Essential Grid Gallery v3.0.15 – WordPress Plugin

最后更新于:2022-03-29 00:08:03


Essential Grid Gallery is a premium plugin for WordPress that allows you to build amazing image, video, and audio galleries from a variety of sources!

Using responsive WordPress gallery functionality, posts and pages, including albums built with other plugins like NextGen Gallery, connect to major social media streams like Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter, Flickr, etc.

Build a complete custom gallery grid. Our template gallery will provide you with template grids that also look great on mobile devices and are easy to configure and populate with your content!



Features Essential Grid Gallery WordPress Plugin

  • Video tutorial channel for beginners
  • Use for all purposes
  • Boxed, wide, full-screen layouts
  • Row / Column / Spacing is adjustable
  • Images, Youtube & Vimeo Videos, HTML5 Self-Hosted Videos, iFrame Content
  • Content Sources: Posts, Custom Posts, Pages, WooCommerce, Gallery
  • Variety of Animations & Preloaders
  • Dozens of sample skins available
  • Responsive & Mobile Optimized
  • Visual Skin Editor: Easily build and customize your own skins
  • Easy import/export skin
  • Includes custom skins with plugin installation, one-click installer
  • Custom Metas: Additional Options for Posts
  • Custom Post-Based Appearance Modification: Special Rules for Posts
  • Extensive Documentation & Video Tutorials
  • Customizable conversion speed (Personal / Global)

变更日志 Essential Grid Gallery WordPress Plugin

v3.0.15 (21th February 2022)
Fixed gmt post date in item skin
Fixed item skin editor js errors
Fixed sort warning for non-numeric grid item ID
Fixed delete full cache
Fixed cache for grids with random sort
Fixed not possible to select first sort value
Fixed sort by date
Fixed Video in lightbox not autoplaying on Safari
Enable Gutenberg Editor for example posts
Fixed Lightbox Content Overflow option
Fixed Image vertical align in backend preview
Fixed Lightbox based on Content Gallery for Gutenberg posts
Changed notice containers in the WordPress plugin page for a better user experience

v3.0.14 (17th January 2022)
Added Right click protection feature
Added ability to add "nofollow" attribute to an EG link
Added option to sort filters in alphabetical order
Added lightbox enchancements
Added Smart Image size feature
RB Tools Updated
Fixed filter counter not displaying in the editor preview
Fixed filter counter infinity loading bug
Fixed grid setting pages select always visible on source switch
Fixed search for non loaded items
Fixed filter dropdown start text visible only if filter layout is dropdown
Fixed ajax error on PHP8
Fixed backend Manual sorting on last item in a Row without pagination
Fixed Vimeo Fullscreen flickering on Safari
Fixed @import to be the first rule in nav skins css
Fixed media ratio not hidden in "auto" mode for masonry layout
Fixed autoplaying Mp4 videos with sound on lightbox
Fixed custom meta filters options order
Fixed masonry layout in backend preview
Fixed backend preview
Fixed Load More button for Flat Light skin
Fixed Scroll to Offset
Fixed post custom meta multi select stuck selected values
Fixed post custom meta multi select values after update
Fixed shortcode filter counter
Fixed conflicts with latest RS library
Fixed hover animation remains on mobile devices after navigating back

v3.0.13 (5th October 2021)
Added Watermarks feature
Added option to mass switch between Append / Overwrite mode in import
Added option to enable extended search. This enables grid search thru post categories, post tags and grid custom meta attached to post
Added option to loop videos within grid
Add option to keep cache forever for stream sources
Adding bulk images throws JS errors in Safari and Firefox console
Updated Twitter stream to support api credentials
Fixed Slider Revolution not working inside the lightbox with never Slider Revolution versions
Fixed deprecated error message for external sources
Fixed enabling Deep Linking Filter feature breaks the grid filter
Fixed single image upload for custom grid
Fixed import bugs
Fixed grid item cover link
Fixed js error with select grid source
Fixed custom meta word limit
Fixed search result button showing up in search wrapper
Fixed mobile filter conversion
Fixed hiding filter all
Fixed multiple filter dropdown change the filter start text
Fixed gutenberg block styles
Fixed shortcode in html attributes in text layer
Fixed block_categories deprecation message with WordPress 5.8.0
Fixed php deprecated notices
Fixed "Filter all" showing at the bottom of the grid with no active filters
Fixed ESG Custom Meta tab content not displaying on post edit page
Fixed Sorting Order not showing the correct arrow
Fixed Grid alias allowed characters
Fixed filter shortcode not parsing correctly
Fixed filter shortcode overlapping issue
Fixed custom filter shortcode displaying all filters
Fixed filter deeplink - hash stay in url after unselecting
Fixed broken image ratio after html5 element
Fixed keep layers on video Playback
Fixed filter dropdown text bug
Fixed category that starts with number breaks "Load More Button"
Fixed wp footer texts overlapping the grid editor
Fixed RTL mode
Fixed meta multiselect save on post page
Fixed meta data "mutiselect" display when used as skin layer value
Fixed blurry grid image after vertical flip
Fixed shortcode not working in a meta field
Fixed gutenberg block custom image missing
Fixed ESG widget in 5.8.1
Fixed Youtube Video cannot played with sound on lightbox
Fixed filter shortcode not working for custom grid

