Ultimate Dashboard Pro v3.5.2 – Full Control Over Your WordPress Dashboard

最后更新于:2022-03-28 18:42:03


Ultimate Dashboard is the most popular WordPress dashboard customization plugin. Create a Client Dashboard to make the WordPress admin more useful.

Demo: https://ultimatedashboard.io/

Features: Ultimate Dashboard Pro – Full Control Over Your WordPress Dashboard

  • Widgets must be removed: Remove all – or individual dashboard widgets – from the WordPress dashboard to clear the clutter.
  • Create your own Widgets: Make a WordPress Client Dashboard and replace the normal WordPress widgets with your custom text, icon, and HTML widgets.
  • WP Admin should be cleaned up: Declutter the WordPress admin panel by removing items like as the “Help” and “Screen Options” tabs.
  • CSS customization: Get creative and apply your own custom CSS to the WordPress Dashboard, whole admin area, and login screen.
  • Login Personalization: Customize and rebrand the WordPress login screen right from the WordPress customizer.
  • Admin Pages That Are Unique: Using HTML and CSS, create Custom Admin Pages (Top-Level & Sub-Menu).
  • Remove any third-party widgets: Remove any widgets that third-party plugins have added to your dashboard.
  • Widgets PRO: Ultimate Dashboard PRO allows you to add video and contact form widgets to your dashboard.
  • WordPress White Label: White label the WordPress admin area completely and add your own logo.
  • Admin Pages That Are Unique: Custom Admin Pages (Top-Level & Sub-Menu) may be created using HTML & CSS, Beaver Builder, Elementor, or Brizy.
  • Page Builder Assistance: Use your stored Elementor, Beaver Builder, or Brizy Layout to replace the whole WordPress dashboard, or use it in conjunction with our Ultimate Dashboard widgets.
  • Advanced Login Personalization: Choose from a variety of layouts and personalize every aspect of your WordPress login page.
  • Administrator Menu Editor: From the WordPress admin, rearrange and hide menu and submenu elements for each user role.
  • Access by User Role: Widgets can be restricted to various user roles or even specific users.
  • Editor in Chief, Admin Bar: The Admin Bar Editor function allows you to rearrange, conceal, and add your own menu items to the WordPress toolbar.
  • Support for Multiple Locations: Ultimate Dashboard PRO works flawlessly with WordPress multisites.

变更日志: Ultimate Dashboard Pro – Full Control Over Your WordPress Dashboard

Version 3.5.2 - February 11, 2022
New: Filter to allow 3rd parties to add styles & scripts where we generate the content for admin pages & page builder dashboard (udb_pro_output_builder_content)
Fixed: SVG menu items (Admin Menu Editor) don't work properly
Fixed: Foundation icons won't load properly on page builder dashboard with Beaver Builder

Version 3.5.1 - September 07, 2021
Fixed: Brizy support for Admin Pages & Page Builder Framework feature

Version 3.5 - August 19, 2021
New: Oxygen support for Admin Pages
New: Oxygen support for Page Builder Dashboard feature
New: Change WordPress' Howdy text (multisite support)
New: Change WordPress login URL (multisite support)
New: Login Redirect feature (multisite support)
New: Redirect yoursite.com/wp-admin/ for non logged-in users (multisite support)
New: Add overlay to Login Customizer background images
Tweak: Improved assets rendering if Beaver Builder is used with custom Admin Pages
Fixed: PHP warning when 3rd party dashboard widgets are removed
Fixed: Bug in Login Customizer output if subsite is set to be blueprint
Fixed: Some 3rd party menu items did not appear in the Admin Menu Editor
Fixed: Some 3rd party menu items did not appear in the Admin Bar Editor
Fixed: Settings link on the plugin screen links to non-existent page
Fixed: Remove data on uninstall on multisite installations
Fixed: Issue with Elementors new Admin Bar & Ultimate Dashboard PRO's modern layout

Version 3.4 - June 22, 2021
New: Advanced White Label settings

Version 3.3.4 - June 8, 2021
New: WordPress admin body classes on multisites: udb-network-admin, udb-is-main-site, udb-is-subsite, udb-site-{site-id}
New: Multisite support for our new Welcome Panel feature
Tweak: Move Page Builder Dashboard feature to its own metabox
Fixed: Rare fatal error with Brizy
Fixed: Admin menu doesn't apply to super admin if configured specifically for that user in the Admin Menu Editor

Version 3.3.3 - June 1, 2021
New: Remember Users/Roles tab when saving in Admin Menu Editor
Tweak: Execute Admin Menu changes late to affect all 3rd party plugins
Tweak: Notices for super admins that changes made to the Admin Bar and Admin Menu Editor won't apply to them
Tweak: Exclude super admin from Admin Bar Editor output
Tweak: Include senders email address in contact form widget email
Fixed: Issue with sub-menu item order with LifterLMS and other 3rd party plugins if Admin Menu Editor is configured

Version 3.3.2 - May 22, 2021
New: Add separators to your admin menu with the Admin Menu Editor
Tweak: Show warnings before resetting the Admin Menu & Admin Bar Editor
Fixed: Admin Bar Editor settings on non-blueprint sites (multisite) don't take effect.
Fixed: Some sub menu items can't be removed with the Admin Menu Editor
Fixed: Custom Admin Pages & Page Builder Dashboard template didn't update when the design was changed with Brizy
Fixed: On multisites, all menu items are shown no matter what role is selected
Fixed: Added missing license key mismatch notice to license page

