SUMO Subscriptions v13.5 – WooCommerce Subscription System

最后更新于:2022-03-29 01:10:09


SUMO Subscriptions – WooCommerce Subscription System Is one WooCommerce Subscription System plugin for Recurring Payments. It is the most comprehensive WooCommerce Subscriptions Plugin that you can use Create and sell subscription products from your existing WooCommerce Store.



Features SUMO Subscriptions – WooCommerce Subscription System

  • The Most Comprehensive WooCommerce Subscriptions Plugin
  • Simple registration, variable registration and grouped product registration
  • Register to order for Non-Registration and Non-Member Products
  • User can Choose Subscription Duration and Renewal Number for Order Subscription
  • Checkout Sign Up Synchronize
  • Amount of Rate that can be charged for Synchronization Subscriptions
  • Subscription and non-subscription products in one payment
  • PayPal Reference Transaction Gateway Available for Automatic Subscription Renewal
  • Renew Auto Subscription using Sign up for PayPal
  • Available Stripe payment gateway for Automatic Subscription Renewal
  • Renew Auto Subscription using SUMO Reward Points Payment Gateway(required SUMO Reward Points Plugin)
  • Use Manual Subscription Renewal Any WooCommerce Payment Gateways Supported
  • Multiple subscriptions in one payment
  • Free Trial and Paid Trial Supported
  • Subscribers can switch between Automatic Subscription Renewal and Manual Subscription Renewal
  • Switch between identical variations
  • Trial Fee and Subscription Fee can be set
  • Site administrators can create orders manually with Subscription and assign to any User
  • Option to Include/Exclude Shipping Cost in Renewal of Subscription
  • Option to Include/Exclude Tax Expense in Renewal of Subscription
  • Multiple payment reminder emails can be sent
  • Subscription can be changed to Manual Renewal Mode when Auto Renew is cancelled
  • Subscription Products’ settings can be updated in bulk using Bulk Update
  • Master Log to record all transactions across the entire site
  • Recurring Donations (requires SUMO Donations Plugin)
  • Membership registration (requires SUMO Memberships Plugin)
  • Compatible with SUMO Reward Points (request SUMO Reward Points Plugin)
  • Highly customizable
  • WPML Compatible
  • Translation is ready
  • And more

SUMO Subscriptions are compatible with

  1. SUMO Reward Points – WooCommerce Points and Rewards System
  2. SUMO Memberships – WooCommerce Membership System
  3. SUMO Donations – WooCommerce Donation System
  4. WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart
  5. WooCommerce PayPal Payments
  6. SUMO Affiliates Pro – WordPress Affiliate Plugin

How to install SUMO Subscriptions?

  1. 下载 the latest version file ( of SUMO Subscriptions from Codecanyon.
  2. Unzip the you will find the Plugins file ie
  3. Install the latest version of SUMO Subscriptions i.e. using the WordPress Dashboard.
  4. Activate Plugins.

How do I upgrade to a newer version of SUMO Subscriptions?

If you are using an older version and want to upgrade to the latest version of SUMO Subscriptions, please follow these steps.

  1. Deactivate and delete the existing instance of SUMO Subscriptions in your site.
  2. 下载 the latest version file ( of SUMO Subscriptions from Codecanyon.
  3. Unzip where you will find the Plugins file is
  4. Install the latest version of SUMO Subscriptions i.e. using the WordPress Dashboard.
  5. Activate Plugins.

Please note that you will not lose any setting value, data etc by following the above steps.

