CheckoutWC v7.1.1 – Optimized Checkout Page For WooCommerce

最后更新于:2022-03-29 02:14:05


CheckoutWC helps the WooCommerce checkout page to be replaced as your checkout page with a beautiful, responsive and optimized design. Works with any theme.

Checkout for WooCommerce plugin is uniquely designed to improve the WooCommerce checkout experience. Our system reduces cart abandonment and increases checkout conversions for your WooCommerce store.


Features CheckoutWC – Conversion optimized checkout template for WooCommerce

Features CheckoutWC – Conversion optimized checkout template for WooCommerce
  • How Checkout for WooCommerce will increase your sales: If you use the default WooCommerce checkout page, you can lose 30% of your customers. Checkout for WooCommerce makes it easy to optimize your checkout page.
  • One-click solution, beautiful design: Checkout for WooCommerce is a simple solution for convenient checkout. No configuration or coding knowledge is required.
  • Optimize for conversions: Checkout for WooCommerce boosts conversions by streamlining complex checkout and payment processing.
  • CheckoutWC is fully responsive and works with all WordPress themes.

变更日志 CheckoutWC – Optimized Checkout Pages for WooCommerce Nulled Free

New Update 变更日志 v7.0.14​
WooCommerce Wholesale Lead Capture is hijacking all hidden fields and replacing the value with the placeholder which is breaking how we store the email address for logged in users. Because a lot of our customers seem to use this plugin we have changed how we output the hidden field and no longer use woocommerce_form_field() to output it and instead just directly print a hidden field.

New Update 变更日志 v7.0.13​
Fix - Fix some minor bugs

New Update 变更日志 v7.0.12​
Fix - Fix bug with preventing form field changes on non-checkout pages that impacted the Side Cart when the promo field was enabled.
Fix - Fix styling bug with Flatsome and the quantity plus button in the side cart / checkout.

v7.0.8 - 2022.03.09
Fix - Fix issue where billing address wasn't synced from shipping address when logging into PayPal Express through Payment Plugins Braintree for WooCommerce express button.
Development - Stopped listening for esoteric events like cfw_address_autocompleted and instead pass it as a parameter.

v7.0.4 - 2022.03.07
Hotfix for 7.0.0. Read the 7.0 release notes below!
Fix - Fix bug where login modal wasn't pre-filled with email address.
Fix - Fix bug where registration setting in CheckoutWC > Checkout was applied inconsistently.
Fix - Fix translation domain of "It looks like you already have an account" phrase in login modal.
Fix - Fix bug where billing address wasn't synced from shipping address on zip autocomplete.
Fix - Fix bug where phone field validation messages were shown when phone field was not required when using International Phone Field feature.
Fix - Fix bug with Trust Badges admin that caused all images to be replaced when uploading an image to a new trust badge.

v6.2.4 - 2022.02.11
Fix - Fix JS error when country field is not present.
Fix - Fix issue with payment gateway change handlers that was causing an infinite AJAX refresh
Fix - Fix fatal error caused by calling non-static method statically.
Fix - Fix potential fatal error with Klarna Payments.
Fix - Order failed text is now on the thank you page where it always should have been for those odd situations where a gateway sends someone to the order-received endpoint with a failed order.
Fix - Fix improper detection of whether the selected payment gateway changed.
Fix - Post code field no longer fires AJAX refresh on keydown to prevent poor UX with improper post code detection
Improved - Refactored Google Address Autocomplete functionality to better handle different completion strategies for different countries.
Development - Added unit testing for Google Address Autocomplete.

