Previously and After
- 1.14 Cube Box
- 1.15 Parallax
- 1.16 Draggable Timeline
- 1.17 Page Transition
- 1.18 Thumbnail with Caption
- 1.19 Separator with Text or Icon
- 1.20 Fullscreen Intro
- 1.21 Metro Carousel and Tile
- 1.22 Carousel and Gallery
- 1.23 Zoom or Magnify (picture)
- 1.24 Tabs
- 1.25 CSS3 Accordion
- 1.26 Picture with Arrow
- 1.27 Item Cover Gallery
- 1.28 Medium Gallery
- 1.29 Plan for the day or Price Table
- 1.30 Figure Navigation
- 1.31 Stack Gallery
- 1.32 Testimonial Carousel
- 1.33 Masonry Gallery
- 1.34 Scrolling Notifications
- 1.35 DA (Direction-Aware) Gallery
- 1.36 Application Mockup Gallery
- 1.37 Font Awesome Animation
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Features All In One Addons for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer)
YouTube or Vimeo Video Gallery
Assists you with adding a library of YouTube or Vimeo recordings, with thumbnails and discretionary inscriptions or tooltips.
Compare Cards
Show 2 cards one next to the other, support button and symbol lightbox, lightbox can be picture, youtube video or google map and so forth
Parallax Slider
auto defer slide show with picture navigation, inscriptions, bolts and specks.
Timeline card
Gives adaptability to add responsive timeline labels with pictures, youtube recordings or google maps and so on
Material Slider
Makes it simple to add a Google Material-style auto-postpone slider.
Skew Box
Assist you with adding 2 pictures next to each other with text box, you can add correlation slider to it.
Shadow Cards
Assists you with adding Apple TV as a shifted 3D float picture, with discretionary subtitles beneath.
Extend Grid
- CSS3 adaptable box-arranged plan, make it responsive and extensible.
- Symbol choices, support symbols or pictures , symbols with WPBakery Page Builder worked in Icon Picker .
- Auto postponement slideshow
- Inherent inclination shading style, likewise support shading customization.
- Add content effectively through WordPress’ inherent rich content tool, which assists you with adding any HTML (like links) effortlessly.
- Discretionary tooltips.
- CSS3 changes.
- 20 changes for circles, 15 advances for squares.
- The two changes support left_to_right, right_to_left, top_to_bottom and bottom_to_top.
- Thumbnails support links or custom lightboxes.
- Retina prepared, you can decide to show thumbnails in retina.
Picture Hotspot with Tooltip, lightbox support
- You can undoubtedly alter the situation of every area of interest symbol in the WPBakery Page Builder UI manager.
- Link the area of interest that upholds YouTube, Vimeo recordings, pictures or google maps as a light box.
- Passageway symbols support Icon Font Awesome or numbers, numbers, or single spots.
- The area of interest symbol (and the spot) upholds any shading type.
- Responsive and Retina prepared.
- The area of interest symbol upholds beat activity and can be white, dim, red, green, blue, or purple.
- Choice to open all tooltips of course on page load.
- Tooltips support any kind of content, similar to pictures or recordings.
- Discretionary tooltip styles: shadow, light, noir, punk.
- Discretionary tooltip movements: develop, slide, blur, decline.
- Discretionary tooltip bolt positions: top, right, base, left, upper right, upper left, base right, base left.
Flip Box
- Discretionary wallpaper on the two sides.
- Discretionary symbol, picture or circle symbol support.
- Picture or circle symbol support symbol.
- Symbol support worked in Icon Picker after WPBakery Page Builder 4.4
- Responsive and Retina prepared.
- The symbol can be on the sides or fixed at the top.
- Discretionary binding for the whole component.
- Discretionary link button on the back.
- Smooth CSS3 advances.
Gradient Box
- Symbol choices, support symbols or pictures , symbols with WPBakery Page Builder worked in Icon Picker .
- (Symbols or pictures) can be round, small, enormous, or square.
- The entire box can be square, small round or enormous round.
- Underlying angle shading style, likewise support shading customization.
- The substance region can be vertically focused or just with padding.
- Discretionary foundation tone for content region, assists you with creating inclination line.
- Discretionary symbol foundation.
- Discretionary links for the whole box.
- Add content effectively through WordPress’ inherent rich content tool, which assists you with adding any HTML (like links) effortlessly.
- Discretionary tooltips for the whole box.
- The container title arrangement can be left, focus, or right.
- And that’s just the beginning…
Previously and After
- Backing for symbol selector after WPBakery Page Builder 4.4
- Programmed postpone slide choice.
- Limitless symbol shading choices.
- Underlying handle style.
- Discretionary tooltip for handle.
- Retina, responsive.
Cube Box
- Discretionary wallpaper on the two sides.
- Discretionary symbol, picture or circle symbol support.
- Picture or circle symbol support symbol.
- Symbol support worked in Icon Picker after WPBakery Page Builder 4.4
- Responsive and Retina prepared.
- Discretionary binding for the whole component.
