Filr Premium v1.2.2 – Secure Your Upload Files With Protected Link

最后更新于:2022-03-29 02:23:17


Filr is a secure document storage system. It’s never been easier to create and manage secure document and file libraries.

Filr allows you to effortlessly upload, manage, and display documents files on your website by creating secure zones on your file system.

You may choose whether to give a single direct download link to a document library or to make a full library of documents and files available on your website.


How to use

Go to Filr -> Settings after installation and activation to configure your uploads folder and verify the server settings.

When you’re finished, choose “New File” to create your first file, give it a title, upload your file, and then copy the download link.

If not, add it to a library and use the shortcode to embed it on your site.

  • Create files and libraries for your users to see.
  • .htaccess and index.php files can be used to protect upload folders.
  • Create an infinite number of uploads and receive unique access codes.
  • setup, style, and personalize your document library’s shortcode
  • Shortcodes may be copied and pasted from the “Library” admin section.
  • All of these features are included in the free version.
  • assistance with external files
  • uploader in the frontend
  • User (email) or user role can be used to limit file access.
  • Encryption is the name of the file.
  • Uploads should be set to expire after a certain amount of downloads.
  • set a date for uploads to expire
  • Using the uploader, you may upload several files and have them instantly zipped.
  • extra options for customizing the shortcode
  • For your uploads, choose a unique directory name.
  • administration of folders
  • ZIP files that are password-protected

变更日志: Filr Pro – Secure document library

New Update 变更日志 v1.2.2​
Fixed german translation
Added filter parameter for uploader only view
Filter for disallowed file types added
Action for expire date comparisons

= 1.2.1-support =
* added finish translation
* prevent error if files array is empty

= 1.2 =
* target blank option for external files
* user as row (uploaded by) (pro only)
* frontend uploader with file name, folder and library selection (pro only)
* restrict uploaded files by user email and/or role from frontend (pro only)
* notification email after file submission (pro only)
* automatically restrict file from frontend uploader to the user
* Added option to encrypt File ID in secure URLs

= 1.1 =
* mobile design
* secure download links (pro only)
* options for default sorting
* option to adjust fontsize for folder headline
* enhanced status with max_upload_limits, max_post_size
* setting deactivate search/pagination also applies to folders now
* updated language files
* WP 5.8 compatibility check

= 1.0.0 =
* support for external files (pro only)
* frontend file uploader (pro only)
* filter for replacing the entire directory used by Filr
* better error handling for large files
* prevent error notices when empty files are created

= 0.9.5 =
* better freemius integration
* fixed date sorting

= 0.9.4 =
* decrease remaining on download (ajax) (pro only)
* added file preview for images (pro only)
* added version number (pro only)
* improved markup for easier styling of rows
* improved styles for better theme compatibility
* updated translation
* better fail-safe bootup

= 0.9.3 =
* fixed published/modified date
* class_exists for ZIPArchive to prevent errors
* Added options to toggle search and pagination
* added folder management (pro only)
* fixed decrease download ajax (pro only)
* improved german translation

= 0.9.2 =
fixed restriction by mail
fixed missing min assets for search and sorting

= 0.9.1 =
* SDK bufix which results in fatal error

= 0.9 =
* option to use publish date instead of last modified date
* option to overwrite the download button label
* included password-protection for zip files
* improved user mail and user role restriction
* improved trialing

= 0.8 =
* New shortcode with datatable.just
* More performance improvements
* Modified and optimized strings and localisation
* Option to configure the order of columns
* Additional rows to activate and use (filetype and modification date)
* latest freemius SDK

= 0.7 =
* fixed conditional for expiration
* readme improvments

= 0.6 =
* CSS bugfixes
* readme improvements

= 0.5 =
* Initial release

⭐另请参考: Collection of WordPress plugins updated daily on FreeWP

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