v6.2.3 - 2022.01.14
We have a lot of stuff in the works, but today we're releasing a tasty patch release that fixes some bugs and generally makes CheckoutWC better for everyone.
New - Add support for YITH Points and Rewards 3.x
Improved - Automatically exclude our JS files from WP Rocket transformations that break things.
Improved - Added action before upsells are added to the cart: cfw_before_order_bump_add_to_cart
Improved - When rendering a remove item link, we now pass it through the WooCommerce filter so that it picks up changes from other code.
Improved - Refactored Google Address Autocomplete service. It's cleaner! It's faster! (maybe) And it's much easier to handle country by country edge cases.
Fix - Fix multiple bugs with Checkout Field Editor (official WooCommerce extension)
Fix - Clean up jQuery migrate warnings.
Fix - Fixes for PayPal for WooCommerce Complete Payments gateway.
Fix - Fix bug where error messages were not properly displayed if the error was not output in the form tag.
Fix - Fix bugs with Thrive theme.
Fix - Aborted AJAX calls are no longer logged as errors.
Fix - Eliminated deprecated function call.
Fix - Fix bug with Metro theme.
Fix - Fixed bug where upsells were not discounted properly after being added to the cart.
Fix - Fix bug where the city field was not validated if it was rendered off screen.

v6.2.2 - 2021.12.18
'Tis the season to be conservative about plugin updates! If your store is humming along through the holiday rush, you may want to wait a few weeks on this update. But if you like the gifts below, receive them with our blessing. (After careful testing!)
Fix - Fix potential fatal error with EU VAT Assistant compatibility module.
Fix - Reworked order review step to hopefully allow it to work with more gateways.
Fix - Fix JS error when address autocomplete is enabled but there are no address fields.
Fix - Debounce scrolling to alerts.
Improved - Refactored AJAX actions to use super.error() method and cleaned up unused properties/getters/setters.

v6.2.0/6.2.1 - 2021.12.13
'Tis the season to be conservative about plugin updates! If your store is humming along through the holiday rush, you may want to wait a few weeks on this update. But if you like the gifts below, receive them with our blessing. (After careful testing!)
Improved - Refactored Order Bumps to distinguish between different types of bumps and separate their logic.
Improved - For products visible in the catalog, clicking an order bump's thumbnail will open the product page in a new window.
Improved - Added a new function for grabbing all order bumps: cfw_get_all_order_bumps
Improved - Added some unit tests to FormAugmenter
Improved - Added unit testing to stat collection classes
Improved - Added unit test to YITH Composite Products compatibility module
Improved - If update_checkout AJAX call fails, display a message letting customers know but return UI to normal state.
Improved - If update_checkout AJAX call fails, still trigger payment gateway init and updated_checkout JS event like WooCommerce core does.
Improved - If an error notice is already on the page and the same notice is on the next request, briefly animate the error notice with a shaking effect so that customers realize the error still applies.
Fix - Fix a loophole that allowed people to get order bump special pricing without qualifying for the bump.
Fix - SmartyStreets now works when shipping address is forced to billing address.
Fix - Implemented automatic LTR > RTL CSS conversion.
Fix - Adjust priority of our assets to avoid a conflict with Divi.
Fix - Significant fixes for WP Rocket's handling of WooCommerce fragments and how this affects Side Cart.
Fix - Similarly, we made sure side cart works with the popular plugin Disable Cart Fragments.
Fix - If an order bump's offer product is on sale, that price is used as the base price for any bump specific discounting.
Fix - Fix bug with Free Gifts for WooCommerce that caused the Side Cart not to open when quantity triggered free gift.
Fix - Fixes for Order Delivery Date plugin.
Fix - Fix for EU VAT Assistant and digital only orders.
Fix - Fix bug that prevented order stats from being collected for many sites.
Fix - Fix bug with WooFunnels Order Bump Upsells that caused AJAX update loop
Fix - When upgrading CheckoutWC, clear WP Rocket's fragment cache
Fix - Fix bugs in how cart item data was displayed, particularly with WooCommerce Product Add-ons
Fix - Fix bug where quantity of side cart button did not update when cart updated.
Fix - Fix potential error if first gateway in session is null
Fix - Fix bug with WooCommerce Memberships that caused AJAX calls to fail when restriction mode was set to redirect.

