GravityView v2.14.3 – Display Gravity Forms Entries on Your Website
最后更新于:2022-03-29 03:15:41
GravityView is a set of plugins that make it easier for Gravity Forms items on your WordPress site to be shown.
GravityView are Gravity Forms plugins that integrate with third-party services or offer basic additions and functionalities. This plugin provides a greater variety of features than add-ons.
Features: GravityView – Display Gravity Forms Entries on Your Website

- Views are limitless: Make as many views as you can till you float away. You have no limit on how many you can make.
- Approve and Disapprove Entries: Before each entry goes online, give it your approval. This also works if you wish to accept all submissions.
- From the Front End, Edit Entries: You may modify the entry in the original Gravity Forms form without using the admin dashboard…and allow users to make changes to the entries they’ve made.
- Compatible with Gravity Forms Add-Ons: GravityView is compatible with all Gravity Forms Add-Ons. We have a good working relationship with the Gravity Forms ecosystem.
- Multilingual: English, Turkish, Bengali, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Hungarian, Portuguese, and Romanian are among the languages supported by GravityView. Don’t see your native tongue? Make a translation contribution!
- CSV files can be imported: Want to use Gravity Forms to import data from a CSV file? It’s no issue! The Gravity Forms Import Entries plugin is available.
- Entries that have been highlighted: Do you want certain entries to always appear first? Simply mark them as “starred” in the Admin page, and you’re done!
- Rafael, Kiefer, and Zac provided outstanding support: We’re here, we’re genuine, and we’re pleasant. We keep the plugin updated and appreciate our customers. In our answers, we frequently employ emoji. Please contact us with any questions or simply to say hello!
- This is ideal for paid directories: Use a Gravity Forms payment Add-On, customize your View, and you’ve got yourself a paid Directory!
- Edit Entries in the Front End: On the front end of your site, inside the original Gravity Forms form, edit entries. Users can also update their own entries in GravityView! You decide who has access to edit and which fields they have access to.
- Integration of DataTables: DataTables, the greatest script for working with tabular data, is closely integrated with GravityView. With live updates, you may browse, filter, and sort entries. Included with the Galactic or Interstellar licensing levels.
- GFChart, Gravity Flow, and Gravity PDF: To do even more with your form data, GravityView works well with GravityFlow, Gravity PDF, and GFChart.
- Continual Improvement: We made an average of 13.85 modifications to GravityView every week during the last year. In the last month, GravityView has seen over 60 enhancements. This is real-time data, and we’re still going strong!
变更日志: GravityView – Display Gravity Forms Entries on Your Website
= v2.14.3 on March 24, 2022 = * Added: Support for displaying WebP images * Improved: Internal logging of notices and errors * Fixed: Images hosted on Dropbox sometimes would not display properly on the Safari browser. Thanks, Kevin M. Dean! __Developer Updates:__ * Added: `GravityView_Image::get_image_extensions()` static method to fetch full list of extension types interpreted as images by GravityView. * Added: `webp` as a valid image extension = on March 11, 2022 = * Fixed: Empty values in search widget fields may return incorrect results __Developer Updates:__ Added: `gravityview/search/ignore-empty-values` filter to control strict matching of empty field values = v2.14.2 on March 10, 2022 = * Fixed: Potential fatal error on PHP 8 when exporting View entries in CSV and TSV formats * Fixed: Search widget would cause a fatal error when the Number field is used with the "is" operator * Fixed: Search widget returning incorrect results when a field value is blank and the operator is set to "is" * Fixed: Gravity Forms widget icon not showing * Fixed: Gravity Forms widget not displaying available forms when the View is saved = v2.14.1 on January 25, 2022 = * Tested with WordPress 5.9 * Improved: The [Members plugin]( now works with No-Conflict Mode enabled * Improved: Performance when saving Views with many fields * Improved: Performance when loading the Edit View screen when a View has many fields * Fixed: Gravity Forms widget used in the View editor would initialize on all admin pages * Fixed: PHP notice when editing an entry in Gravity Forms that was created by user that no longer exists * Fixed: Error activating on sites that use the Danish language * Fixed: Entry approval scripts not loading properly when using Full Site Editing themes in WordPress 5.9 * Updated: TrustedLogin client to Version 1.2, which now supports logins for WordPress Multisite installations * Updated: Polish translation. Thanks, Dariusz! = v2.14.0.1 on December 30, 2021 = Fixed: Deprecated filter message when adding fields to the View = v2.14 on December 21, 2021 = This would be a minor version update (2.13.5), except that we renamed many functions. See "Developer Updates" for this release below. * Added: `{is_starred}` Merge Tag. [Learn more about using `{is_starred}`]( * Fixed: Media files uploaded to Dropbox were not properly embedded * Fixed: JavaScript error when trying to edit entry's creator * Fixed: Recent Entries widget would cause a fatal error on WP 5.8 or newer * Fixed: When using Multiple Forms, editing an entry in a joined form now works properly if the "Edit Entry" tab has not been configured * Fixed: View settings not hiding automatically on page load __Developer Updates:__ We renamed all instances of `blacklist` to `blocklist` and `whitelist` to `allowlist`. All methods and filters have been deprecated using `apply_filters_deprecated()` and `_deprecated_function()`. [See a complete list of modified methods and filters]( = v2.13.4 on November 4, 2021 = * Fixed: View scripts and styles would not load when manually outputting the contents of the `[gravityview]` shortcode __Developer Updates:__ * Added: `gravityview/shortcode/before-processing` action that runs before the GravityView shortcode is processed * Added: `gravityview/edit_entry/cancel_onclick` filter to modify the "Back" link `onclick` HTML attribute - Modified: `/includes/extensions/edit-entry/partials/form-buttons.php` file to add the filter = v2.13.3 on October 14, 2021 = * Fixed: Edit Entry would not accept zero as a value for a Number field marked as required * Modified: Refined the capabilities assigned to GravityView support when access is granted using TrustedLogin. Now our support will be able to debug theme-related issues and use the [Code Snippets]( plugin. = v2.13.2 on October 7, 2021 = * Fixed: Entry Approval not working when using DataTables in responsive mode (requires DataTables 2.4.9 or newer). * Modified: Refined the capabilities assigned to GravityView support when access is granted using TrustedLogin. Now our support will be able to debug theme-related issues and use the [Code Snippets]( plugin. __Developer Updates:__ * Updated: Upgraded to [Fancybox 4]( * Updated: [TrustedLogin Client]( to Version 1.0.2. * Modified: Added Code Snippets CSS file to No Conflict allow list. * Modified: Moved internal (but public) method `GravityView_Admin_ApproveEntries::process_bulk_action` to new `GravityView_Bulk_Actions` class. = v2.13.1 on September 27, 2021 = * Improved: Views now load faster due to improved template caching. * Added: Ability to configure an "Admin Label" for Custom Content widgets. This makes it easier to see your widget configuration a glance. * Fixed: Issue where non-support users may see a "Revoke TrustedLogin" admin bar link. = v2.12.1 on September 1, 2021 = * Fixed: The Gravity Forms widget in the View editor would always use the source form of the View * Fixed: The field picker didn't use available translations * Fixed: Importing [exported Views]( failed when Custom Content or [DIY Layout]( fields included line breaks. * Fixed: When first installing GravityView, the message was for an invalid license instead of inactive. * Fixed: The "Affiliate ID" setting would not toggle properly when loading GravityView settings. [P.S. — Become an affiliate and earn money referring GravityView!]( * Tweak: Changed the icon of the Presets preview = v2.12 on July 29, 2021 = * Fixed: Add latest Yoast SEO scripts to the No-Conflict approved list * Fixed: Updating an entry with a multi-file upload field may erase existing contents when using Gravity Forms 2.5.8 = v2.11 on July 15, 2021 = * Added: Settings to customize "Update", "Cancel", and "Delete" button text in Edit Entry * Improved: Much better Gravity Forms Survey Add-On integration! [Learn more in the release announcement]( - Ratings can be displayed as text or stars - Multi-row Likert fields can be shown as Text or Score - Improved display of a single row from a multi-row Likert field - Single checkbox inputs are now supported * Improved: Search widget clear/reset button behavior * Improved: Allow unassigning an entry's Entry Creator when editing an entry * Improved: When editing an entry, clicking the "Cancel" button will take you to the prior browser page rather than a specific URL * Improved: Conditionally update "Clear Search" button text in the Search Bar * Fixed: When Time fields were submitted with a single `0` for hour and minute inputs, instead of displaying midnight (`0:0`), it would display the current time * Fixed: Delete Entry links did not work when custom entry slugs were enabled * Fixed: Editing an entry in Gravity Forms that was created by a logged-out user forced an entry to be assigned to a user * Fixed: Missing download/delete icons for file upload field in Edit Entry when running Gravity Forms ≥ * Fixed: A broken German translation file caused a fatal error (only for the `de_DE` localization) * Updated: Dutch translation (thanks René S.!) and German translation (thanks Aleksander K-W.!) __Developer Updates:__ * Added: `gravityview/template/field/survey/glue` filter to modify how the multi-row Likert field values are combined. Default: `; ` * Modified: `templates/deprecated/fields/time.php` and `templates/fields/field-time-html.php` to include the commented `strtotime()` check * Modified: `includes/extensions/edit-entry/partials/form-buttons.php` to add Cancel button enhancements * Fixed: `gravityview/search/sieve_choices` didn't filter by Created By * Fixed: `\GV\Utils::get()` didn't properly support properties available using PHP magic methods. Now supports overriding using the `__isset()` magic method. * Updated: EDD auto-updates library to version 1.8 = v2.10.3.2 on June 2, 2021 = * Improved: Loading of plugin dependencies * Fixed: Field's required attribute was ignored in certain scenarios when using Edit Entry = v2.10.3.1 on May 27, 2021 = * Fixed: The "delete file" button was transparent in Edit Entry when running Gravity Forms 2.5 or newer * Security enhancements = v2.10.2.2 on April 19, 2021 = Improved: Previous fix for an issue that affected HTML rendering of some posts and pages
⭐另请参考: Collection of WordPress plugins updated daily on FreeWP
GravityView Addons List
- GravityView AZ Filters Extension v1.3
- GravityView DataTables Extension v2.6
- GravityView Featured Entries Extension v2.0.7
- GravityView Reloaded v2.0
- GravityView Ratings & Reviews v2.1
- GravityView Visual Composer Extension v1.0.5
- GravityView Enable Gravity Forms Notifications v1.0
- GravityView Social Sharing & SEO v2.0
- GravityView DIY Layout v2.3
- GravityView Entry Revisions v1.1
- GravityView Inline Edit v1.5
- GravityView Maps v1.7.5
- GravityView Gravity Forms Import Entries v2.2.6
- Math by GravityView v2.0.4
- GravityView – Gravity Actions v1.1
- GravityView – Advanced Filter Extension v2.1.14
- Gravity Views Addon – Calendar v2.0.0.1
- GFChart GravityView Add-On v0.9
- GravityView Multiple Forms v0.2 beta 2
- GravityView – Gravity Export v1.0.8
下载 GravityView v2.14.3 Nulled – Display Gravity Forms Entries on Your Website
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