Version 3.3.1 - May 19, 2021
New: Brizy support for Admin Pages & the Page Builder Dashboard feature
Tweak: License key mismatch detection & warning

Version 3.3 - April 15, 2021
New: Admin Bar Editor
Fixed: All widgets were active/inactive after import, even though if they were active/inactive on the original website

Version 3.2 - March 04, 2021
New: Change the admin menu for specific user roles (Admin Menu Editor)
New: Add custom menu items to the WordPress admin menu (Admin Menu Editor)
New: Added RTL support for default & modern layout (White Label)
Tweak: Remove unnecessary menu items from subsites (Multisite Support)
Tweak: Refactored "Login Customizer" CSS output
Tweak: Removed unnecessary customizer tabs & controls from non-blueprint subsites (Multisite Support)
Fixed: Rare fatal error when user tried to access a site that they aren't a part of (Multisite Support)
Fixed: Rare case where the admin menu was broken after configuring the Admin Menu Editor feature (Admin Menu Editor)
Fixed: Broken Gutenberg editor with modern layout (White Label)
Fixed: Modern layout admin bar was causing issues with 3rd party plugins (White Label)
Fixed: Long menu item titles flow into icons with modern layout (White Label)
Fixed: Glitch when switching layouts when form background color was applied (Login Customizer)

Version 3.1.3 - December 26, 2020
Fixed: Non-static method should not be called statically

Version 3.1.2 - December 26, 2020
Fixed: Issue with new "Modules" feature on multisite installations result in fatal error
Tweak: Show license page only on the main site of the network
Tweak: License page styling

Version 3.1.1 - December 09, 2020
Fixed: plugin updater issue

Version 3.1 - December 09, 2020
New: Load modules conditionally based on settings in the free version
Tweak: Updated & improved settings page UI
Tweak: Show "free version required" message to all users that can manage_options instead of only the main site of the multisite network to prevent it from being missed
Fixed: WooCommerce layout with "Modern" admin styling

Version 3.0 - October 27, 2020
Rewritten plugin from the ground up
Ultimate Dashboard PRO now requires & extends Ultimate Dashboard for better maintainability
New: Admin Menu Editor
Other tweaks & improvements

Version - August 12, 2020
Fixed: Due to the new "Active" toggle, all existing dashboard widgets were hidden

Version 2.11.5 - August 12, 2020
New: Option to remove FontAwesome
New: Added super admin role to role settings
New: Activate/deactivate toggle for Ultimate Dashboard widgets
New: Multisite support for Custom Admin Pages
New: Added French translation
Fixed: WordPress 5.5 compatibility
Fixed: Login page styling
Fixed: Dashboard CSS doesn't take affect

Version 2.11.4 - May 26, 2020
Fixed: HTML widget strips out iframes

Version 2.11.3 - May 21, 2020
Maintenance release

Version 2.11.2 - May 9, 2020
Fixed: PHP Notice: undefined title
Fixed: Custom admin logo sits at the bottom of the admin area on subsites (Modern Layout)
Fixed: Custom admin bar logo URL doesn't work
Fixed: issue where blueprint settings were ported over to subsites (Multisite Support)

Version 2.11.1 - May 5, 2020
Fixed: Creating an admin page with page builder doesn't work
Fixed: Sanitizing CSS

Version 2.11 - May 5, 2020
New: Create Admin Pages
New: Filter to disable Login Customizer feature (udb_login_customizer)
New: Filter to change admin bar logo (udb_admin_bar_logo_image)
New: Use {home_url} inside the logo URL to dynamically fetch the current site's URL (Login Customizer, Multisite Support)
Tweak: Inherit the main site logo size by default (Login Customizer, Multisite Support)
Fixed: Display issues with Modern Layout & Gutenberg (White Label)
Fixed: Admin bar logo URL is missing from Modern Layout (White Label)
Fixed: Screen Options tab is removed by default on multisite installations
Fixed: Fatal error with WP Ultimo & our "Remove Help Tab" feature during signup
Fixed: Sanitization

Version 2.10.1 - April 6, 2020
New: Added support for health status widget
Tweak: Remove the auto-generated page - we found a better way!
Fixed: Deprecated udb_pro_remove_help_tab notice
Fixed: Left/right customizer layouts are now responsive

Version 2.10 - March 27, 2020
New: Login Customizer
New: Restrict widgets to user roles
New: Restrict widgets to specific users
New: Modern wp-admin layout
Tweak: Rewritten existing wp-admin layout from scratch
Tweak: Restructured options & sections
Tweak: Overall code improvements & improvements to the file structure
Fixed: Long tooltips overlay icons so they can't be clicked
Fixed: Widget order doesn't save

Version 2.9 - February 19, 2020
New: Page Builder Support - Create a custom WordPress dashboard with Beaver Builder & Elementor
New: Option to set custom Logo URL for login screen
New: Option to remove "Help" tab
New: Option to remove "Screen Options" tab
New: Option to change Dashboard headline
New: Field to add custom CSS to the entire wp-admin area
Tweak: White Label setting now has its own sub menu item
Tweak: improved admin settings page styling

⭐另请参考: Collection of WordPress plugins updated daily on FreeWP

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