v6.1.7 - 2021.11.19
New - Added support for Free Gifts for WooCommerce
Improved - Added missing woocommerce_before_thankyou hook
Improved - Exclude our JS and CSS from WP Rocket optimizations automatically
Improved - Refactored cfw_form_attributes() and added a new filter for adding your own attributes: cfw_form_attributes
Fix - Fix bug where invalid post codes did not generate an error message
Fix - Fix bug where null cart item data was still displayed on checkout page.
Fix - Fix bugs with UK addresses and SmartyStreets

v6.1.6 - 2021.11.10
New - Added preliminary support for WooCommerce EU VAT Assistant.
Fix - Fix bug with method that determines if all shipping packages have a selected shipping method
Fix - Regenerated stale MO files for de_DE and de_DE_formal translations. Der Fehler tut uns leid!
Fix - Fix missing filter that caused WooCommerce Product Bundles component items to be listed on the thank you page in conflict with the product page settings.
Misc - Update WooCommerce tested version to 5.9.0

Version 6.1.5 - 2021.11.8
Improved - Added filter to control whether side cart items link to the product page. Filter: cfw_side_cart_link_item
Fix - Fix bug where solid side cart icons fill color was set to none.
Fix - Make sure elements with cfw-side-cart-open-trigger class have pointer cursor.

Version 6.1.2 - 2021.11.2
Improved - Side Cart item titles and images now link to the product page.
Improved - When enabling cart item links in CheckoutWC > Cart Summary, both title and image now link to the product page.
Fix - Fix issue with WooCommerce Advanced Shipping that caused shipping to be rendered as 'Free!' inappropriately
Fix - Fix JS error when no payment methods are available.
Fix - When applying a coupon, any notices that appear will be cleared on the next AJAX refresh.
Fix - Fix an issue with Avada that caused inline styles to be rendered to the page when they shouldn't be.
Fix - Fix some German translations in de_DE and de_DE_formal
Fix - Fix issue with Side Cart where inclusive taxes (VAT) was not handled properly when calculating the free shipping amount remaining.
Fix - Fix issue where stat collector only sent 6 days of stats instead of 7.
Fix - Fix issue where stat collector sent staging site stats.

V6.1.1 - 2021.10.27
Fix - Fix styling issue with secondary buttons such as the apply coupon button.

V6.1.0 - 2021.10.27
New - Added icon picker to Side Cart options!
New - Added settings for side cart icon width and color.
New - Added option to enable coupons on side cart.
New - Added shortcode for placing a side cart launcher anywhere on your site. [checkoutwc_cart]
Improved - Improved how order bumps are shown in side cart so they don't cover the cart items on small mobile devices.
New - Added action to allow adding content when side cart is empty: checkoutwc_empty_side_cart_content
Fix - Fix when no shipping method is selected, don't show 'Free!'
Fix - Fix issue with Avada 7.5
Fix - Fix issue where AJAX refresh happens twice on initial page load.
Fix - Fix an issue with mobile
Fix - Fix issue with SplitIt gateway
Fix - Fix JS error with state not being a part of locale object.
Fix - Fix left over var_dump in UpdatesManager.
Fix - Fix subtle styling bug with accordions that has been lurking forever.

v6.0.7 - 2021.10.22
Improved - Added filters to WooCommerce Gift Cards output to allow heading, label, and placeholder to be changed.
Fix - Disable JS that smoothly resized country, postcode, and state fields when switching countries because it's causing major the mobile view to zoom in and zoom out during refreshes on some sites.
Fix - Account exists check was firing even when email field was empty.
Fix - Fix issue where turning off checkout cart editing feature turned off the ability to change quantities or remove items on the side cart.

v6.0.4 - 2021.10.13
Hotfix - Remove PHP 7.4 only code that causes fatal errors on older servers.

v6.0.3 - 2021.10.12
Improved - Forcefully re-enable cart fragment system when side cart is active.
Fix - Fix bug where WooCommerce would redirect somewhere else instead of opening Side Cart. (When Side Cart is enabled our 'Skip cart step' feature is ignored)
Fix - Fix bug where side cart didn't open on adding an item to cart if AJAX add to cart was turned off.
Fix - Tweak styling of side cart to give header some more room to breathe.
Fix - Native WooCommerce 'View cart' buttons should now open side cart.
Fix - Added aria-label to floating cart button for screen readers.
Fix - Fix potential fatal errors.
Fix - Fix bug with SmartyStreets where it would break if your lookups were depleted.
Fix - Fix bug with SmartyStreets where multiple requests were made for each lookup.
Fix - Fix bug with SmartyStreets where modal would not close when clicking button to accept address.
Fix - Fix esoteric bug with Resurs Bank gateway.
Fix - Fix admin label for Side Cart 'Free Shipping Message'
Fix - Use native WooCommerce unknown error message when gateway returns failure with no error messages.

