SUMO WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing Discounts v5.7
最后更新于:2022-03-28 09:53:17
SUMO Dynamic Pricing Discounts is a full-featured Dynamic Pricing Discounts system for WooCommerce. Quantity Discounts, Special Offer Discounts, Cart Discounts, User Role Discounts, Membership Discounts (needs SUMO Memberships Plugin), Reward Points Member Level Discounts (requires SUMO Reward Points Plugin), and other discounts may all be provided with this plugin.

Features: SUMO WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing Discounts

- The Most In-Depth Dynamic Pricing Plugin
- Discounts for large orders with a variety of customization options
- Discounts dependent on the total amount of your cart
- Discounts depending on product/category
- Special offers, such as Buy 2 Get 1 Free, are available.
- Discounts depending on user roles
- Discounts on SUMO Memberships (requires SUMO Memberships Plugin)
- Earning Level-based Discounts with SUMO Reward Points ( requires SUMO Reward Points Plugin)
- Ignore Products with a Sale Price is an option for the site administrator.
- Discounts are available to all users, logged in users, and guests.
- Discounts can only be applied to certain users/roles.
- Discounts are depending on the number of successful orders and the amount spent on the site.
- Discounts might be limited to certain products or categories.
- Discounts have a time limit that may be established.
- Discounts might be applied only on certain days of the week.
- It is possible to establish an unlimited number of discount rules.
- It is possible to set a priority for applying discounts.
- Featured on Sale Tag
- Exceptionally adaptable
- Prepared for translation
- And There’s More
变更日志: SUMO WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing Discounts
v5.7 on 08 January 2022 Tweak: Tested upto WooCommerce v6.0 and WordPress v5.8.2 Fix: Fatal error thrown in backend discounts settings Version 5.6 on 17 December 2021 Tweak: Tested with WordPress v5.8.2 and WooCommerce v5.9.0 Fix: Products restriction filter not works properly Version 5.5 on 21 July 2021 Tweak: Code Improvements Version 5.4 on 20 April 2021 Fix: Include product category not works properly in Special Offer Discount Fix: Ajax error thrown in console when enabled SUMO Reward Points Referral Discounts option Version 5.3 on 06 February 2021 Fix: Special offer discounts not work properly for variable products Version 5.2 on 09 September 2020 Fix: Frontend does not work properly conflict with the Divi theme Fix: Automatic free product does not work in a special offer discount Fix: WooCommerce Coupons does not work properly when SUMO Discounts activated Version 5.1 on 12 June 2020 Tweak: Script improvements Fix: Category and Product Discounts does not work properly Fix: Discounts not work properly When SUMO Reward Discount(Compatible with SUMO Reward Points) is enabled Version 5.0 on 06 May 2020 Fix: Waring error is thrown on a product page and category page when category product discount enabled Version 4.9 on 27 February 2020 New: Added Compatibility with MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress plugin Version 4.8 on 14 December 2019 Fix: Logged-in User email is not properly validated for referral discounts(Compatibility with SUMO Reward Points) Fix: Fatal error displays in the backend when enabling Category discount Fix: Enable Quantity pricing table in single product page option not works properly Version 4.7 on 02 October 2019 New: Added option troubleshoot option to display Discounted Price for Category Discount(when conflict with other plugins) Fix: Warning Error throws in frontend when using Category discount Version 4.6 on 24 May 2019 Tweak: Slowness improvements(category and product discounts) Fix: Fatal Error throws in cart page when set maximum quantity as ' * ' in Quantity Discount Fix: Cart total discounts not applied when set discounts as a percentage(100%) Fix: Compatibility with SUMO Reward Points not works properly(Redeeming field not work properly when discounts apply) Fix: Referral discounts(compatibility with SUMO Reward Points) does not work properly Fix: Fatal error thrown in shop page Version 4.5 on 27 March 2019 Tweak: Compatible with WooCommerce Order Review page plugin for referral discounts Fix: Decimal value does not work properly in category/product discount Fix: Referral Discounts(compatible with SUMO Reward Points) applies Incorrect users(guest and login users) Version 4.4 on 29 January 2019 Fix: Referral discounts(compatible with SUMO Reward Points) incorrectly applied when the tax is enabled Version 4.3 on 27 December 2018 New: Added Referral discount with compatibility with Reward Points New: Added free product option for special offer discounts New: Added Pot file for translation Tweak: Added Discount indication in cart page when category/product discounts are applied Tweak: Added customized messages option for Range price table Fix: Variable product page loading issue for the guest user Fix: Fatal error displays in all product page of the admin backend Fix: Fatal error(non-numeric) displays on the product page when save the settings of category/product discounts rule as an empty value in the discount type Version 4.2 on 03 December 2018 New: Added free shipping option Tweak: Added option to show a range table before or after add to cart button Fix: Range Price table not shown when select * in Max quantity Fix: Range price displayed 0 for simple products when select After option in show table Fix: Range Price table not displayed for double variation product Version 4.1 on 06 October 2018 Fix: Special Offer Discount is not applied correctly when increasing the Quantity Version 4.0 on 11 July 2018 New: WooCommerce Coupon Usage Restriction as an Experimental option when discount has already applied Fix: Discount Tag display improvements of site-wide discount when using Storefront theme Version 3.9 on 01 June 2018 New: GDPR compliance Word-press compatibility for Privacy Policy update Fix: When Coupon/ Redeem Points applied in cart page, the Cart Total is not displayed correctly Fix: Fatal error occurred when special offer discount applying due to multilingual compatibility Version 3.8 on 07 March 2018 Tweak: Improvements regarding Select 2 Fix: Quantity Discounts calculation based on Product Level problem when Multiple Variations of Same Parent Product Version 3.7 on 18 February 2018 New: Discount Value Display in Email Version 3.6 on 10 February 2018 New: Added Option to Consider Site-wide Discount Products as Sale Products Tweak: Added Conditions for Include option on Bulk Discounts Tweak: Custom CSS Improvements Fix: Price Range not displayed correctly for Variable Product(s) when discount is not applicable
⭐另请参考: Collection of Codecanyon plugin Premium updated daily
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