Directories Pro v1.3.91 (+Addons) – WordPress Directory Plugin

最后更新于:2022-03-29 01:59:34


Directories Pro is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create any type of directory, such as forum-based business directories, forums such as, Google+ or Yahoo Local, user directories, directories. site, directory properties, etc.

Directories Pro is the most flexible directory plugin you can find for WordPress.

⭐Similar Suggestions: Directory Pro – WordPress Directory Plugin


Features Directories Pro plugin for WordPress

Features Directories Pro plugin for WordPress
  • Manage folders
  • Fully customizable, custom
  • Search and fortune
  • Monetization: WooCommerce support
  • Manage listings/reviews/complaints/votes through the frontend directory dashboard
  • Generate views
  • Reviews, statistics, reviews
  • SEO Compatible: Yoast SEO, All In One SEO
  • Compatible with WPML, PolyLang

变更日志 Directories Pro plugin for WordPress Nulled Free

v1.3.91 - Mar 16, 2022
- Bug fixed: PHP warning error with filter form since v1.3.90.
- Bug fixed: Search custom "Number" type field values using keyword search not working properly.

v1.3.90 - Mar 7, 2022
- Bug fixed: Invalid "for" attribute for "label" HTML element in search form fields.
- Bug fixed: PHP memory size not being detected correctly in system information if over 1G.
- Bug fixed: Unable to upload .dotx/.docx files using "File" type field.
- Bug fixed: Payment plan selection not working when using PolyLang.
- Bug fixed: Several display issues with "Reference" type field.

v1.3.89 - Feb 15, 2022
- Added: Option to disable merging overlapping intervals for "Opening Hours" field renderer.
- Added: Option to use URL of another field for custom buttons in "Button" display element.
- Added: Option to show child terms as dropdown for "Child Terms" display element.
- Bug fixed: Several PHP errors (Notice/Warning/Fatal).
- Bug fixed: Error saving content containing emoji.
- Improved: Added bestRating/worstRating to aggregateRating property.

v1.3.88 - Feb 5, 2022
- Bug fixed: Compatibility with certain themes and its settings.
- Bug fixed: Some issues with displaying currency.

v1.3.87 - Feb 1, 2022
- Added: Taxonomy display elements for displaying taxonomy term content on listing displays.
- Bug fixed: Fix several PHP errors.
- Improved: Show lost password form in modal window.
- Improved: Allow specifying descendant terms in conditional rule by appending "+" after term ID.

v1.3.86 - Jan 7, 2022
- Bug fixed: Review criteria options were not translatable.
- Bug fixed: Generate translations tool not working properly with PolyLang.
- Bug fixed: File upload field not working properly when field label empty.
- Bug fixed: Some routing issues with taxonomy views.
- Improved: Allow <br> and <small> tags in field description text.

v1.3.85 - Dec 16, 2021
- Bug fixed: Some display issues with buttons when setting primary color to black.
- Bug fixed: PHP warning error in backend.
- Bug fixed: Some URL rewriting issues with PolyLang.
- Bug fixed: Listings with subscription payment plan not being deactivated after expiration on certain occasion.
- Bug fixed: Post slug could not be updated through CSV import.

v1.3.84 - Nov 21, 2021
- Added: Option to update listings when map dragged.
- Added: Option to configure time step interval for "Time" and "Opening Hours" type fields.
- Added: ”Year range picker” filter for "Date" type field.
- Bug fixed: Old URL routing data causing 404 errors on certain occasion.
- Bug fixed: Some display issues on backend taxonomy term pages.
- Removed: Option to show display elements to item author only added in v1.3.83 which was redundant.
- Updated: Leaflet.js (v1.7.1) and its associated JS/CSS files.
- Updated: Bootstrap CSS/JS framework to v4.6.1.

v1.3.83 - Oct 29, 2021
- Added: Option to set custom zoom level for "Map" field renderer.
- Added: Option to show display elements to item author only.
- Improved: Option to update view on same page when bookmark button clicked by guest.

v1.3.81 - Sep 24, 2021
- Bug fixed: Listing status stays pending even after successful payment if initial payment attempt failed.
- Bug fixed: Some issues with map markers on single location page for listings with multiple locations.
- Improved: Allow displaying "Number" type field values on backend admin listings page.
- Improved: Allow sorting by "Listing Description" field values.

