Slider Revolution WordPress v6.5.19 (Templates + Addons + Plugin) – Responsive WordPress Plugin

最后更新于:2022-03-29 01:47:42


Slider Revolution is a responsive and innovative WordPress slider plugin that allows you to show your content in a stylish way.

Slider Revolution 6 is a ground-breaking new technique to developing dynamic, rich content for your website.

Without any prior programming skills, you can instantly create a fantastic website. The plugin contains a number of ready-to-use examples (revolution slider templates) that combine all of the available templates to help you get started quickly!

Features Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin:

New Visual Editor Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin"
200+ Templates Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin
  • You may design amazing websites on a single page.
  • There are a lot of examples in this book.
  • It’s compatible with any device (Desktop, Tablet, Mobile)
  • It’s not necessary to know how to code!

The 6th Edition of Slider Revolution is now available. WordPress Builder has an optimized editor with all options gathered together so you can work quicker.

  • Usability has been improved.
  • Work more efficiently and productively.
  • The user interface is dark and simple to read.
  • Boosted loading speed
Addons Slider Revolution
  • Visual Editor
  • It’s easy to set up, and updates are accessible right away.
  • Over 200 ready-to-use sample templates are available (Refer to demo here)
  • There are over 2000 object libraries to choose from.
  • Over 20 add-ons are included in the download box (addons).
  • ……..

Slider Revolutionary WordPress Builder has a library of over 20 add-ons that expand the plugin’s capabilities.

  • To the nth degree of customization
  • Revslider is the only one with special effects.
  • Add a plugin if desired.
  • On a regular basis, new add-ons are launched.
Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin

变更日志 Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugins Nulled Free

v6.5.19 (14th March 2022)
Opening specific modal slide with Panzoom effect fails
On mobile, layer with long text has padding on right until slider loads completely

Version 6.5.18 (8th March 2022)
Slider editor has issues if the WooCommerce Advanced Quantity plugin is enabled
Hosts that do not allow connection to external servers creating longer loading times
Unwanted categories are shown in meta tags added to layers
Deleting global layers fails with console errors
Static layers with percentage based width or height do generate unneeded padding on mobile views
Google page speed warns against using unload event listener
6.5.17 regression: Slider with Advanced Transitions flashes after transition.

v6.5.17 (23rd February 2022)
Added internal hook for manipulating layer positions and dimensions due to external addons

v6.5.16 (17th February 2022)
Changed notice containers in the WordPress plugin page for a better user experience
Editor does not render advanced opacity on layers
Force overflow causes layers to be hidden on mobile and to be visible on Android Chrome
Third party object extensions may kill the initialisation process of Slider Revolution in preview mode
Mobile height change is not respected when URL bar height changes on mobile devices

Version 6.5.15 (31st January 2022)
Opening a WordPress media modal fails because the editor script overwrites the _ variable
Notice occurs in post based sliders, as $attr1 is undefined
Advanced transitions fail on websites using subdomain as CDN
Gutenberg block preview not available
Gutenberg editor glitches on mouse enter and hover
Gutenberg template not updating after disabling blank page
Slider Revolution settings on WordPress pages are stuck on the top
Bottom margin issues on fixed slider scroll processes where the Slider is higher than the page
Exporting modules with advanced transitions ignore the predefined values
Sometimes glitches occur in the media library after triggering dropdowns in module editor
Carousel height jumps when a slide comes in focus after latest update 6.5.14 and 6.5.13
Console logs and errors are visible in some rare cases
Animation issues on menu in some older templates

Version 6.5.14 (6th January 2022)
JS error in some rare cases due to a conflict between underscore.js and some editor scripts by overwriting the global _ variable

Version 6.5.13 (6th January 2022)
Middle row zones in carousel are not in the right position if the carousel is dragged and not triggered by navigation buttons
Instagram display date meta shows system date instead of instagram post date
SVG layer can not be resized due to the size options after saving and reloading the editor
Advanced rotation, opacity and filter which are assigend to the mask container are not showing in the editor, only live and in preview
Hover zoom breaks out of mask after dragging the carousel
STRONG tag lineheight is different (25 default) as the lineheight of the layer itself
JS warnings in Safari when backdrop filters are used
Not existing modal pop up on scroll drop JS failures

