Use-Your-Drive v1.19.3 – Plugin Google Drive Cho WordPress
最后更新于:2022-03-29 02:13:00
Use-your-Drive is a clever, adjustable, imaginative Google Drive mix plugin for WordPress that perfectly shows your records in Google Drive.
No coding abilities required! Connection your Google Drive record to the plugin in 1 snap!
In the WordPress Page or Post editorial manager, open Use-your-Drive – > Shortcode Builder and select the pre-designed mode Select the Google Drive organizer that ought to be utilized as the beginning stage for the plugin.
⭐另请参考: Collection of WordPress plugins updated daily on FreeWP
Features Use-Your-Drive

- File Browser
- Gallery
- Audio Player & Video Player
- Upload to the Cloud
- Search Files by name and contents
- Inline Preview
- Embed Files
- Shared Links
- User Folders
- All in the Cloud
- Awesome Media Player
- User Permissions
- Shortcode Builder
- Notifications
- Optimized Performance
- Object Oriented Code
- WooCommerce integration
- Gravity Form integration
- Multilingual Ready
- Responsive Design
- Smart Loading
- Object Oriented Code
- Professional Support
- Lifetime Update – Free of Charge
变更日志 Use-your-Drive | Google Drive plugin for WordPress Nulled Free
v1.19.3 - 15 March 2022 Added: New setting field in Module configurator to set a custom 'Add your file(s)' upload button text. Added: Upload Box now also supports the deletion of uploaded files when enabled in the module configuration. Fix: 下载ing files that require are resource-key since the Google Drive security update could fail in some occasions. Fix: Google Analytics event didn't always log the file name correctly. Fix: Updates for plugin were not installed automatically when 'Auto-Updates' are enabled. Improved: Small changes to the Report tables to improve performance. v1.19.2 18 February 2022 Added: new $post_id% and %postmeta_{key}% placeholders Fix: Shortcode Builder in classic TinyMCE editor not storing shortcode correctly when using non UTF-8 characters. Fix: Share file action not working when using a deeplink to a File Browser module folder in combination with multiple accounts. The account was not set correctly, causing the plugin to stop the share action. Fix: Shortcode Builder in Elementor stops working after applying changes to the page. Improved: You can now set a max height for the playlist of the Audio Player and Video Player modules. v1.19.1 26 January 2022 Fix: Compatibility issue with WordPress 5.9 where a Front-End callback function was no longer working. v1.19 24 January 2022 IMPORTANT Updated requirements: WordPress 5.3+ & PHP 7.4+. Added: Support for FLAC playback in File Browser Fix: GravityView/GravityFlow not rendering plugin field form correctly when both plugins are enabled Fix: When a Private Folders automatically was created during registration or deleted after user deletion, the plugin would not use the name template as set in the module configuration. Instead it would use the global value for this setting. Fix: Action events not properly fired when Move/Copy action model has been opened Fix: Insert direct download link didn't include resourcekey Improved: Added dark theme for scrollbars Improved: Embed action now also offers option to embed editable Office & Google docs Updated: Included CA certificates updated. Updated: Several Javascript libraries Updated: PHPthumb library to version 1.7.18-202110211855 Updated: wp-color-picker-alpha library to version 3.0.1 Updated: Tagify to version 4.9.2 Updated: Chart.js to version 3.7.0 Updated: DataTables to version 1.11.3 Deprecated: %file_cloud_shortlived_download_url% placeholder as shortlived download links are not longer available. Placeholder is replaced by %file_cloud_download_url%: A direct download link to the file in the cloud. User needs to have access to the file on the Cloud. Deprecated: Removed the AES upload encryption functionality for now till as the library used is depending on functionality deprecated in PHP 7.2 v1.18.4 - 24 December 2021 Added: Added support for mimetypes in the module exclusion filters. Added: Chinese (zn_CN) translation Fix: The authorization process to link new accounts to the plugin could also be initated by users without access to the plugin settings. Fix: Opening Full Screen Lightbox while autoplay is enabled could leave previews hidden. Fix: Creating Private Folders based on a Template Folder with many folders & files could hit API limits. v1.18.3 - 6 December 2021 VULNERABILITY Fixes an XSS vulnerability in the search functionality of the plugin. Thanks Trainer Red for discovering and responsibly disclosing this issue. Added: Portuguese (pt_PT) translation Fix: When adding a new folder, the name will now be trimmed to strip whitespace from the beginning and end. Fix: ZIP downloads not starting correctly if PHP output buffer contained data. Improved: Changed alphabetical sorting order to be case insensitive. Improved: Added placeholders for GravityPDF PDF upload location. Improved: Small layout tweaks and a few new assets. v1.18.2 11 November 2021 Added: New setting: 'From' for email notifications. Can be set globally or per module. Fix: Not reading available memory correctly on servers with memory_limit set to -1 which could cause issues with download streams Fix: New WooCommerce download urls not set correctly Fix: Changed video preview in File Browser module to a HTML 5 Video Player as the Google Previewer isn't longer working properly for media files for the majority of the users when 3rd party cookies are blocked in the browser. Fix: Shortcode Builder not showing up in the Form Field configuration for some WP Forms plugin versions Improved: Removed some unused javascript libraries v1.18 - 14 October 2021 Added: Support for the Divi Page Builder added Added: %usermeta_{key}% placeholder for name templates, to get your users custom meta value. {key} is the meta key to retrieve. Fix: Move dialog not loading File Browser for selecting new location Fix: Images in Gallery lightbox not showing up when download action has been disabled and the lightbox would like to render the original files Fix: 'Allow Preview' setting incorrectly displayed for the Gallery module configuration Fix: Private Folders not generated when users are registered via the Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On Fix: Export of Google Docs larger than 10MB would fail due to API restrictions. This fix will still allow the export of those files if the document has the permission 'Anyone with link can view'. Fix: Incorrect storing of sharing permissions in cache could lead to slow previews or downloads Improved: Added a global upload progress indicator for the Upload Box module Improved: Changed layout of the WooCommerce Upload integration on both Front-End and Back-End Improved: Layout and functionality of the Gutenberg block Improved: Various layout changes Improved: Replaced Font Awesome icons library with lightweight and fastEva Icons v1.17.11.1 28 September 2021 Fix: Resource key not always set correctly for documents with Google Drive security update applied Fix: Move dialog not loading File Browser for selecting new location v1.17.11 7 September 2021 Added: support for %file_lastedited% and %file_created% placeholders in email notifications Fix: Manually linked Private folders for guest users not setting account properly Fix: Automatic Private Folder creation not fired on user registration if the newly created isn't directly logged in Fix: Setting incorrect basename for files with extensions in capitals (e.g. .JPG) Fix: Reset scroll of File Browser container when navigating/searching Fix: Plugin not initiating when output of the plugin was modified by (e.g.) apply_filters('the_content') adding line breaks and paragraphs Updated: Chart.js library version to 3.5.1 Updated: Datatables library version to 1.11.1 Updated: Tagify library version to 4.7.2 Updated: Font Awesome to version 5.15.4 v1.17.9 - 1 July 2021 IMPORTANT Due to the upcoming Google Drive security update, previously created shared links can stop working depending on how the update is applied for your Google Drive account. Please recreate the links if needed. See Fix: Right-to-left layout incorrectly applied to Media Player module (subfolder now working without private folders) Fix: Clicking on a file in the File Browser could trigger the preview/download action twice Improved: Added support for 'resourceKeys' for the upcoming Google Drive security update. Improved: Removed outdated or depricated PHP / CSS code v1.17.8 8 June 2021 Added: %account_email% placeholder for recipient for the email notifications. This placeholder will contain the email address of the linked Cloud Account Fix: CORS issue with VAST XML urls Fix: The set subfolder location in the shortcode configuration for manually linked Private Folders not working when using the standalone Upload Box module Improved: Shortcode Builder will check if modules are still linked to accessible content Updated: Chart.js library version to 3.3.2 Updated: Datatables library version to 1.10.25 Updated: Tagify library version to 4.2.0 = v1.17.7 22 May 2021 = Added: Option to select own branding image showing when iFrames are loaded Fix: Click event not firing when only external