WooCommerce Custom Fields v2.3.4

最后更新于:2022-03-27 00:51:48


Offer products that can be customized and extra add-ons. Increase client input and improve the checkout process. Become more productive by streamlining order processing. Now is the time to expand your WooCommerce capabilities.

WooCommerce Custom Fields enables you to build custom product, checkout, order, and user fields, as well as present and collect more information in an organized manner and sell configurable products, product add-ons, and extra product alternatives. For a superior user experience, build, manage, and optimize your online store, and make every field work for you.

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-custom-fields/11332742

Increase Sales & Customer Satisfaction

Upselling can help you make more money. Offer popular add-ons and services like gift wrapping, on-site furniture assembly, and extended warranties to make each sale more profitable.

Allow customers to customize your products. Sell things that require user input, such as T-shirts with a custom image, gift cards personalized with the recipient’s name, or child-priced tickets.

Let Customers Have Your Products Their Way

Product Documents. Files should be ordered. Files of Customers Files can be attached to products and orders. When purchasing certain things, allow buyers to upload files.

Product Files. Order Files. Customers’ Files

Gain complete control over product pricing. Increase or reduce prices by a fixed amount, a percentage, or even factor in bespoke user input!

Take Full Control Of Product Pricing

Conditional Logic that is unrivaled. Using more than a dozen conditions, you can show fields when, where, and to whom you want. You can add fields to thousands of goods at once or just one at a time.

Unparalleled Conditional Logic

Improve Workflow & Save Time

Keep your customers informed. Provide shipment tracking information or the serial number of their purchased device to ensure that your consumers are informed and reassured.

Keep Customers In The Loop

Obtain the information you require. Inquire about consumers’ age to see if they are eligible for certain things. Allow them to select their desired delivery time. Compile a list of conference attendees. Charge extra for services and add-ons ordered during the checkout process.

Get The Information You Need

Free Yourself From Manual Labor Unless it’s really required, don’t waste time generating multiple product versions. How long does it take to configure the size and color preferences for tens of thousands of items? It’ll take two minutes.

Liberate Yourself From Manual Work

There are a lot of things you can do with only one plugin. Collect customer birth dates in order to surprise them with a birthday discount. Allow charity payments directly from your checkout page to be socially responsible. We’re confident that your mind is already whirling with fantastic ideas!

Product Fields

  • Create as many product fields as you want – over ten different field kinds are supported.
  • Sell WooCommerce products that may be customized with different possibilities.
  • Add-ons for WooCommerce products, such as gift wrapping and extended warranties, can be sold.
  • Customers will be charged for certain options.

Product Properties

  • Set up fields for the store manager to fill out when adding a new product.
  • For internal reference, private product attributes are useful.
  • Customers can get product information from public properties.
  • User instructions and warranty policies, for example, can be uploaded as files for download.

Checkout Fields

  • On the Checkout page, show WooCommerce custom fields.
  • Additional billing, shipping, and general order information should be gathered.
  • Customize the field’s position on the Checkout page with ease.
  • Both shop managers and customers can access data on the order page.

Order Fields

  • On the Order Edit page, the shop manager has access to order fields.
  • It’s possible to use it to speed up internal order processing.
  • Customers can see data that has been tagged as “public.”
  • Information such as shipping tracking numbers can be found here.

User Fields

  • On the checkout page, include more user-related fields.
  • Obtain tax-related data, such as the VAT number (for Europe)
  • Inquire about consumers’ birth dates and other personal details.
  • Fields are also available in WordPress’s “User Profile” section.

Features: WooCommerce Custom Fields

  • Text, text area, passwords, emails, numbers, datepickers, choose, multiselect, checkboxes, radio buttons, and file upload are all supported.
  • Sell things that may be customized and configured.
  • Add-ons and extra product options for WooCommerce products can be sold.
  • Product characteristics can be used to show additional information about a product.
  • Obtain more order details during the checkout process.
  • Using user fields, collect additional user information.
  • Custom order fields let you manage orders more efficiently.
  • Files can be uploaded and linked to products and orders.
  • Accept customer files on the product page or during checkout.
  • Set the file kinds and sizes that are permitted.
  • To expedite order processing, attach attachments to WooCommerce emails.
  • Customers will be charged more (or less) based on pricing restrictions.
  • For engraving services, there is a charge per character.
  • A fixed sum or a percentage can be used to change the price.
  • Price can also be determined by custom user input.
  • The maximum amount of characters that can be entered should be limited.
  • For clients’ convenience, provide additional product alternative pricing.
  • As the customer configures product options, the price is updated in real time.
  • Shop owners have the ability to modify user input to correct any errors.
  • The field can be made to multiply dependent on the quantity of the product selected.
  • Almost all field types can have default values set.
  • Apply fields to hundreds of products at once to save time.
  • Duplicate fields easily for even faster setup.
  • Configure the conditions that must be met in order for the field to appear.
  • Make fields mandatory, and label them as “private” or “public.”
  • To customize each field independently, use custom CSS.
  • Hooks and functions to programmatically interact with the plugin