Version 6.5.12 (21st December 2021)
New Features
Added new submenus: Getting Started, Help Center, Templates, Premium Support and Go Premium
Menu burger buttons and scroll down buttons won’t use out of box the intelligent size inheriting to avoid strange spacing on smaller devices
Updated GSAP to version 3.9.0
Simplified duplicating and copy pasting layers with actions triggering the duplicated layers with steps like:
Deleting a layer will remove the action references pointing on it from other layers
Undoing “delete layer” will recreate the deleted action references as well
Duplicating a layer will check for all pointing action references and will also duplicate those by adjusting the target id as well
Changing audio preload options does not have any influence on loading performance and results on frontend
Selecting post based slider by popularity, related and recent does not allow categories to be selected
Backend is slow in Chrome if more than 200 elements are added in rows and columns. Issue happens only in WebKit browsers based on transform perspective and filters
Glitch effect of advanced transitions throws console error
Duplicating layers undo/redo group is filled with multiple steps, single redo/undo is not working
Menu link & scroll action’s scroll offset value is ignored
Change between navigation and general settings in the editor does not refresh the layer rendering, generating artifacts until next refresh
Multiple rows and columns generating artifacts on Chrome version 96.0.4664.110+
Centered rows may show layers and elements in columns blurry if the content is drawn on half pixels. Core will now internally calculate the vertical position of rows and columns

Version 6.5.11 (19th November 2021)
JavaScript error breaks the global settings in the overview mode and throws a console error getConcVals

Version 6.5.10 (17th November 2021)
Fullwidth layout in combination with Timeline based scroll will allow optional to pull content now
Slider Revolution meta box now shows on all custom post types

v6.5.9 (11th October 2021) Thanks To @Medw1311
Added Trust Pilot review link to overview page
Added deregistration warning informations
Not installed AddOns will warn now in overview, and allow a one click installation of all required elements
Added premium templates badge on original templates from library. Templates can be used only in registered and licensed environments
Color update for SVG layers is inconsistent on carousel if lazy loading is set to single or smart
SVG options are squeezed in editor
Slide animation “in” resets opacity to 0 when 1 is set and the editor reloads
Downsized carousel items get squeezed images on fullwidth layout
Firefox shows console warnings for -webkit-backdrop-filter
Using the carousel justify option generates console errors in rare cases and prevents the carousel from rendering BG
WPML translation priorities terms were not ignored
Dropdowns in-place search is not filtering by Option content, only by option value
Firefox mouseleave event is not triggering when slide change has been called due further actions
In very rare cases, slider height grows if column contains layer with 100% height
Slide based direction is not working if animation distances set by pixel
Changed locale for decimals in PHP results in a JavaScript error
HTML export is missing CSS and JS files from AddOns
Reverse scroll option makes slider jump to last slide
Volume level for audio layer does not work correctly on Safari

v6.5.8 (7th September 2021)
Added cursor mode “none” to the option list to be able to hide the cursor on “a” tags when mouse track is activated
Introducing tag option for slide links (available options: “a” & “rs-layer”) to avoid FireFox popup blocking on _blank targets
Introducing a global option: “Lazy Load on BG Images”. This will allow to load BG images also with lazy load, defined due the lazy load global and module based options
Editing the size of layers in a column will replace % sizes into px on edit. Added a further protection which will only change the height values if the height is set over 98% within the column of any layer
Carousel slider is flickering in Safari
Safari clippath animations are not visible during the animation
Some third party form options fail to work correctly. (This may have affected other third party integration as well)
Missing Elementor property on load causes the Cookiebot plugin to fail
Solid color background with opacity gets darker on refocus
First slide using the Advanced Transition’s blur effect flashes black background
Advanced Transition with PanZoom BG jumps on slide change
Using fullscreen toggle on slider with parallax effect does not reset BG correctly
Blend Mode “color” is not working well in Safari. (Fallback to color-burn works)
Slider Revolution can not be added to WordPress Widgets area. JS Failures
Revolution Slider in Essential Grid’s lightbox opens only on the first time
Carousel background is squashed if the carousel’s ‘Keep Aspect Ratio(Justify)’ option is turned off
Slider added using the Gutenberg block is pushed to the right side if the slider uses “Fixed during scroll” option
Gap (border) option does not work correctly on fullwidth and fullscreen slider

v6.5.7 (20th August 2021)
Added global option to load YT API in header which can be useful if Google Analytics is enabled on page
Carousel slider doesn’t render after reopening modal
Modal does not open after update 6.5.6
Slider background does not render for a customer after upgrading from 6.3.9 to 6.5.6
Shape, button and text layers breaks module processes if they use % based height in columns
Triggered groups shows content after resize even though they should stay invisible
‘Scroll Below Slider’ action lags if page has scroll-behavior set to smooth
All default slide transitions show animations within 1000ms on frontend, even if the backend has a different value set
Modal shows horizontal scrollbar on Windows