Version 3.0.12 (15th July 2021)
Added option to customize the offline LoadMore error message
Added Global option to customize empty Grid and social stream error messages
Added filter group drill-down visibility options
Improved notices for when the selected source is empty (i.e. no posts available) or for social streams when credentials need to be added/adjusted
When attempting to save a post-based Grid with no source selected an Ajax error will now auto-select the source tab
Imported post-based grids will now auto-populate itself on the frontend. Content can then be adjusted further by editing the grid's post-category selections.
Imported post-based grids will now auto-select "Posts" as the default Post Type.
Improved the code to remove surpressed notices
Twitter streams no longer require API credentials
Flickr Photosets are now titled "Albums"
Clean up inline css styles.
The localization file now delivered as a pot file.
Update tooltipster to v4.2.8
switched select2 to more robust dropdown builder - ddTP
update media filter css to remove impact on revslider elements
Fixed taxonomy list limiting not working as expected
Fixed caching to consider the difference between mobile and desktop computers
Fixed a bug where hiding the "Filter - All" button was not possible if more than one filter was added to the grid
Fixed a bug where some specific filter settings were not properly added, if more than one filter was added to the grid
Fixed a bug where shortcodes added to a meta field did not work if they ended with "]
Fixed a bug where the sorting did not properly work with load more items
Fixed pages with multiple grids sometimes had duplicate item IDs that caused issues with animations.
Fixed touch-swipe for pagination not always working
Fixed "Edit Skin" button not always loading the correct skin
Fixed Flickr Photosets not Working (now called "Albums")
Fixed Filter "AND" not working in the editor
Fixed Video Lightbox not playing with sound for Vimeo Videos
Fixed Pagination sometimes interfering with grid hovers
Fixed Vimeo fullscreen button not showing on frontend
Fixed Filter-All Text not changeable with multiple groups
Fixed Show/Hide Filter-All not changeable with multiple groups
Fixed Clicking on the "Filter All" will not clear the selected categories
Fixed custom metadata with an apostrophe breaks the grid editor.
Fixed __() & _e() does not escape. Updated to esc_attr__(), esc_html__() etc….
Fixed Global Settings -> Global Search -> Add Global Search Setting button state when search disabled
Fixed Item Spacing not saving changes
Fixed Deeplinking Lightbox image not working
Fixed Selected Category sources not being saved
Fixed Hide Blank Items At not working correctly
Fixed Selected Metadata displaying on filters
Fixed Selecting a single filter is not possible using "Multiselect" meta filter

Version 3.0.11 (31st December 2020)
Fixed filters "Hide All" not working properly
Fixed not beeing able to deselect filter categories
Fixed custom grids not replacing metas properly if they are set in the post fields
Fixed YouTube playlist select box being limited to 50 playlists
Fixed an issue with the Real Media Library's source selection reverting to "All" after every updating of the grid
Fixed an issue importing demo data not working properly when terms are invalid
Updated Ajax function handling to avoid console errors in some rare cases
Fixed Flip Up "out" layer animation effect
Fixed Custom Category List which mostly only show the used Categories, and not the Added Categories from List yet

= Version 3.0.10 (10th December 2020) =
Added new option in Nav-Filter-Sort - Filter Groups called "Add Filters By". This will allow to select if Categories, Tags or both will be added as filters to the Grid Items
Replaced depricated jQuery functions to raise compatibility with upcoming WordPress versions

Version 3.0.9 (2nd December 2020)
UTF-8 characters now work properly in filters
Fixed a glitch with the Load More function which loaded Double of the elements at start
Replaced depricated jQuery functions to raise compatibility with upcoming WordPress versions

= v3.0.8 (19th November 2020) =
- Added Mute/Unmute option to Inline Videos
- Added Filter options like Tags, Categories and Tags & Categories to Quick Grid Related Post Builder
- Added a protecion against an unavailable function Parse_blocks which may brake Editor and frontend pages in older WP version
- Added NameSpace protection for CodeMirror to avoid conflicts with Themes and other Plugins
- If MP4 video Source is declared with mp3 audio files, autoplay and muted will be ignored and a controller will show in any cases which allows to play mp3 audio files in place
- Fixed a bug where using the same Grid mutltiple times on a page may resulted in only one Grid showing up
- Fixed Link target for links on item cover
- Fixed a bug where the alternate image was not correctly translated in custom grids inside of text layer elements
- Fixed a bug where the custom dropdown was using the same dropdown text
- Fixed a bug in the flickr source, flickr user url needed to be shown for photoset selection also
- Fixed a bug where example logos were not shown in the skin selection screen
- Eliminated sloppy Gutenberg editor setting updating
- Fixed Fonts Remove function in General Settings
- Fixed Output of Multi-Select meta data

⭐另请参考: Collection of Codecanyon plugin Premium updated daily

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