preview is available Fix: Previews not working for shortcut files Fix: Some actions were still available even when reCaptcha failed validation Improved: added support for Private Folders for the WooCommerce File/Folder download selector Improved: Added explanation for (personal) data usage when linking your cloud accounts = v1.17.6 29 April 2021 = Fix: Folders on Shared Drives shared with Google Drive account without access to Shared Drive not showing in 'Shared with Me' folder Fix: WooCommerce download integration selector not opening when using Gutenberg as page editor for your products Updated: Gravity Forms integration now support GF version >2.5 which contains a new form editor Improved: Increased Front-End performance by reducing the number of JS events for plugin elements = v1.17.5 22 April 2021 = Fix: Zip function not creating the folder structure correctly Fix: Media Player 'Last modified' sorting order not working Fix: Media Player playlist not opening folder structure when first file in playlist is inside a subfolder. Fix: Added workaround for google API not always returning parent folder information for shared folders Updated: Chartjs Library to version 3.1.0 Updated: Font Awesome to version 5.15.3 Updated: Replaced PHPZip library with ZipStream library = v1.16.3 5 March 2021 = Added: Setting to keep Last Modified date when upload files. By default, the last modified date will be set to the upload date. Added: Preview Role permission setting Added: New 'Open Subfolder' setting which can be used to set a specific sub folder in a Private Folder as top folder. Added: Partial support for 'My Computers' folder. Content will only show up via shortlinks on your My Drive Added: New %uniqueID and %hh:mm% placeholders for Private Folder name template Fix: Resolved compatability issues with overwritting window.onload functions Fix: Plugin not able to find folder structure of shortcuts located on My Drive Improved: Keep selected File Browser 'View' in memory Improved: Added placeholders for initial File Browser and Gallery loading Improved: Slight modifications to the Lightbox Improved: Removed Shared Drives setting but keep it enabled by default = v1.16.2 - 18 February 2021 = Fix: GravityPDF integration not loading anymore Fix: Resolved conflict with the library Fix: not sending Account ID on Upload Post Process Added: Setting to keep Last Modified date when upload files. By default, the last modified date will be set to the upload date. = v1.16.1 - 2 February 2021 = Fix: Synchronization problems on My Drive Fix: Search Box module not opening folders Fix: Changes to the Summary Email setting not saved Added: When scrolling down a page while using the Video Player will add the video floating in the corner Added: useyourdrive_upload_entry_information hook to modify upload entry information = v1.15.16 - 17 December 2020 = Fix: Token encryption/decription issue on sites running a Multi Sites configuration Fix: Bug in Upload Box could result in duplicate files Improved: Lazy loading of images in Media Player playlists Improved: Added new File URL placeholders for email notification templates. Now includes %file_download_url%, %file_cloud_shared_url%, %file_cloud_preview_url% and %file_cloud_shortlived_download_url% if supported = v1.15.15 7 December 2020 = - VULNERABILITY Authorization tokens can be publicly accesible on NGINX servers and requires the attacker to know both the Account email and Account ID. Apache servers are not affected. This version implements token encryption to patch this. A re-authorization might be needed in some cases. - Fix: Form submit buttons can disappear when triggered while plugin is still uploading files - Fix: Bug could create 'Guest' Private Folders when a logged in user was for some reason logged out in the background - Fix: Plugin not initiating properly when ReCaptcha script is loaded async/defer vImprovement: Made a number of PHP8 compatilibility improvements. v1.15.14 13 November 2020 - Fix: Bug in processing metadata changes on Shared Drives could crash the plugin - Fix: Folder Description not showing up in Gallery mode - Fix: Javascript Compatibility issue when used in combination with specific Themes - Improvement: Can now add User Roles as notification recipients using placeholders like %administrator%, %subscriber%, %editor%, %custom_wp_role%. - Improvement: Various javascript changes for compatibility with WordPress 5.6 and jQuery 3.x. - Improvement: Marked as compatible with WordPress 5.6.
⭐另请参考: Collection of Codecanyon plugin Premium updated daily
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