Version 6.5.6 (6th August 2021)
Timeline default length update will also update all layer timings with “Wait for End” in each slides of that module
Added search, filter and sorting functions to the Addon overview area for better overview
Elementor popup not loading with slider. Even with added protections, it is not stable, therefore we recommend to use Slider Revolution’s own popup functionality
Video and PanZoom aspect ratio may not be correct during the slide transition
Vimeo video in carousel not covering vertically and the first play of Vimeo background videos are not showing in carousel
RS conflicts with elementor lottie
Fonts don’t render correctly due to quotes around font family
A deprecation notice block_categories occurs from WordPress 5.8.0 onwards
Justify carousel hides max amount of shown slides option and makes layout dimension changes hard to understand
Navigation font family preset is not selected after reload
Navigation Skin editor meta values not shown, meta type shows always custom
Background image gets drawn twice while using BG Fit Percentage
Shortcodes from RevSlider v5 with – in it are not found
Mouse scroll not working on fullscreen slider if viewport value is set to 100%
Alternate slide anination is ignoring main animation once loop done

Version 6.5.5 (21st July 2021)
Table structure changed from unique to primary key
Changed wording of clip path 'Inverts' option to 'Custom Mask' and replaced icons for better understanding
Added protection in case any page builder or third party plugin double output scripts in page
Added protection against if slider should wait on elementor scripts, but they wont be loaded
Page jumps while loading on some themes if slider loads after content
Regression 6.5.4 affected hamburger style and renders incorrectly
If 'Min Height' option is set, it affects styling of carousel slider
{{catlist}} and {{catlist_raw}} is empty on custom post types
Vimeo video background is always blurry, it used to be sharp in the pre Canvas version
Ken burns effect jitters in FireFox
Ken burns image shows after transitioning to second slide
JavaScript errors prevent slide from changing while using with Elementor tabs
ClipPath animation with "Invert Types" and default 100% values render differently on frontend and backend until values changed manually once
Slider max-width is written without px if it is not specially set
Scripts and styles are loaded on backend pages where they are not needed

v6.5.4 (2nd July 2021)
The internal revicons.woff is loaded when it is not needed
PanZoom jumps on mobile/high DPR displays
PanZoom animation is not smooth, jittering on iOS
Content jumps vertically on page load due to missing styles at the first rendering in some cases
Motion blur renders partially while used with videos on Chrome, likely due to a browser specific bug

v6.5.3 (25th June 2021)
New Features
Added performance option to slider transitions, which will allow to prioritise perfomance vs image quality during the slide transition
Added new option “Set Filters on Mask” to layer animation. This option allows to set the filters on the layer wrapper mask instead of the layer itself.
to avoid strange cuts on overflow hidden elements
as workaround for the Safari bug where blur and x,y rotations resizes the layers
Extended openModalAPI to be able to load modules in page by ajax on demand by id, index or slide key
Adding the same slider more than once to the post/page resulted in the JS revapi variable beeing defined multiple times
Tags are written in image titles on certain conditions
Splitted and blurred text animation on Safari looks different, letters pop up without animation
Required AddOn update message shows wrong update versions in certain cases
Hidden slides are printed into the HTML
Some external images are not visible in backend and load stretched on frontend (CORS error visible in console)
iFrame in layers fail to load in some special cases
Layer actions with target layers fail to open due to error
HTML export does not write some newly added JavaScript
JS error if slider uses “Observe Wrapper” option
Elementor, Divi, Wp Backery or other third party plugin conflicts if the library loading is set to defered, async in footer
Clicking on buttons sometimes fails in Firefox if 3D parallax is used
“Lazy Load All” does not load all images one by one in case the ViewPort option is enabled globally

v6.5.2 (17th June 2021)
Error causes release version to fail in backend and it prevents some backend features from working

v6.5.1 (17th June 2021)
Updating to latest AddOn versions may load old JavaScript files
Slider fails to load because third party scripts polluted default Array and Object objects
Slider Revolution and Elementor conflicts if Elementor section is also fullwidth
Opening page in new tab on iPhone gives slider wrong dimensions because Safari reports height incorrectly
Strange Artifacts on Slider backgrounds and transitions. Comes due to an early load of the Slider Revolution environment, where i.e. WP Rocket (and other tools) may re-add already processed images to the DOM