变更日志: SUMO Subscriptions – WooCommerce Subscription System

v13.5 on 08 March 2022
Tweak: Recipients supported for subscription emails
Tweak: Tested with WooCommerce 6.2.1
Tweak: Tested with WordPress 5.9.1
Fix: Include/Exclude Categories in Order Subscription not working

Version 13.4 on 24 December 2021
Tweak: Revamped Bulk Action
Tweak: Tested with WooCommerce 6.0
Fix: Pause functionality not working properly in My Account page
Fix: Rounding off price issue in PayPal

v13.3 on 03 December 2021
Tweak: Filter hook added for my account success action
Tweak: Updated PO files
Tweak: Tested with WordPress V5.8.2
Tweak: Tested with WooCommerce V5.9
Fix: Fatal error in Edit subscription page
Fix: Replaced weekdays locale with English

v13.2 on 30 October 2021
Tweak: Supported stock management
Tweak: Subscribers can immediately cancel their subscription by clicking the cancel link
Fix: New order email going to customer instead of admin
Fix: Hide inbuilt payment gateways option not working properly

v13.1 on 13 October 2021
Tweak: Supported Current Subscription Fee for Order Subscription
Tweak: Subscription won't process if the subscription is Cancelled
Tweak: PayPal Standard supported for Synchronized Subscription
Tweak: PayPal Standard supported for subscription with Signup Fee
Fix: Subscription URL issue in Related orders table

Version 13.0 on 20 August 2021
New: Admin can update quantity from Edit Subscription page
Tweak: Signup fee supported for PayPal Subscriptions
Tweak: Synchronization supported for PayPal Subscriptions
Tweak: Displayed Subscription Plan in List of Subscriptions table
Tweak: Tested with WordPress 5.8
Tweak: Tested with WooCommerce 5.6
Tweak: Compatible with PHP 8.x
Fix: Cancel at the End of Billing not working in some cases

Version 12.9 on 23 July 2021
Tweak: Tested with WordPress 5.7.2
Tweak: Tested with WooCommerce 5.5.1
Fix: PayPal payment method not displayed in Pay for Order page
Fix: Warning error in Subscription email templates
Fix: Optional Trial not working when Shop page is set as site frontpage

v12.7 on 12 June 2021
New: Show Subscription Related Orders in Edit Order page
Tweak: WPML Compatibility improvements
Tweak: Code improvements, utility hooks and functions added
Fix: Renewal order item meta not updated properly from parent order
Fix: Warnings in checkout page related to Order Subscription

= v12.5 on 11 February 2021 =
New: Subscription Variation Form Template can be used From Plugin/WooCommerce
Tweak: Addon price compatibility improvements
Tweak: WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway compatibility improvements
Tweak: Supported Current Subscription Fee for Automatic Subscriptions
Fix: Subscription recurring fee discount not updated in some cases

= Version 12.4 on 06 January 2021 =
Tweak: Send Email to Admin supported for all subscription emails
Fix: Resubscribe price calculation issue when purchase quantity is more than 1
Fix: Resubscribe not working in some cases
Fix: Next payment date issue when Trial is limited
Fix: Conflict with other plugins while hiding payment gateways when order amount is 0
Fix: WooCommerce Stripe plugin activation error

= v12.3 on 09 December 2020 =
Tweak: Admin can set Maximum Recurring Cycle for users
Tweak: PayPal Subscription will be suspended while submitting Cancel request
Tweak: Plugin Settings page enqueues revamped
Tweak: Improvements in initial subscription total calculation in frontend
Tweak: Compatibility with WooCommerce v4.7.x
Fix: Order fees not calculated in SUMO Subscriptions - PayPal Reference Transactions gateway
Fix: Unable to place subscription order when Order Total is 0

= Version 12.2 on 28 October 2020 =
New: Compatible with WooCommerce Stripe( for Credit Card payment gateway support for automatic payments)
Tweak: Inline Style code optimized
Tweak: Filter hook added to show the product permalink
Fix: Recurring dates not displayed correctly when trial is enabled
Fix: Stripe checkout error
Fix: Next payment dates display issue in edit product page

Version 12.1 on 19 September 2020
Fix: Tax display issue
Fix: Stripe parameters missing error in checkout
Fix: Prevent updating same quantity in my account page

⭐另请参考: Collection of Codecanyon plugin Premium updated daily

下载 SUMO Subscriptions v13.5 Nulled – WooCommerce Subscription System:

注意: 也许你需要在安装插件之前解压。 如果任何主题/插件包含病毒,我们不提供任何保证。在本地主机上使用,请先查杀病毒。