Woocommerce Custom Product Addons v4.1.6 – Acowebs

最后更新于:2022-03-28 22:27:36


A lightweight WooCommerce product addons plugin that streamlines the process of adding custom fields to your WooCommerce product page. You can now rapidly add more product choices with an easy-to-use custom form builder.

You can simply customize the WooCommerce product ordering page (by adding new product choices or custom fields), and any additional form data entered by consumers will be shown in the website backend and bundled with the order information.

Demo: https://acowebs.com/woo-custom-product-addons/

Features: Woocommerce Custom Product Addons

  • Text field — A standard text input form for text data collection.
  • Number field — A number input field in HTML5 that accepts numbers.
  • A radio field allows you to choose one item from a list of several.
  • A checkbox field allows you to pick several options.
  • Select field — A drop-down menu from which to pick from a list of options.
  • Textarea field — For details that are longer than one line.
  • Date field – HTML5 default date picker (depending on the browser).
  • Color field – HTML5’s default color picker (depending on the browser).
  • Admin hidden field — A hidden input field.
  • Password field – A text field for collecting passwords with a password input text field.
  • HTML5 email field for validating the right email ID format. Apart from the ones listed above, the HTML tags listed below are also supported.
  • To put instructions in a product page, use the HTML paragraph tag, which accepts basic HTML tags like anchor, bold, and picture.
  • To set HTML header tags (h1, h2, and h3) in on the page, use the header (h) tag.
  • Custom Price Fields – Woocommerce product price fields can be customized for any of the plugin’s fields. The price might be a set amount, a percentage of the product’s basic price, or calculated using a bespoke formula.
  • Custom Price Formula – To determine price based on user input value, product quantity, and product base price using a mathematical formula.
  • Upload Field — This field is used to gather files from users, which may be photographs, videos, documents, or anything else that WordPress supports.
  • Create a drag-and-drop upload box to make it easy to upload.
  • Multi-select Field — This allows users to choose several items from a list of options.
  • Image Selection – allows you to pick from a variety of bespoke images. Admins may upload as many photos as they like in any size to the backend, and it can be set up to pick several images as well as a single image.
  • Color Group – operates similarly to checkbox and radio groups in that it may replace the usual checkbox fields with a custom color box or circle, and the selected item will be indicated with a check mark.
  • Pick your own date — (supports for all browsers) – This plugin includes a date field, as well as a date and time field. Users can select a date from a custom-designed calendar or simply enter the value.
  • Time Picker (supports all browsers)- Displays a list of available time slots from which the user can choose.
  • Custom Color Picker (all browsers supported) — The user may choose a color using a custom-designed color picker. The value of this field will be a hex color code, which will be shown to the admin alongside the order.
  • Using conditional logic, you may show or conceal some fields depending on the value you choose for other fields. This plugin has 18 different types of circumstances.
  • Google Map Place Selector — A location selector that uses the Google Places API to recommend locations based on the user’s input. The user can also choose a place on the map.
  • Grid/Column alignment — Fields may now be simply aligned inline as grids or columns.
  • Tool Tip and Help Text — Each field can have its own help text, which can be shown as a tool tip or as a text beside the label.
  • And there are many more features…

变更日志: Woocommerce Custom Product Addons by Acowebs

= v4.1.6 =
* Compatibility - Woocomerce 6.2.x support
* Compatibility - Woocommerce Dynamic Pricing

Bug Fix - Listing page button Text
Bug Fix - Form field map to checkout visibility

Feature - Re-enabled mapping to checkout feature
Feature - Option to see count of letters left to enter
Bug Fix - Product Variation Add to cart issue
Bug Fix - Custom Formula
Bug Fix - not showing price for options fixed
Bug Fix - Product Group Radio button quantity selection not working
Bug Fix - Custom Formula Not working
Compatibility - Woocomerce Booking Plugin
Added - New filter to change order of summary fields

Bug Fix - Adding to cart issue
Bug Fix - Slash before single quote on order edit.
Bug Fix - Number Field value 0 validation issue
Bug Fix - Backend Critical Error
Revert - Revert feature mapping to checkout due to bug in functionality.

Bug Fix - Add to cart issue for variation products

New Feature - Javascript field validation
New Feature - Custom Extension Support
New Field - Product Group: Now you can create products as field
New Field - Static Text: Now you can create Static Text fields with label and value
Backend - New Tab for validation messages for individual fields
Backend - Option to add general validation messages
New Option - Minimum value for text field & textarea field
New Option - Disable Zoom Image in Mobile - Image Group
New Option - Map fields to checkout fields
Bug Fix - Backend - In string editing double quotes escaping issue
Experimental feature - Avoid applying discounts to product fields
Compatibility Fix - WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing With Discount Rules By acowebs
WooCommerce 5.8.0 support
Other minor bug fixes

Formula price calculation bug ( ver 4.0.0) fixed

added Multiple file upload option
File Dropable featured
WP 5.8 and WooCommerce 5.6.0 support
Bug fixes

Bug Fixes
startDate support in datepicker config

Bug Fixes
WooCommerce 4.5.x support

Bug Fixes
Wordpress 5.5.x Support
WooCommerce 4.3.x support

Bug Fixes
Google Map Country Restriction option
WooCommerce 4.2.x support

Bug Fixes
Google Map Country Restriction option
WooCommerce 4.2.x support

Bug Fixes
Performance improvements for stores with large number for products
SumoSelector for multi select
WooCommerce 4.x.x support

⭐另请参考: Collection of WordPress plugins updated daily on FreeWP

下载 Woocommerce Custom Product Addons v4.1.6 Nulled – Acowebs

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