WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts with AI v1.9.0

最后更新于:2022-03-28 10:52:37


The WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts AI plugin for WooCommerce stores is very functional and comprehensive. This multi-purpose plugin is simple to install, learn, and apply to your online store. This plugin includes an extensive pricing and discount toolset that allows you to build various forms of discount-based prices and add coupons to any product or category.

This Discounts and Pricing tools is very simple to use. Simply define the circumstances and rules for applying various discounts from the settings. After that, you may activate or disable any of the discount rules, and the same will apply to the pricing of the selected product or category that fits these predefined criteria and circumstances.

This plugin includes a comprehensive pricing and discount toolset that allows you to build various forms of discount-based prices and add coupons to any product or category. You may use this platform to adjust the price structure on your Woocommerce business and add a variety of discounts, such as:

  • Discounts on Products
  • Discounts by Category
  • BOGO Deals
  • Discount depends on cart
  • Tier discounts for both products and categories
  • Discounts Based on Product Attributes
  • Discounts based on Product Tags
  • Special Offers for Specific Customers
  • Discounts for Shipping Methods
  • Discounts Based on Payment Method
  • Creating a Future Sale

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-dynamic-pricing-discounts-with-ai/24165502

Features: WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts with AI

  • Choose Several Products: Select numerous goods under “Single Product Rule” for which you want to apply the same discount and create “And” and “Or” conditions as needed.
  • Create a Duplicate Rule: Now, instead of creating new rules, administrators may just copy an existing rule and make the modifications they desire.
  • Display the reduced price: Now, the administrator may display the discounted price on both the product and the store page of his website (on customers demand).
  • Users should be excluded depending on their email address: Admin may now exclude users from receiving discounts by including the user’s email address in the limitation (available in Product, Category, Cart and BOGO Rules)
  • Display Offer Messages to Logged-In Users: On our customers’ request, we included a feature that displays bespoke messages to unregistered or logged-out users about various offers established by the admin for their clients based on the user’s responsibilities.
  • Provide a discount on the Nth Order: Now, the administrator may offer discounts based on the number of orders placed by clients. He has the option of specifying the quantity of orders for which he want to provide a discount.
  • Next Purchase Bonus: Now, the administrator may offer discounts on the customer’s future order based on the current order information (like Purchased Amount Total, Purchased Product Quantity, etc).
  • Display Upcoming Sales Offer: Admin may now display upcoming sale offers on the offer page.
  • Modify the Browser Title: Admin may now change the page titles of any pages he likes. Admin can insert whatever text he wants to display on the browser.
  • Long-term customers should be offered Plus memberships: Choose whether or not to add the consumers to the Plus membership based on their purchasing history. You may also use the WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts with A.I. plugin to measure clients who meet the requirements for membership.
  • Create Rules for Special Discounts for Plus Members: You may establish special discounted rates for plus members on our automated system so that they receive the discount offer when they buy anything in the future. This regulation applies to purchasers who join the Plus membership group.
  • Announce Upcoming Sales/Promotions: You may use this plugin to make announcements about impending special offers well in advance, allowing clients to confirm their eligibility for these incentives. You may make offers on individual goods as well as product categories.
  • Create Custom Rules for Any Customer: Aside from giving discounts to Plus members, you may also add a group of other purchasers who qualify for special discounts after meeting a certain purchase margin, completing a minimum number of orders, or making a certain number of transactions in a month, for example.
  • Conditions and restrictions should be included: When establishing discount rules, you may place criteria on purchasers in order for them to qualify for these reductions. Our plugin enables the administrator to specify criteria on a variety of parameters, including:
    • Product Specification
    • Specific Classification
    • Product Identifier
    • Product Specific Attribute
    • Customer Specific
    • User Role Specification
    • Cart Product Quantity
    • Cart Product Weight
    • Maximum Savings
    • Sale Item is not included.
    • Quantity of Cart Item
    • History of Purchase Quantity
    • History of Purchased Value
    • Gateway for Payment
    • Method of Delivery
  • Suggestions for Coupons: You may put coupon recommendations on the shopping cart page in addition to adding reductions directly to the pricing. You may choose whether to show or conceal the coupons on this page, as well as how many coupons to display on the page.
  • Pricing and Discount Regulations: Our plugin includes a number of discount rules that you may set or disable to establish an appropriate price structure on your shop.
  • Product Tier Discounts: Customers should be given discounts when they reach a certain tier on the cart. Set the discount range for units, quantity, and so on. As specified in the regulation, greater purchases will result in a higher discount.
  • Category Tier Discounts: Set rules to provide a discount when a consumer purchases a certain number of goods from a specific category. Mention a rule that increases the discount as the number of orders increases.
  • Product Buy One Get One (BOGO) Rule: This is the most popular deal among consumers. Receiving a free item is usually a wonderful treat for everyone. With our plugin, you can set a BOGO discount rule on specific products, during seasonal sales, holidays, and so on.
  • Category BOGO Rule: You may apply the BOGO discount rule to any category of items to broaden the scope of purchases and provide more options.
  • Discounts Based on Product Attributes: The conditions for the discount can be adjusted based on the product characteristics (size, colour etc).
  • Discounts Based on Product Tags: You can opt to apply a special discount to goods in the gallery that have particular tags.
  • Discounts Based on Product Variation: This discount rule may be applied to any product based on its variant on your Woocommerce store’s “Edit Product” page.
  • Product-Specific Discounts: When you select a product, you may use conditions-based rules to offer discounts for regular price changes.
  • Discounts on Product Combinations: Set a discount rule for a product combination. This indicates that in order to receive the discount, a buyer must purchase all of the goods specified in the combination.
  • Discounts Based on Category: You may apply a discount rule to any product category. When you add an item from this category to your basket, the discount is automatically applied to the price and subtracted from the total due amount.
  • Discounts Based on Category Combination: A discount rule based on a combination of categories may be created by the seller. To receive a discount on the total payment amount in the basket, the buyer must purchase all goods in the category combination.
  • Cart-Based Savings: This is an additional option for the seller to apply a discount to the basket without using a coupon. The admin may apply the cart discount depending on many data such as the customer’s purchase history, subtotal, products, and so on.
  • Discounts Based on Payment Method: To encourage shoppers to utilize partner payment gateways, store owners can implement a discount rule that is specific to the payment method in question. For example, you may give a consumer a 10% discount if they pay using a credit card or another digital wallet.
  • Discounts Based on Shipping Method: Create discount rules for one or more delivery options of your choice.
  • Features of the Coupon Module AddOn: Including a voucher in the basket is a great way to entice customers to make more purchases. When placing a purchase nowadays, the majority of shoppers look for coupons. If clients do not discover a discount code in the basket, they may cancel the transaction and try again in the hopes of receiving a code for this order. To prevent consumers from canceling their orders, use the Woocommerce Order Coupon Pro plugin to add a coupon to the cart. This prohibits the consumer from canceling the order, among other advantages:
    • Gain the confidence of your consumers.
    • Increase the number of customers that visit your online store.
    • Increase sales
    • Take advantage of the opportunity to start ahead of the competition.

