Media File Renamer Pro v5.3.6 – Auto & Manual Rename

最后更新于:2022-03-28 11:09:02


Media File Renamer Pro assists with renaming your media files for better SEO and more pleasant file framework (programmed or manual). For more information, if it’s not too much trouble, visit the authority site: Media File Renamer.


How Media File Renamer Pro Works

Media File Renamer Pro, naturally, automatically renames the files of your Media things dependent on their titles. You can empower this or you can allow it to happen each time you alter the header. You can likewise rename files manually. References to those files will likewise be refreshed (posts, pages, custom sorts, metadata, and so forth) You can utilize the Media Library or the Edit Media screen.

Notwithstanding, we suggest using the wonderful and exceptionally unique Renamer Dashboard. In the event that you like to work quick and productively, you will really appreciate working with this cutting edge dashboard.

Media File Renamer Pro is viable with

It works with a ton of WordPress highlights and plugins, for example, Retina files, WebP, scaled pictures (since WP 5.3), PDF thumbnails, UTF8 files, advanced pictures , various encodings, and so forth There are such a large number of explicit and took care of cases recorded here, however we’re doing our best to stay aware of everything.

Media File Renamer PRO Version

  • More components are included Pro Version, for example,
  • Literal interpretation (supplant different accents, emoticons, umlauts, cyrillic letters, diacritics, with their ASCII reciprocals)
  • Automatically rename dependent on connection posts, items (and other post sorts) or ALT . text
  • Anonymizer (rename files with mysterious files)
  • Move files to another organizer
  • Synchronize metadata (ALT text, title, and so on)
  • Numbered files (to allow renaming of comparable files)
  • Power renaming (if your installation is debased, this will help you re partner media things with your files)

Watch out: Preparate a Restore

Renaming (or moving) files is a perilous cycle. Prior to doing anything in mass, take a stab at renaming your files one by one, then, at that point, really look at that the references (in your pages) have been refreshed appropriately. Renaming can’t cover all utilization cases, as some plugins are sadly using strange ways of encoding the utilization of files. Subsequently, it is totally important to backup your files and databases in request to partake in the Media File Renamer Pro plugin to its full degree.

At The Point When Bad Fear Happens

On the off chance that your site appears to be broken after a couple renames, have a go at clearing your reserve. Stored HTML frequently utilizes old references. You can likewise turn on the Undo element and attempt to reestablish the past file names. On the off chance that the reference isn’t refreshed as expected, if it’s not too much trouble, compose a decent post (not a furious one) in the help string. I’m trying my best to think of increasingly more use cases. If it’s not too much trouble, see here: Questions and Issues.

A Simulation Plugin

On the off chance that you simply need an editable field to adjust the filename, kindly attempt Phoenix Media Rename. It’s less complex, and do what needs to be done. Furthermore, indeed, we are companions and we team up!

For Female Developers

The Media File Renamer Pro plugin can be changed in numerous ways, there are many activities and channels accessible. For instance, through them you can customize the programmed renaming to your liking. There is additionally a small API that you can call.

Screenshot of Media File Renamer Pro

变更日志: Media File Renamer Pro – Auto & Manual Rename

= v5.3.6 (2022/02/01) =
* Update: Fresh build and support for WordPress 5.9.
* Note: This plugin is a lot of work. If you like it, please write a little review [by clicking here](

= v5.3.4 (2021/11/09) =
* Add: The possibility of locking files automatically after a manual rename (which was always the case previously), and/or after a automatic rename (that was not possible previously). With this last option, users having trouble to "Rename All" will be given the choice to do it on any kind of server. You will find those options in the Advanced tab.
* Add: "Delay" option, to give a break and a reset to the server between asynchronous requests! Default to 100ms. That will avoid the server to time out, or to slow down on purpose.
* Note: This plugin is a lot of work. If you like it, please write a little review [by clicking here](

= v5.3.3 (2021/11/09) =
* Fix: Avoid renaming when the URLs (before/after) are empty.
* Add: New option to update URLs in the excerpts (no need to use it for most users).
* Update: Avoid double call to the mfrh_url_renamed (seemed to be completely useless).
* Update: Added a new 'size' argument to the mfrh_url_renamed action.
* Update: Optimized queries.
* Add: We can change the page (in the dashboard) by typing it.

= v5.3.2 (2021/10/16) =
* Add: AVIF support.
* Fix: Avoid the double renaming when different registered sizes actually use the same file.

= v5.3.0 (2021/10/09) =
* Add: Better Force Rename.
* Add: Featured Images Only option.
* Fix: Auto-attach feature wasn't working properly with Featured Image when attached to Product.

= v5.2.9 (2021/09/23) =
* Add: Manual Sanitize Option. If the option is checked, the rename feature uses the new_filename function. If not, use the filename user input as it is.

= v5.2.8 (2021/09/07) =
* Add: Option to clean the plugin data on uninstall.
* Add: Manual Rename now goes through the cleaning flow to make sure everything is clean and nice.

= v5.2.7 (2021/09/03) =
* Fix: Security update: access controls to the REST API and the options enforced.
* Updated: Dependencies update.
* Note: The plugin has no known bugs for a while, and I am now happy to work on littke extra features :) By the way, if you like it, please review the plugin [by clicking here]( Thank you!

= v5.2.5 (2021/08/25) =
* Fix: Search feature was not always working well.
* Update: Better technical architecture.

= v5.2.4 (2021/06/13) =
* Add: Remember the number of entries per page (dashboard).
* Fix: Limit the length of the manual filename.

= v5.2.3 (2021/05/29) =
* Fix: The 'Move' feature now also works with the original image (in case it has been scaled by WP).

= v5.2.1 (2021/05/17) =
* Fix: Better Windows support.

= v5.1.9 (2021/04/09) =
* Fix: The Synchronize Alt option wasn't working logically.
* Note: The plugin has no known bugs for a while, and I am now happy to work on littke extra features :) By the way, if you like it, please review the plugin [by clicking here]( Thank you!

= v5.1.6 (2021/02/12) =
* Fix: References for moved files were not updated.
* Add: Sanitize filename after they have been through the mfrh_new_filename filter.

= v5.0.2 =
* Info: Brand new UI! Made everything much clearer.
* Fix: Method was not always taken in account.

= v4.6.9 =
* Add: There was an issue with Auto-Rename sometimes not appearing when the Sensitive Files Check was disabled.
* Note: If you like it, please review the plugin [by clicking here]( It's important for us - we need motivation for all the work we want to put in the next version :)

= v4.6.8 =
* Add: New filter 'mfrh_allow_rename'. Developers can now allow/reject the renaming (useful for bulk).
* Fix: The file numbering wasn't working fine in a few specific cases.

= v4.6.7 =
* Add: Better handling of dots and hyphens (especially the non-standard ones).
* Add: Support for WebP.
* Note: If you like it, please review the plugin [by clicking here]( It's important for us - we need motivation for all the work we want to put in the next version :)

⭐另请参考: Collection of WordPress plugins updated daily on FreeWP

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