MapSVG v6.2.18 – Maps and Store Locator for WordPress

最后更新于:2022-03-29 00:52:54


Make anything you want and map it.

MapSVG is more than a mapping plugin: it’s a bespoke database that connects vector, Google, and picture maps flawlessly.

One plugin for all types of maps

  • Vector maps in SVG (all countries included)
  • Google Maps is a mapping service provided by Google (unlimited custom styles)
  • Google Maps combined with your own creative vector overlay
  • Add interactivity to any png/jpeg image with image maps.


WP-Admin demo: / login: demo / password: demo123

Features: MapSVG

Create and place things on a map.

MapSVG features a built-in database that is optimized for speed, ease of editing, and seamless map interaction. It may be used to make any kind of object and display it on a map! Make your stuff visible.

As markers on a map, display your content. Markers are grouped into clusters. When you click on a marker or a map region, popovers, tooltips, or a huge details view appear. Next to your map, display a menu with a list of objects.

Use the map to filter the results.

Filters that are available include:

  • Look for words in the text
  • Find nearby locations by entering an address or using the current user’s location.
  • Search by zip code.
  • Filter results based on specified fields.

Visualize large amounts of data on a map.

Every map region should be shown with varying shades of a color gradient to represent statistical data.

Customize the map’s features.

By adding a few lines of JS code to the MapSVG event handlers editing screen, any bespoke functionality may be implemented. There are many events to choose from when you click on a map region, marker, or when items are received from the server.

Customize the map’s appearance.

Make use of the template editor that comes with the program. Use the built-in CSS editor to fine-tune your styles.


Shortcodes from other plugins can be added to MapSVG. Use case: show a contact form when a marker is clicked, and send the email saved in the clicked object to the contact form’s “email to” field.

Make use of MapSVG Add-on for displaying photographs in a gallery, slider, and lightbox.

Other characteristics

When you click on a region on a master map, another map appears (drill-down functionality). Building plans as an example: show an image of a building, click on a floor, and a child map with a floorplan appears. The plan of an apartment can be seen by clicking on a section in the floorplan. Include controls that allow users to toggle the visibility of specific elements.

变更日志: MapSVG

v6.2.3 / November 4, 2021
fix: {{shortcode_inline ...}} issues
fix: Gutenberg styles

v6.2.2 / November 3, 2021
fix: filter fields alignment
fix: search by zip
fix: incorrect height of containers in tabs in the admin area
fix(tooltips): incorrect width/height
fix: invisible scrollbars on ios
fix: can't connect custom posts tables that contain dash in the name
fix: workaround for servers that don't have PUT and DELETE methods
fix: markers by field
fix: checkboxes in Gutenberg not working when MapSVG is connected to the post type

v6.2.1 / October 27, 2021
Fix: Menu > Settings > Reload/Change/Remove features were not working in some environments
Fix: Filter fields alignment
Fix: Zip search

6.1.0 / October 18, 2021
Feature New option: Menu > Google Maps > Language
Feature Add markers by lat/lng coordinates without doing a request to Google Geocoding API
Minor bugfixes

6.0.1 - 6.0.15 / August-October 2021

6.0.0 / August 17, 2021
Feature Long-awaited feature: now you can autoload WordPress posts and pages to maps. See how to do that in our docs:
Feature Share one data table between multiple maps:
We're dropping IE11 support
Added optional "Search" button for the filters
Added loading indicator (spinner) for the filters
Improved maps calibration and markers positioning
Removed Google Maps zoom limit
Many other improvements were added
Many minor bugs were fixed

5.16.3 / June 22, 2021
Improvement Update Handlebars to 4.7.7
Bugfix Fix not working "下载 SVG with Google Maps"
Bugfix Hidden directory or sidebar content on mobile devices

5.16.2 / April 14, 2021
Bugfix Large image files are not uploading
Bugfix "Fit markers" not working after the first filtering if database / settings / load on start is off
Bugfix Shifting regions on mobile devices on large zoom levels

5.16.1 / February 4, 2021
Improvement Import posts from CSV file by post slug
Bugfix Visibility switches cover map regions making them inactive
Bugfix Importing CSV with addresses resulted in a wrong set of address components of the location field
Bugfix Clustering gets broken if object has no marker
Bugfix Google Map is zooming to wrong area on filtering

5.16.0 / December 10, 2020
Bugfix Incompatibility with WordPress 5.6
Bugfix Disappearing markers on Google Map after filtering
Bugfix Choropleth colors are incorrect if all regions have the same value
Bugfix Handlebars switch/case block
Bugfix "Clear all" filters button doesn't reload the list in the directory
Bugfix Filterout/sort minor bugs
Bugfix Can't import data from a CSV file that contains only 1 row

⭐Similar suggestion: Advanced Google Maps Plugin – Google Maps Cho WordPress

下载 MapSVG v6.2.18 Nulled – The Last WordPress Map Plugin You’ll Ever Need

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