- Smooth CSS3 block advances.
- Discretionary picture, text content, you can pick picture or text to show first.
- Discretionary text body tone, body text foundation, body text padding.
- Discretionary container width.
- Pictures support custom links.
- Parallax is debilitated in versatile view, keeping pictures and text meaningful.
Draggable Timeline
- Timeline name support for Icons, pictures or plain text as it were.
- Icons and pictures can be square, round, or roundabout.
- Autoplay slideshow for timeline.
- Auto scrollbar support for long substance in timeline window.
- Retina prepared.
- Choices bar tone, timeline window shading style, mark textual style tone.
- Discretionary drag button.
- Discretionary timeline title, timeline content.
Page Transition
- Liveliness in 2 modes: ordinary or overlay mode.
- 58 distinct movements.
- Discretionary overlay tone.
- Input and choices page activity speed.
Thumbnail with Caption
- Thumbnails support lightbox or custom links.
- Autoplay slideshow for thumbnails.
- Retina prepared and responsive.
- Discretionary caption title, caption body and button.
- Inscription and discretionary button foundation tone.
Separator with Text or Icon
- Links support text or icons.
- Numerous icons, you can decide to show 1~5 same icons in one separator.
- Discretionary shape, line style (strong, specked, ran, slope), textual style tone, foundation tone, line tone, textual style family for text, component width, full separator margin way, and so on
Fullscreen Intro
- The foundation can be picture (rehash or non-rehash) or strong shading.
- Discretionary intro text, Font Awesome icon beneath intro text, discretionary text dimension, textual style tone, text style family, intro text position.
- Optionally click on intro text to scroll, choices component for look to component, discretionary parchment speed, scroll offset.
- Discretionary carton tallness.
Metro Carousel and Tile
- You can decide to show pictures in Carousel or Tile mode.
- The navigation buttons in the Carousel support the following areas: base left, base focus, base right, upper left, top focus, and upper right.
- Navigation buttons in Carousel can be one of three kinds: default (short line), cycle, and square.
- Navigation button in Carousel with 12 dynamic shading choices accessible.
- Slide liveliness support: slide, blur, change or dial back in Carousel mode.
- Slide impact support: slideLeft, slideRight, slideLeftRight, slideUp, slideDown and slideUpDown in Puzzle mode.
- Thumbnails support custom lightbox or link in the two modes.
- Autoplay slideshow in the two modes, you can tweak defer time in supervisor.
- Retina prepared and responsive.
- Metro UI is driven by CSS, includes just fundamental components, keeping records lightweight.
Carousel and Gallery
- You can decide to show pictures in the Carousel or Gallery.
- Discretionary speck and bolt navigation.
- Lightbox upholds custom merry go round or link.
- Retina prepared, responsive.
- Auto play slideshow.
- Discretionary tooltips for thumbnails.
- Discretionary container width and max width, auto-focused.
Zoom or Magnify (picture)
- You can decide to show the picture in Zoom or Magnify mode.
- In Zoom mode you can pick the handlebar position, container foundation design, container width, and so forth in the helper segment.
- The control bar can be above, beneath, left or right.
- Zoomed pictures can be shown in Retina.
- In Magnification mode, you can alter the sweep of the glass, line size, line tone, apply grayscale channel to the picture, how to move the magnifier (tap or drift), redo the default position glass setting on page load, and so on
- Discretionary tab menu title, limitless menu tone, menu foundation, content tone, content foundation.
- The tab menu upholds Font Awesome icons.
- 3 tab styles are accessible.
- Smooth advances.
- Retina prepared.
- Limitless tab things, content help any kind of content.
- Auto-turn defer choice for tabs.
- Discretionary container width, auto centering.
CSS3 Accordion
- Discretionary accordion menu title, menu tone, menu foundation, menu foundation layout, content tone, content foundation, text dimension, and so on
- 2 accordion styles are accessible.
- Smooth CSS3 changes.
- Responsive and Retina prepared.
- Limitless accordion things, accordion upholds any sort of content.
- Discretionary boundary.
- Discretionary container width, auto centering.
Picture with Arrow
- Discretionary picture, text content, content position can be above, right, base or left. Discretionary substance tone, content foundation, text dimension, bolt position,
- Pictures can be opened as lightboxes or custom links.
- Retina and responsive.
Item Cover Gallery
- Discretionary cover picture, cover mark, name tone, inscription when the client drifts.
- Discretionary thumbnail when client floats, thumbnail can be opened in current view, lightbox or custom link.
- Retina and Responsive.
Medium Gallery
- Discretionary Media Library format, you can manually set a string of numbers to indicate the number of pictures each line contains in the gallery.
- Discretionary gallery widths, tracks, titles, and options for pictures in the Media Library.
- Discretionary lace mark, strip link, position, lace foundation, lace tone, picture link, and that’s just the beginning. in the Ribbon add-on.
- Retina and Responsive.
Plan for the day or Price Table
- You can redo it to a plan for the day or a value list.