变更日志: WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts with AI

01.02.2022 - Version 1.9.0
- Added: New feature in Category Rule ( Rule Applied on multiple categories in Single Category Rule ).
- Added: A hook and filter ( to apply a discount percentage price to the free product ) has been added to the bogo rule.
- Added: A feature in bogo rule ( Automatically add free products to cart option if selected NO then if free product added in the cart then discount will be applied else product not added in to the cart ).
- Fixed: Bugs in Tiered Rule.
- Fixed: Bugs in Least Amount Product Free Rule.
- Fixed: Other Minor bug.

17.12.2021 - Version 1.8.0
    - Added: New feature in BOGO Rule ( Add free product on cart subtotal ). 
    - Added: Provided shortcode on Setting page
    - Fixed: HTML on shortcode page
    - Fixed: Other Minor bug.

 18.10.2021 - Version 1.7.1
    - Fixed: BOGO Category Rule excludes product option

 15.09.2021 - Version 1.7.0
    - Added: Filters in Product Based Discount Rule
    - Added: Tiered Rule For Product Table with Product Name
    - Fixed: Variation issue in Tiered Rule for Product
    - Fixed: Tiered Rule table issue for Variation Product on the cart page 
    - Fixed: BOGO Category Rule issue with First Match Rule
    - Fixed: Cart Rule offer message issue with Different User Role

 05.08.2021 - Version 1.6.7
    - Fixed: Major bug fix of variable product in product rule section

 11.06.2021 - Version 1.6.6
    - Fixed: Minor bug of Category Rule in First Match Rule section

 21.04.2021 - Version 1.6.5
    - Fixed: Minor bug of the discounted price shown on the product page and shop page section

 04.03.2021 - Version 1.6.4
    - New: A feature to add multiple orders discount in Nth Order Discount Rule
    - Fixed: Minor bug of Nth Order Discount Section

 28.01.2021 - Version 1.6.3
    - Fixed: Minor bug of Price including with taxes issue

 29.12.2020 - Version 1.6.2
    - Fixed: Minor Bug of BOGO Product Rule
    - Fixed: Minor Bug of BOGO Category Rule

 24.10.2020 - Version 1.6.1
    - Added: A feature in the Product rule to select multiple products in a single rule and implements 'And' or 'Or' conditions on it
    - Fixed: Deprecated WooCommerce function issue
    - Fixed: Minor Bug of Cart section

 26.09.2020 - Version 1.6.0
    - Added: Now Admin can make a duplicate rule in just one click.
    - Fixed: Plus Member rule issue

 05.09.2020 - Version 1.5.3
    - Added: An extra shortcode in the product rule message section
    - Fixed: Multisite Issue
    - Fixed: Minor Bug of BOGO & Product Rule section

 31.07.2020 - Version 1.5.2
    - New: Now admin can select the shipping zone in the shipping discount rule
    - Fixed: Minor bug of Plus Member Rule & Least Amount Product free rule

 06.07.2020 - Version 1.5.1
    - Fixed: Minor bug of the Previous Update

 25.06.2020 - Version 1.5.0
    - New: Now show the discounted price on the product page as well as on the shop page.
    - Fixed: Minor Bug.

 28.04.2020 - Version 1.4.3
    - New: Added extra shortcodes to replace the value in the offer message for Product & Category Rule.
    - New: Previously only one Variation Rule can be selected for one product, now the admin can apply many rules as he wants.
    - Fixed: Minor Bug in Variation Section

 04.04.2020 - Version 1.4.2
    - New: Now admin can exclude users from getting discounts based on their email id.
    - Fixed: Minor Bug Fixed.

 03.01.2020 - Version 1.4.1
   - Fixed: Cart Discount Rule Issue
    - Fixed: BOGO Category Rule Issue
    - New: Add Extra Restriction in Cart Discount Rule
    - Fixed: Minor bug of the admin orders section

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