v1.3.80 - Sep 10, 2021
- Bug fixed: WordPress Media Manager not allowing attaching WebP image files.
- Bug fixed: Some issues with language files (de_CH/de_DE/it_IT/tr_TR).
- Bug fixed: Some issues when using Bootstrap library loaded from outside Directories Pro.
- Bug fixed: Conditional rules for "Location" field not working properly on certain occasion.
- Added: "Redirect to suggested item page when clicked" option for taxonomy terms in "Keyword Search" field.
- Improved: Erase author name from listings/reviews/claims when GDPR data erasure requested.

v1.3.78 - Jul 26, 2021
- Bug fixed: Several compatibility issues with PHP 8.
- Improved: Add support for WebP image files for WordPress 5.8.
- Updated: German language file (thanks to Patrick Baumann).

v1.3.77 - Jul 20, 2021
- Bug fixed: Some URL formatting issues with filter form.
- Bug fixed: PHP warning when Button display element displayed in frontend on certain occasion.
- Bug fixed: Error when generating locations for listings on certain occasion.
- Improved: Hide add listing button in frontend if submission restricted.
- Improved: Allow sorting listings by review count in backend.

v1.3.76 - Jul 1, 2021
- Bug fixed: Several compatibility issues with PHP 8 and up.
- Bug fixed: Some unrelated fields being exported on certain occasion.

v1.3.75 - Jun 17, 2021
- Bug fixed: Some URL routing issues with WPML and PolyLang.
- Bug fixed: Invalid CSS generated with custom primary/secondary color settings.
- Bug fixed: Cache and URL routing issues with reviews on single listing page.
- Added: Option to specify screenshot image width for "Screenshot" field renderer.
- Added: Option to specify custom label text color for "Labels" display element.
- Improved: Allow entity tags in display element heading text.

v1.3.74 - May 30, 2021
- Bug fixed: Some issues searching listings by location when "Google Maps Place Autocomplete" enabled.
- Bug fixed: Conditional rules for "Location" type field in "Manage Displays" not working with "is empty" or "is not empty" option.
- Bug fixed: "Hide empty terms" setting for taxonomy term field filters not working on certain occasion when "Hide count" setting enabled.
- Added: "Icon" field renderer support for "Number" and "Price" type fields.

= v1.3.73 - May 16, 2021 =
- Bug fixed: Some issues with redirection on certain occasions since last update.
- Added: Options to allow username or e-mail address only for login.
- Added: Server-side geolocation for detecting current user location without page reload.
- Updated: French language files (thanks to Eric Petit).

= v1.3.72 - May 10, 2021 =
- Bug fixed: Compatibility with PHP version 5.
- Bug fixed: Several issues with Italian/Spanish language files since one of recent updates.
- Bug fixed: Issue configuring slider step setting for "Range" and "Number" type fields.
- Bug fixed: Import using WP ALL Import not working correctly since one of recent updates.

== v1.3.71 - May 6, 2021
- Added: Allow setting color for each option in "Choice" type field.
- Added: "Exact match" match type option for "Keyword Search" search field.
- Added: New "Query by field" setting for filtering items when exporting.
- Added: New "Range List" field renderer for "Number" and "Price" type fields.
- Bug fixed: Custom label texts could not be translated.
- Bug fixed: Some issues with conditional rules for display elements.

= v1.3.70 - Apr 28, 2021 =
- Bug fixed: Possible XSS vulnerability in backend.
- Bug fixed: Some issues with "Required" field setting for "Location" type field.
- Bug fixed: Some issues with conditional rule settings for "Location" type field.
- Bug fixed: Error when saving Primary/Secondary color settings on certain occasion.
- Bug fixed: Sort listings by "Exp. Date" in views not working since one of recent updates.
- Added: Option to show Google Maps place rating and review count.
- Added: "Clear map" button for "Location" type field.

= v1.3.69 - Apr 23, 2021 =
- Bug fixed: Some fields could not be updated on certain occasion since one of recent updates.
- Bug fixed: Payment plan could not be unassigned from certain listings after expiration.
- Bug fixed: Icons not showing correctly with custom taxonomies.
- Added: "Image" and "File" type fields to conditional rule options for display elements.
- Added: Option to customize "All day" label for "Opening Hours" field renderer.

= v1.3.68 - Apr 12, 2021 =
- Added: "Show claimed only" filter for "Author" type field.
- Added: Options to set custom log directory and disable error logging.
- Added: Option to inverse filter results for boolean type filters.
- Improved: Allow using entity tags for custom button "External URL" setting.