- The discretionary UI is just interactive for daily agendas.
- Textual style Awesome 4.2 icons, custom tone for every icon.
- Responsive and Retina prepared.
- Discretionary title text, shading, foundation, foundation design.
- Limitless thing list.
- Discretionary name divider inside the rundown.
- Choices button under the thing list.
- Choice to part every thing with foundation or line.
- Discretionary shape names, foundation, shading, line tone, title, depiction and text dimension, and then some.
- Backing other VC shortcode, for instance you can put VC buttons inside content.
- Discretionary foundation picture for each square, you can pick the picture to rehash or not.
- Discretionary header picture and picture size.
- Retina, you can decide to show the header picture in retina or not.
- Discretionary square stature, block foundation.
- Show blocking choice as a matter of course.
Stack Gallery
- Discretionary picture, discretionary picture size, picture line, discretionary Retina picture.
- Discretionary tooltips for each picture.
- Simple choice in and down liveliness.
- Retina and responsive.
- Discretionary bolt navigation, discretionary bolt tone (white/dark).
- Discretionary container stature, container foundation.
- Slideshow discretionary auto deferral and second time delay.
Testimonial Carousel
- Discretionary symbol, discretionary symbol size and CSS margin, discretionary retina symbol, discretionary link for every symbol.
- The discretionary testament number is shown of course.
- Discretionary tribute width, foundation and text tone, text style family, text style and text dimension.
- Discretionary autoplay and second slideshow delay.
- Discretionary infinite circle for carousel.
- Text style Awesome icon support.
- Responsive and retina prepared.
- Discretionary icon size, shading, position.
Masonry Gallery
- Responsive Grid.
- Discretionary thumbnail width, thumbnail padding, container offset, Lightbox picture min width.
- Lightbox upholds thumbnails, custom links, thumbnails can be in retina.
Scrolling Notifications
- CSS3 changes (constrained by animate.css , with 20+ progress choices) for the spring up message.
- Spring up foundation, text tone, width and margin choices.
- The message can be in any situation of the page, for example upper left, upper right, base left, base right, and so forth
- Numerous notices, you can add a remarkable directive for each post or page.
- Discretionary murkiness, position, shading, movement style and treat highlight for notices.
DA (Direction-Aware) Gallery
- 3D drift impact.
- Discretionary gallery width, thumbnail width, thumbnail margin, subtitle (thumbnail title and portrayal).
- Discretionary caption tone, caption foundation, haziness.
- Lightbox upholds thumbnails, custom links, thumbnails can be in retina.
Application Mockup Gallery
- CSS3 3D impact for thumbnails.
- Width, tallness, container offset, discretionary tooltip.
- Lightbox upholds custom thumbnails or links.
- Discretionary slope foundation.
- Discretionary retina thumbnails.
Font Awesome Animation
- Supports all Font Awesome icons.
- Discretionary icon size, icon activity, icon tone, floating icon.
And that’s just the beginning..
Includes Depth Modal, Profile Card, Fluidbox, Ribbon, Animate Button 01, and that’s just the beginning, all with a basic plan and assist you with adding eye-catching impacts to your site
变更日志 All In One Addons for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer)
Sep 7, 2021 - v3.6.3 - New: Folding Card, 3D flipping transition card with lightbox, support YouTube, Vimeo video, image etc. Dec 22, 2020 - v3.6.1 - Fixed: HotSpot element compatible with WordPress 5.6 and jQuery on frontend editor. Sep 1, 2020 - version 3.6.0 - Fixed: click to slide not working properly in the Drag Timeline. - New: Grid Popup, responsive grid gallery with lightbox, support YouTube, Vimeo video, image etc. July 4, 2020 - version 3.5.9 - New: Parallax Slider, auto delay slideshow with image, caption, arrow and dot navigation. - New: Compare Card, display 2 cards side by side, support button and avatar lightbox. - Improvement: Image with hotspot support lightbox, now you can click icon to open a YouTube, Vimeo video, image or google map lightbox. Jan 7, 2020 - version 3.5.8 - New: Info Block, add information block with image, text, avatar and button. - New: Loading SlideShow, auto delay slideshow with optional loading bar animation. Nov 7, 2019 - version 3.5.7 - New: Dot Selection, colorful dots with slide, help you to display product like t-shirt etc. - New: Skew Card, skew the image with icon and caption. - Improvement: some other small improvement. Sep 17, 2019 - version 3.5.6 - New: YouTube or Vimeo Gallery, with thumbnails and optional caption or tooltips. - Improvement: some other small improvement. Jul 26, 2019 - version 3.5.5 - New: Image Slider, auto delay slideshow slider, support image, youtube and vimeo video - New: More Caption V2, slide image with more text description and optional button - Improvement: update slick library, and some small fix. Apr 26, 2019 - version 3.5.4 - New: Float Caption, caption float left/right for the image - New: More Caption, click/hover for more caption for the image
⭐另请参考: Collection of Free Premium WordPress Plugin Repository on Codecanyon
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