Version 5.3.11 - 2021.10.04
Hotfix - Ok, we didn't get that quite right:
Fix cfw_get_shipping_total()
Essentially invert logic of cfw_get_shipping_total() so that it follows the logic of WooCommerce's cart/cart-shipping.php template by first checking the available methods, and then descending into other checks.
This also requires changing how cfw_show_shipping_total() determines whether to show the shipping total. Since error states are part of the shipping total, those are pushed further down to cfw_get_shipping_total() and instead we only check that we have shipping enabled and that the cart has items.

Version 5.3.9 - 2021.09.27
Improved - Add skip cart feature in CheckoutWC > Checkout
Fix - Fix bug that caused 'Free!' to show up on some orders where a shipping address had not been entered.
Fix - Fix bug with SmartyStreets that caused the continue to payment button to be shown when it shouldn't be.
Fix - Fix bug with Order Bumps when Offer Product is deleted.

v5.3.7 - 2021.09.15
New - Bumped minimum PHP version to 7.1 since one of our existing dependencies already required PHP 7.1, setting an implicit minimum version.
Fix - Fix bug with WooCommerce payments where the radio button for selecting credit card disappeared.
Fix - Fix bug where shipping methods were blocked and wouldn't unblock
Fix - Fix for Avada thank you page and view order page
Fix - Fix for Avada styling of HTML element
Fix - Fix for WooCommerce Gift Cards and coupon code AJAX. Now uses native WooCommerce AJAX for applying coupons.
Fix - Fix a poorly translated French phrase.
Fix - Fix up WooCommerce Shipment Tracking output and remove duplication
Fix - Move theme styles / scripts suppression code outside of CompatbilityAbstract so it only runs once.
Fix - Fix issue with whitespace on the right side of page on iPhones when using WooCommerce PayPal Payments
Fix - Don't show optional in placeholder for fields that Brazillian Market changes
Improved - Added filter for distraction free portal template redirect priority: cfw_template_redirect_priority
Improved - Added filter for disabling existing account lookup by email: cfw_enable_account_exists_check
Improved - Run initial AJAX update on page load faster (same speed as WooCommerce native checkout page)
Improved - Added filter for determining when an order bump displays: cfw_display_bump

v5.3.6 - 2021.09.03
Improved - Tightened up timing of first AJAX refresh on checkout page to match core WooCommerce.
Improved - Added support for Post NL 4.x
Improved - If no valid shipping methods are available we now hide the 'Continue to payment' button to avoid confusion
Fix - Fix issue with thank you page and Avada theme
Fix - Protect against null cart items causing fatal error
Fix - Fix order bumps fetch to include more than 5 items.
Fix - Fix Klaviyo bug that caused the SMS notice to be separated from the checkbox.
Fix - Fix Klaviyo bug where SMS checkbox had same name as newsletter checkbox.
Fix - Fix potential styling issues with WooCommerce PayPal Payments when "Pay in X" notice is present
Fix - Fix duplicated checkboxes with latest Klaviyo plugin update. (Please update Klaviyo after installing this release)
Tweak - Slightly changed output position of Klaviyo checkboxes.
Tweak - Added $mobile boolean variable to cfw_before_coupon_module action

v5.3.5 - 2021.08.20
Improved - Support WooCommerce 5.6.0 built in support for Shipping Phone field.
Improved - Add compatibility for WooCommerce Gift Cards coupon input add-on plugin
Improved - Switch Amazon Pay logo to SVG for vector retina rendering goodness.

v5.3.4 - 2021.08.04
Fix - Fix express checkout button rendering for WooCommerce payments.