= v1.3.67 - Apr 2, 2021 =
- Bug fixed: Fatal error when generating dummy field values for "Location" type field since v1.3.66.
- Bug fixed: Some display issues with map marker infobox.

= v1.3.64/1.3.65 - Mar 22, 2021 =
- Added: Dummy field value generator for "Opening Hours" type field.
- Added: Option to remove trailing zeros for "Range" type field display element.
- Added: Option to include content item title in search for "Paragraph Text" type and WordPress post content field filter.
- Bug fixed: Error when importing location taxonomy terms by term ID.
- Bug fixed: Some issues with caching facet counts in filter form.
- Bug fixed: Some issues with sorting by field with multiple values.
- Improved: Show distance for all locations in each listing for listings with multiple locations when sorting by distance.
- Improved: Use lat/lng coordinates fetched by Google Maps Places API instead of Geocoding API if places autocomplete enabled.

= v1.3.56 - Feb 11, 2021 =
- Added: New "Appearance" settings section in backend for configuring primary/secondary colors and custom CSS.
- Added: Option to set space between listings and map in view settings for "List" and "Masonry" view modes.
- Added: "Monday - Friday", "Saturday - Sunday", "All week" options for "Opening Hours" field
- Bug fixed: Some checkbox options being unchecked on form submit error.
- Bug fixed: Enter key stopped working with search form since v1.3.54.

= v1.3.50 - Dec 29, 2020 =
- Bug fixed: Some PHP errors with PHP 8.0.0.
- Bug fixed: Add display element button not showing available elements in modal window after adding "Card" display element.

= v1.3.48 - Dec 8, 2020 =
- Fixed: 3rd party vendor library requiring PHP 7.2.0 or up instead of PHP 5.4.0 since v1.3.47.

v1.3.43/1.3.44/1.3.45 - Nov 20, 2020
- Bug fixed: Listings being deactivated when expired even when "None" selected for "Action after payment plan expiration" setting.
- Bug fixed: Some issues with Contact Form 7 special mail tags.
- Bug fixed: Custom "Location" type field could not be exported.
- Bug fixed: "Price" type field could not be exported/imported.
- Bug fixed: Conditional rules for default "Listing Description" field not working properly on certain occasion.
- Added: Option to specify decimal point character when importing "Number" type field.
- Added: Option to choose currency symbol position for "Price" type field renderer.
- Improved: Enable usage of tags for "Tab" display element label.

v1.3.42 - Nov 14, 2020
- Added: Option to specify date format of date values in CSV file when importing "Date" type field.
- Added: New "Reverse geocode address" system tool.
- Added: Option to query posts/terms by slugs in view query settings.
- Bug fixed: "Click Search my location button automatically on page load" setting for "Location" type field filter not working since recent updates.
- Bug fixed: "Require location on map" setting for "Location" type field could not be disabled on certain occasion.
- Bug fixed: Address in map marker infobox not showing correctly on certain occasion.

v1.3.40/1.3.41 - Nov 6, 2020
- Added: Option to hide map on small screen for "List" and "Masonry" view modes.
- Added: Option to change "Appointment only" label for "Opening Hours" field type.
- Bug fixed: Guest user bookmarks being reset after closing browser.
- Bug fixed: "Hide empty" setting not working when "Hide count" setting enabled for "Choice" type field filter.
- Bug fixed: Filters from other filter groups showing up in conditional rules setting for filters.
- Improved: Compatibility with Avada theme page settings.

v1.3.39 - Oct 30, 2020
- Bug fixed: "Range" type field filter showing invalid field prefix/suffix text since v1.3.38.
- Bug fixed: Some issues with "Range" type field filter when using Safari browser.
- Improved: Compatibility with Avada theme layout builder.

v1.3.38 - Oct 28, 2020
- Bug fixed: "Require location on map" setting for "Location" type field not working since recent updates.
- Bug fixed: Several issues displaying filter form and button since recent updates.
- Improved: Show map on mobile devices if map enabled in view.

⭐另请参考: Collection of Free Premium WordPress Plugin Repository on Codecanyon

List of Addons Directories Pro plugin for WordPress

  • Directories – Faker
  • Directories – Frontend
  • Directories – Payments
  • Directories – Reviews

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