变更日志: WooCommerce Custom Fields

Version 2.3.4, 10 July 2020
* Fix - Per-character fee calculation issue related to unicode characters
* Fix - Archived fields appear in the main field list in admin area
* Fix - Product sale price display issue
* Tweak - Improved performance of product pages when prices are changed
* Tweak - Checked compatibility with the latest versions of WordPress and WooCommerce
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements
* Dev - Removed last argument from filter hook wccf_skip_product_fields_for_product
* Dev - Removed last argument from filter hook wccf_skip_pricing_for_product
* Dev - Some changes to internal methods, check if you call internal methods

Version 2.3.3, 27 March 2020
* Fix - Required field error displayed when "any" attribute variation is selected
* Fix - Non-sale price formatted as sale price under specific conditions
* Fix - Problem with filter hook wccf_product_fields_position_hook position
* Fix - Heading tag is not changing from h1 to other tag
* Fix - Impossible to set numeric field min value to zero
* Fix - Field titles in order view are not displayed on smaller screens
* Fix - Customer field values not display properly in the account area
* Tweak - Required field error is now displayed on product pages
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements
* Dev - New filter wccf_field_value_to_store

Version 2.3.2, 18 July 2019
* Feature - New field type: Decimal (field type Number is for whole numbers now)
* Fix - Cart item field editing view not loading when field has other field condition
* Fix - Field key input is not disabled when key can no longer be changed
* Fix - Issues related to other field conditions
* Fix - Issues with product attribute conditions
* Tweak - Performance improvements for product price display throughout shop
* Tweak - Shipping method conditions now support instances of shipping methods from zones
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements
* Dev - New filter wccf_number_field_step
* Dev - New filter wccf_decimal_field_step

Version 2.3.1, 28 June 2019
* Fix - Translation files for text domain "rightpress" not loaded
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements

Version 2.3, 21 June 2019
* Warning - Plugin's capability management has changed, see Dev section below
* Feature - Customers can now edit product field values in cart
* Feature - New field type: Color picker
* Feature - New field type: Time picker
* Feature - New field type: Date/time picker
* Feature - New pseudo-field types (page elements): Heading and Separator
* Feature - New Checkout Field condition: Payment method
* Feature - New Checkout Field condition: Shipping method
* Feature - New Checkout Field conditions: Shipping country, state, postcode, zone
* Feature - New Product/Checkout Field condition: Customer meta
* Feature - New Product Field/Property condition: Product meta
* Feature - New Product Field/Property condition: Custom taxonomy
* Feature - New Checkout Field condition: Product shipping classes in cart
* Feature - Added private note input to field editing page for internal reference
* Feature - Added field placeholder option
* Fix - Product add-on prices displayed without tax in frontend
* Fix - Custom billing and shipping address field values not displaying in emails
* Fix - Required shipping address field error when billing address is used for shipping
* Fix - Non-variable product attribute condition issues
* Fix - Product field value shows quotes escaped after adding to cart
* Fix - Product quick edit overwrites product property values
* Fix - Shipping fields are required when shipping to different address is unchecked
* Fix - Checkout fields with coupon condition require page reload to display on checkout
* Fix - Product fields are printed twice for variable subscription products
* Fix - Improved compatibility with PHP 7.2
* Tweak - Added simple client-side validation for product fields
* Tweak - Character limit now allows typing past limit and validates before submit
* Tweak - Added Enabled/Disabled toggle to field configuration side panel
* Tweak - Changed Datepicker to DateTimePicker JS library for date/time selection
* Tweak - Changed number field input type from 'text' to 'number'
* Tweak - Improved date value handling when storing and retrieving values from database
* Tweak - Enabled user capability, role, meta and logged in conditions to user fields
* Tweak - Rewritten conditions engine to make it more flexible and customizable
* Tweak - Better handling of disabled conditions and other field conditions
* Tweak - Option to define whether amounts in conditions (e.g. cart subtotal) include tax
* Tweak - Made Checkout field error state styling match WooCommerce error styling
* Tweak - Renamed "User Fields" to "Customer Fields" 
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements
* Dev - New filter wccf_filter_fields to hide fields programmatically
* Dev - New filter wccf_product_fields_position_hook to change product fields position
* Dev - Removed filter wccf_datepicker_config, use new datetimepicker filter hooks
* Dev - Removed filters wccf_capability and rp_wccf_capability
* Dev - Plugin no longer uses manage_woocommerce as default capability
* Dev - Plugin no longer allows overriding capability using filters
* Dev - Plugin now uses its own capability manage_wccf_settings for plugin settings
* Dev - Plugin now maps its own capabilities for all custom post types (fields)

⭐另请参考: Collection of Codecanyon plugin Premium updated daily

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