v5.3.2 - 2021.07.21
New - Futurist theme now has full access to breadcrumb color settings
Improved - Added cfw_klaviyo_output_hook filter to determine where Klaviyo outputs its stuff
Improved - Added cfw_shipping_free_text filter to set the text when shipping is free
Fix - Fix issue with location of cfw_before_payment_method_heading action and fragment updates
Fix - Update German translation of promo code
Fix - Fix issue with mismatched label and placeholder for fields like post code based on country locale strings from WooCommerce core

v5.3.1 - 2021.07.10
Fix - Fix issue where company field didn't trigger a refresh.
Fix - Fix cart summary mobile background color with new settings scheme. Added a new Cart Summary Mobile Background Color setting
Fix - Fix issue where current order status was not reflected when viewing an order if the current status was not set as one of the status progressions in the Thank You Page settings.

v5.3.0 - 2021.07.6
This is a pretty big release! As always, we recommend testing on a staging site before updating your live site!
New - Added new address autocomplete service - Fetchify!
New - Filter WooCommerce Admin orders screen by whether the order contains Order Bumps.
New - New color settings for breadcrumbs and accent colors.
New - Refactored color settings to use Custom CSS Properties.
New - It's now possible to remove cart items that don't have an adjustable quantity.
New - Added option to CheckoutWC > General to hide the CheckoutWC admin menu bar button on non-CheckoutWC pages.
Improved - Added cfw_is_thank_you_page_active() function to let developers determine if the thank you page is turned on.
Improved - Fields with attribute data-persist=false won't be locally cached with Garlic.
Improved - JS build target moved from es5 to es2015.
Improved - Changing company field now refreshes checkout since it is visible in the order review panes.
Fix - Fix issue with account exists checks running even when login form was set to use WooCommerce login.
Fix - Fix issue with WooCommerce PayPal Payments fields rendering with the wrong size.
Fix - Fix visual glitch with rounded borders on accordions (shipping methods, payment methods, billing address) that caused the border to have a small white break at the corners
Fix - Fix issues with SmartyStreets and address_2
Fix - Fix issue with Klaviyo checkbox being output twice.
Fix - Fix issue with order bump not showing if offer product stock wasn't managed.
Fix - Fix issue with Php Snippets and the backslash character.
Fix - Fix PHP warning with WooCommerce Square gateway
Fix - Fix refactored how we handle shipping totals to more accurately display conditions such as no shipping methods being available, especially when using more than one shipping package.
Fix - If value exists on page load, don't override it with Garlic.
Fix - Removed cfw-field-persistence-loaded JS event since it didn't work.
Fix - Fix issue with CartFlows React UI.
Fix - Fix issue where billing_email didn't match logged in user's email.
Fix - Fix mobile styling issue with WooCommerce notices that contain buttons.
Fix - Fix issue with Parsley field validation message translation and Weglot.

v5.2.4 - 2021.07.02
Hotfix - Fix issue with Avada 7.3.1

v5.2.3 - 2021.06.15
Fix - Fix issue with WooCommerce Germanized checkboxes next to the place order button

v5.2.0 - 2021.06.10
New - Order Bumps can now be configured to show if one or more category of products is in the cart!
New - Support for ConverKit for WooCommerce
Improved - If an Order Bump becomes invalid because the cart changed, we "undiscount" the bump until the cart satisfies the bump conditions.
Improved - Added JavaScript validation to Order Bumps editor.
Improved - When showing discounts on cart items, render Order Bumps price correctly.
Fix - Fix issue with WooCommerce PayPal Payments that caused the PayPal buttons not to appear.
Fix - You can no longer select a variable product parent as an offer product.
Fix - Bumps cannot satisfy the display conditions for other bumps.
Fix - Fix compatibility with woocommerce_checkout_redirect_empty_cart and woocommerce_checkout_update_order_review_expired hooks.
Fix - Added a workaround for and order review step

v5.1.2 - 2021.06.09
Hotfix - Fix issue with Chrome autofilling fields bug and one page checkout setting.

⭐Suggestion: YITH WooCommerce Checkout Manager – Customize WooCommerce Checkout Field

下载 CheckoutWC v7.1.1 Nulled Free

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