v6.5.0 (15th June 2021)
New Features
Added vimeo thumbnail loader for background videos
Added new global initialisation process optimization
All JS files (except rbtools.min.js) will load asynchronous defered in footer to fill the new Google Lighthouse requests for better ranking
New global option to enable viewport an viewport distance on all existing modules with one click
New global option to overwrite “no lazy loading” with any other setting, to enable lazy loading internally in each slider modules
New modal API added to load any slider as modal via API i.e. jQuery.fn.revolution.openModalAPI(modal,modalslide,url) where the URL is the URL of ajax action, modal is the modal slider id and modal slide the modal slide id
Solved high memory usage on iOS browsers where 3x sized retina images may brake the maximum 384MB limitations
During slide animations, all content will reduce resolution to speed up the processing in complex rendering, however after that it changes back to the best available resolutions
Added two new metas to dynamic add current slide index and count of slides into layer content. {{current_slide_index}} and {{total_slide_count}}
Iris colorpicker click listener reloads page due to WordPress bug. Colorpicker will ignore that click event from RS side
Lock and visibility icons are not available on the layer list after adding, removing, duplicating layers
Disabling hover options on layers still shows animation on mouse enter and leave
Custom navigation presets can not be added or do not save
Weather AddOn location can not be extended
Page content jumps on initial load if JS files are added to the footer
Elliptical gradients are not drawing well
YouTube posters is not displaying after reloading editor
Navigation thumbs speed option is not working
Wrong start/end y position if from/to top or from/to bottom layer animation selected on rows
Some old slider layers had the subtype set accidentally which prevented them from being imported.
In very rare cases a normal slide converted into a global slide, making 2 global slides available in the module
Videos not playing in static slides if the slider layout is set to carousel
Parsing CSS can create a PHP notice
Safari mask animations do not show animation on second loop
PolyFold AddOn stops rendering the editor view until the browser gets resized
Added protection against Avada’s transform z on main container which would break the scroll functionality of the slider
Global layers can not be controlled by layer actions
Canvas with too big area breaks on iOS
Selecting ‘auto DPR 4’ would select ‘DPR 4’
Closing modals were failing due to a wrong id if the page had multiple modals
Video jumps/shows the cover a short time after the animation ends
Having none Isometric Slides before Isometric slider will brake in animation of Layers
Disable PanZoom on mobile has no effect
In the backend, layers are sometimes not in position until offsetted layers gets selected
Parallax content jumps on previous/next slide if page has been scrolled before slide change
Multiple carousel navigation’s on same page conflicts with each other
Bullet navigation does not get recalculated on resize
Modal on default templates doesn’t cover full width
Fullscreen modal doesn’t show fullscreen if slider has “Decrease module height” option set

= v6.4.11 (30th April 2021) =
AddOn installation not available due to version comparing failure (hotfix)

= Version 6.4.10 (29th April 2021) =
New Features
Three.js and WebGL support management between Slider Revolution AddOns
Installing slider templates with higher version requirements allows to download templates even if current installed version is not able to handle the data
Mobile issues with blurred and 3d animated elements (i.e. Black Friday Template)
Static HTML5 video layers can not be imported in editor due to invalid id failure
Fullscreen button on HTML5 video is not responding or closing full screen after opening
Spinner is showing up under 100ms, even if next carousel element reached
Exporting sliders with SVG has a problem when the server was changed from http:// to https://
Importing sliders with SVG in the global slide does not properly import them
Video background on IE with landscape video not fitting entire canvas
Canvas animation brakes in some cases iOS memory limits, and use too many resources on retina displays
Max width of container would stretch image content, and still keep some cached values on original height
Play button appears on slide background video
WPMU DEV websites issues with the usage of WordPress based caching results in Slider not beeing able to be saved properly

⭐Similar Suggestions: LayerSlider – Kreatura Slider Plugin for WordPress


下载 Slider Revolution v6.5.19 Nulled + Addons + Templates:

注意: 也许你需要在安装插件之前解压。 如果任何主题/插件包含病毒,我们不提供任何保证。在本地主机上使用,请先查杀病毒。

👉480+ TEMPLATES SLIDER REVOLUTION (new update 20-05) (866MB mini demo): 

Upload Templates Via FTP Manually -> Folder Contents (\revslider) ->>> Copy In Folder ( …\wp-content\uploads)

👉 TEMPLATES SLIDER REVOLUTION FULL PACKAGE (1.54GB contains the entire demo):

⚠️The transfer process may take 2-3 hours, please wait for the upload to complete after 5pm 24/02 (UTC+7). To ensure uninterrupted download you should only download the Templates you need, avoid downloading all